Warning, /multimedia/kdenlive/data/effects/audiolevelgraph.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
0003 <effect tag="audiolevelgraph" id="audiolevelgraph" type="video">
0004     <name>Audio Level Visualization Filter</name>
0005     <author>Meltytech, LLC</author>
0006     <description>An audio visualization filter that draws an audio level meter on the image.</description>
0007     <parameter type="list" name="type" default="bar" paramlist="segment;bar">
0008         <paramlistdisplay>Segment,Bar</paramlistdisplay>
0009         <name>Graph type</name>
0010         <comment>The type of graph to display the levels.</comment>
0011     </parameter>
0012     <parameter type="color" name="bgcolor" default="0x00000000" alpha="1">
0013         <name>Background Color</name>
0014         <comment>The background color to be applied to the entire frame.</comment>
0015     </parameter>
0016     <parameter type="color" name="color.1" default="0xffffffff" alpha="1">
0017         <name>Gradient Color 1</name>
0018         <comment>The color of the waveform gradient.</comment>
0019     </parameter>
0020     <parameter type="color" name="color.2" default="0xffffffff" alpha="1">
0021         <name>Gradient Color 2</name>
0022         <comment>The color of the waveform gradient.</comment>
0023     </parameter>
0024     <parameter type="color" name="color.3" default="0xffffffff" alpha="1">
0025         <name>Gradient Color 3</name>
0026         <comment>The color of the waveform gradient.</comment>
0027     </parameter>
0028     <parameter type="animated" name="thickness" max="20" min="0" default="0">
0029         <name>Line Thickness</name>
0030         <comment>The thickness of the bar or segments.</comment>
0031     </parameter>
0032     <parameter type="animated" name="angle" max="360" min="0" default="0">
0033         <name>Angle</name>
0034         <comment>The rotation angle to be applied to the waveform.</comment>
0035     </parameter>
0036     <parameter type="animatedrect" name="rect" default="0 0 100% 100%">
0037         <name>Rectangle</name>
0038         <comment>Defines the rectangle that the waveform(s) should be drawn in.</comment>
0039     </parameter>
0040     <parameter type="bool" name="mirror" default="0">
0041         <name>Mirror</name>
0042         <comment>Mirror the spectrum about the center of the rectangle.</comment>
0043     </parameter>
0044     <parameter type="bool" name="reverse" default="0">
0045         <name>Reverse</name>
0046         <comment>Draw the points starting with the right channel first.</comment>
0047     </parameter>
0048     <parameter type="list" name="gorient" default="vertical" paramlist="vertical;horizontal">
0049         <paramlistdisplay>Vertical,Horizontal</paramlistdisplay>
0050         <name>Gradient Orientation</name>
0051         <comment>Direction of the color gradient.</comment>
0052     </parameter>
0053     <parameter type="animated" name="channels" max="500" min="0" default="2">
0054         <name>Channels</name>
0055         <comment>The number of channels to show.</comment>
0056     </parameter>
0057     <parameter type="animated" name="segment_gap" max="100" min="0" default="10">
0058         <name>Segment Gap</name>
0059         <comment>The space in pixels between the segments.</comment>
0060     </parameter>
0061 </effect>