Warning, /multimedia/elisa/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY elisa "<application>Elisa</application>">
0004   <!ENTITY i18n-translatable-entity "<application>Elisa</application>">
0005   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0006   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
0007 ]>
0008 <book id="elisa" lang="&language;">
0010 <!-- This header contains all of the meta-information for the document such
0011 as Authors, publish date, the abstract, and Keywords -->
0013 <bookinfo>
0014 <title>The &elisa; Handbook</title>
0016 <authorgroup>
0017 <author>
0018 <personname>
0019 <firstname>Matthieu</firstname>
0020 <surname>Gallien</surname>
0021 </personname>
0022 <email>matthieu_gallien@yahoo.fr</email>
0023 </author>
0025 </authorgroup>
0027 <copyright>
0028 <year>2017-2018</year>
0029 <holder>Matthieu Gallien</holder>
0030 </copyright>
0031 <legalnotice>&CCBYSA4Notice;</legalnotice>
0033 <date>2018-09-14</date>
0035 <releaseinfo>Elisa 0.3.80</releaseinfo>
0037 <abstract>
0038 <para>
0039 Elisa is a music player developed by the KDE community that strives to be 
0040 simple and nice to use. We also recognize that we need a flexible product to 
0041 account for the different workflows and use-cases of our users.
0042 </para>
0043 <para>
0044 We focus on a very good integration with the Plasma desktop of the KDE 
0045 community without compromising the support for other platforms (other Linux 
0046 desktop environments, Windows and Android).
0047 </para>
0048 <para>
0049 We are creating a reliable product that is a joy to use and respects our users 
0050 privacy. As such, we will prefer to support online services where users are in 
0051 control of their data.
0052 </para>
0053 </abstract>
0055 <keywordset>
0056 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0057 <keyword>kdemultimedia</keyword>
0058 <keyword>Elisa</keyword>
0059 <keyword>audio</keyword>
0060 <keyword>music</keyword>
0061 </keywordset>
0063 </bookinfo>
0065 <chapter id="introduction">
0066 <title>Introduction</title>
0068 <para>
0069 &elisa; is a music player designed to be simple to use.
0071 <screenshot>
0072 <screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &elisa; start screen</screeninfo>
0073         <mediaobject>
0074           <imageobject>
0075             <imagedata fileref="Screenshot_20180912_232200.png" format="PNG"/>
0076           </imageobject>
0077           <textobject>
0078             <phrase>Screenshot</phrase>
0079           </textobject>
0080         </mediaobject>
0081 </screenshot>
0082 </para>
0083 </chapter>
0085 <chapter id="using-kapp">
0086 <title>Using &elisa;</title>
0088 <para>
0089 &elisa; indexes your music by searching in a list of paths configured by the user through a dedicated interface.
0090 </para>
0091 <para>
0092 In case the file indexer is not finding anything, a notification is shown with a button to open the configuration interface.
0093 </para>
0095 <para>
0096 You can find a list of changes at <ulink
0097 url="https://phabricator.kde.org/project/profile/193/">Elisa Project</ulink>.
0098 </para>
0100 <para>Currently no configuration is required before use of &elisa;.
0101 You can explore the menu of the application to see the customization possibilities. It is possible to choose the paths that will be indexed for music. It is also possible to modify the shortcuts for common actions inside the application.
0102 </para>
0104 <para>
0105 If you use the internal music indexer, you can configure the paths that will be searched.
0106 </para>
0109 <sect1 id="kapp-features">
0110 <title>&elisa; features</title>
0112 <para>
0113 &elisa; provides two different tasks: browsing your music to build a playlist and playing music.
0114 </para>
0116 <sect2>
0117 <title>Browsing Music</title>
0118 <para>
0119 From the different sources of music, it collects all your music and analyses their metadata such that their title, artist, ...
0120 It provides fourth ways to browse your music: a list of all albums, a list of all artists, a list of all tracks or a list of all genres.
0121 </para>
0122 <para>
0123 Each method uses a view of all your music along with a filter to allow to quickly find what you are looking for. You can also filter by rating.
0124 </para>
0125 <para>
0126 The filter of the view of all albums is implemented on the title or the artist of albums or the list of artists of each track of an album.
0127 The filter of the view of all artists is implemented on the name of the artists.
0128 The filter of the view of all tracks is implemented on the track title, track artist and track album name (if any).
0129 </para>
0130 <para>
0131 It is also possible to directly browse the file system and play music files.
0132 </para>
0133 </sect2>
0135 <sect2>
0136 <title>Building a Playlist</title>
0137 <para>
0138 When browsing your music, artists, albums and tracks can be added with a button shown when mouse is over it.
0139 It is also possible to clear the playlist and at the same time add some music.
0140 </para>
0141 <para>
0142 A toolbar below the playlist allows to operate on it. The following actions are possible:
0143 <itemizedlist>
0144   <listitem>
0145     <para>
0146       You can clear the whole playlist.
0147     </para>
0148   </listitem>
0149   <listitem>
0150     <para>
0151       You can navigate to the currently playing track.
0152     </para>
0153   </listitem>
0154   <listitem>
0155     <para>
0156       You can save the playlist to the m3u8 format.
0157     </para>
0158   </listitem>
0159   <listitem>
0160     <para>
0161       You can load a playlist that will replace your current one.
0162     </para>
0163   </listitem>
0164 </itemizedlist>
0165 </para>
0166 </sect2>
0168 <sect2>
0169 <title>Playing Music</title>
0170 <para>
0171 The playlist is read in the order of the tracks unless the <guilabel>Shuffle</guilabel> option is selected.
0172 At the end of the list playing is stopped unless the <guilabel>Repeat</guilabel> option is selected.
0173 </para>
0174 <para>
0175 It is possible to switch to the next or previous track in the list. If the mouse is over a track, it is possible to skip to it by pressing a button.
0176 </para>
0177 <para>
0178 The currently playing track is indicated by a flashing play icon.
0179 </para>
0180 </sect2>
0182 </sect1>
0184 </chapter>
0186 <chapter id="credits">
0188 <!-- Include credits for the programmers, documentation writers, and
0189 contributors here. The license for your software should then be included below
0190 the credits with a reference to the appropriate license file included in the KDE
0191 distribution. -->
0193 <title>Credits and License</title>
0195 <para>
0196 &elisa;
0197 </para>
0198 <para>
0199 Program copyright 2015-2018 The Elisa Team
0200 </para>
0201 <para>
0202 Contributors:
0203 <itemizedlist>
0204 <listitem><para>Matthieu Gallien Maintainer <email>matthieu_gallien@yahoo.fr</email></para>
0205 </listitem>
0206 <listitem><para>Andrew Lake (concept and design work) <email>jamboarder@gmail.com</email></para>
0207 </listitem>
0208 <listitem><para>Luigi Toscano (localizations) <email>luigi.toscano@tiscali.it</email></para>
0209 </listitem>
0210 <listitem><para>Safa Alfulaij (right-to-left support in interface) <email>safa1996alfulaij@gmail.com</email></para>
0211 </listitem>
0212 <listitem><para>Alexander Stippich Core developer <email>a.stippich@gmx.net</email></para>
0213 </listitem>
0214 <listitem><para>Diego Gangl (various improvements to the interface) <email>diego@sinestesia.co</email></para>
0215 </listitem>
0216 </itemizedlist>
0217 </para>
0219 <para>
0220 Documentation Copyright &copy; 2017-2018 Matthieu Gallien <email>matthieu_gallien@yahoo.fr</email>
0221 </para>
0225 &underCCBYSA4;               <!-- CC BY-SA 4.0: do not remove -->
0227 <!-- Determine which license your application is licensed under,
0228      and delete all the remaining licenses below:
0230      (NOTE:  All documentation are licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0,
0231      regardless of what license the application uses) -->
0233 &underLGPL;              <!-- LGPL License -->
0235 </chapter>
0237 &documentation.index;
0238 </book>
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