Warning, /multimedia/haruna/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
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0004 <!ENTITY haruna "<application>Haruna</application>">
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0010 <!--
0011  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 George Florea Bănuș <georgefb899@gmail.com>
0013  SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
0014  -->
0016 <book id="haruna" lang="&language;">
0018     <bookinfo>
0019         <title>The &haruna; Handbook</title>
0021         <authorgroup>
0022             <author>
0023                 <personname>
0024                     <firstname>George</firstname>
0025                     <surname>Florea Bănuș</surname>
0026                 </personname>
0027                 <email>georgefb899@gmail.com</email>
0028             </author>
0029         </authorgroup>
0031         <copyright>
0032             <year>2019-2022</year>
0033             <holder>George Florea Bănuș</holder>
0034         </copyright>
0035         <legalnotice>&CCBYSA4Notice;</legalnotice>
0037         <date>2022-08-17</date>
0038         <releaseinfo>Haruna 0.9.0</releaseinfo>
0040         <abstract>
0041             <para>Haruna is an open source media player built with Qt/QML and libmpv.</para>
0042         </abstract>
0044         <keywordset>
0045             <keyword>Haruna</keyword>
0046             <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0047             <keyword>kdemultimedia</keyword>
0048             <keyword>video</keyword>
0049             <keyword>movie</keyword>
0050         </keywordset>
0051     </bookinfo>
0053     <chapter id="settings">
0054         <title>Settings</title>
0055         <para>Explains some of the more complex settings of Haruna.</para>
0056         <section><title></title><para></para></section>
0058         <section id="GeneralSettings">
0059             <title>General</title>
0060             <section>
0061                 <title>File dialog location</title>
0062                 <para>The folder the file dialog will load when used to open a file.
0063     If empty it will remember the last folder from which a file was opened.</para>
0064             </section>
0066             <section>
0067                 <title>Maximum recent files</title>
0068                 <para>How many recent files to save and display in the recent files menu.</para>
0069             </section>
0071             <section>
0072                 <title>Remember window size and position</title>
0073                 <para>Restores the size and position the window had when it was closed. On <emphasis>Wayland</emphasis> only size is restored.</para>
0074             </section>
0076             <section>
0077                 <title>Breeze icon theme</title>
0078                 <para>When checked the application uses the Breeze icon theme.</para>
0079                 <para>When unchecked the application uses the system icon theme. Doesn't always work as expected.</para>
0080             </section>
0082             <section>
0083                 <title>GUI style</title>
0084                 <para>
0085                     Allows to change the style of Qt Quick Controls (buttons, checkboxes etc.), to styles available on the system.
0086                 </para>
0087             </section>
0088         </section>
0090         <section id="PlaybackSettings">
0091             <title>Playback</title>
0092             <section>
0093                 <title>Seek steps</title>
0094                 <para>How much to seek when triggering the corresponding action. Seek mode is <emphasis>exact</emphasis> <ulink url="https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#command-interface-seek-&lt;target&gt;-[&lt;flags&gt;]">
0095     https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#command-interface-seek-&lt;target&gt;-[&lt;flags&gt;]</ulink>.</para>
0096             </section>
0098             <section>
0099                 <title>Open last played file on startup</title>
0100                 <para>On startup it opens the file that was playing when the application was closed.</para>
0101             </section>
0103             <section>
0104                 <title>Seek to last playback position</title>
0105                 <para>When opening a file that was played before it will seek to the position it was when playback stopped.</para>
0106             </section>
0108             <section>
0109                 <title>Start playing</title>
0110                 <para>This applies only when resuming playback (seeking to last playback position) of a file that was played before.</para>
0111             </section>
0113             <section>
0114                 <title>Pause on minimize</title>
0115                 <para>Pauses the player while the window is minimized, playback resumes when restored.</para>
0116             </section>
0118             <section>
0119                 <title>Hardware decoding</title>
0120                 <para>If you enable hardware decoding it's recommended to use the auto-safe or auto options.</para>
0121                 <para>You can read more about each option here: <ulink url="https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#options-hwdec">https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#options-hwdec</ulink>.</para>
0122                 <para>If you want to use vaapi on X11, you must set the environment variable <emphasis>QT_XCB_GL_INTEGRATION</emphasis> to <emphasis>xcb_egl</emphasis>.</para>
0123             </section>
0125             <section>
0126                 <title>Remember time position</title>
0127                 <para>Determines when to save and restore the position of previously played files.</para>
0128                 <para>First field controls for which files to save the position:</para>
0129                 <itemizedlist>
0130                     <listitem><para>-1: feature is disabled</para></listitem>
0131                     <listitem><para>0: save for all files</para></listitem>
0132                     <listitem><para>1-9999: save for files longer than the set value, in minutes</para></listitem>
0133                 </itemizedlist>
0134                 <para>Second field controls how often to save the position.</para>
0135             </section>
0137             <section>
0138                 <title>Skip chapters</title>
0139                 <para>When enabled it automatically skips chapters containing certain words/characters.</para>
0140                 <para>The words/characters to skip are defined as a comma separated string.</para>
0141                 <para>The match is not exact, meaning <emphasis>op</emphasis> will match
0142                 words containing it like <emphasis>opening</emphasis>.</para>
0143             </section>
0145             <section>
0146                 <title>Youtube-dl format selection</title>
0147                 <para>
0148                 Haruna uses youtube-dl to play online videos. Some sites offer multiple versions of the video/audio (different codecs, resolution). This setting allows you to configure what version of the video/audio youtube-dl selects.
0149                 More info: <ulink url="https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md#format-selection">https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md#format-selection</ulink>
0150                 </para>
0151             </section>
0152         </section>
0154         <section id="VideoSettings">
0155             <title>Video</title>
0156             <section>
0157                 <title>Screenshot Template</title>
0158                 <para><ulink url="https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#screenshot">https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#screenshot</ulink></para>
0159                 <para>Specify the filename template used to save screenshots.
0160                 The template specifies the filename without file extension,
0161                 and can contain format specifiers, which will be substituted when taking a screenshot.
0162                 By default, the template is mpv-shot%n, which results in filenames like mpv-shot0012.png for example.</para>
0163                 <para>The template can start with a relative or absolute path, in order to specify a directory location where screenshots should be saved.</para>
0164                 <para>If the final screenshot filename points to an already existing file, the file will not be overwritten. The screenshot will either not be saved, or if the template contains %n, saved using a different, newly generated filename.</para>
0165                 <para>Allowed format specifiers:</para>
0166                 <itemizedlist>
0167                     <listitem>
0168                         <para>%[#][0X]n</para>
0169                         <para>A sequence number, padded with zeros to length X (default: 04). E.g. passing the format %04n will yield 0012 on the 12th screenshot. The number is incremented every time a screenshot is taken or if the file already exists. The length X must be in the range 0-9. With the optional # sign, mpv will use the lowest available number. For example, if you take three screenshots--0001, 0002, 0003--and delete the first two, the next two screenshots will not be 0004 and 0005, but 0001 and 0002 again.</para>
0170                     </listitem>
0172                     <listitem>
0173                         <para>%f</para>
0174                         <para>Filename of the currently played video.</para>
0175                     </listitem>
0177                     <listitem>
0178                         <para>%F</para>
0179                         <para>Same as %f, but strip the file extension, including the dot.</para>
0180                     </listitem>
0182                     <listitem>
0183                         <para>%x</para>
0184                         <para>Directory path of the currently played video. If the video is not on the filesystem (but e.g. http://), this expands to an empty string.</para>
0185                     </listitem>
0187                     <listitem>
0188                         <para>%X{fallback}</para>
0189                         <para>Same as %x, but if the video file is not on the filesystem, return the fallback string inside the {...}.</para>
0190                     </listitem>
0192                     <listitem>
0193                         <para>%p</para>
0194                         <para>Current playback time, in the same format as used in the OSD. The result is a string of the form "HH:MM:SS". For example, if the video is at the time position 5 minutes and 34 seconds, %p will be replaced with "00:05:34".</para>
0195                     </listitem>
0197                     <listitem>
0198                         <para>%P</para>
0199                         <para>Similar to %p, but extended with the playback time in milliseconds. It is formatted as "HH:MM:SS.mmm", with "mmm" being the millisecond part of the playback time.</para>
0200                         <para>Note</para>
0201                         <para>This is a simple way for getting unique per-frame timestamps. (Frame numbers would be more intuitive, but are not easily implementable because container formats usually use timestamps for identifying frames.)</para>
0202                     </listitem>
0204                     <listitem>
0205                         <para>%wX</para>
0206                         <para>Specify the current playback time using the format string X. %p is like %wH:%wM:%wS, and %P is like %wH:%wM:%wS.%wT.</para>
0207                         <para>Valid format specifiers:</para>
0208                         <itemizedlist>
0209                         <listitem>
0210                             <para>%wH</para>
0211                             <para>hour (padded with 0 to two digits)</para>
0212                         </listitem>
0213                         <listitem>
0214                             <para>%wh</para>
0215                             <para>hour (not padded)</para>
0216                         </listitem>
0217                         <listitem>
0218                             <para>%wM</para>
0219                             <para>minutes (00-59)</para>
0220                         </listitem>
0221                         <listitem>
0222                             <para>%wm</para>
0223                             <para>total minutes (includes hours, unlike %wM)</para>
0224                         </listitem>
0225                         <listitem>
0226                             <para>%wS</para>
0227                             <para>seconds (00-59)</para>
0228                         </listitem>
0229                         <listitem>
0230                             <para>%ws</para>
0231                             <para>total seconds (includes hours and minutes)</para>
0232                         </listitem>
0233                         <listitem>
0234                             <para>%wf</para>
0235                             <para>like %ws, but as float</para>
0236                         </listitem>
0237                         <listitem>
0238                             <para>%wT</para>
0239                             <para>milliseconds (000-999)</para>
0240                         </listitem>
0241                         </itemizedlist>
0242                     </listitem>
0244                     <listitem>
0245                         <para>%tX</para>
0246                         <para>Specify the current local date/time using the format X. This format specifier uses the UNIX strftime() function internally, and inserts the result of passing "%X" to strftime. For example, %tm will insert the number of the current month as a number. You have to use multiple %tX specifiers to build a full date/time string.</para>
0247                     </listitem>
0249                     <listitem>
0250                         <para>%{prop[:fallback text]}</para>
0251                         <para>Insert the value of the input property 'prop'. E.g. %{filename} is the same as %f. If the property does not exist or is not available, an error text is inserted, unless a fallback is specified.</para>
0252                     </listitem>
0254                     <listitem>
0255                         <para>%%</para>
0256                         <para>Replaced with the % character itself.</para>
0257                     </listitem>
0259                 </itemizedlist>
0260             </section>
0261         </section>
0263         <section id="CustomCommandsSettings">
0264             <title>Custom commands</title>
0265             <section>
0266                 <title>Command</title>
0267                 <para>What mpv command to run, see <ulink url="https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#list-of-input-commands">MPV Commands</ulink> for a list of available commands.</para>
0268                 <para>Not all commands will work as some are specific for mpv.</para>
0269                 <para>Most useful are the commands to manipulate properties, like set, add, cycle.</para>
0270                 <para><emphasis>set</emphasis>: sets the value of a property <code>set volume-max 150</code>.</para>
0271                 <para><emphasis>add</emphasis>: increases/decreases the value of a property <code>add volume 15</code>, increases volume by 15. To decrease the value use <code>add volume -15</code>.</para>
0272                 <para><emphasis>cycle</emphasis>: cycle through the values of a property <code>cycle aid up</code>.</para>
0273             </section>
0274             <section>
0275                 <title>OSD message</title>
0276                 <para>An OSD message to display when triggering an action type custom command.</para>
0277                 <para>Use ${property_name} to display the value of a property Volume: ${volume}.</para>
0278             </section>
0279             <section>
0280                 <title>Keyboard shortcut</title>
0281                 <para>The command will be triggered with a shortcut. The shortcut can be set after saving.</para>
0282             </section>
0283             <section>
0284                 <title>Run at startup</title>
0285                 <para>The command will be run at application startup. Startup commands can be toggled, meaning you can choose whether they are set on startup or not, this is available after saving.</para>
0286             </section>
0287         </section>
0288     </chapter>
0290     <chapter id="credits">
0291         <title>Credits and License</title>
0292         <para>&haruna;</para>
0293         <para>Program copyright 2019-2021 George Florea Bănuș</para>
0294         <para>
0295             Contributors:
0296             <itemizedlist>
0297                 <listitem>
0298                     <para>George Florea Bănuș <email>georgefb899@gmail.com</email></para>
0299                 </listitem>
0300             </itemizedlist>
0301         </para>
0302         <para>
0303             Documentation Copyright &copy; 2019-2021 George Florea Bănuș <email>georgefb899@gmail.com</email>
0304         </para>
0307     &underCCBYSA4; <!-- CC BY-SA 4.0: do not remove -->
0308     &underGPL;     <!-- GPL License -->
0309     </chapter>
0311 </book>
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