Warning, /multimedia/kaffeine/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003 <!ENTITY kaffeine "<application>Kaffeine</application>"><!--FIXME add entry to kdoctools-->
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0006 ]>
0008 <book id="kaffeine" lang="&language;">
0010 <bookinfo>
0011 <title>The &kaffeine; Handbook</title>
0013 <authorgroup>
0014 <author>
0015 <firstname>Jürgen</firstname>
0016 <othername></othername>
0017 <surname>Kofler</surname>
0018 <affiliation>
0019 <address><email>kaffeine@gmx.net</email></address>
0020 </affiliation>
0021 </author>
0022 <author>
0023 <firstname>Christophe</firstname>
0024 <othername></othername>
0025 <surname>Thommeret</surname>
0026 <affiliation>
0027 <address><email>hftom@free.fr</email></address>
0028 </affiliation>
0029 </author>
0030 <author>
0031 <firstname>Mauro</firstname>
0032 <othername>Carvalho</othername>
0033 <surname>Chehab</surname>
0034 <affiliation>
0035 <address><email>mchehab+kde@kernel.org</email></address>
0036 </affiliation>
0037 </author>
0038 </authorgroup>
0042 <copyright>
0043 <year>2004</year>
0044 <year>2016-2019</year>
0045 <holder>The &kaffeine; Authors.</holder>
0046 </copyright>
0047 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0049 <date>2019-05-01</date>
0050 <releaseinfo>&kaffeine; 2.0.17</releaseinfo>
0052 <!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
0054 <abstract>
0055 <para>
0056 <ulink url="https://www.kde.org/applications/multimedia/kaffeine/">Kaffeine</ulink> is a Media Player by &kde;.
0057 </para>
0058 </abstract>
0060 <keywordset>
0061 <keyword>kaffeine</keyword>
0062 <keyword>vlc</keyword>
0063 <keyword>video</keyword>
0064 <keyword>audio</keyword>
0065 <keyword>mp3</keyword>
0066 <keyword>dvd</keyword>
0067 <keyword>atsc</keyword>
0068 <keyword>dvb-t</keyword>
0069 <keyword>dvb-c</keyword>
0070 <keyword>dvb-s</keyword>
0071 <keyword>dvb-t2</keyword>
0072 <keyword>dvb-s2</keyword>
0073 <keyword>isdb-t</keyword>
0074 <keyword>tv</keyword>
0075 </keywordset>
0077 </bookinfo>
0079 <chapter id="kaffeine-player">
0080 <title>&kaffeine; Player</title>
0082 <sect1 id="startwindow">
0083 <title>The Start Window</title>
0085 <para>Like many other media players, &kaffeine; supports a wide range of video and audio formats
0086 as well as playing audio and video from DVD and &CD;. Additionally, it supports live
0087 Digital TV playback if your machine has a Digital Video Broadcast (DVB)
0088 device plugged into it.
0089 </para>
0090 <para>Once &kaffeine; starts, it presents a screen with the main functions in the middle,
0091 and it’s possible to switch to other functions via either the menu bar or the left sidebar:
0092 </para>
0094 <screenshot>
0095 <screeninfo>Start Window</screeninfo>
0096 <mediaobject>
0097 <imageobject>
0098 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_initial.png" format="PNG"/>
0099 </imageobject>
0100 <textobject>
0101 <phrase>Start Window</phrase>
0102 </textobject>
0103 </mediaobject>
0104 </screenshot>
0106 </sect1>
0108 <sect1 id="playfile">
0109 <title>Play a File</title>
0110 <para>Playing a video or audio file is as simple as clicking on the <guibutton>Play File</guibutton>
0111 button. It will ask you to select the file to be played, and will begin playing it. Since &kaffeine;
0112 uses LibVLC for the backend, it supports all the same <ulink url="https://www.videolan.org/vlc/features.html">file formats</ulink> as VLC.
0113 It also supports opening a list of files to create and manage <ulink url="https://wiki.videolan.org/Playlist/">playlists</ulink>.
0114 </para>
0116 <screenshot>
0117 <screeninfo>Play a File</screeninfo>
0118 <mediaobject>
0119 <imageobject>
0120 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_play_file.png" format="PNG"/>
0121 </imageobject>
0122 <textobject>
0123 <phrase>Play a File</phrase>
0124 </textobject>
0125 </mediaobject>
0126 </screenshot>
0128 </sect1>
0130 <sect1 id="playlistwindow">
0131 <title>The Playlist Window</title>
0132 <para>&kaffeine; supports multiple playlists. Choose the active one with the <guilabel>Playlist</guilabel> selector in
0133 the left sidebar. You can easily drag some files or folders from the file browser and drop it on the playlist to enqueue
0134 or drop it on the player window to create a new playlist. To change a playlist name edit it and confirm with <keycap>Return</keycap>.
0135 </para>
0136 <screenshot>
0137 <screeninfo>Playlist Window</screeninfo>
0138  <mediaobject>
0139    <imageobject>
0140      <imagedata fileref="playlistwindow.png" format="PNG"/>
0141     </imageobject>
0142     <textobject>
0143      <phrase>Playlist Window</phrase>
0144    </textobject>
0145   </mediaobject>
0146 </screenshot>
0148 <para>You can find all playlist related functions in the <guimenu>Playlist</guimenu> item from the menu bar
0149 and the context-menu (right-click on playlist).
0150 </para>
0151 </sect1>
0152 </chapter>
0154 <chapter id="kaffeine-digital-tv">
0155 <title>Digital TV Player</title>
0156 <!-- https://blogs.s-osg.org/watching-digital-tv-via-kaffeine/-->
0158 <sect1 id="digital-tv">
0159 <title>Digital TV configuration</title>
0161 <para>While the basic functionality is useful enough for someone who wants a simple, yet powerful
0162 media player, the best feature in &kaffeine; is to use it as a &GUI; frontend to watch and record digital TV.
0163 </para>
0165 <para>Since &kaffeine; version 2.0, the digital TV support uses libdvbv5 and
0166 was extended to support new standards like DVB-T2 and ISDB-T. Extending its
0167 support for newer digital TV standards is now simpler.
0168 Also, since it uses the &Linux; DVB version 5 API, it supports frontends
0169 capable of implementing multiple digital TV standards.
0170 </para>
0172 <para>Setting the TV configuration on &kaffeine; is as simple as open the
0173 <guimenu>Television</guimenu> item from the menu bar and select the
0174 <guimenuitem>Configure Television...</guimenuitem> option. A pop up window
0175 will open, allowing setting the parameters to be used:
0176 </para>
0178 <screenshot>
0179 <screeninfo>TV Configuration - General Options</screeninfo>
0180 <mediaobject>
0181 <imageobject>
0182 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_configure_tv_general_opts.png" format="PNG"/>
0183 </imageobject>
0184 <textobject>
0185 <phrase>TV Configuration - General Options</phrase>
0186 </textobject>
0187 </mediaobject>
0188 </screenshot>
0190 <sect2 id="dtv-general-opts">
0191 <title>General digital TV settings</title>
0193 <para>
0194 The <guimenu>General Options</guimenu> menu allows setting the
0195 device-independent settings.
0196 </para>
0198 <para>
0199 The <guilabel>Recording folder</guilabel> sets the location where all TV
0200 program records will be stored.
0201 </para>
0203 <para>
0204 The <guilabel>xmltv file name (optional)</guilabel> specifies a file name
0205 with EPG data that was retrieved via an external grabber. When this
0206 option is used, you'll likely set <guilabel>Disable parsing Electronic
0207 Program Guide (EPG) data from MPEG-TS tables</guilabel>
0208 </para>
0210 <para>
0211 The <guilabel>Disable parsing EPG data
0212 from MPEG-TS tables</guilabel> disables the Electronic Program Guide (EPG)
0213 data to be retrieved from the broadcasted signal. Use it in order to save
0214 some CPU time, if your broadcaster doesn't send reliable EPG data.
0215 </para>
0217 <para>
0218 The <guilabel>Time shift folder</guilabel> is used in conjunction with the
0219 pause button
0220 (<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-playback-pause-circular.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>) of the media player screen. When the button
0221 is pressed, a time shift file will be stored at the location pointed by this
0222 menu option.
0223 </para>
0225 <para>
0226 The <guilabel>Begin margin</guilabel> and <guilabel>End margin</guilabel>
0227 options are used to setup a sort of <quote>security margin</quote> in order
0228 to avoid losing the beginning and the end of a program, as the time stamps at
0229 the program guide may not be precise. So, it actually starts recording a few
0230 minutes before the <guilabel>Start</guilabel> time defined in the
0231 <guimenu>Program Guide</guimenu>. The exact amount of time before is
0232 defined via <guilabel>Begin margin</guilabel>. &kaffeine; extends the
0233 record by the amount of time defined by <guilabel>End margin</guilabel>
0234 after the end of the program.
0235 </para>
0237 <para>
0238 The <guilabel>Naming style for recordings</guilabel> option is used to setup
0239 how &kaffeine; will name a program. Several macros can be used to dynamically
0240 change the name of the record:
0241 </para>
0242 <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
0243 <listitem>
0244 <para>
0245 <parameter>%title</parameter> - Title of the program, as seen at the
0246 <guimenu>Program Guide</guimenu> and <guimenu>Recording Schedule</guimenu>
0247 menus;
0248 </para>
0249 </listitem>
0250 <listitem>
0251 <para>
0252 <parameter>%day, %month, %year, %hour, %min, %sec</parameter> - Fields from the
0253 time stamp with represents the time when &kaffeine; starts recording a program;
0254 </para>
0255 </listitem>
0256 <listitem>
0257 <para>
0258 <parameter>%channel</parameter> - Name of the channel that streamed the program.
0259 </para>
0260 </listitem>
0261 </itemizedlist>
0263 <para>
0264 The <guilabel>Action after recording finishes</guilabel> option is used to
0265 setup an optional command to be executed when &kaffeine; stops recording a
0266 program.
0267 </para>
0269 <para>
0270 Clicking at the <guilabel>Update Scan Data over Internet</guilabel> option
0271 makes &kaffeine; to check if a new channel scanning definition file is
0272 present at <ulink url="https://autoconfig.kde.org/kaffeine/">
0273 KDE's site</ulink>.
0274 </para>
0275 <para>
0276 &kaffeine; uses a file called scanfile.dvb to store a list of known
0277 digital TV channels per Country and City. This file is kept in sync with
0278 the contents of <ulink url="https://git.linuxtv.org/dtv-scan-tables.git">the
0279 dtv-scan-tables tree</ulink>, maintained
0280 by <ulink url="https://linuxtv.org">LinuxTV</ulink> community. For more details,
0281 please see <ulink url="https://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Dtv-scan-tables">the
0282 dtv-scan-tables wiki page</ulink>.
0283 </para>
0284 <para>
0285 When the button is clicked, &kaffeine; will download the latest version of the
0286 channel definitions and store on a user-specific local data file, overriding
0287 any contents of a previous one.
0288 </para>
0289 <para>Please notice that, in order to use the newest definitions, it is
0290 required to close the TV configuration dialog and reopen.</para>
0292 <para>
0293 The <guilabel>Edit scanfile</guilabel> option allows
0294 editing the file, which can be useful to add a new set of channels, while
0295 the upstream file is not updated. If you need to use it, please consider
0296 sending an update to
0297 <ulink url="https://git.linuxtv.org/dtv-scan-tables.git/">dtv-scan-tables
0298 </ulink> for others to also benefit from the new channel definitions.
0299 </para>
0301 <para>
0302 The <guilabel>Use ISO 8859-1 charset instead of ISO 6937</guilabel>
0303 option allows selecting the default to be used on MPEG-TS messages
0304 that don't explicitly set a charset. If not set, it defaults to using
0305 ISO-6937 encoding. If set, the default changes to ISO 8859-1.
0306 </para>
0308 <para>
0309 The <guilabel>Create info files to accompany EPG recordings</guilabel>
0310 option enables the creation of ancillary files for scheduled records
0311 with the contents of the program guide for records made via the
0312 <guimenu>Program guide</guimenu>.
0313 </para>
0315 <sect3 id="EPG-data">
0316 <title>Electronic Program Guide (EPG) data retrieval</title>
0318 <para>
0319 Most digital TV broadcasters send program information via the broadcast
0320 information, encoded on a MPEG-TS stream. However, some of them use
0321 non-standard encodings for those data. As an example, at the United Kingdom,
0322 HD programs EPG data are usually stored using some a proprietary
0323 format. Other providers just don't fill the EPG data, or the information there
0324 is not reliable.
0325 </para>
0327 <para>
0328 Since &kaffeine; 2.0.17, it is possible to disable parsing the EPG data
0329 from the broadcasted channels, using an external program to retrieve them.
0330 In order to disable, just set the <guilabel>Disable parsing Electronic
0331 Program Guide (EPG) data from MPEG-TS tables</guilabel> box. You can now set
0332 an external parser to produce a file with EPG data, and use the
0333 <guilabel>xmltv file name (optional)</guilabel> to specify the file name of
0334 the produced file. The produced file should use the XMLTV format, as described
0335 on its DTD. See <ulink url="http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/XMLTVFormat">
0336 XMLTV File format</ulink> for more information.
0337 </para>
0339 <para>
0340 When &kaffeine; is set to use an XMLTV file, it will automatically detect any
0341 file changes on it. When a change happens, it will open the file and parse
0342 its contents, updating EPG data accordingly.
0343 </para>
0345 <para>
0346 It should be noticed that the XMLTV file has a table with associates its
0347 own internal representation for channels with the expected channel name at
0348 the digital TV broadcasted data. &kaffeine; will only retrieve the EPG data
0349 if the channels there match the ones inside &kaffeine;'s channel list.
0350 So, you need to ensure that the channels there matches what &kaffeine;
0351 expects. If it doesn't match, you could use a command line &XML; editor program
0352 in order to add the missing channel information.
0353 </para>
0355 <para>
0356 For example, if you have a xmltv grabber program retrieving the file named
0357 <emphasis>original_xmltv_file.xmltv</emphasis>, you could use the
0358 <emphasis>xmlstarlet</emphasis> program to add missing
0359 associations. So, if you want to associate the XMLTV channel named as
0360 <emphasis>channel.foo.uk</emphasis> with a channel whose &kaffeine; name is
0361 <emphasis>FOO</emphasis>, you could run this small script:
0362 </para>
0363 <para><programlisting>
0364 channel="xmltv.channel.pt"
0365 name="DVB_CHANNEL"
0366 xmlstarlet ed \
0367         -s "tv/channel[@id='$channel']" -t elem -n display-name \
0368         -v "$name" original_xmltv_file.xmltv &gt; new_xmltv_file.xmltv
0369 mv new_xmltv_file.xmltv /tmp/new_xmltv_file.xmltv
0370 </programlisting>
0371 </para>
0372 <para>
0373 Then, set &kaffeine; to use the new <emphasis>/tmp/new_xmltv_file.xmltv</emphasis>
0374 file.
0375 </para>
0377 </sect3>
0378 </sect2>
0379 <sect2 id="dtv-source-settings">
0380 <title>Configuring digital TV sources</title>
0382 <screenshot>
0383 <screeninfo>TV Device Configuration</screeninfo>
0384 <mediaobject>
0385 <imageobject>
0386 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_configure_tv_isdb_device.png" format="PNG"/>
0387 </imageobject>
0388 <textobject>
0389 <phrase>TV Configuration</phrase>
0390 </textobject>
0391 </mediaobject>
0392 </screenshot>
0394 <para>
0395 The <guimenu>Device</guimenu> tabs have the per-device setup. Usually
0396 selecting the country and the city in the <guilabel>Source</guilabel>
0397 combo box (or using one of the Autoscan sources) is enough for non-satellite
0398 configurations.
0399 The same happens for devices that support multiple TV standards. On those
0400 devices, you need to setup the <guilabel>Source</guilabel> for each
0401 TV standard:
0402 </para>
0404 <screenshot>
0405 <screeninfo>Channel Configuration</screeninfo>
0406 <mediaobject>
0407 <imageobject>
0408 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_configure_tv_dvbc_dvbt2_device.png" format="PNG"/>
0409 </imageobject>
0410 <textobject>
0411 <phrase>Channel Configuration</phrase>
0412 </textobject>
0413 </mediaobject>
0414 </screenshot>
0416 <para>
0417 The <guilabel>Tuner timeout</guilabel> specifies the amount of time the
0418 channel scan will wait to get a signal lock. Usually, the default is
0419 enough for most devices, but if the device is too slow to lock, such
0420 value can be increased.
0421 </para>
0423 <para>
0424 The <guilabel>Name</guilabel> specifies the name associated with source
0425 that will appear selecting <guimenu>Television</guimenu> item from the menubar
0426 and <guimenuitem>Channels</guimenuitem> option, for settings panel.
0427 </para>
0429 <sect3 id="dtv-source-settings-satellite">
0430 <title>Satellite devices</title>
0432 <para>
0433 The configuration for satellite devices (DVB-S, DVB-S2) are more complex,
0434 as there are different satellite system arrangements that are possible.
0435 Also, on satellite systems, it is usually up to the device to power up an
0436 amplifier located at the satellite dish - called LNBf - via a DC voltage.
0437 </para>
0438 <para>
0439 Also, as satellite systems use a wide bandwidth and accept signals using
0440 different polarities, it is common to use a protocol - called DiSEqC - in
0441 order to select a range of channels to be received.
0442 </para>
0443 <para>
0444 The first step is to teach &kaffeine; about the satellite configuration
0445 via the <guimenu>Configuration</guimenu> combo box:
0446 </para>
0448 <screenshot>
0449 <screeninfo>Satellite device definitions</screeninfo>
0450 <mediaobject>
0451 <imageobject>
0452 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_configure_tv_dvbs2_device.png" format="PNG"/>
0453 </imageobject>
0454 <textobject>
0455 <phrase>Satellite device definitions</phrase>
0456 </textobject>
0457 </mediaobject>
0458 </screenshot>
0460 <para>
0461 The following values are possible:
0462 </para>
0463 <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
0464 <listitem>
0465 <para>
0466 <parameter>DiSEqC Switch</parameter> - The antenna cable is connected to
0467 a DiSEqC switch or the LNBf requires DiSEqC commands to select a range
0468 of channels. This is the most common setting. It allows having up to 4
0469 satellites connected at the same time, each with its own dish. For each
0470 satellite, you need to set the configuration for the LNBf at the dish
0471 pointing to it.
0472 </para>
0473 </listitem>
0474 <listitem>
0475 <para>
0476 <parameter>USALS Rotor</parameter> - The antenna cable is connected to
0477 a single dish with a USALS Rotor, controlled via DiSEqC. Multiple satellites
0478 can be configured, as the rotor will change the dish position when a different
0479 satellite is chosen. You need to specify the position of the dish
0480 (latitude, longitude).
0481 </para>
0482 </listitem>
0483 <listitem>
0484 <para>
0485 <parameter>Positions Rotor</parameter> - The antenna cable is connected to
0486 a single dish with a Rotor with a set of fixed positions, controlled via
0487 DiSEqC. Multiple satellites can be configured, as the rotor will change the
0488 dish position when a different satellite is chosen.
0489 </para>
0490 </listitem>
0491 <listitem>
0492 <para>
0493 <parameter>Disable DiSEqC</parameter> - The antenna cable is connected
0494 to a dish without any elements supporting DiSEqC. This setup is typically
0495 used with multipoint bandstacked LNBf, where all channels are present at
0496 the same time at the antenna cabling.
0497 </para>
0498 </listitem>
0499 </itemizedlist>
0501 <para>
0502 On a typical satellite system, the LNBf uses the power up voltage to select
0503 between a lower voltage (13V) for vertical or circular right polarization and
0504 a higher voltage (18V) for horizontal or circular left polarization.
0505 However, due to cabling loss, sometimes the LNBf doesn't understand the
0506 high voltage and several channels won't tune or will tune wrong. So, a few
0507 devices offer an option to increase the voltage to a higher setting
0508 (14V or 19V). This is enabled via the tri-state
0509 <guilabel>Use Higher LNBf voltage</guilabel> option. Three values
0510 are possible:
0511 </para>
0513 <itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
0514 <listitem>
0515 <para>
0516 <parameter>tri-state</parameter> - Don't send a command to the device to
0517 adjust the voltage level. That's the default.
0518 </para>
0519 </listitem>
0520 <listitem>
0521 <para>
0522 <parameter>unselected</parameter> - Use normal values (13V/18V) for the
0523 DC voltage. Only select it if the device supports adjusting the level.
0524 </para>
0525 </listitem>
0526 <listitem>
0527 <para>
0528 <parameter>selected</parameter> - Use higher values (14V/19V) for the
0529 DC voltage. Only select it if the device supports adjusting the level.
0530 </para>
0531 </listitem>
0532 </itemizedlist>
0534 </sect3>
0536 <sect3 id="dtv-source-settings-non-rotor">
0537 <title>Configurations without a rotor</title>
0539 <para>
0540 When either <parameter>DiSEqC Switch</parameter> or <parameter>Disable DiSEqC
0541 </parameter> options are used, the first step is to set the satellite that
0542 will be used as a signal source, via a combo box on the right. With a
0543 DiSEqC switch, it is possible to select up to 4 sources.
0544 Each with its own LNBf. After setting the source(s), for each source, click at
0545 the corresponding <guilabel>LNBf Settings</guilabel> button to open a popup
0546 window to select the LNBf type inside the dish that corresponds to the source:
0547 </para>
0549 <screenshot>
0550 <screeninfo>LNBf definitions</screeninfo>
0551 <mediaobject>
0552 <imageobject>
0553 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_configure_tv_lnbf.png" format="PNG"/>
0554 </imageobject>
0555 <textobject>
0556 <phrase>LNBf definitions</phrase>
0557 </textobject>
0558 </mediaobject>
0559 </screenshot>
0561 </sect3>
0563 <sect3 id="dtv-source-settings-rotor">
0564 <title>Rotor configurations</title>
0566 <para>
0567 When a rotor is used, there is just one LNBf which is shared with multiple
0568 satellites. So, the next step is to select the LNBf type via the
0569 <guilabel>LNB Settings</guilabel> dialog.
0570 </para>
0571 <para>
0572 For USALS rotor, the positioning is done via satellite position (latitude,
0573 longitude). So, just select the satellites that will be used via a combo box
0574 and click at the <guilabel>Add Satellite</guilabel> button.
0575 </para>
0576 <para>
0577 For positions rotor, the positioning is done via a preconfigured position
0578 number. So, just select the satellite position at the number dialog on the
0579 left and the satellite via a combo box on the right and click at the
0580 <guilabel>Add Satellite</guilabel> button.
0581 </para>
0582 <para>
0583 If a satellite was added by mistake, you can select the satellite and
0584 click at the <guilabel>Remove Satellite</guilabel> button to remove it.
0585 </para>
0587 </sect3>
0589 </sect2>
0590 <sect2 id="dtv-channel-setup">
0591 <title>Digital TV channel setup</title>
0593 <para>
0594 After clicking on the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button, the next step is to
0595 scan for the digital channels, using the <guimenu>Television</guimenu> item
0596 from the menubar and select <guimenuitem>Channels</guimenuitem> option, for
0597 settings panel:
0598 </para>
0601 <screenshot>
0602 <screeninfo>Scanning Channels</screeninfo>
0603 <mediaobject>
0604 <imageobject>
0605 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_scan_finished_channels_added.png" format="PNG"/>
0606 </imageobject>
0607 <textobject>
0608 <phrase>Scanning Channels</phrase>
0609 </textobject>
0610 </mediaobject>
0611 </screenshot>
0613 <para>
0614 If more then one standard is supported, the <guilabel>Source</guilabel>
0615 combo box will allow you to select the one that will be used to scan. Don't
0616 forget to connect the device's antenna cable to match the standard that
0617 will be used.
0618 </para>
0620 <para>
0621 When &kaffeine; identifies a channel, it reads a <acronym>MPEG-TS</acronym>
0622 table called Network Information Table (<acronym>NIT</acronym>), which contains
0623 information about channels using different tuning parameters transmitted by
0624 the same broadcaster. On certain networks, it is possible that some tuning
0625 parameters to be stored on several <acronym>NIT</acronym> tables
0626 (called <quote>other NITs</quote>). This is more common on some cable and
0627 satellite systems. By selecting <guilabel>Search transponders for other
0628 Networks</guilabel>, &kaffeine; is instructed to wait and parse all other
0629 <acronym>NITs</acronym>, which may make it to find more channels, at the cost
0630 of taking a lot more time to complete the channel scan operation.
0631 </para>
0633 <para>
0634 The channel scan operation is started by clicking on
0635 <guibutton>Start Scan</guibutton>.
0636 Once finished, the discovered channels will appear on the right. These channels can be copied
0637 to the left side by clicking <guibutton>Add Filtered</guibutton>. It is possible to check the tuning parameters
0638 for the channel in the left side by clicking on the <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> button.
0639 Some parameters are adjustable in the window that pops up.
0640 </para>
0642 <screenshot>
0643 <screeninfo>Edit Channel Settings</screeninfo>
0644 <mediaobject>
0645 <imageobject>
0646 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_scan_channel_edit.png" format="PNG"/>
0647 </imageobject>
0648 <textobject>
0649 <phrase>Edit Channel Settings</phrase>
0650 </textobject>
0651 </mediaobject>
0652 </screenshot>
0654 <para>
0655 Once the channels are saved, watching TV is as simple as clicking on the <guibutton>Digital TV</guibutton> button in the main window:
0656 </para>
0658 </sect2>
0659 </sect1>
0660 <sect1 id="dtv-watching">
0661 <title>Watching TV</title>
0663 <screenshot>
0664 <screeninfo>Watching TV</screeninfo>
0665 <mediaobject>
0666 <imageobject>
0667 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_live_tv.png" format="PNG"/>
0668 </imageobject>
0669 <textobject>
0670 <phrase>Watching TV</phrase>
0671 </textobject>
0672 </mediaobject>
0673 </screenshot>
0674 <para>
0675 &kaffeine; also allows you to click on the
0676 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-playback-pause-circular.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
0677 button to pause it.
0678 With this action, &kaffeine; will record the program and once the
0679 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-playback-start-circular.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
0680 button is pressed it will start the program from
0681 the point it was paused, this is known as time shifting. There is also a
0682 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-save.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> button
0683 that allows you to quick record and save the program to disk.
0684 </para>
0686 </sect1>
0687 <sect1 id="program-guide">
0688 <title>Program Guide</title>
0690 <para>
0691 Digital TV channels usually transmit a list of the current and future
0692 attractions. This is called Electronic Program Guide - <acronym>EPG</acronym>.
0693 The EPG data is captured when a channel's content is played.
0694 To see the <acronym>EPG</acronym>, open the <guimenu>Television</guimenu> item
0695 from the menubar and select the <guimenuitem>Program Guide</guimenuitem> option:
0696 </para>
0698 <screenshot>
0699 <screeninfo>Program Guide</screeninfo>
0700 <mediaobject>
0701 <imageobject>
0702 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_program_guide.png" format="PNG"/>
0703 </imageobject>
0704 <textobject>
0705 <phrase>Program Guide</phrase>
0706 </textobject>
0707 </mediaobject>
0708 </screenshot>
0710 <para>
0711 On some Countries, the EPG may be available in multiple languages. By
0712 default, &kaffeine; shows any languages on EPG. If multiple languages
0713 are available for a given EPG entry, and no explicit language content is
0714 select, it will prefix the title, subtitle and description data with a 3
0715 letter language code, as defined by ISO 639-2 specification.
0716 </para>
0718 <para>
0719 The <guilabel>EPG Language</guilabel> option allows filtering just one
0720 language. If enabled, the filter will also be applied to the On
0721 Screen Display - <acronym>OSD</acronym> and to any new scheduled
0722 recordings. It won't affect pre-existing scheduled recordings.
0723 </para>
0725 <para>Besides clicking on the record button
0726 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-save.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
0727 when the live view is opened, &kaffeine; also allows recording a program
0728 via the program guide, by clicking on the
0729 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-record.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject>
0730 <guibutton>Record Show</guibutton> at the
0731 <guimenuitem>Program Guide</guimenuitem> window.
0732 </para>
0734 </sect1>
0735 <sect1 id="recording-schedule">
0736 <title>Recording Schedule</title>
0738 <para>
0739 To see the programs that are scheduled to be recorded, open the
0740 <guimenu>Television</guimenu> item from the menubar and select the
0741 <guimenuitem>Recording Schedule</guimenuitem> option:
0742 </para>
0744 <screenshot>
0745 <screeninfo>Recording Schedule</screeninfo>
0746 <mediaobject>
0747 <imageobject>
0748 <imagedata fileref="kaffeine_recording_schedule_enabled.png" format="PNG"/>
0749 </imageobject>
0750 <textobject>
0751 <phrase>Recording Schedule</phrase>
0752 </textobject>
0753 </mediaobject>
0754 </screenshot>
0756 <para>
0757 By clicking one the <guibutton>New</guibutton> button, it is possible
0758 to directly define a time and duration for a program to be recorded.
0759 In this case, it won't use the EPG definitions.
0760 </para>
0761 <para>
0762 By selecting an existing program and clicking on the
0763 <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> button, you may change the start time
0764 and the record duration. You may also program it to be recorded
0765 weekly or daily.
0766 </para>
0767 <para>
0768 By selecting an existing program and clicking on the
0769 <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button, it will remove the program from
0770 the recording schedule.
0771 </para>
0773 </sect1>
0774 </chapter>
0776 <chapter id="kaffeine-menubar">
0777 <title>The &kaffeine; menubar</title>
0779 <sect1 id="file-menu">
0780 <title>The File Menu</title>
0782 <variablelist>
0784 <varlistentry>
0785 <term><menuchoice>
0786 <shortcut>
0787 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>
0788 </shortcut>
0789 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0790 <guimenuitem>Open...</guimenuitem>
0791 </menuchoice></term>
0792 <listitem><para>
0793 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-open-folder.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Opens the file dialog</action> and allows you to select a local file to play.
0794 </para></listitem>
0795 </varlistentry>
0797 <varlistentry>
0798 <term><menuchoice>
0799 <shortcut>
0800 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>U</keycap></keycombo>
0801 </shortcut>
0802 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0803 <guimenuitem>Open URL...</guimenuitem>
0804 </menuchoice></term>
0805 <listitem><para>
0806 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="text-html.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Open a dialog for text input</action>, so you can enter the &URL; of a supported external media stream.
0807 <!-- TODO: Must add supported Streamings -->
0808 </para></listitem>
0809 </varlistentry>
0811 <varlistentry>
0812 <term><menuchoice>
0813 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0814 <guimenuitem>Open Recent</guimenuitem>
0815 </menuchoice></term>
0816 <listitem><para>
0817 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-open-recent.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Offers a drop-down list to open a local recent resource</action>. It has an <guimenuitem>Clear List</guimenuitem> option to clear that list.
0818 </para></listitem>
0819 </varlistentry>
0821 <varlistentry>
0822 <term><menuchoice>
0823 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0824 <guimenuitem>Play Audio &CD;</guimenuitem>
0825 </menuchoice></term>
0826 <listitem><para>
0827 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-optical-audio.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Select the playback of an Audio &CD;</action> that should already be in the reading drive.
0828 </para></listitem>
0829 </varlistentry>
0831 <varlistentry>
0832 <term><menuchoice>
0833 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0834 <guimenuitem>Play Video &CD;</guimenuitem>
0835 </menuchoice></term>
0836 <listitem><para>
0837 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-optical-video.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Select the playback of a Video &CD;</action> that should already be in the reading drive.
0838 </para></listitem>
0839 </varlistentry>
0841 <varlistentry>
0842 <term><menuchoice>
0843 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0844 <guimenuitem>Play &DVD;</guimenuitem>
0845 </menuchoice></term>
0846 <listitem><para>
0847 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-optical.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Select the playback of a &DVD;</action> that should already be in the reading drive.
0848 </para></listitem>
0849 </varlistentry>
0851 <varlistentry>
0852 <term><menuchoice>
0853 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0854 <guimenuitem>Play &DVD; Folder</guimenuitem>
0855 </menuchoice></term>
0856 <listitem><para>
0857 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-optical.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Opens the file dialog</action> and allows you to select a &DVD; folder to play. This folder contains the raw data found on the &DVD;.
0858 </para></listitem>
0859 </varlistentry>
0861 <varlistentry>
0862 <term><menuchoice>
0863 <shortcut>
0864 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
0865 </shortcut>
0866 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0867 <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0868 </menuchoice></term>
0869 <listitem><para>
0870 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="gtk-quit.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Quits</action> &kaffeine;.
0871 </para></listitem>
0872 </varlistentry>
0874 </variablelist>
0875 </sect1>
0877 <sect1 id="playback-menu">
0878 <title>The Playback Menu</title>
0880 <variablelist>
0882 <varlistentry>
0883 <term><menuchoice>
0884 <shortcut>
0885 <keycombo action="simul">&PgUp;</keycombo>
0886 </shortcut>
0887 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
0888 <guimenuitem>Previous</guimenuitem>
0889 </menuchoice></term>
0890 <listitem><para>
0891 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-skip-backward.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> If you playback two streams or more in one session, <action>will select the previous one</action>.
0892 </para></listitem>
0893 </varlistentry>
0895 <varlistentry>
0896 <term><menuchoice>
0897 <shortcut>
0898 <keycombo action="simul">&Space;</keycombo>
0899 </shortcut>
0900 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
0901 <guimenuitem>Play/Pause</guimenuitem>
0902 </menuchoice></term>
0903 <listitem><para>
0904 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-playback-start.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> and <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-playback-pause.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> icons. <action>With a check box for play a stream or pause</action> what you are watching. On a television's stream will proceed to record it, this is known as <ulink url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_shifting">time shifting</ulink>.
0905 </para></listitem>
0906 </varlistentry>
0908 <varlistentry>
0909 <term><menuchoice>
0910 <shortcut>
0911 <keycombo action="simul">&Backspace;</keycombo>
0912 </shortcut>
0913 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
0914 <guimenuitem>Stop</guimenuitem>
0915 </menuchoice></term>
0916 <listitem><para>
0917 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-playback-stop.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Stop a stream</action> what you are watching.
0918 </para></listitem>
0919 </varlistentry>
0921 <varlistentry>
0922 <term><menuchoice>
0923 <shortcut>
0924 <keycombo action="simul">&PgDn;</keycombo>
0925 </shortcut>
0926 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
0927 <guimenuitem>Next</guimenuitem>
0928 </menuchoice></term>
0929 <listitem><para>
0930 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-skip-forward.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> If you playback two streams or more in one session and you are watching the previous one, <action>will select the next one</action>.
0931 </para></listitem>
0932 </varlistentry>
0934 <varlistentry>
0935 <term><menuchoice>
0936 <shortcut>
0937 <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>F</keycap></keycombo>
0938 </shortcut>
0939 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
0940 <guimenuitem>Full Screen Mode/Exit Full Screen Mode</guimenuitem>
0941 </menuchoice></term>
0942 <listitem><para>
0943 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="view-fullscreen.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> and <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="view-restore.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> icons. <action>Switch the full screen mode</action>.
0944 </para></listitem>
0945 </varlistentry>
0947 <varlistentry>
0948 <term><menuchoice>
0949 <shortcut>
0950 <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>.</keycap></keycombo>
0951 </shortcut>
0952 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
0953 <guimenuitem>Minimal Mode/Exit Minimal Mode</guimenuitem>
0954 </menuchoice></term>
0955 <listitem><para>
0956 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="view-restore.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> and <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="view-fullscreen.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> icons. <action>Switch the minimal mode</action>. A &GUI; mode in a window, where we only have contextual menu and keyboard shortcuts.
0957 </para></listitem>
0958 </varlistentry>
0960 <varlistentry>
0961 <term><menuchoice>
0962 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
0963 <guimenuitem>Subtitle</guimenuitem>
0964 </menuchoice></term>
0965 <listitem><para>
0966 Offers a drop-down list with <action>options related to the subtitle stream(s)</action>.
0967 </para>
0969   <variablelist>
0971   <varlistentry>
0972   <term><menuchoice>
0973   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
0974   <guisubmenu>Subtitle</guisubmenu>
0975   <guimenuitem>off/<replaceable>Name-of-subtitle</replaceable></guimenuitem>
0976   </menuchoice></term>
0977   <listitem><para>
0978   <action>Select the available subtitle</action> from this drop-down list. These subtitles channels will vary depending on the content of the source stream.
0979   </para></listitem>
0980   </varlistentry>
0982   <varlistentry>
0983   <term><menuchoice>
0984   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
0985   <guisubmenu>Subtitle</guisubmenu>
0986   <guimenuitem>Add subtitle file</guimenuitem>
0987   </menuchoice></term>
0988   <listitem><para>
0989   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="application-x-subrip.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> This option is for <action>add a local subtitle file</action> through a file dialog.
0990   </para></listitem>
0991   </varlistentry>
0993 </variablelist>
0994 </listitem>
0995 </varlistentry>
0997 <varlistentry>
0998 <term><menuchoice>
0999 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1000 <guimenuitem>Audio</guimenuitem>
1001 </menuchoice></term>
1002 <listitem><para>
1003 Offers a drop-down list with <action>options related to the audio stream(s)</action>.
1004 </para>
1006   <variablelist>
1008   <varlistentry>
1009   <term><menuchoice>
1010   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1011   <guisubmenu>Audio</guisubmenu>
1012   <guimenuitem>Audio Device</guimenuitem>
1013   </menuchoice></term>
1014   <listitem><para>
1015   Offers a drop-down list shows the <action>available audio devices</action>. Only available if more than one audio device was detected when Kaffeine was started.
1016   </para></listitem>
1017   </varlistentry>
1019   <varlistentry>
1020   <term><menuchoice>
1021   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1022   <guisubmenu>Audio</guisubmenu>
1023   <guimenuitem>Increase Volume</guimenuitem>
1024   </menuchoice></term>
1025   <listitem><para>
1026   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="audio-volume-high.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Raise the audio volume.
1027   The volume can also be raised by positioning the mouse over the media
1028   player region and scrolling the mouse wheel up.
1029   </para></listitem>
1030   </varlistentry>
1032   <varlistentry>
1033   <term><menuchoice>
1034   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1035   <guisubmenu>Audio</guisubmenu>
1036   <guimenuitem>Decrease Volume</guimenuitem>
1037   </menuchoice></term>
1038   <listitem><para>
1039   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="audio-volume-low.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Lower the audio volume.
1040   The volume can also be decreased by positioning the mouse over the media
1041   player region and scrolling the mouse wheel down.
1042   </para></listitem>
1043   </varlistentry>
1045   <varlistentry>
1046   <term><menuchoice>
1047   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1048   <guisubmenu>Audio</guisubmenu>
1049   <guimenuitem>Mute Volume</guimenuitem>
1050   </menuchoice></term>
1051   <listitem><para>
1052   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="audio-volume-medium.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> and <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="audio-volume-muted.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> icons. Silence the audio volume and return it.
1053   </para></listitem>
1054   </varlistentry>
1056 </variablelist>
1057 </listitem>
1058 </varlistentry>
1060 <varlistentry>
1061 <term><menuchoice>
1062 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1063 <guimenuitem>Video</guimenuitem>
1064 </menuchoice></term>
1065 <listitem><para>
1066 Offers a drop-down list with <action>options related to the video stream(s)</action>.
1067 </para>
1069   <variablelist>
1071   <varlistentry>
1072   <term><menuchoice>
1073   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1074   <guisubmenu>Video</guisubmenu>
1075   <guimenuitem>Deinterlace</guimenuitem>
1076   </menuchoice></term>
1077   <listitem><para>
1078   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="format-justify-center.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Offers a drop-down list with available de-interlacing algorithms. <action>Is the process of converting interlaced video</action>, such as common analog television signals and more. See <ulink url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deinterlacing">Wikipedia</ulink> article for more details.
1079   </para></listitem>
1080   </varlistentry>
1082   <varlistentry>
1083   <term><menuchoice>
1084   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1085   <guisubmenu>Video</guisubmenu>
1086   <guimenuitem>Aspect Ratio</guimenuitem>
1087   </menuchoice></term>
1088   <listitem><para>
1089   <action>Offers a drop-down list with available aspect ratios</action>, more an <guimenuitem>Automatic</guimenuitem> option. The <ulink url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspect_ratio_(image)">aspect ratio of an image</ulink> describes the proportional relationship between its width and height.
1090   </para></listitem>
1091   </varlistentry>
1093   <varlistentry>
1094   <term><menuchoice>
1095   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1096   <guisubmenu>Video</guisubmenu>
1097   <guimenuitem>Video size</guimenuitem>
1098   </menuchoice></term>
1099   <listitem><para>
1100   <action>Offers a drop-down list with available video sizes</action>. Change the size of the image by a percentage, more <guimenuitem>Automatic</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Original Size</guimenuitem> options.
1101   </para></listitem>
1102   </varlistentry>
1104 </variablelist>
1105 </listitem>
1106 </varlistentry>
1108 <varlistentry>
1109 <term><menuchoice>
1110 <shortcut>
1111 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>J</keycap></keycombo>
1112 </shortcut>
1113 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1114 <guimenuitem>Jump to Position</guimenuitem>
1115 </menuchoice></term>
1116 <listitem><para>
1117 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="go-jump.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Offers a spin box for setting the desired time point to which you want to go</action>; with hours, minutes and seconds.
1118 </para></listitem>
1119 </varlistentry>
1121 <varlistentry>
1122 <term><menuchoice>
1123 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1124 <guimenuitem>Skip</guimenuitem>
1125 </menuchoice></term>
1126 <listitem><para>
1127 <action>Offers a drop-down list with four predefined jump times</action>. With the following options:
1128 </para>
1130   <variablelist>
1132   <varlistentry>
1133   <term><menuchoice>
1134   <shortcut>
1135   <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;&Left;</keycombo>
1136   </shortcut>
1137   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1138   <guisubmenu>Skip</guisubmenu>
1139   <guimenuitem>Skip 60s Backward</guimenuitem>
1140   </menuchoice></term>
1141   <listitem><para>
1142   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-skip-backward.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>It goes 60 seconds back</action>.
1143   </para></listitem>
1144   </varlistentry>
1146   <varlistentry>
1147   <term><menuchoice>
1148   <shortcut>
1149   <keycombo action="simul">&Left;</keycombo>
1150   </shortcut>
1151   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1152   <guisubmenu>Skip</guisubmenu>
1153   <guimenuitem>Skip 15s Backward</guimenuitem>
1154   </menuchoice></term>
1155   <listitem><para>
1156   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-skip-backward.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>It goes 15 seconds back</action>.
1157   </para></listitem>
1158   </varlistentry>
1160   <varlistentry>
1161   <term><menuchoice>
1162   <shortcut>
1163   <keycombo action="simul">&Right;</keycombo>
1164   </shortcut>
1165   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1166   <guisubmenu>Skip</guisubmenu>
1167   <guimenuitem>Skip 15s Forward</guimenuitem>
1168   </menuchoice></term>
1169   <listitem><para>
1170   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-skip-forward.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>It goes 15 seconds forward</action>.
1171   </para></listitem>
1172   </varlistentry>
1174   <varlistentry>
1175   <term><menuchoice>
1176   <shortcut>
1177   <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;&Right;</keycombo>
1178   </shortcut>
1179   <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1180   <guisubmenu>Skip</guisubmenu>
1181   <guimenuitem>Skip 60s Forward</guimenuitem>
1182   </menuchoice></term>
1183   <listitem><para>
1184   <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-skip-forward.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>It goes 60 seconds forward</action>.
1185   </para></listitem>
1186   </varlistentry>
1188 </variablelist>
1189 </listitem>
1190 </varlistentry>
1192 <varlistentry>
1193 <term><menuchoice>
1194 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1195 <guimenuitem>DVD Menu</guimenuitem>
1196 </menuchoice></term>
1197 <listitem><para>
1198 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-optical-video.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Start with the original &DVD; graphic menu</action>. That is explored using the cursor keys and the mouse. See <ulink url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD-Video">Wikipedia</ulink> article for more details.
1199 </para></listitem>
1200 </varlistentry>
1202 <varlistentry>
1203 <term><menuchoice>
1204 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1205 <guimenuitem>Title</guimenuitem>
1206 </menuchoice></term>
1207 <listitem><para>
1208 <action>The &DVD; content is divided into titles to easy navigation</action>. From here you can go directly.
1209 </para></listitem>
1210 </varlistentry>
1212 <varlistentry>
1213 <term><menuchoice>
1214 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1215 <guimenuitem>Chapter</guimenuitem>
1216 </menuchoice></term>
1217 <listitem><para>
1218 <action>The &DVD; content is divided into chapters to easy navigation</action>. From here you can go directly.
1219 </para></listitem>
1220 </varlistentry>
1222 <varlistentry>
1223 <term><menuchoice>
1224 <guimenu>Playback</guimenu>
1225 <guimenuitem>Angle</guimenuitem>
1226 </menuchoice></term>
1227 <listitem><para>
1228 <action>A variant of the chapters: it is possible that they have included several versions</action> (called <quote>angles</quote>) of certain scenes. From here you can go directly.
1229 </para></listitem>
1230 </varlistentry>
1232 </variablelist>
1233 </sect1>
1235 <sect1 id="playlist-menu">
1236 <title>The Playlist Menu</title>
1238 <variablelist>
1240 <varlistentry>
1241 <term><menuchoice>
1242 <guimenu>Playlist</guimenu>
1243 <guimenuitem>Repeat</guimenuitem>
1244 </menuchoice></term>
1245 <listitem><para>
1246 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-playlist-repeat.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> A check box to <action>replay in a loop the file(s)</action> that are in the playlist.
1247 </para></listitem>
1248 </varlistentry>
1250 <varlistentry>
1251 <term><menuchoice>
1252 <guimenu>Playlist</guimenu>
1253 <guimenuitem>Random</guimenuitem>
1254 </menuchoice></term>
1255 <listitem><para>
1256 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="media-playlist-shuffle.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> A check box to <action>replay randomly the files</action> that are in the playlist until all of them have been played.
1257 </para></listitem>
1258 </varlistentry>
1260 <varlistentry>
1261 <term><menuchoice>
1262 <guimenu>Playlist</guimenu>
1263 <guimenuitem>Clear</guimenuitem>
1264 </menuchoice></term>
1265 <listitem><para>
1266 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="edit-clear-list.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Erase all entries in the playlist</action>.
1267 </para></listitem>
1268 </varlistentry>
1270 <varlistentry>
1271 <term><menuchoice>
1272 <guimenu>Playlist</guimenu>
1273 <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem>
1274 </menuchoice></term>
1275 <listitem><para>
1276 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="list-add.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Create a new playlist</action>.
1277 </para></listitem>
1278 </varlistentry>
1280 <varlistentry>
1281 <term><menuchoice>
1282 <guimenu>Playlist</guimenu>
1283 <guimenuitem>Rename</guimenuitem>
1284 </menuchoice></term>
1285 <listitem><para>
1286 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="edit-rename.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Rename the current playlist</action>.
1287 </para></listitem>
1288 </varlistentry>
1290 <varlistentry>
1291 <term><menuchoice>
1292 <guimenu>Playlist</guimenu>
1293 <guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem>
1294 </menuchoice></term>
1295 <listitem><para>
1296 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="edit-delete.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Remove the current playlist</action>.
1297 </para></listitem>
1298 </varlistentry>
1300 <varlistentry>
1301 <term><menuchoice>
1302 <shortcut>
1303 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>
1304 </shortcut>
1305 <guimenu>Playlist</guimenu>
1306 <guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem>
1307 </menuchoice></term>
1308 <listitem><para>
1309 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-save.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Save the current playlist</action>.
1310 </para></listitem>
1311 </varlistentry>
1313 <varlistentry>
1314 <term><menuchoice>
1315 <shortcut>
1316 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>
1317 </shortcut>
1318 <guimenu>Playlist</guimenu>
1319 <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem>
1320 </menuchoice></term>
1321 <listitem><para>
1322 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-save-as.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Save the current playlist with a new name</action>.
1323 </para></listitem>
1324 </varlistentry>
1326 </variablelist>
1327 </sect1>
1329 <sect1 id="television-menu">
1330 <title>The Television Menu</title>
1332 <variablelist>
1334 <varlistentry>
1335 <term><menuchoice>
1336 <shortcut>
1337 <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>
1338 </shortcut>
1339 <guimenu>Television</guimenu>
1340 <guimenuitem>Channels</guimenuitem>
1341 </menuchoice></term>
1342 <listitem><para><action>
1343 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="video-television.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> A settings panel will appear for <action>set the channels</action> corresponding to your area. See <link linkend="dtv-channel-setup">Digital TV channel setup</link> section for more details.
1344 </action></para></listitem>
1345 </varlistentry>
1347 <varlistentry>
1348 <term><menuchoice>
1349 <shortcut>
1350 <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>G</keycap></keycombo>
1351 </shortcut>
1352 <guimenu>Television</guimenu>
1353 <guimenuitem>Program Guide</guimenuitem>
1354 </menuchoice></term>
1355 <listitem><para>
1356 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="view-list-details.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> A window will appear for <action>manage the program guide</action>. See <link linkend="program-guide">Program Guide</link> section for more details.
1357 </para></listitem>
1358 </varlistentry>
1360 <varlistentry>
1361 <term><menuchoice>
1362 <shortcut>
1363 <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>
1364 </shortcut>
1365 <guimenu>Television</guimenu>
1366 <guimenuitem>OSD</guimenuitem>
1367 </menuchoice></term>
1368 <listitem><para>
1369 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="dialog-information.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> <action>Show the on screen display infobox on the playback window during three seconds</action> with program guide information on the current and next program. Double-clicking on it to see extended information about the current program, and then click again to remove this infobox. See <ulink url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On-screen_display">Wikipedia</ulink> article for more details.
1370 </para></listitem>
1371 </varlistentry>
1373 <varlistentry>
1374 <term><menuchoice>
1375 <shortcut>
1376 <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>R</keycap></keycombo>
1377 </shortcut>
1378 <guimenu>Television</guimenu>
1379 <guimenuitem>Recording Schedule</guimenuitem>
1380 </menuchoice></term>
1381 <listitem><para>
1382 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="view-pim-calendar.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> A window will appear for <action>manage the recording(s) scheduled</action>. See <link linkend="recording-schedule">Recording Schedule</link> section for more details.
1383 </para></listitem>
1384 </varlistentry>
1386 <varlistentry>
1387 <term><menuchoice>
1388 <guimenu>Television</guimenu>
1389 <guimenuitem>Instant Record</guimenuitem>
1390 </menuchoice></term>
1391 <listitem><para>
1392 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-save.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> With a check box to verify your selection. <action>Start instantly recording of the stream that is being played</action>.
1393 </para></listitem>
1394 </varlistentry>
1396 <varlistentry>
1397 <term><menuchoice>
1398 <guimenu>Television</guimenu>
1399 <guimenuitem>Configure Television...</guimenuitem>
1400 </menuchoice></term>
1401 <listitem><para>
1402 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="configure.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> A window will appear for <action>setting the parameters that manage the DVB device(s)</action>. See <link linkend="digital-tv">Digital TV configuration</link> section for more details.
1403 </para></listitem>
1404 </varlistentry>
1406 </variablelist>
1407 </sect1>
1409 <sect1 id="settings-menu">
1410 <title>The Settings Menu</title> 
1412 <para>
1413 In order to simplify the use of the &kaffeine;, this menu only contains two menu items:
1414 </para>
1416 <variablelist>
1418 <varlistentry>
1419 <term><menuchoice>
1420 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
1421 <guimenuitem>Configure Shortcuts...</guimenuitem>
1422 </menuchoice></term>
1423 <listitem><para>
1424 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="configure-shortcuts.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Allows you to enable, disable, and modify keyboard shortcuts. For more information, see the section called <quote>Using and Customizing Shortcuts</quote>.
1425 </para></listitem>
1426 </varlistentry>
1428 <varlistentry>
1429 <term><menuchoice>
1430 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
1431 <guimenuitem>Configure &kaffeine;...</guimenuitem>
1432 </menuchoice></term>
1433 <listitem><para>
1434 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="configure.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Opens the configuration panel.
1435 </para></listitem>
1436 </varlistentry>
1437 </variablelist>
1439 </sect1>
1441 <sect1 id="help-menu">
1442 <title>The Help Menu</title> 
1443 <para>
1444 &kaffeine; has the common &kde; <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu items, for more information read the sections about the <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink> of the &kde; Fundamentals.
1445 </para>
1446 </sect1>
1447 </chapter>
1449 <chapter id="credits">
1450 <title>Copyright and License</title>
1452 <para>
1453 Program copyright 2007-2018, The &kaffeine; Authors.
1454 </para>
1456 <para>
1457 Documentation copyright 2003-2005, Jürgen Kofler <email>kaffeine@gmx.net</email>,
1458 Christophe Thommeret <email>hftom@free.fr</email>, Mauro Carvalho Chehab <email>mchehab+kde@kernel.org</email>
1459 </para>
1461 &underFDL;
1462 &underGPL;
1464 </chapter>
1466 &documentation.index;
1467 </book>
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