Warning, /multimedia/audiotube/src/contents/ui/Sidebar.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Mathis BrĂ¼chert <mbb@kaidan.im>
0002 //
0003 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0005 import QtQuick 2.15
0006 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
0007 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 as Controls
0008 import org.kde.kirigami 2.20 as Kirigami
0009 import org.kde.ytmusic 1.0
0011 Rectangle {
0012     property int sidebarWidth: 230
0013     property int sidebarWidthCollapsed: 60
0014     property bool collapsed: true
0016     // workaround for label not being displayed before collapsed change
0017     Component.onCompleted: {
0018         collapsed = false
0019     }
0021     id: sidebar
0022     width: sidebarWidth
0023     clip:true
0024     Kirigami.Theme.colorSet: Kirigami.Theme.Window
0025     Kirigami.Theme.inherit: false
0026     color: "transparent"
0028     Rectangle {
0029         anchors.fill: parent
0030         color: Kirigami.Theme.backgroundColor
0031         opacity: 0.8
0032     }
0034     NumberAnimation on width{
0035         id: collapse
0036         easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
0037         running: false
0038         from: sidebarWidth; to: sidebarWidthCollapsed
0039     }
0040     NumberAnimation on width{
0041         id: show
0042         easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
0043         running: false
0044         from: sidebarWidthCollapsed; to: sidebarWidth
0045         //this is only a workaround to stop the text from disappearing
0046         onFinished:{
0047             libraryButton.checked =!libraryButton.checked
0048             libraryButton.checked =!libraryButton.checked
0050             favouritesButton.checked =!favouritesButton.checked
0051             favouritesButton.checked =!favouritesButton.checked
0053             historyButton.checked =!historyButton.checked
0054             historyButton.checked =!historyButton.checked
0056             searchButton.checked =!searchButton.checked
0057             searchButton.checked =!searchButton.checked
0059             collapseButton.checked =!collapseButton.checked
0060             collapseButton.checked =false
0062             aboutButton.checked = !aboutButton.checked
0063             aboutButton.checked = !aboutButton.checked
0065             playlistsButton.checked = !playlistsButton.checked
0066             playlistsButton.checked = !playlistsButton.checked
0067         }
0068     }
0069     Kirigami.Separator {
0070         height: parent.height
0071         anchors.right: parent.right
0072         z:100
0073     }
0075     ColumnLayout {
0076         anchors.fill: parent
0077         spacing: 0
0079         Kirigami.Separator {
0080             Layout.fillWidth: true
0081         }
0083         Controls.ScrollView {
0085             id: scrollView
0086             Layout.fillWidth: true
0087             Layout.fillHeight: true
0089             Controls.ScrollBar.vertical.policy: Controls.ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
0090             Controls.ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: Controls.ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
0091             contentWidth: -1 // disable horizontal scroll
0093             ColumnLayout {
0094                 id: column
0095                 width: scrollView.width
0096                 spacing: 0
0098                 Kirigami.NavigationTabButton {
0099                     id: libraryButton
0100                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0101                     width: column.width - column.Layout.leftMargin - column.Layout.rightMargin
0102                     implicitHeight: 50
0103                     display: collapsed ? Controls.AbstractButton.IconOnly : Controls.AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon
0104                     checked: pageStack.currentItem && pageStack.currentItem.objectName == "libraryPage"
0106                     action: Kirigami.PagePoolAction {
0107                         pagePool: pool
0108                         text: i18n("Library")
0109                         icon.name: "file-library-symbolic"
0110                         page: Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/LibraryPage.qml")
0111                     }
0112                 }
0113                 Kirigami.NavigationTabButton {
0114                     id: searchButton
0115                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0116                     width: column.width - column.Layout.leftMargin - column.Layout.rightMargin
0117                     implicitHeight: 50
0118                     display: collapsed ? Controls.AbstractButton.IconOnly : Controls.AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon
0119                     text: i18n("Search")
0120                     icon.name: "search"
0121                     checked: pageStack.currentItem && pageStack.currentItem.objectName == "searchPage"
0122                     onClicked: {
0123                         searchField.forceActiveFocus()
0124                         focusSearch()
0125                     }
0126                 }
0128                 Kirigami.NavigationTabButton {
0129                     id: favouritesButton
0130                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0131                     width: column.width - column.Layout.leftMargin - column.Layout.rightMargin
0132                     implicitHeight: 50
0133                     display: collapsed ? Controls.AbstractButton.IconOnly : Controls.AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon
0134                     checked: pageStack.currentItem && pageStack.currentItem.objectName == "favourites"
0136                     action: Kirigami.PagePoolAction {
0137                         pagePool: pool
0138                         text: i18n("Favourites")
0139                         icon.name: "non-starred-symbolic"
0140                         page: Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/PlaybackHistory.qml#favourites")
0141                         initialProperties: {
0142                             "dataModel": Library.favourites,
0143                             "title": i18n("Favourites"),
0144                             "objectName": "favourites"
0145                         }
0146                     }
0147                 }
0149                 Kirigami.NavigationTabButton {
0150                     id: historyButton
0151                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0152                     width: column.width - column.Layout.leftMargin - column.Layout.rightMargin
0153                     implicitHeight: 50
0154                     display: collapsed ? Controls.AbstractButton.IconOnly : Controls.AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon
0155                     checked: pageStack.currentItem && pageStack.currentItem.objectName == "history"
0157                     action: Kirigami.PagePoolAction {
0158                         pagePool: pool
0159                         text: i18n("Played Songs")
0160                         icon.name: "edit-undo-history"
0161                         page: Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/PlaybackHistory.qml#history")
0162                         initialProperties: {
0163                             "dataModel": Library.playbackHistory,
0164                             "title": i18n("Played Songs"),
0165                             "objectName": "history"
0166                         }
0167                     }
0168                 }
0169                 Kirigami.NavigationTabButton {
0170                     id: playlistsButton
0171                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0172                     width: column.width - column.Layout.leftMargin - column.Layout.rightMargin
0173                     implicitHeight: 50
0174                     display: collapsed ? Controls.AbstractButton.IconOnly : Controls.AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon
0175                     checked: pageStack.currentItem && pageStack.currentItem.objectName == "playlists"
0177                     action: Kirigami.PagePoolAction {
0178                         pagePool: pool
0179                         text: i18n("Playlists")
0180                         icon.name: "amarok_playlist"
0181                         page: Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/LocalPlaylistsPage.qml")
0182                         initialProperties: {
0183                             "objectName": "playlists"
0184                         }
0185                     }
0186                 }
0187             }
0188         }
0189         Kirigami.Separator {
0190             Layout.fillWidth: true
0191             Layout.rightMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0192             Layout.leftMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0193         }
0194         Kirigami.NavigationTabButton {
0195             id: aboutButton
0196             Layout.fillWidth: true
0197             width: column.width - column.Layout.leftMargin - column.Layout.rightMargin
0198             implicitHeight: 50
0199             display: collapsed ? Controls.AbstractButton.IconOnly : Controls.AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon
0200             text: i18n("About")
0201             checkable: false
0202             icon.name: "help-about-symbolic"
0204             onClicked: {
0205                 pageStack.pushDialogLayer("qrc:/AboutAudiotube.qml")
0206             }
0207         }
0209         Kirigami.NavigationTabButton {
0210             id: collapseButton
0211             Layout.fillWidth: true
0212             width: column.width - column.Layout.leftMargin - column.Layout.rightMargin
0213             display: collapsed ? Controls.AbstractButton.IconOnly : Controls.AbstractButton.TextBesideIcon
0214             text: i18n("Collapse Sidebar")
0215             checked: collapsed == true
0216             implicitHeight: 50
0217             icon.name: "sidebar-collapse"
0218             onClicked: {
0219                 if (!sidebar.collapsed)
0220                     collapse.running = true
0221                 else
0222                     show.running = true
0224                 sidebar.collapsed = !sidebar.collapsed
0225             }
0227         }
0228     }
0229 }