Warning, /multimedia/kdenlive/data/effects/frei0r/frei0r_facedetect.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
0003 <effect LC_NUMERIC="C" tag="frei0r.facedetect" id="frei0r.facedetect">
0004     <name>Face detect</name>
0005     <description>Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV</description>
0006     <author>binarymillenium, Dan Dennedy</author>
0007     <parameter type="animated" name="Search scale" default="1.2" min="110" max="1000" factor="1000">
0008         <name>Search scale</name>
0009         <comment>The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% on each pass.</comment>
0010     </parameter>
0011     <parameter type="animated" name="Neighbors" default="2" min="1" max="10" factor="100">
0012         <name>Neighbors</name>
0013         <comment>Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object.</comment>
0014     </parameter>
0015     <parameter type="animated" name="Smallest" default="2" min="0" max="1000" factor="1000">
0016         <name>Smallest</name>
0017         <comment>The minimum window size in pixels.</comment>
0018     </parameter>
0019     <parameter type="animated" name="Recheck" default="0.05" min="0" max="1000" factor="1000" suffix="frames">
0020         <name>Recheck</name>
0021         <comment>How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion tracking.</comment>
0022     </parameter>
0023     <parameter type="list" name="Shape" default="0" paramlist="0;0.1;0.2;1">
0024         <paramlistdisplay>circle,ellipse,rectangle,random</paramlistdisplay>
0025         <name>Shape</name>
0026     </parameter>
0027     <parameter type="animated" name="Stroke" default="0" min="0" max="100" factor="100" suffix="pixels">
0028         <name>Stroke width</name>
0029         <comment>0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size.</comment>
0030     </parameter>
0031     <parameter type="animated" name="Alpha" default="1" min="0" max="100" factor="100" suffix="%">
0032         <name>Alpha</name>
0033         <comment>Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque.</comment>
0034     </parameter>
0035     <parameter type="bool" name="Antialias" default="0">
0036         <name>Antialias</name>
0037         <comment>Draw with anti-aliasing?</comment>
0038     </parameter>
0039     <!-- The color parameters have a bug in the recent 1.3 release of frei0r.
0040          Wait some time or next release to enable these. -->
0041     <!--        
0042     <parameter type="color" name="Color 1" default="0xFFFFFF">
0043         <name>Color 1</name>
0044         <comment>Set the shape color of the first detected face.</comment>
0045     </parameter>
0047     <parameter type="color" name="Color 2" default="0x007FFF">
0048         <name>Color 2</name>
0049         <comment>Set the shape color of the second detected face.</comment>
0050     </parameter>
0052     <parameter type="color" name="Color 3" default="0x00FFFF">
0053         <name>Color 3</name>
0054         <comment>Set the shape color of the third detected face.</comment>
0055     </parameter>
0057     <parameter type="color" name="Color 4" default="0x00FF00">
0058         <name>Color 4</name>
0059         <comment>Set the shape color of the fourth detected face.</comment>
0060     </parameter>
0062     <parameter type="color" name="Color 5" default="0xFF7F00">
0063         <name>Color 5</name>
0064         <comment>Set the shape color of the fifth detected face.</comment>
0065     </parameter>
0066     -->
0067 </effect>