File indexing completed on 2024-10-06 04:26:02

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003-2008 Sebastian Trueg <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Michal Malek <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1998-2008 Sebastian Trueg <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0006 */
0009 #include <config-k3b.h>
0012 #include "k3bsystemproblemdialog.h"
0013 #include "k3b.h"
0014 #include "k3bapplication.h"
0015 #include "k3bthemedheader.h"
0016 #include "k3btitlelabel.h"
0017 #include "k3bexternalbinmanager.h"
0018 #include "k3bstdguiitems.h"
0019 #include "k3bdevicemanager.h"
0020 #include "k3bdevice.h"
0021 #include "k3bversion.h"
0022 #include "k3bglobals.h"
0023 #include "k3bpluginmanager.h"
0024 #include "k3bplugin.h"
0025 #include "k3bthememanager.h"
0026 #include "k3bcore.h"
0028 #include <KColorScheme>
0029 #include <KConfigGroup>
0030 #include <KSharedConfig>
0031 #include <KProcess>
0032 #include <KNotification>
0033 #include <KLocalizedString>
0034 #include <KMessageBox>
0035 #include <KStandardGuiItem>
0037 #include <QFileInfo>
0038 #include <QList>
0039 #include <QCloseEvent>
0040 #include <QIcon>
0041 #include <QCheckBox>
0042 #include <QDialogButtonBox>
0043 #include <QGridLayout>
0044 #include <QHBoxLayout>
0045 #include <QPushButton>
0046 #include <QTextEdit>
0048 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV
0049 #include <langinfo.h>
0050 #endif
0052 #ifdef HAVE_FSTAB_H
0053 #include <fstab.h>
0054 #endif
0055 #include <unistd.h>
0058 static QString markupString( const QString& s_ )
0059 {
0060     QString s(s_);
0061     s.replace( '<', "&lt;" );
0062     s.replace( '>', "&gt;" );
0063     return s;
0064 }
0067 K3b::SystemProblem::SystemProblem( Type t,
0068                                    const QString& p,
0069                                    const QString& d,
0070                                    const QString& s )
0071     : type(t),
0072       problem(p),
0073       details(d),
0074       solution(s)
0075 {
0076 }
0079 K3b::SystemProblemDialog::SystemProblemDialog( const QList<K3b::SystemProblem>& problems,
0080                                                bool showDeviceSettingsButton,
0081                                                bool showBinSettingsButton,
0082                                                bool forceCheck,
0083                                                QWidget* parent)
0084     : QDialog( parent )
0085 {
0086     setWindowTitle( i18n("System Configuration Problems") );
0087     // setup the title
0088     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0089     K3b::ThemedHeader* titleFrame = new K3b::ThemedHeader( this );
0090     titleFrame->setTitle( i18n("System Configuration Problems"),
0091                           i18np("1 problem", "%1 problems", problems.count() ) );
0093     QDialogButtonBox* buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox( this );
0094     connect( buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(accept()) );
0095     connect( buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(reject()) );
0097     if( showDeviceSettingsButton || showBinSettingsButton ) {
0098         QPushButton* configureButton = buttonBox->addButton( i18n("Configure K3b..."), QDialogButtonBox::NoRole );
0099         if( showDeviceSettingsButton ) {
0100             connect( configureButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotShowDeviceSettings()) );
0101         } else if( showBinSettingsButton ) {
0102             connect( configureButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotShowBinSettings()) );
0103        }
0104     }
0106     buttonBox->addButton( QDialogButtonBox::Close );
0108     m_checkDontShowAgain = new QCheckBox( i18n("Do not show again"), this );
0109     m_checkDontShowAgain->setVisible(!forceCheck);
0111     // setup the problem view
0112     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0113     QTextEdit* view = new QTextEdit( this );
0114     view->setReadOnly(true);
0116     // layout everything
0117     QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout( this );
0118     grid->addWidget( titleFrame, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
0119     grid->addWidget( view, 1, 0, 1, 2 );
0120     grid->addWidget( m_checkDontShowAgain, 2, 0 );
0121     grid->addWidget( buttonBox, 2, 1 );
0122     grid->setColumnStretch( 0, 1 );
0123     grid->setRowStretch( 1, 1 );
0125     const KColorScheme colorScheme( QPalette::Normal, KColorScheme::Button );
0126     const QColor negativeTextColor = colorScheme.foreground( KColorScheme::NegativeText ).color();
0128     QString text = "<html>";
0130     for( QList<K3b::SystemProblem>::const_iterator it = problems.constBegin();
0131          it != problems.constEnd(); ++it ) {
0132         const K3b::SystemProblem& p = *it;
0134         text.append( "<p><b>" );
0135         if( p.type == K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL ) {
0136             text.append( QString("<span style=\"color:%1\">").arg( ) );
0137         }
0138         text.append( markupString( p.problem ) );
0139         if( p.type == K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL )
0140             text.append( "</span>" );
0141         text.append( "</b><br>" );
0142         text.append( markupString( p.details ) + "<br>" );
0143         if( !p.solution.isEmpty() )
0144             text.append( "<i>" + i18n("Solution") + "</i>: " + p.solution );
0145         text.append( "</p>" );
0146     }
0148     text.append( "</html>" );
0150     view->setText(text);
0151     view->moveCursor( QTextCursor::Start );
0152     view->ensureCursorVisible();
0153 }
0156 void K3b::SystemProblemDialog::done(int r)
0157 {
0158     if (m_checkDontShowAgain->isChecked()) {
0159         KConfigGroup grp(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QStringLiteral("General Options"));
0160         grp.writeEntry("check system config", false);
0161     }
0162     QDialog::done(r);
0163 }
0166 void K3b::SystemProblemDialog::checkSystem(QWidget* parent, NotificationLevel level, bool forceCheck)
0167 {
0168     QList<K3b::SystemProblem> problems;
0169     bool showDeviceSettingsButton = false;
0170     bool showBinSettingsButton = false;
0172     if (!forceCheck && !readCheckSystemConfig())
0173         return;
0175     const K3b::ExternalBin* cdrecordBin = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord");
0177     if( k3bcore->deviceManager()->allDevices().isEmpty() ) {
0178         problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0179                                            i18n("No optical drive found."),
0180                                            i18n("K3b did not find any optical device in your system."),
0182                                            i18n("Make sure HAL daemon is running, it is used by K3b for finding devices.")
0183 #else
0184                                            QString()
0185 #endif
0186                                            ) );
0187     }
0188     else if( k3bcore->deviceManager()->cdWriter().isEmpty() ) {
0189         problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::NON_CRITICAL,
0190                                            i18n("No CD/DVD/BD writer found."),
0191                                            i18n("K3b did not find an optical writing device in your system. Thus, "
0192                                                 "you will not be able to burn CDs or DVDs. However, you can still "
0193                                                 "use other K3b features such as audio track extraction, audio "
0194                                                 "transcoding or ISO 9660 image creation."),
0195                                            QString() ) );
0196     }
0197     else {
0198         // 1. cdrecord, cdrdao
0199         if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binNeedGroup( "cdrecord" ).isEmpty() ) {
0200             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0201                                                i18n("Insufficient permissions for %1 executable: %2",QString("cdrecord"),k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binPath("cdrecord")),
0202                                                i18n("K3b uses cdrecord to actually write CDs."),
0203                                                i18n("Check permissions via Settings -> Configure K3b... -> Programs -> Permissions. "
0204                                                     "If K3b's default value is set make sure you are member of \"%1\" group.", k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binNeedGroup( "cdrecord" )) ) );
0205         }
0206         else if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin( "cdrecord" ) ) {
0207             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0208                                                i18n("Unable to find %1 executable",QString("cdrecord")),
0209                                                i18n("K3b uses cdrecord to actually write CDs."),
0210                                                i18n("Install the cdrtools package which contains "
0211                                                     "cdrecord.") ) );
0212         }
0213         else {
0214             if( cdrecordBin && cdrecordBin->hasFeature( "outdated" ) ) {
0215                 problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::NON_CRITICAL,
0216                                                    i18n("Used %1 version %2 is outdated",QString("cdrecord"),QString(cdrecordBin->version())),
0217                                                    i18n("Although K3b supports all cdrtools versions since "
0218                                                         "1.10 it is highly recommended to at least use "
0219                                                         "version 2.0."),
0220                                                    i18n("Install a more recent version of the cdrtools.") ) );
0221             }
0223 #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
0225             //
0226             // Since kernel 2.6.8 older cdrecord versions are not able to use the SCSI subsystem when running suid root anymore
0227             // So far we ignore the suid root issue with kernel >= 2.6.8 and cdrecord < 2.01.01a02
0228             //
0229             // Kernel 2.6.16.something seems to introduce another problem which was apparently worked around in cdrecord 2.01.01a05
0230             //
0231             if( K3b::simpleKernelVersion() >= K3b::Version( 2, 6, 8 ) && cdrecordBin &&
0232                 cdrecordBin->version() < K3b::Version( 2, 1, 1, "a05" ) && !cdrecordBin->hasFeature( "wodim" ) ) {
0233                 if( cdrecordBin->hasFeature( "suidroot" ) ) {
0234                     showBinSettingsButton = true;
0235                     problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0236                                                          i18n("%1 will be run with root privileges on kernel >= 2.6.8",QString("cdrecord <= 2.01.01a05")),
0237                                                          i18n("Since Linux kernel 2.6.8 %1 will not work when run suid "
0238                                                               "root for security reasons anymore.",
0239                                                          QLatin1String( "cdrecord <= 2.01.01a05") ),
0240                                                          i18n("Click \"Configure K3b...\" to solve this problem.") ) );
0241                 }
0242             }
0244             else if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "cdrecord" )->hasFeature( "suidroot" ) && getuid() != 0 ) { // not root
0245                 showBinSettingsButton = true;
0246                 problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0247                                                      i18n("%1 will be run without root privileges",QString("cdrecord")),
0248                                                      i18n("It is highly recommended to configure cdrecord "
0249                                                           "to run with root privileges, as then cdrecord "
0250                                                           "runs with high priority that increases the overall "
0251                                                           "stability of the burning process. As well as this, "
0252                                                           "it allows the size of the burning buffer to be changed, "
0253                                                           "and a lot of user problems can be solved this way."),
0254                                                      i18n("Click \"Configure K3b...\" to solve this problem.") ) );
0255             }
0257 #endif
0258         }
0260         if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binNeedGroup( "cdrdao" ).isEmpty() ) {
0261             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0262                                                i18n("Insufficient permissions for %1 executable: %2",QString("cdrdao"),k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binPath("cdrdao")),
0263                                                i18n("K3b uses cdrdao to actually write CDs."),
0264                                                i18n("Check permissions via Settings -> Configure K3b... -> Programs -> Permissions. "
0265                                                     "If K3b's default value is set make sure you are member of \"%1\" group.", k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binNeedGroup( "cdrdao" )) ) ) ;
0266         }
0268         else if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin( "cdrdao" ) ) {
0269             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0270                                                i18n("Unable to find %1 executable",QString("cdrdao")),
0271                                                i18n("K3b uses cdrdao to actually write CDs."),
0272                                                i18n("Install the cdrdao package.") ) );
0273         }
0274         else {
0275 #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
0277             if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "cdrdao" )->hasFeature( "suidroot" ) && getuid() != 0 ) {
0278                 showBinSettingsButton = true;
0279                 problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0280                                                      i18n("%1 will be run without root privileges",QString("cdrdao")),
0281                                                      i18n("It is highly recommended to configure cdrdao "
0282                                                           "to run with root privileges to increase the "
0283                                                           "overall stability of the burning process."),
0284                                                      i18n("Click \"Configure K3b...\" to solve this problem.") ) );
0285             }
0287 #endif
0288         }
0290         if (!k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin("cdrskin")) {
0291             problems.append(K3b::SystemProblem(K3b::SystemProblem::NON_CRITICAL,
0292                 i18n("Unable to find %1 executable", QString("cdrskin")),
0293                 i18n("Cdrskin can substitute for cdrecord with data and audio"
0294                      " CD, and for growisofs with DVD and BD."),
0295                 i18n("Consider to install the libburn and cdrskin packages.")));
0296         }
0297     }
0300     if( !k3bcore->deviceManager()->dvdWriter().isEmpty() ) {
0302         if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binNeedGroup( "growisofs" ).isEmpty() ) {
0303             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0304                                                i18n("Insufficient permissions for %1 executable: %2",QString("growisofs"),k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binPath("growisofs")),
0305                                                i18n("K3b uses growisofs to actually write DVDs. "
0306                                                     "Without growisofs you will not be able to write DVDs. "
0307                                                     "Make sure to install at least version 5.10."),
0308                                                i18n("Check permissions via Settings -> Configure K3b... -> Programs -> Permissions. "
0309                                                     "If K3b's default value is set make sure you are member of \"%1\" group.", k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binNeedGroup( "growisofs" )) ) );
0310         }
0312         else if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin( "growisofs" ) ) {
0313             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0314                                                i18n("Unable to find %1 executable",QString("growisofs")),
0315                                                i18n("K3b uses growisofs to actually write DVDs. "
0316                                                     "Without growisofs you will not be able to write DVDs. "
0317                                                     "Make sure to install at least version 5.10."),
0318                                                i18n("Install the dvd+rw-tools package.") ) );
0319         }
0320         else {
0321             if( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" )->version() < K3b::Version( 5, 10 ) ) {
0322                 problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0323                                                    i18n("Used %1 version %2 is outdated",QString("growisofs"),k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" )->version()),
0324                                                    i18n("K3b needs at least growisofs version 5.10 to write DVDs. "
0325                                                         "All older versions will not work and K3b will refuse to use them."),
0326                                                    i18n("Install a more recent version of %1.",QString("growisofs")) ) );
0327             }
0328             else if( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" )->version() < K3b::Version( 5, 12 ) ) {
0329                 problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::NON_CRITICAL,
0330                                                    i18n("Used %1 version %2 is outdated",QString("growisofs"),k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" )->version()),
0331                                                    i18n("K3b will not be able to copy DVDs on-the-fly or write a DVD+RW in multiple "
0332                                                         "sessions using a growisofs "
0333                                                         "version older than 5.12."),
0334                                                    i18n("Install a more recent version of %1.",QString("growisofs")) ) );
0335             }
0336             else if( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" )->version() < K3b::Version( 7, 0 ) ) {
0337                 problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::NON_CRITICAL,
0338                                                    i18n("Used %1 version %2 is outdated",QString("growisofs"),k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" )->version()),
0339                                                    i18n("It is highly recommended to use growisofs 7.0 or higher. "
0340                                                         "K3b will not be able to write a DVD+RW in multiple "
0341                                                         "sessions using a growisofs version older than 7.0." ),
0342                                                    i18n("Install a more recent version of %1.",QString("growisofs")) ) );
0343             }
0344 //            // for now we ignore the suid root bit because of the memorylocked issue
0345 //            else if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" )->hasFeature( "suidroot" ) ) {
0346 //                showBinSettingsButton = true;
0347 //                problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0348 //                                                     i18n("%1 will be run without root privileges","growisofs"),
0349 //                                                     i18n("It is highly recommended to configure growisofs "
0350 //                                                          "to run with root privileges. Only then growisofs "
0351 //                                                          "runs with high priority which increases the overall "
0352 //                                                          "stability of the burning process."),
0353 //                                                     i18n("Click \"Configure K3b...\" to solve this problem.") ) );
0354 //            }
0355         }
0357         if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin( "dvd+rw-format" ) ) {
0358             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0359                                                i18n("Unable to find %1 executable",QString("dvd+rw-format")),
0360                                                i18n("K3b uses dvd+rw-format to format DVD-RWs and DVD+RWs."),
0361                                                i18n("Install the dvd+rw-tools package.") ) );
0362         }
0363     }
0365     if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin( "mkisofs" ) ) {
0367     }
0368     else if( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "mkisofs" )->hasFeature( "outdated" ) ) {
0369         problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0370                                            i18n("Used %1 version %2 is outdated",
0371                                                 QString("mkisofs"),
0372                                                 k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "mkisofs" )->version()),
0373                                            i18n("K3b needs at least mkisofs version 1.14. Older versions may introduce problems "
0374                                                 "when creating data projects."),
0375                                            i18n("Install a more recent version of %1.",QString("mkisofs")) ) );
0376     }
0378     // 2. device check
0379 #ifdef __GNUC__
0380 #warning Make sure we have a proper new kernel and cdrecord for simple dev= stuff
0381 #endif
0382     bool atapiWriter = false;
0383     bool dvd_r_dl = false;
0384     QList<K3b::Device::Device *> items(k3bcore->deviceManager()->readingDevices());
0385     for( QList<K3b::Device::Device *>::const_iterator it = items.constBegin();
0386          it != items.constEnd(); ++it ) {
0387         if( (*it)->type() & K3b::Device::DEVICE_DVD_R_DL )
0388             dvd_r_dl = true;
0389     }
0391 #ifdef HAVE_FSTAB_H
0392     // check automounted devices
0393     QList<K3b::Device::Device*> automountedDevices = checkForAutomounting();
0394     for( QList<K3b::Device::Device *>::const_iterator it = automountedDevices.constBegin();
0395          it != automountedDevices.constEnd(); ++it ) {
0396         problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::NON_CRITICAL,
0397                                            i18n("Device %1 - %2 is automounted.",
0398                                                 (*it)->vendor(),(*it)->description()),
0399                                            i18n("K3b is not able to unmount automounted devices. Thus, especially "
0400                                                 "DVD+RW rewriting might fail. There is no need to report this as "
0401                                                 "a bug or feature wish; it is not possible to solve this problem "
0402                                                 "from within K3b."),
0403                                            i18n("Replace the automounting entries in /etc/fstab with old-fashioned "
0404                                                 "ones or use a user-space mounting solution like pmount or ivman.") ) );
0405     }
0407 #endif
0408     if( atapiWriter ) {
0409         if( !K3b::plainAtapiSupport() &&
0410             !K3b::hackedAtapiSupport() ) {
0411             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0412                                                i18n("No ATAPI writing support in kernel"),
0413                                                i18n("Your kernel does not support writing without "
0414                                                     "SCSI emulation but there is at least one "
0415                                                     "writer in your system not configured to use "
0416                                                     "SCSI emulation."),
0417                                                i18n("The best and recommended solution is to enable "
0418                                                     "ide-scsi (SCSI emulation) for all devices. "
0419                                                     "This way you will not have any problems. "
0420                                                     "Be aware that you may still enable DMA on ide-scsi "
0421                                                     "emulated drives.") ) );
0422         }
0423         else {
0424             // we have atapi support in some way in the kernel
0426             if( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin( "cdrecord" ) ) {
0428                 if( !( cdrecordBin->hasFeature( "hacked-atapi" ) &&
0429                        K3b::hackedAtapiSupport() ) &&
0430                     !( cdrecordBin->hasFeature( "plain-atapi" ) &&
0431                        K3b::plainAtapiSupport() ) ) {
0432                     problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0433                                                        i18n("%1 %2 does not support ATAPI",QString("cdrecord"),cdrecordBin->version()),
0434                                                        i18n("The configured version of %1 does not "
0435                                                             "support writing to ATAPI devices without "
0436                                                             "SCSI emulation and there is at least one writer "
0437                                                             "in your system not configured to use "
0438                                                             "SCSI emulation.",QString("cdrecord")),
0439                                                        i18n("The best, and recommended, solution is to use "
0440                                                             "ide-scsi (SCSI emulation) for all writer devices: "
0441                                                             "this way you will not have any problems; or, you can install "
0442                                                             "(or select as the default) a more recent version of %1.",QString("cdrtools")) ) );
0443                 }
0444             }
0446             if( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin( "cdrdao" ) ) {
0448                 if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "cdrdao" )->hasFeature( "hacked-atapi" ) &&
0449                     !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "cdrdao" )->hasFeature( "plain-atapi") ) {
0450                     // FIXME: replace ">" with "&gt;"
0451                     problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0452                                                        i18n("%1 %2 does not support ATAPI",
0453                                                             QLatin1String( "cdrdao"),
0454                                                             k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrdao")->version().toString() ),
0455                                                        i18n("The configured version of %1 does not "
0456                                                             "support writing to ATAPI devices without "
0457                                                             "SCSI emulation and there is at least one writer "
0458                                                             "in your system not configured to use "
0459                                                             "SCSI emulation.", QLatin1String( "cdrdao" ) ),
0460                                                        K3b::simpleKernelVersion() > K3b::Version( 2, 5, 0 )
0461                                                        ? i18n("Install cdrdao >= 1.1.8 which supports writing to "
0462                                                               "ATAPI devices directly.")
0463                                                        : i18n("The best, and recommended, solution is to use "
0464                                                               "ide-scsi (SCSI emulation) for all writer devices: "
0465                                                               "this way you will not have any problems; or, you can install "
0466                                                               "(or select as the default) a more recent version of %1.",
0467                                                               QString("cdrdao")) ) );
0468                 }
0469             }
0470         }
0471     }
0473     if( dvd_r_dl && k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin( "growisofs" ) && k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binNeedGroup( "growisofs" ).isEmpty() ) {
0474         if( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" )->version() < K3b::Version( 6, 0 ) ) {
0475             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::NON_CRITICAL,
0476                                                i18n("Used %1 version %2 is outdated",QString("growisofs"),k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject( "growisofs" )->version()),
0477                                                i18n("K3b will not be able to write DVD-R Dual Layer media using a growisofs "
0478                                                     "version older than 6.0."),
0479                                                i18n("Install a more recent version of growisofs.") ) );
0480         }
0481     }
0483     QList<K3b::Device::Device *> items2(k3bcore->deviceManager()->allDevices());
0484     for( QList<K3b::Device::Device *>::const_iterator it = items2.constBegin();
0485          it != items2.constEnd(); ++it ) {
0486         K3b::Device::Device* dev = (*it);
0487 #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
0488         if( !QFileInfo( dev->blockDeviceName() ).isWritable() ) {
0489             showDeviceSettingsButton = true;
0490             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0491                                                i18n("No write access to device %1",dev->blockDeviceName()),
0492                                                i18n("K3b needs write access to all the devices to perform certain tasks. "
0493                                                     "Without it you might encounter problems with %1 - %2",dev->vendor(),dev->description()),
0494                                                i18n("Make sure you have write access to %1. In case you are not using "
0495                                                     "devfs or udev click \"Modify Permissions...\" and setup permissions by hand.",dev->blockDeviceName()) ) );
0496         }
0498         if( !dmaActivated( dev ) ) {
0499             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL,
0500                                                i18n("DMA disabled on device %1 - %2",dev->vendor(),dev->description()),
0501                                                i18n("With most modern CD/DVD/BD devices enabling DMA highly increases "
0502                                                     "read/write performance. If you experience very low writing speeds "
0503                                                     "this is probably the cause."),
0504                                                i18n("Enable DMA temporarily as root with 'hdparm -d 1 %1'.",dev->blockDeviceName()) ) );
0505         }
0506 #endif
0507     }
0510     //
0511     // Check if the user specified some user parameters and warn about it
0512     //
0513     const QMap<QString, K3b::ExternalProgram*>& programMap = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->programs();
0514     for( QMap<QString, K3b::ExternalProgram*>::const_iterator it = programMap.constBegin();
0515          it != programMap.constEnd(); ++it ) {
0516         const K3b::ExternalProgram* p = *it;
0517         if( !p->userParameters().isEmpty() ) {
0518             problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::WARNING,
0519                                                i18n("User parameters specified for external program %1",p->name()),
0520                                                i18n("Sometimes it may be necessary to specify user parameters in addition to "
0521                                                     "the parameters generated by K3b. This is simply a warning to make sure that "
0522                                                     "these parameters are really wanted and will not be part of some bug report."),
0523                                                i18n("To remove the user parameters for the external program %1 open the "
0524                                                     "K3b settings page 'Programs' and choose the tab 'User Parameters'."
0525                                                     ,p->name()) ) );
0526         }
0527     }
0529     //
0530     // Way too many users are complaining about K3b not being able to decode mp3 files. So just warn them about
0531     // the legal restrictions with many distros
0532     //
0533     QList<K3b::Plugin*> plugins = k3bcore->pluginManager()->plugins( "AudioDecoder" );
0534     bool haveMp3Decoder = false;
0535     for( QList<K3b::Plugin*>::const_iterator it = plugins.constBegin();
0536          it != plugins.constEnd(); ++it ) {
0537         const KPluginMetaData &metaData = (*it)->pluginMetaData();
0538         if (metaData.isValid() && metaData.pluginId() == "k3bmaddecoder" ) {
0539             haveMp3Decoder = true;
0540             break;
0541         }
0542     }
0543     if( !haveMp3Decoder ) {
0544         problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::WARNING,
0545                                            i18n("MP3 Audio Decoder plugin not found."),
0546                                            i18n("K3b could not load or find the MP3 decoder plugin. This means that you will not "
0547                                                 "be able to create Audio CDs from MP3 files. Many Linux distributions do not "
0548                                                 "include MP3 support for legal reasons."),
0549                                            i18n("To enable MP3 support, please install the MAD MP3 decoding library as well as the "
0550                                                 "K3b MAD MP3 decoder plugin (the latter may already be installed but not functional "
0551                                                 "due to the missing libmad). Some distributions allow installation of MP3 support "
0552                                                 "via an online update tool.") ) );
0553     }
0555 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV
0556     char* codec = nl_langinfo( CODESET );
0557     if( strcmp( codec, "ANSI_X3.4-1968" ) == 0 ) {
0558         //
0559         // On a glibc system the system locale defaults to ANSI_X3.4-1968
0560         // It is very unlikely that one would set the locale to ANSI_X3.4-1968
0561         // intentionally
0562         //
0563         problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::WARNING,
0564                                            i18n("System locale charset is ANSI_X3.4-1968"),
0565                                            i18n("Your system's locale charset (i.e. the charset used to encode filenames) "
0566                                                 "is set to ANSI_X3.4-1968. It is highly unlikely that this has been done "
0567                                                 "intentionally. Most likely the locale is not set at all. An invalid setting "
0568                                                 "will result in problems when creating data projects."),
0569                                            i18n("To properly set the locale charset make sure the LC_* environment variables "
0570                                                 "are set. Normally the distribution setup tools take care of this.") ) );
0571     }
0572 #endif
0575     //
0576     // Never run K3b as root and especially not suid root! The latter is not possible anyway since
0577     // the kdelibs refuse it.
0578     //
0579     if( ::getuid() == 0 ) {
0580         showDeviceSettingsButton = true;
0581         problems.append( K3b::SystemProblem( K3b::SystemProblem::WARNING,
0582                                            i18n("Running K3b as root user"),
0583                                            i18n("It is not recommended to run K3b under the root user account. "
0584                                                 "This introduces unnecessary security risks."),
0585                                            i18n("Run K3b from a proper user account and setup the device and "
0586                                                 "external tool permissions appropriately.")
0587                                            + ' ' + i18n("The latter can be done via \"Configure K3b...\".")
0588                                            ) );
0589     }
0592     qDebug() << "(K3b::Core) System problems:";
0593     for( QList<K3b::SystemProblem>::const_iterator it = problems.constBegin();
0594          it != problems.constEnd(); ++it ) {
0595         const K3b::SystemProblem& p = *it;
0597         switch( p.type ) {
0598         case K3b::SystemProblem::CRITICAL:
0599             qDebug() << " CRITICAL";
0600             break;
0601         case K3b::SystemProblem::NON_CRITICAL:
0602             qDebug() << " NON_CRITICAL";
0603             break;
0604         case K3b::SystemProblem::WARNING:
0605             qDebug() << " WARNING";
0606             break;
0607         }
0608         qDebug() << " PROBLEM:  " << p.problem << Qt::endl
0609                  << " DETAILS:  " << p.details << Qt::endl
0610                  << " SOLUTION: " << p.solution << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
0612     }
0613     if( problems.isEmpty() ) {
0614         qDebug() << "          - none - ";
0615         if( level == AlwaysNotify ) {
0616             KNotification::event( "NoProblemsFound",
0617                                   i18n("System configured properly"),
0618                                   i18n("No problems found in system configuration.") );
0619         }
0620     }
0621     else {
0622         static K3b::SystemProblemDialog* s_openDlg = 0;
0623         if( s_openDlg )
0624             s_openDlg->close();
0625         K3b::SystemProblemDialog dlg( problems, showDeviceSettingsButton, showBinSettingsButton, forceCheck, parent );
0626         s_openDlg = &dlg;
0627         dlg.exec();
0628         s_openDlg = 0;
0629     }
0631     // remember which version of K3b checked the system the last time
0632     KConfigGroup cfg( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QStringLiteral("General Options") );
0633     cfg.writeEntry( "Last system check version", QString(k3bcore->version()) );
0634 }
0636 void K3b::SystemProblemDialog::slotShowDeviceSettings()
0637 {
0638     k3bappcore->k3bMainWindow()->showOptionDialog( OptionDialog::Devices );
0639 }
0642 void K3b::SystemProblemDialog::slotShowBinSettings()
0643 {
0644     k3bappcore->k3bMainWindow()->showOptionDialog( OptionDialog::Programs );
0645 }
0648 int K3b::SystemProblemDialog::dmaActivated( K3b::Device::Device* dev )
0649 {
0650     QString hdparm = K3b::findExe( "hdparm" );
0651     if( hdparm.isEmpty() )
0652         return -1;
0654     KProcess p;
0655     p.setOutputChannelMode( KProcess::MergedChannels );
0657     p << hdparm << "-d" << dev->blockDeviceName();
0658     p.start();
0659     if( !p.waitForFinished( -1 ) )
0660         return -1;
0662     // output is something like:
0663     //
0664     // /dev/hda:
0665     //  using_dma    =  1 (on)
0666     //
0667     // But we ignore the on/off since it might be translated
0668     //
0669     QByteArray out = p.readAll();
0670     if( out.contains( "1 (" ) )
0671         return 1;
0672     else if( out.contains( "0 (" ) )
0673         return 0;
0674     else
0675         return -1;
0676 }
0679 #ifdef HAVE_FSTAB_H
0680 QList<K3b::Device::Device*> K3b::SystemProblemDialog::checkForAutomounting()
0681 {
0682     QList<K3b::Device::Device *> l;
0683     ::setfsent();
0685     struct fstab * mountInfo = 0;
0686     while( (mountInfo = ::getfsent()) )
0687     {
0688         // check if the entry corresponds to a device
0689         QString md = K3b::resolveLink( QFile::decodeName( mountInfo->fs_spec ) );
0690         QString type = QFile::decodeName( mountInfo->fs_vfstype );
0692         if( type == "supermount" || type == "subfs" ) {
0693             // parse the device
0694             QStringList opts = QString::fromLocal8Bit(mountInfo->fs_mntops).split( ',' );
0695             for( QStringList::const_iterator it = opts.constBegin(); it != opts.constEnd(); ++it ) {
0696                 if( (*it).startsWith("dev=") ) {
0697                     md = (*it).mid( 4 );
0698                     break;
0699                 }
0700             }
0702             if( K3b::Device::Device* dev = k3bcore->deviceManager()->findDevice( md ) )
0703                 l.append( dev );
0704         }
0705     } // while mountInfo
0707     ::endfsent();
0708     return l;
0709 }
0710 #endif
0713 bool K3b::SystemProblemDialog::readCheckSystemConfig()
0714 {
0715     KConfigGroup cfgGrp(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QStringLiteral("General Options"));
0717     K3b::Version configVersion(cfgGrp.readEntry( "Last system check version", "0.1" ));
0718     if (configVersion < k3bcore->version())
0719         cfgGrp.writeEntry("check system config", true);
0721     return cfgGrp.readEntry("check system config", false);
0722 }
0724 #include "moc_k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp"