Warning, /multimedia/kdenlive/src/monitor/view/EffectToolBar.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle <jb@kdenlive.org>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Julius Künzel <jk.kdedev@smartlab.uber.space>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0005 */
0007 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
0008 import QtQuick 2.15
0010 MouseArea {
0011     id: barZone
0012     hoverEnabled: true
0013     property bool rightSide: true
0014     property bool showAutoKeyframe: true
0015     acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
0016     width: 2.4 * fontMetrics.font.pixelSize
0017     height: parent.height
0018     onEntered: {
0019         animator.stop()
0020         effecttoolbar.opacity = 1
0021     }
0022     onExited: {
0023         effecttoolbar.opacity = 0
0024     }
0026     Rectangle {
0027         id: effecttoolbar
0028         objectName: "effecttoolbar"
0029         width: barZone.width
0030         anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
0031         height: childrenRect.height
0032         color: Qt.rgba(activePalette.window.r, activePalette.window.g, activePalette.window.b, 0.7)
0033         opacity: 0
0034         radius: 4
0035         border.color : Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
0036         border.width: 1
0038         OpacityAnimator {
0039             id: animator
0040             target: effecttoolbar;
0041             from: 1;
0042             to: 0;
0043             duration: 2500
0044             running: false
0045         }
0047         function fadeBar()
0048         {
0049             animator.start()
0050         }
0052         Column {
0053             width: parent.width
0054             MonitorToolButton {
0055                 id: fullscreenButton
0056                 objectName: "fullScreen"
0057                 iconName: "view-fullscreen"
0058                 toolTipText: i18n("Switch Full Screen")
0059                 onClicked: controller.triggerAction('monitor_fullscreen')
0060             }
0061             MonitorToolButton {
0062                 objectName: "switchOverlay"
0063                 iconName: "view-grid"
0064                 toolTipText: i18n("Change Overlay")
0065                 onClicked: {
0066                     if (controller.overlayType >= 5) {
0067                         controller.overlayType = 0
0068                     } else {
0069                         controller.overlayType = controller.overlayType + 1;
0070                     }
0071                     root.overlayType = controller.overlayType
0072                 }
0073             }
0074             MonitorToolButton {
0075                 objectName: "nextKeyframe"
0076                 iconName: "keyframe-next"
0077                 toolTipText: i18n("Go to Next Keyframe")
0078                 onClicked: controller.seekNextKeyframe()
0079             }
0080             MonitorToolButton {
0081                 objectName: "prevKeyframe"
0082                 iconName: "keyframe-previous"
0083                 toolTipText: i18n("Go to Previous Keyframe")
0084                 onClicked: controller.seekPreviousKeyframe()
0085             }
0086             MonitorToolButton {
0087                 objectName: "addKeyframe"
0088                 iconName: "keyframe-add"
0089                 toolTipText: i18n("Add/Remove Keyframe")
0090                 onClicked: controller.addRemoveKeyframe()
0091             }
0092             MonitorToolButton {
0093                 iconName: "keyframe-record"
0094                 toolTipText: i18n("Automatic Keyframes")
0095                 onClicked: controller.switchAutoKeyframe()
0096                 checkable: true
0097                 checked: controller.autoKeyframe
0098                 visible: barZone.showAutoKeyframe
0099             }
0100             MonitorToolButton {
0101                 iconName: "zoom-in"
0102                 toolTipText: i18n("Zoom in")
0103                 onClicked: controller.triggerAction('monitor_zoomin')
0104             }
0105             MonitorToolButton {
0106                 iconName: "zoom-out"
0107                 toolTipText: i18n("Zoom out")
0108                 onClicked: controller.triggerAction('monitor_zoomout')
0109             }
0111             MonitorToolButton {
0112                 objectName: "moveBar"
0113                 iconName: "transform-move-horizontal"
0114                 toolTipText: i18n("Move Toolbar")
0115                 onClicked: {
0116                     if (barZone.rightSide) {
0117                         barZone.anchors.right = undefined
0118                         barZone.anchors.left = barZone.parent.left
0119                     } else {
0120                         barZone.anchors.left = undefined
0121                         barZone.anchors.right = barZone.parent.right
0122                     }
0123                     barZone.rightSide = !barZone.rightSide
0124                     effecttoolbar.fadeBar()
0125                 }
0126             }
0127         }
0128     }
0129 }