File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 04:49:25

0001 /****************************************************************************************
0002  * Copyright (c) 2009 Nikolaj Hald Nielsen <>                                *
0003  * Copyright (c) 2009 Seb Ruiz <>                                           *
0004  *                                                                                      *
0005  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under        *
0006  * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software        *
0007  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later           *
0008  * version.                                                                             *
0009  *                                                                                      *
0010  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY      *
0011  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A      *
0012  * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.             *
0013  *                                                                                      *
0014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with         *
0015  * this program.  If not, see <>.                           *
0016  ****************************************************************************************/
0018 #include "ElidingButton.h"
0020 #include "core/support/Debug.h"
0022 #include <QFontMetrics>
0023 #include <QMargins>
0025 namespace Amarok {
0027 ElidingButton::ElidingButton( QWidget *parent )
0028     : QPushButton( parent )
0029 {
0030     init();
0031 }
0033 ElidingButton::ElidingButton( const QString & text, QWidget * parent )
0034     : QPushButton( text, parent )
0035     , m_fullText( text )
0036 {
0037     init();
0038 }
0040 ElidingButton::ElidingButton( const QIcon & icon, const QString & text, QWidget * parent )
0041     : QPushButton( icon, text, parent )
0042     , m_fullText( text )
0043 {
0044     init();
0045 }
0047 ElidingButton::~ElidingButton()
0048 {
0049 }
0051 void ElidingButton::init()
0052 {
0053     m_isElided = false;
0054     int width = iconSize().width() + 4;
0055     if( !text().isEmpty() )
0056     {
0057         QFontMetrics fm( font() );
0058         width += fm.horizontalAdvance( QLatin1String( "XX" ) ) / 2;
0059     }
0060     setMinimumWidth( width );
0061 }
0063 QSizePolicy ElidingButton::sizePolicy() const
0064 {
0065     //This has got to be the mother of all hacks...
0066     //If the text is currently elided, the button should try to get more space. If not elided
0067     //then the button has all the space it needs and should really not try to expand beyond this.
0068     //Since the size hint depends on the actual text shown (which is very short when elided) we
0069     //cannot depend on this for making the button grow again...
0070     if( !m_isElided )
0071         return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
0073     return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
0074 }
0076 bool ElidingButton::isElided() const
0077 {
0078     return m_isElided;
0079 }
0081 void ElidingButton::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *event )
0082 {
0083     elideText( event->size() );
0084     QPushButton::resizeEvent( event );
0085 }
0087 void ElidingButton::setText( const QString &text )
0088 {
0089     m_fullText = text;
0090     elideText( size() );
0091     // elideText will call QPushButton::setText()
0092 }
0094 void ElidingButton::elideText( const QSize &widgetSize )
0095 {
0096     const int width = widgetSize.width();
0097     const int iconWidth = icon().isNull() ? 0 : iconSize().width();
0099     QMargins margins = contentsMargins();
0100     int padding = margins.left() + margins.right() + 4;
0101     int textWidth = width - ( iconWidth + padding );
0103     QFontMetrics fm( font() );
0104     QString elidedText = fm.elidedText( m_fullText, Qt::ElideRight, textWidth );
0105     QPushButton::setText( elidedText );
0107     bool elided = ( elidedText != m_fullText );
0109     // If there is no tooltip set, then we set it to be the full text when elided,
0110     // and clear it if the button is no longer elided.
0111     const QString tip = toolTip();
0112     if( elided && tip.isEmpty() )
0113         setToolTip( m_fullText );
0114     else if( !elided && tip == m_fullText )
0115         setToolTip( QString() );
0117     if( elided )
0118         setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
0119     else
0120         setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
0122     if( m_isElided != elided )
0123     {
0124         m_isElided = elided;
0125         Q_EMIT( sizePolicyChanged() );
0126     }
0127 }
0129 }