Warning, /multimedia/kasts/src/kmediasession/example-app/qml/Main.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /**
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Bart De Vries <bart@mogwai.be>
0003  *
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
0005  */
0007 import QtQuick
0008 import QtQuick.Controls as Controls
0009 import QtQuick.Layouts
0010 import QtMultimedia
0011 import Qt.labs.platform
0013 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0015 import org.kde.kmediasession
0017 Kirigami.ApplicationWindow {
0018     id: root
0020     title: i18n("Example KMediaSession Player")
0022     KMediaSession {
0023         id: audio
0024         playerName: "Kasts"
0025         desktopEntryName: "org.kde.kasts"
0027         onRaiseWindowRequested: {
0028             root.visible = true;
0029             root.show();
0030             root.raise();
0031             root.requestActivate();
0032         }
0033         onQuitRequested: {
0034             root.close();
0035         }
0036         onNextRequested: {
0037             console.log("next");
0038         }
0039         onPreviousRequested: {
0040             console.log("previous");
0041         }
0042     }
0044     ColumnLayout {
0045         RowLayout {
0046             Controls.ComboBox {
0047                 textRole: "text"
0048                 valueRole: "value"
0049                 model: ListModel {
0050                     id: backendModel
0051                 }
0052                 Component.onCompleted: {
0053                     // have to use Number because QML doesn't know about enum names
0054                     for (var index in audio.availableBackends) {
0055                         backendModel.append({"text": audio.backendName(audio.availableBackends[index]),
0056                                              "value": Number(audio.availableBackends[index])});
0058                         if (Number(audio.availableBackends[index]) === audio.currentBackend) {
0059                             currentIndex = index;
0060                         }
0061                     }
0062                 }
0064                 onActivated: {
0065                     audio.currentBackend = currentValue;
0066                 }
0067             }
0068         }
0069         RowLayout {
0070             Controls.Button {
0071                 icon.name: "document-open-folder"
0072                 text: i18n("Select Fileā€¦")
0073                 onClicked: filePathDialog.open()
0074             }
0076             FileDialog {
0077                 id: filePathDialog
0078                 title: i18n("Select Media File")
0079                 currentFile: audio.source
0080                 onAccepted: {
0081                     audio.source = filePathDialog.file;
0082                 }
0083             }
0084             Controls.Label {
0085                 text: i18n("OR")
0086             }
0087             Controls.TextField {
0088                 id: urlField
0089                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0090                 text: audio.source
0091             }
0092             Controls.Button {
0093                 text: i18n("Open")
0094                 onClicked: {
0095                     audio.source = urlField.text;
0096                 }
0097             }
0098         }
0099         RowLayout {
0100             Controls.Button {
0101                 text: i18n("Play")
0102                 enabled: audio.canPlay
0103                 icon.name: "media-playback-start"
0104                 onClicked: {
0105                     audio.play()
0106                 }
0107             }
0108             Controls.Button {
0109                 text: i18n("Pause")
0110                 enabled: audio.canPause
0111                 icon.name: "media-playback-pause"
0112                 onClicked: {
0113                     audio.pause()
0114                 }
0115             }
0116             Controls.Button {
0117                 text: i18n("Stop")
0118                 icon.name: "media-playback-stop"
0119                 onClicked: {
0120                     audio.stop()
0121                 }
0122             }
0123         }
0124         RowLayout {
0125             Controls.Label {
0126                 text: audio.position / 1000
0127                 Layout.preferredWidth: 50
0128                 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
0129             }
0130             Controls.Slider {
0131                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0132                 Layout.margins: 0
0133                 padding: 0
0134                 from: 0
0135                 to: audio.duration
0136                 value: audio.position
0137                 onMoved: audio.position = value;
0138                 enabled: audio.playbackState !== KMediaSession.StoppedState
0139             }
0140             Controls.Label {
0141                 text: audio.duration / 1000
0142                 Layout.preferredWidth: 50
0143             }
0144         }
0145         RowLayout {
0146             Controls.CheckBox {
0147                 text: i18n("Mute")
0148                 enabled: audio.playbackState !== KMediaSession.StoppedState
0149                 checked: audio.muted
0150                 onToggled: audio.muted = checked
0151             }
0152             Controls.Slider {
0153                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0154                 Layout.margins: 0
0155                 padding: 0
0156                 enabled: audio.playbackState !== KMediaSession.StoppedState
0157                 from: 0
0158                 to: 100
0159                 value: audio.volume
0160                 onMoved: audio.volume = value;
0161             }
0162             Controls.ComboBox {
0163                 textRole: "text"
0164                 valueRole: "value"
0165                 model: [{text: "0.5x", value: 0.5},
0166                         {text: "1x", value: 1.0},
0167                         {text: "1.5x", value: 1.5}]
0168                 Component.onCompleted: currentIndex = indexOfValue(audio.playbackRate)
0169                 onActivated: audio.playbackRate = currentValue
0170             }
0171         }
0172         ColumnLayout {
0173             Controls.Label {
0174                 text: i18n("Title: %1", audio.metaData.title)
0175             }
0176             Controls.Label {
0177                 text: i18n("Artist: %1", audio.metaData.artist)
0178             }
0179             Controls.Label {
0180                 text: i18n("Album: %1", audio.metaData.album)
0181             }
0182             Image {
0183                 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
0184                 Layout.preferredHeight: 200
0185                 Layout.preferredWidth: 200
0186                 source: audio.metaData.artworkUrl
0187             }
0188         }
0189         ColumnLayout {
0190             Controls.Label {
0191                 text: i18n("Media status: %1", audio.mediaStatus)
0192             }
0193             Controls.Label {
0194                 text: i18n("Playback status: %1", audio.playbackState)
0195             }
0196             Controls.Label {
0197                 text: i18n("Error: %1", audio.error)
0198             }
0199         }
0200     }
0201 }