File indexing completed on 2025-03-09 04:28:22

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Nicolas Carion
0003     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0004 */
0006 #pragma once
0008 #include "../abstractparamwidget.hpp"
0009 #include "bezier/beziersplineeditor.h"
0010 #include "cubic/kis_curve_widget.h"
0011 #include "ui_bezierspline_ui.h"
0012 #include "widgets/dragvalue.h"
0014 template <typename CurveWidget_t> class ValueLabel;
0016 /** @brief Class representing a curve and some additional controls
0017  */
0018 template <typename CurveWidget_t> class CurveParamWidget : public AbstractParamWidget
0019 {
0020 public:
0021     ~CurveParamWidget() override = default;
0022     CurveParamWidget(std::shared_ptr<AssetParameterModel> model, QModelIndex index, QWidget *parent);
0024     enum class CurveModes { Red = 0, Green = 1, Blue = 2, Luma = 3, Alpha = 4, RGB = 5, Hue = 6, Saturation = 7 };
0025     /** @brief sets the mode of the curve. This affects the background that is displayed.
0026      *  The list of available modes depends on the CurveWidget that we have
0027      */
0028     void setMode(CurveModes mode);
0030     /** @brief Stringify the content of the curve
0031      */
0032     QString toString() const;
0034     using Point_t = typename CurveWidget_t::Point_t;
0035     /** @brief returns the list of points on the curve
0036      */
0037     QList<Point_t> getPoints() { return m_edit->getPoints(); }
0039     /** @brief Set the maximal number of points on the curve. This function is only available for KisCurveWidget.
0040      */
0041     void setMaxPoints(int max);
0043     /** @brief Helper function to convert a mode to the corresponding ColorsRGB value.
0044         This avoids using potentially non consistent intermediate cast to int
0045     */
0046     static ColorTools::ColorsRGB modeToColorsRGB(CurveModes mode);
0048 protected:
0049     void deleteIrrelevantItems();
0050     void setupLayoutPoint();
0051     void setupLayoutHandles();
0052     void slotGridChange();
0053     void slotShowPixmap(bool show);
0054     void slotUpdatePointEntries(const BPoint &p, bool extremal);
0055     void slotUpdatePointEntries(const QPointF &p, bool extremal);
0056     void slotUpdatePointP(double /*value*/, bool final);
0057     void slotUpdatePointH1(double /*value*/, bool final);
0058     void slotUpdatePointH2(double /*value*/, bool final);
0059     void slotSetHandlesLinked(bool linked);
0060     void slotShowAllHandles(bool show);
0061     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
0063 public Q_SLOTS:
0064     /** @brief Toggle the comments on or off
0065      */
0066     void slotShowComment(bool show) override;
0068     /** @brief refresh the properties to reflect changes in the model
0069      */
0070     void slotRefresh() override;
0072 private:
0073     Ui::BezierSpline_UI m_ui;
0074     DragValue *m_pX;
0075     DragValue *m_pY;
0076     DragValue *m_h1X;
0077     DragValue *m_h1Y;
0078     DragValue *m_h2X;
0079     DragValue *m_h2Y;
0080     CurveWidget_t *m_edit;
0081     CurveModes m_mode;
0082     bool m_showPixmap;
0084     ValueLabel<CurveWidget_t> *m_leftParam, *m_bottomParam;
0085 };
0087 #include "curveparamwidget.ipp"