File indexing completed on 2024-07-21 04:26:23

0001 /*
0002 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Till Theato <>
0003 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle <>
0004 This file is part of Kdenlive. See
0006 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0007 */
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include "abstractmodel/treeitem.hpp"
0012 #include "undohelper.hpp"
0014 #include <QDateTime>
0015 #include <QIcon>
0016 #include <QObject>
0017 #include <QReadWriteLock>
0019 class ProjectClip;
0020 class ProjectFolder;
0021 class Bin;
0022 class QDomElement;
0023 class QDomDocument;
0024 class ProjectItemModel;
0026 /**
0027  * @class AbstractProjectItem
0028  * @brief Base class for all project items (clips, folders, ...).
0029  *
0030  * Project items are stored in a tree like structure ...
0031  */
0032 class AbstractProjectItem : public QObject, public TreeItem
0033 {
0034     Q_OBJECT
0036 public:
0037     enum PROJECTITEMTYPE { FolderItem, ClipItem, SubClipItem };
0039     /**
0040      * @brief Constructor.
0041      * @param type is the type of the bin item
0042      * @param id is the binId
0043      * @param model is the ptr to the item model
0044      * @param isRoot is true if this is the topmost folder
0045      */
0046     AbstractProjectItem(PROJECTITEMTYPE type, QString id, const std::shared_ptr<ProjectItemModel> &model, bool isRoot = false);
0048     bool operator==(const std::shared_ptr<AbstractProjectItem> &projectItem) const;
0050     /** @brief Returns a pointer to the parent item (or NULL). */
0051     std::shared_ptr<AbstractProjectItem> parent() const;
0053     /** @brief Returns the type of this item (folder, clip, subclip, etc). */
0054     PROJECTITEMTYPE itemType() const;
0056     /** @brief Used to search for a clip with a specific id. */
0057     virtual std::shared_ptr<ProjectClip> clip(const QString &id) = 0;
0058     /** @brief Used to search for a folder with a specific id. */
0059     virtual std::shared_ptr<ProjectFolder> folder(const QString &id) = 0;
0060     virtual std::shared_ptr<ProjectClip> clipAt(int ix) = 0;
0061     /** @brief Recursively disable/enable bin effects. */
0062     virtual void setBinEffectsEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
0063     /** @brief Returns true if item has both audio and video enabled. */
0064     virtual bool hasAudioAndVideo() const = 0;
0066     /** @brief This function executes what should be done when the item is deleted
0067         but without deleting effectively.
0068         For example, the item will deregister itself from the model and delete the
0069         clips from the timeline.
0070         However, the object is NOT actually deleted, and the tree structure is preserved.
0071         @param Undo,Redo are the lambdas accumulating the update.
0072      */
0073     virtual bool selfSoftDelete(Fun &undo, Fun &redo);
0074     virtual Fun getAudio_lambda();
0075     /** @brief Returns the clip's id. */
0076     const QString &clipId() const;
0077     virtual QPoint zone() const;
0079     // TODO refac : these ref counting are probably deprecated by smart ptrs
0080     /** @brief Set current usage count. */
0081     void setRefCount(uint count, uint totalCount);
0082     /** @brief Returns clip's current usage count in timeline. */
0083     uint refCount() const;
0084     /** @brief Increase usage count. */
0085     void addRef();
0086     /** @brief Decrease usage count. */
0087     void removeRef();
0089     enum DataType {
0090         // display name of item
0091         DataName = Qt::DisplayRole,
0092         // image thumbnail
0093         DataThumbnail = Qt::DecorationRole,
0094         // Tooltip text,usually full path
0095         ClipToolTip = Qt::ToolTipRole,
0096         // unique id of the project clip / folder
0097         DataId = Qt::UserRole,
0098         // creation date
0099         DataDate,
0100         // Description for item (user editable)
0101         DataDescription,
0102         // Number of occurrences used in timeline
0103         UsageCount,
0104         AudioUsed,
0105         VideoUsed,
0106         // Empty if clip has no effect, icon otherwise
0107         IconOverlay,
0108         // item type (clip, subclip, folder)
0109         ItemTypeRole,
0110         // Duration of the clip as displayabe string
0111         DataDuration,
0112         // Tag of the clip as colors
0113         DataTag,
0114         // Rating of the clip (0-5)
0115         DataRating,
0116         // Duration of the clip in frames
0117         ParentDuration,
0118         // Inpoint of the subclip (0 for clips)
0119         DataInPoint,
0120         // Outpoint of the subclip (0 for clips)
0121         DataOutPoint,
0122         // Current progress of the job
0123         JobProgress,
0124         // error message if job crashes (not fully implemented)
0125         JobSuccess,
0126         JobStatus,
0127         // Item status (ready or not, missing, waiting, ...)
0128         ClipStatus,
0129         ClipType,
0130         ClipHasAudioAndVideo,
0131         // Item is the folder containing sequences
0132         SequenceFolder
0133     };
0135     virtual void setClipStatus(FileStatus::ClipStatus status);
0136     FileStatus::ClipStatus clipStatus() const;
0137     bool statusReady() const;
0139     /** @brief Returns the data that describes this item.
0140      * @param type type of data to return
0141      *
0142      * This function is necessary for interaction with ProjectItemModel.
0143      */
0144     virtual const QVariant getData(DataType type) const;
0145     /**
0146      * @brief Returns the item icon.
0147      */
0148     const QIcon icon() const;
0150     /**
0151      * @brief Returns the amount of different types of data this item supports.
0152      *
0153      * This base class supports only DataName and DataDescription, so the return value is always 2.
0154      * This function is necessary for interaction with ProjectItemModel.
0155      */
0156     virtual int supportedDataCount() const;
0158     /** @brief Returns the (displayable) name of this item. */
0159     QString name() const;
0160     /** @brief Sets a new (displayable) name. */
0161     virtual void setName(const QString &name);
0163     /** @brief Returns the (displayable) description of this item. */
0164     QString description() const;
0165     /** @brief Sets a new description. */
0166     virtual void setDescription(const QString &description);
0168     virtual QDomElement toXml(QDomDocument &document, bool includeMeta = false, bool includeProfile = true) = 0;
0169     virtual QString getToolTip() const = 0;
0170     virtual bool rename(const QString &name, int column) = 0;
0172     /** @brief Return the bin id of the last parent that this element got, even if this
0173        parent has already been destroyed.
0174        Return the empty string if the element was parentless */
0175     QString lastParentId() const;
0177     /** @brief This is an overload of TreeItem::updateParent that tracks the id of the id of the parent */
0178     void updateParent(std::shared_ptr<TreeItem> newParent) override;
0180     /** @brief Returns a ptr to the enclosing dir, and nullptr if none is found.
0181        @param strict if set to false, the enclosing dir of a dir is itself, otherwise we try to find a "true" parent
0182     */
0183     std::shared_ptr<AbstractProjectItem> getEnclosingFolder(bool strict = false);
0185     /** @brief Returns true if a clip corresponding to this bin is inserted in a timeline.
0186         Note that this function does not account for children, use TreeItem::accumulate if you want to get that information as well.
0187     */
0188     virtual bool isIncludedInTimeline() { return false; }
0189     virtual ClipType::ProducerType clipType() const = 0;
0190     uint rating() const;
0191     virtual void setRating(uint rating);
0192     const QString &tags() const;
0193     void setTags(const QString &tags);
0196     void childAdded(AbstractProjectItem *child);
0197     void aboutToRemoveChild(AbstractProjectItem *child);
0199 protected:
0200     QString m_name;
0201     QString m_description;
0202     QIcon m_thumbnail;
0203     QString m_duration;
0204     int m_parentDuration;
0205     int m_inPoint;
0206     int m_outPoint;
0207     QDateTime m_date;
0208     QString m_binId;
0209     uint m_totalUsage;
0210     uint m_currentSequenceUsage;
0211     uint m_AudioUsage;
0212     uint m_VideoUsage;
0213     QString m_usageText;
0214     uint m_rating;
0215     QString m_tags;
0216     FileStatus::ClipStatus m_clipStatus;
0218     PROJECTITEMTYPE m_itemType;
0220     QString m_lastParentId;
0222     /** @brief Returns a rounded border pixmap from the @param source pixmap. */
0223     QPixmap roundedPixmap(const QPixmap &source);
0224     /** @brief This is a lock that ensures safety in case of concurrent access */
0225     mutable QReadWriteLock m_lock;
0227 private:
0228     bool m_isCurrent;
0229 };