Warning, /multimedia/kdenlive/data/effects/avfilter/avfilter_limiter.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
0003 <effect tag="avfilter.limiter" id="avfilter.limiter">
0004     <name>Limiter</name>
0005     <description>Limits the pixel components values to the specified range [min, max]</description>
0006     <author>libavfilter</author>
0007     <parameter type="constant" name="av.min" default="0" min="0" max="255" factor="1">
0008         <name>Min</name>
0009         <comment>The Min value has not to be higher than the Max value</comment>
0010     </parameter>
0011     <parameter type="constant" name="av.max" default="65535" min="0" max="255" factor="1">
0012         <name>Max</name>
0013         <comment>The Max value has not to be lower than the Min value</comment>
0014     </parameter>
0015     <parameter type="list" name="av.planes" default="7" paramlist="0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8">
0016         <paramlistdisplay>None,Y,U,YU,V,YV,UV,YUV,Alpha</paramlistdisplay>
0017         <name>Planes</name>
0018     </parameter>
0019 </effect>