Warning, /multimedia/audiotube/src/contents/ui/PlaybackHistory.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Jonah BrĂ¼chert <jbb@kaidan.im>
0002 //
0003 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0005 import QtQuick 2.15
0006 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
0007 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 as Controls
0009 import org.kde.kirigami 2.15 as Kirigami
0011 import org.kde.ytmusic 1.0
0013 import "components"
0015 Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
0016     id: playbackHistoryPage
0017     title: i18n("Unknown list of songs")
0018     property QtObject dataModel: (objectName == "history") ? Library.playbackHistory : (objectName == "favourites" ? Library.favourites : null)
0020     DoubleActionButton {
0021         id: action
0022         visible: false
0023         property bool shown
0024         shown: !playbackHistoryPage.flickable.atYBeginning
0025         onShownChanged:
0026             if(shown){
0027                 visible = true
0028                 appear.running = true
0029             } else {
0030                 disappear.running = true
0031             }
0033         parent: overlay
0034         x: playbackHistoryPage.width - width - margin
0035         y: playbackHistoryPage.height - height - margin
0036         NumberAnimation on y {
0037             id: appear
0038             easing.type: Easing.InCubic
0039             running: false
0040             from: playbackHistoryPage.height
0041             to: playbackHistoryPage.height - action.height - action.margin
0042             duration: 100
0043         }
0044         NumberAnimation on y {
0045             id: disappear
0046             easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
0047             running: false
0048             from: playbackHistoryPage.height - action.height - action.margin
0049             to: playbackHistoryPage.height
0050             duration: 100
0051             onFinished: action.visible = false
0052         }
0053         rightAction: Kirigami.Action {
0054             icon.name: "media-playlist-shuffle"
0055             text: i18n("Shuffle")
0056             onTriggered: {
0057                 if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "favourites") {
0058                     UserPlaylistModel.playFavourites(Library.favourites, true)
0059                 }
0060                 else if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "history") {
0061                     onClicked: UserPlaylistModel.playPlaybackHistory(playbackHistoryPage.dataModel, true)
0062                 }
0063             }
0064         }
0065         leftAction: Kirigami.Action {
0066             icon.name: "media-playback-start"
0067             text: i18n("Play")
0068             onTriggered: {
0069                 if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "favourites") {
0070                     UserPlaylistModel.playFavourites(Library.favourites, false)
0071                 }
0072                 else if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "history") {
0073                     onClicked: UserPlaylistModel.playPlaybackHistory(playbackHistoryPage.dataModel, false)
0074                 }
0075             }
0076         }
0078     }
0080     SongMenu {
0081         id: menu
0082     }
0083     ListView {
0084         footer: Item { height: 60 }
0085         header: RowLayout {
0086             spacing: Kirigami.Units.mediumSpacing
0088             Controls.ToolButton {
0089                 text: i18n("Play")
0090                 icon.name: "media-playback-start"
0091                 onClicked: {
0092                     if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "favourites") {
0093                         UserPlaylistModel.playFavourites(Library.favourites, false)
0094                     }
0095                     else if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "history") {
0096                         onClicked: UserPlaylistModel.playPlaybackHistory(playbackHistoryPage.dataModel, false)
0097                     }
0098                 }
0099             }
0101             Controls.ToolButton {
0102                 text: i18n("Shuffle")
0103                 icon.name: "shuffle"
0104                 onClicked: {
0105                     if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "favourites") {
0106                         UserPlaylistModel.playFavourites(Library.favourites, true)
0107                     }
0108                     else if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "history") {
0109                         onClicked: UserPlaylistModel.playPlaybackHistory(playbackHistoryPage.dataModel, true)
0110                     }
0111                 }
0112             }
0113             Controls.ToolButton {
0114                 text: i18n("Append to queue")
0115                 icon.name: "media-playlist-append"
0116                 onClicked: {
0117                     if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "favourites") {
0118                         UserPlaylistModel.appendFavourites(Library.favourites,false)
0119                     }
0120                     else if(playbackHistoryPage.objectName == "history") {
0121                         UserPlaylistModel.appendPlaybackHistory(playbackHistoryPage.dataModel, false)
0122                     }
0123                 }
0124             }
0125             Item {
0126                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0127             }
0128         }
0130         id: listView
0131         reuseItems: true
0133         Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage {
0134             visible: listView.count < 1
0135             text: i18n("No songs here yet")
0136             anchors.centerIn: parent
0137         }
0139         model: playbackHistoryPage.dataModel
0141         delegate: Controls.ItemDelegate {
0142             id: delegateItem
0144             required property string title
0145             required property string videoId
0146             required property var artists
0147             required property string artistsDisplayString
0148             required property int index
0150             width: parent.width
0152             contentItem: MouseArea {
0153                 implicitHeight: content.implicitHeight
0154                 acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
0155                 onClicked: mouse => {
0156                     if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) {
0157                         menu.openForSong(delegateItem.videoId, delegateItem.title, delegateItem.artists, delegateItem.artistsDisplayString)
0158                     } else if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) {
0159                         play(videoId)
0160                     }
0161                 }
0162                 RowLayout {
0163                     id: content
0164                     anchors.fill: parent
0165                     ThumbnailSource {
0166                         id: thumbnailSource
0168                         videoId: delegateItem.videoId
0169                     }
0171                     RoundedImage {
0172                         source: thumbnailSource.cachedPath
0173                         height: 35
0174                         width: height
0175                         radius: 5
0176                     }
0177                     ColumnLayout {
0178                         Controls.Label {
0179                             text: delegateItem.title
0180                             Layout.fillWidth: true
0181                             elide: Qt.ElideRight
0183                         }
0184                         Controls.Label {
0185                             Layout.fillWidth: true
0186                             color: Kirigami.Theme.disabledTextColor
0187                             text: delegateItem.artistsDisplayString
0188                             elide: Qt.ElideRight
0190                         }
0191                     }
0193                     Controls.ToolButton {
0194                         icon.name: "overflow-menu"
0195                         text: i18n("More")
0196                         display: Controls.AbstractButton.IconOnly
0197                         onClicked: menu.openForSong(delegateItem.videoId, delegateItem.title, delegateItem.artists, delegateItem.artistsDisplayString)
0198                     }
0199                 }
0200             }
0201         }
0202     }
0203 }