Warning, /multimedia/elisa/README.packagers is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!--
0002 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Matthieu Gallien <matthieu_gallien@yahoo.fr>
0004 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
0005 -->
0007 Elisa has the following dependencies:
0009 -- REQUIRED:
0011  * QtCore
0012  * QtNetwork
0013  * QtQml
0014  * QtQuick
0015  * QtTest
0016  * QtSql
0017  * QtMultimedia
0018  * QtSvg
0019  * QtGui
0020  * QtWidgets
0021  * QtQuickTest
0022  * QtConcurrent
0023  * Qt (required version >= 5.12.0)
0024  * QtQuickControls2 (required version >= 5.12.0), Qt5 Quick Controls version 2 is needed at runtime to provide the interface.
0025  * Kirigami (required version >= 5.70.0), Kirigami is needed to provide the mobile UI components.
0026  * Gettext
0027  * KI18n (required version >= 5.70.0), Text internationalization library.
0028  * KCoreAddons (required version >= 5.70.0), Qt addon library with a collection of non-GUI utilities.
0029  * KConfig (required version >= 5.70.0), Persistent platform-independent application settings.
0030  * KIconThemes (required version >= 5.70.0), Support for icon themes.
0031  * KIO (required version >= 5.70.0), File management libraries used for file browsing. Optional on Android.
0032  * ECM (required version >= 1.6.0)
0036  * KFileMetaData (required version >= 5.70.0), Provides a simple library for extracting metadata.
0037  * KXmlGui (required version >= 5.70.0), Framework for managing menu and toolbar actions.
0038  * KConfigWidgets (required version >= 5.70.0), Widgets for configuration dialogs.
0039  * KPackage (required version >= 5.70.0), Package management library needed to get the configuration dialogs.
0040  * LIBVLC, libvlc allows to play music in Elisa, <https://www.videolan.org/vlc/libvlc.html>
0042 -- OPTIONAL:
0044  * QtDBus (required version >= 5.12.0), Qt5 DBus is needed to provide MPris2 interface to allow remote control by the desktop workspace.
0045  * KDocTools (required version >= 5.70.0), Create documentation from DocBook library.
0046  * KCrash (required version >= 5.70.0), Graceful handling of application crashes.
0047  * KDBusAddons (required version >= 5.70.0), Convenience classes for D-Bus.
0048  * PkgConfig
0050 -- RUNTIME:
0052  * QtQuickWidgets (required version >= 5.12.0), Qt Quick Widgets is needed at runtime to provide the interface.
0053  * Qt.labs.platform, Qt.labs module with some qml components wrapping platform APIs
0054  * qml-module-qtqml-models2 (required version >= 5.12.0), qml Qt module
0055  * qml-module-qtquick-controls (required version >= 5.12.0), qml Qt module
0056  * qml-module-qtquick-dialogs (required version >= 5.12.0), qml Qt module
0057  * qml-module-qtquick-layouts (required version >= 5.12.0), qml Qt module
0058  * qml-module-qtquick2 (required version >= 5.12.0), qml Qt module
0060 Please consider packaging Elisa with all its recommended dependencies. Even if they are not required, a nice fallback is not always implemented and user experience may suffer a lot.
0061 UPnP/DLNA via unreleased UPNPQT library is currently broken. Please consider not building it.
0063 Thanks in advance for your work.