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0001 <!--
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Julius Künzel <jk.kdedev@smartlab.uber.space>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle <jb@kdenlive.org>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
0005 -->
0007 # Kdenlive File Format
0009 Kdenlive's project files (`.kdenlive` files) use an XML format, based on MLT's format (see [MLT’s XML documentation][mlt-xml-doc] and [MLT’s DTD/document type definition][mlt-xml-dtd]) to describe the source media used in a project, as well as the use of that media as in the timeline.
0011 For most media, such as video, audio, and images, Kdenlive stores only a reference in a project, but not the media itself. Only some media gets stored directly inside Kdenlive’s project files, most notably Kdenlive title and color clips.
0013 Important aspects of this file format decision are:
0015 * **MLT is able to directly render Kdenlive project files.** MLT simply ignores all the additional Kdenlive-specific project data and just sticks to its rendering information. The Kdenlive-specific data is the additional icing on top that makes working with projects much easier than editing at the (lower) rendering level.
0016 * **Kdenlive can directly include and work with MLT rendering files,** just the same way it works with other media. In fact, Kdenlive’s library clips are simply MLT rendering files, and nothing more.
0018 ## History and Generations
0020 There are different file format generations depending on the version of Kdenlive you're using.
0022 ### Generation 1
0024 Generation 1 (gen-1) projects were created and edited the last time using Kdenlive up to 0.9.10. These are the Kdenlive versions developed for KDE 4.x. (While this isn’t strictly true, we won’t go into discussions about the early KDE 3.x versions of Kdenlive.)
0026 The gen-1 projects contain a lot of project data that needs to be duplicated into the outer MLT XML data in order to MLT understanding what it needs to do. As an unfortunate consequence of this data duplicity, gen-1 projects had the habit of getting the outer MLT data out of sync with the inner Kdenlive project data. For instance, sometimes the effects as rendered got out of sync with the effect parameters as set in the Kdenlive user interface. As the proper remedy for this situation, the Kdenlive developers switched to Generation 2 as part of their porting Kdenlive to the KDE Frameworks 5 (KF5).
0028 ### Generation 2: KF5
0030 *Used in Kdenlive versions 15.04 to 17.08*
0032 With the KF5/Qt5 version of Kdenlive, we now store all Kdenlive data through MLT's xml module to remove the data duplicity from the Kdenlive project file structure. This fixed project data model results in much more stable Kdenlive project behavior. As another positive side effect, it’s now much easier to manually edit or create Kdenlive XML project files from outside Kdenlive.
0034 #### Slightly Invalid XML?
0036 When you need to process Kdenlive project files using XML tools, there’s a gotcha to be aware in case of gen-2 project files. As soon as a project makes use of track-wide effects, the project XML as written by Kdenlive becomes invalid. You won’t notice this when editing Kdenlive project files just inside Kdenlive, and render them using MLT. You will only notice when editing them using standard XML tools.
0038 The reason is that gen-2 project files used their own attributes inside a separate “kdenlive” namespace. Unfortunately, Kdenlive forgets to declare this additional namespace it uses at the beginning of every XML project document. As a simple fix, you’ll need to add the missing namespace yourself before processing the Kdenlive project file with XML tools:
0040 ```xml
0041 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
0042 <mlt xmlns:kdenlive="http://www.kdenlive.org/project" ...>
0043   ...
0044 </mlt>
0045 ```
0047 ### Generation 3: Timeline 2
0049 *Used in Kdenlive versions 19.04.0 to 20.04.3*
0051 Generation 3 projects are those projects created or edited using Kdenlive versions with the new Timeline 2 engine.
0053 ### Generation 4: Comma / Point
0055 *Used in Kdenlive versions 20.08.0 to 22.12.3, Kdenlive document version: 1.00*
0057 With version 20.08.0 a major refactoring of the project file fixed a long standing [issue with the decimal separator][comma-point-issue] (comma/point) conflict causing many crashes. Projects created with 20.08 forward are not backwards compatible.
0059 some minor updates were done to support new features, like:
0061 * 20.12.0: Mixes (in-track-transitions) were introduced
0063 ### Generation 5: Current format
0065 *Used in Kdenlive versions from 23.04.0, Kdenlive document version: 1.1*
0067 An important change was introduced with Kdenlive 23.04.0: multiple sequences. Each timeline sequence clip is embedded in an MLT *tractor*.
0068 The "main_bin" playlist lists all clips and timeline sequences used in the project as *entries*.
0070 The very last *tractor* in the project file is just a wrapper for the last opened timeline sequence, so that when playing the project file through the *melt* command line, it will play the last active sequence clip.
0072 Previously, all timeline properties were stored in the "main_bin" playlist as *kdenlive:documentproperty.*. With the new format, all timeline properties are stored inside their timeline sequence as *kdenlive:sequenceproperty.*, and only global project settings are stored in the "main_bin".
0074 ## Project XML Structure
0076 The overall structure of the XML data inside Kdenlive project files is roughly as illustrated next:
0078 ```xml
0079 <mlt producer="main_bin" ...>
0081   <!-- the profile - definition of the project profile (frame size, aspect ration, etc) -->
0082   <profile frame_rate_num="25" .../>
0084   <!-- definition of master and timeline clips used in the first sequence clips -->
0085   <producer id="producer0" .../>
0086   <producer id="producer1" .../>
0088   <!-- then comes the playlist definition - a list of the empty spaces and clips on a track -->
0089   <playlist id="playlist0">
0090     <!-- entries linking to the producers defined above -->
0091     <entry producer="producer0" in="00:00:00.000" out="00:00:04.960">
0092       <property name="kdenlive:id">3</property>
0093     </entry>
0094     <blank length="00:00:03.720"/> <!-- space between clips -->
0095     <entry producer="producer1" />
0096     ...
0097   <playlist id="playlist1"/>
0099   <!-- After that we have the tracks embedded in a tractor. Each Kdenlive timeline track is made of 2 *tracks* to allow mixes-->
0100   <tractor id="tractor0" in="00:00:00.000" out="00:02:20.840">
0101     <property name="kdenlive:..">...</property>
0102     ...
0103     <track hide="audio" producer="playlist0"/> <!-- hide audio, because this is a video track -->
0104     <track hide="audio" producer="playlist1"/>
0105   </tractor>
0107   <!-- After the tracks definition, we have the first timeline sequence tractor that has a kdenlive:uuid attribute, and transitions between the tracks -->
0108   <tractor id="tractor6" ...>
0109     <property name="kdenlive:uuid">...</property>
0110     <track hide="audio" producer="tractor0"/>
0111     <track hide="audio" producer="tractor1"/>
0113     <!-- all transitions -->
0114     <transition id="transition0"/> <!-- user transitions -->
0115     <transition id="transition1"> <!-- internally added transition (for example audio mix) -->
0116       <property name="internal_added">237</property>
0117     </transition>
0119     </tractor>
0121   <!-- If we have multiple timeline sequence clips, we repeat the above steps -->
0122   <producer id="producer3" .../>
0123   <playlist id="playlist3" ../>
0124   <tractor id="tractor7" .../>
0125   <tractor id="tractor11" ...>
0126     <property name="kdenlive:uuid">...</property>
0127     <track hide="audio" producer="tractor7"/>
0128     <track hide="audio" producer="tractor8"/>
0129   </tractor>
0131   <!-- The *main bin* playlist, keeping all project settings, and a list of all project bin clips, including the sequence clips  -->
0132   <playlist id="main_bin">
0133     <property name="kdenlive:documentproperty...">...</property>
0134     <entry producer="producer0" .../>
0135     <entry producer="producer1" .../>
0136     <entry producer="tractor6" .../>
0137     <entry producer="tractor11" .../>
0138   </playlist>
0140   <!-- the last tractor of the xml file only contains one producerm is a the main tractor, containing the default sequence clip that will be played -->
0141   <tractor id="tractor23" in="00:00:00.000" out="00:00:45.000">
0142     <property name="kdenlive:projectTractor">1</property>
0143     <track producer="tractor11" in="00:00:00.000" out="00:00:45.000"/>
0144  </tractor>
0146 </mlt>
0147 ```
0149 We avoid storing any inner Kdenlive project data that’s already present in the outer MLT data layer, this means that all information must be stored in MLT objects like Tractor, Playlist, Producer, etc.
0151 To separate these properties from other MLT properties, we prefix them with `kdenlive:`. This page lists the properties that we use in this new file format.
0153 Properties applied to project clips (MLT Producer object):
0155 | Name                 | Description |
0156 | -------------------- | ----------- |
0157 | kdenlive:clipname    | Stores the name that will be displayed for this clip in the Project Bin. |
0158 | kdenlive:folderid    | Stores a string containing the id of the folder where this clip is (empty if clip is in the root folder). |
0159 | kdenlive:zone_in     | Stores the "in" point for the play zone defined for this clip. |
0160 | kdenlive:zone_out    | Stores the "out" point for the play zone defined for this clip. |
0161 | kdenlive:originalurl | Stores the clip's original url. Useful to retrieve original url when a clip was proxied. |
0162 | kdenlive:proxy       | Stores the url for the proxy clip, or "-" if no proxy should be used for this clip. |
0163 | kdenlive:clip_type   |  |
0164 | kdenlive:id          |  |
0165 | kdenlive:file_size   |  |
0166 | kdenlive:file_hash   |  |
0167 | kdenlive:audio_max1  |  |
0170 ### Project Bin
0172 The (project) bin is represented by an MLT `<playlist>` element with the well-known id “main_bin”. This element holds project-specific (meta) data, the bin folders as well as their hierarchy, clip groups, and some more stuff.
0174 > **Note**
0175 >
0176 > While Kdenlive now mainly uses the term “bin” when talking about what formerly was the “project bin”, the early internal name “name bin” has stuck since the early days of Kdenlive.
0178 Properties applied to the Bin Playlist (MLT Playlist object "main_bin"):
0180 | Name                     | Description |
0181 | ------------------------ | ----------- |
0182 | kdenlive:folder.xxx.yyy  | This property stores the names of folders created in the Project Bin. xxx is the id of the parent folder (-1 for root) and yyy is the id for this folder. The value of this property is the name of the folder. |
0183 | kdenlive:docproperties.* | There are various properties with this prefix holding settings related to the current project, like proxy size |
0184 | kdenlive:documentnotes   |  |
0185 | kdenlive:docproperties.groups | This property holds a json structure representing the clip groups of the timeline |
0188 ### Timeline Tracks
0190 The setup of the timeline tracks is represented by an MLT `<tractor>` element, this “maintractor“ can be identified by being the last `<tractor>` in the file. The elements inside are the individual timeline tracks: these are referenced, with the actual tracks then being MLT producers.
0192 The individual Kdenlive timeline tracks can be found in form of MLT `<tractor>` elements holding `<playlist>` elements. They can also easily be identified according to their “tractor#”/“playlist#” id naming scheme; here, “#” is a number internally maintained by Kdenlive. The tracks feature additional properties that describe their title, locking state, and some more. The reason for the extra level with `<playlist>` elements are mixes (see below).
0194 There is one semi-internal track here, the built-in “black_track”. As you can see here, while it is built into Kdenlive, it isn’t so into MLT. Instead, to MLT this is just another track that happen to be created by Kdenlive. Kdenlive never shows this background track in the timeline as an individual track. But you can reference it from transitions (the composite ones, that is).
0196 ### Subtitle Track
0198 While for the user it feels like this subtitle track is a track like an audio or video track, in fact it is not. It is a "fake" track and internally a filter, the [`avfilter.subtitles`][subtitle-mlt-doc] filter to be more precise (see also [this ffmpeg doc][subtile-ffmpeg-doc]). If an internal `avfilter.subtitles` is detected, the subtitle track gets enabled.
0200 The subtitles are stored in a `*.srt` file next to the project. If your project is named `mymovie.kdenlive`, the subtitle file will be `mymovie.kdenlive.srt`. This file will only be update if you save your project, but the internal subtitle model is not sufficient during work since `avfilter.subtitles` needs a `*.srt` file to always show the up-to-date state of work in the monitor. Therefore there is another `*.srt` file in the temp directory (`/tmp` on Linux).
0202 This is how the subtitle trakc is represented in the kdenlive xml:
0204 ```xml
0205   <filter id="filter9">
0206    <property name="mlt_service">avfilter.subtitles</property>
0207    <property name="internal_added">237</property>
0208    <property name="av.filename">/tmp/1654509160006.srt</property>
0209    <property name="kdenlive:locked">1</property>
0210   </filter>
0211 ```
0213 ### Transitions (Compositions)
0215 Transitions come in two (three) flavors, but always represented by MLT `<transition>` elements:
0217 * user transitions are the ones added by, you’ve guessed it … users. These are the transitions currently shown slightly moved down and overlaying timeline tracks and their clips.
0218 * internally added transitions are basically a convenience to make the timeline do automatic audio mixing across multiple tracks, and (with more recent Kdenlive versions) transparent tracks.
0220 ### Same-Track-Transitions (Mixes)
0222 TODO
0224 ### Filters (Effect)
0226 TODO
0229 ### Not Shown
0231 * bin clip producers
0232 * proxy clips
0234 ## Further Reading
0236 * The [Kdenlive Project Analyzer][project-analyizer-blog] is kind of a (crazy) simple Kdenlive doctor, showing some statistics and details when given a Kdenlive gen-2 project file. You can even try the Kdenlive Project Analyzer [online][project-analyizer-tool] using Chrome/Chromium or Firefox. [Sources are available on GitHub.][project-analyizer-code]
0238 [mlt-xml-doc]: https://www.mltframework.org/docs/mltxml/
0239 [mlt-xml-dtd]: https://github.com/mltframework/mlt/blob/master/src/modules/xml/mlt-xml.dtd
0240 [subtitle-mlt-doc]: https://www.mltframework.org/plugins/FilterAvfilter-subtitles/
0241 [subtile-ffmpeg-doc]: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#subtitles-1
0242 [comma-point-issue]: https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive/-/issues/78
0243 [project-analyizer-blog]: https://thediveo-e.blogspot.de/2016/07/inside-kdenlive-projects-analyzer.html
0244 [project-analyizer-tool]: https://thediveo.github.io/kdenlive-project-analyzer/kdenlive-project-analyzer.html
0245 [project-analyizer-code]: https://github.com/TheDiveO/kdenlive-project-analyzer