File indexing completed on 2025-02-09 05:42:03

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1998-2008 Sebastian Trueg <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0010 #include <KConfigGroup>
0012 #include <QEvent>
0013 #include <QDialog>
0014 #include <QGridLayout>
0015 #include <QLabel>
0018 class QGridLayout;
0019 class QLabel;
0020 class QPushButton;
0021 class KGuiItem;
0022 class QToolButton;
0025 namespace K3b {
0026     class ThemedHeader;
0028     /**
0029      * This is the base dialog for all the dialogs in K3b that start
0030      * some job. Use setMainWidget to set the contents or let mainWidget()
0031      * create an empty plain page.
0032      * The default implementations of the slots just emit the
0033      * corresponding signals.
0034      */
0035     class InteractionDialog : public QDialog
0036     {
0037         Q_OBJECT
0039     public:
0040         /**
0041          * The constructor.
0042          * loadSettings will be called automatically when the dialog is showing.
0043          *
0044          * @param title the text to be displayed in the K3b header (not the widget frame)
0045          * @param subTitle additional text that will be displayed after the title in smaller size
0046          * @param buttonMask combination of Buttons
0047          * @param defaultButton may also be null to deactivate the feature
0048          * @param configgroup The config group used for the loadSettings and saveSettings methods
0049          */
0050         explicit InteractionDialog( QWidget* parent = 0,
0051                            const QString& title = QString(),
0052                            const QString& subTitle = QString(),
0053                            int buttonMask = START_BUTTON|CANCEL_BUTTON,
0054                            int defaultButton = START_BUTTON,
0055                            const QString& configgroup = QString() );
0056         ~InteractionDialog() override;
0058         void setMainWidget( QWidget* w );
0059         void setTitle( const QString& title, const QString& subTitle = QString() );
0060         void setDefaultButton( int b );
0062         /**
0063          * In contract to "normal" dialogs InteractionDialog will not return from exec
0064          * until close() has been called. This allows one to hide the dialog while a progress
0065          * dialog is shown.
0066          */
0067         int exec() override;
0069         /**
0070          * reimplemented to allow initialization after the dialog has been opened.
0071          */
0072         void show();
0074         /**
0075          * If no mainWidget has been set a plain page will be created.
0076          */
0077         QWidget* mainWidget();
0079         enum Buttons {
0080             START_BUTTON = 1,
0081             SAVE_BUTTON = 2,
0082             CANCEL_BUTTON = 4
0083         };
0085         QSize sizeHint() const override;
0087         QString configGroup() const { return m_configGroup; }
0089         enum StartUpSettings {
0090             LOAD_K3B_DEFAULTS = 1,
0091             LOAD_SAVED_SETTINGS = 2,
0092             LOAD_LAST_SETTINGS = 3
0093         };
0095     Q_SIGNALS:
0096         void started();
0097         void canceled();
0098         void saved();
0100     public Q_SLOTS:
0101         /**
0102          * \deprecated use setButtonText
0103          */
0104         void setStartButtonText( const QString& text,
0105                                  const QString& tooltip = QString(),
0106                                  const QString& whatsthis = QString() );
0107         /**
0108          * \deprecated use setButtonText
0109          */
0110         void setCancelButtonText( const QString& text,
0111                                   const QString& tooltip = QString(),
0112                                   const QString& whatsthis = QString() );
0113         /**
0114          * \deprecated use setButtonText
0115          */
0116         void setSaveButtonText( const QString& text,
0117                                 const QString& tooltip = QString(),
0118                                 const QString& whatsthis = QString() );
0120         void setButtonGui( int button,
0121                            const KGuiItem& );
0123         void setButtonText( int button,
0124                             const QString& text,
0125                             const QString& tooltip = QString(),
0126                             const QString& whatsthis = QString() );
0128         void setButtonEnabled( int button, bool enabled );
0129         void setButtonShown( int button, bool enabled );
0131         /**
0132          * If set true the init() method will be called via a QTimer to ensure event
0133          * handling be done before (default: false).
0134          */
0135         void setDelayedInitialization( bool b ) { m_delayedInit = b; }
0137         /**
0138          * Hide the dialog but do not return from the exec call.
0139          */
0140         void hideTemporarily();
0142         /**
0143          * Close the dialog and return from any exec call.
0144          */
0145         void close();
0147         /**
0148          * Close the dialog and return from any exec call.
0149          */
0150         void done( int r ) override;
0152     protected Q_SLOTS:
0153         // FIXME: replace these with protected methods which are called from private slots.
0154         virtual void slotStartClicked();
0156         /**
0157          * The default implementation emits the canceled() signal
0158          * and calls close()
0159          */
0160         virtual void slotCancelClicked();
0161         virtual void slotSaveClicked();
0163         /**
0164          * This slot will call the toggleAll() method protecting from infinite loops
0165          * caused by one element influencing another element which in turn influences
0166          * the first.
0167          *
0168          * Connect this slot to GUI elements (like Checkboxes) that change
0169          * the state of the whole dialog.
0170          */
0171         void slotToggleAll();
0173     protected:
0174         /**
0175          * Reimplement this method in case you are using slotToggleAll()
0176          */
0177         virtual void toggleAll();
0179         /**
0180          * Reimplement this to support the save/load user default buttons.
0181          * @p config is already set to the correct group.
0182          *
0183          * The save/load buttons are only activated if the config group is
0184          * set in the constructor.
0185          */
0186         virtual void saveSettings( KConfigGroup config );
0188         /**
0189          * Reimplement this to support the save/load user default buttons.
0190          * @p config is already set to the correct group.
0191          *
0192          * The save/load buttons are only activated if the config group is
0193          * set in the constructor.
0194          *
0195          * This method will also be called to load defaults. In that case
0196          * \m config will ignore local settings.
0197          */
0198         virtual void loadSettings( const KConfigGroup& config );
0200         /**
0201          * This is called after the dialog has been shown.
0202          * Use this for initialization that should happen
0203          * when the user already sees the dialog.
0204          */
0205         virtual void init() {}
0207         /**
0208          * reimplemented from QDialog
0209          */
0210         bool eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent* ) override;
0212         void hideEvent( QHideEvent* ) override;
0214     private Q_SLOTS:
0215         void slotLoadK3bDefaults();
0216         void slotLoadUserDefaults();
0217         void slotSaveUserDefaults();
0218         void slotLoadLastSettings();
0219         void slotStartClickedInternal();
0220         void slotInternalInit();
0222     private:
0223         void initConnections();
0224         void initToolTipsAndWhatsThis();
0225         void saveLastSettings();
0226         void loadStartupSettings();
0228         QPushButton* getButton( int );
0230         ThemedHeader* m_dialogHeader;
0231         QPushButton* m_buttonStart;
0232         QPushButton* m_buttonSave;
0233         QPushButton* m_buttonCancel;
0234         QWidget* m_mainWidget;
0236         QToolButton* m_buttonLoadSettings;
0237         QToolButton* m_buttonSaveSettings;
0239         QGridLayout* mainGrid;
0240         int m_defaultButton;
0241         QString m_configGroup;
0243         bool m_inToggleMode;
0244         bool m_delayedInit;
0245     };
0246 }
0248 #endif