Warning, /multimedia/kdenlive/data/effects/frei0r/frei0r_bigsh0t_rect_to_eq.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
0003 <effect tag="frei0r.bigsh0t_rect_to_eq" id="frei0r.bigsh0t_rect_to_eq">
0004     <name>VR360 Rectilinear to Equirectangular</name>
0005     <description>Converts a rectilinear (a normal-looking) image to an equirectangular image. Use this together with Transform 360 to place "normal" footage in a 360 movie.</description>
0006     <author>Leo Sutic</author>
0007     <parameter type="animated" name="hfov" default="90" min="0" max="180" factor="1" suffix="°">
0008         <name>Vertical Start</name>
0009     </parameter>
0010     <parameter type="animated" name="vfov" default="60" min="0" max="180" factor="1" suffix="°">
0011         <name>Horizontal Start</name>
0012     </parameter>
0013     <parameter type="list" name="interpolation" default="0" paramlist="0;1">
0014         <paramlistdisplay>Nearest-Neighbor,Bilinear</paramlistdisplay>
0015         <name>Interpolation</name>
0016     </parameter>
0017 </effect>