File indexing completed on 2025-01-19 04:24:10
0001 /**************************************************************************************** 0002 * Copyright (c) 2010 Rainer Sigle <> * 0003 * * 0004 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * 0005 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * 0006 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * 0007 * version. * 0008 * * 0009 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * 0010 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * 0011 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * 0012 * * 0013 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * 0014 * this program. If not, see <>. * 0015 ****************************************************************************************/ 0016 0017 #include "TabsView.h" 0018 #include "TabsItem.h" 0019 #include "core/support/Debug.h" 0020 #include "PaletteHandler.h" 0021 #include "widgets/PrettyTreeView.h" 0022 0023 #include <KTextBrowser> 0024 #include <Plasma/ScrollBar> 0025 #include <Plasma/TextBrowser> 0026 0027 #include <QGraphicsLinearLayout> 0028 0029 // Subclassed to override the access level of some methods. 0030 // The TabsTreeView and the TabsView are so highly coupled that this is acceptable, imo. 0031 class TabsTreeView : public Amarok::PrettyTreeView 0032 { 0033 public: 0034 TabsTreeView( QWidget *parent = 0 ) 0035 : Amarok::PrettyTreeView( parent ) 0036 { 0037 setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ); 0038 viewport()->setAutoFillBackground( false ); 0039 0040 setHeaderHidden( true ); 0041 setIconSize( QSize( 36, 36 ) ); 0042 setDragDropMode( QAbstractItemView::DragOnly ); 0043 setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection ); 0044 setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectItems ); 0045 setAnimated( true ); 0046 setRootIsDecorated( false ); 0047 setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); 0048 setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); 0049 setFixedWidth( 48 ); 0050 0051 } 0052 protected: 0053 0054 // Override access level to make it public. Only visible to the TabsView. 0055 // Used for context menu methods. 0056 QModelIndexList selectedIndexes() const { return PrettyTreeView::selectedIndexes(); } 0057 }; 0058 0059 0060 TabsView::TabsView( QGraphicsWidget *parent ) 0061 : QGraphicsProxyWidget( parent ) 0062 { 0063 // tree view which holds the collection of fetched tabs 0064 m_treeView = new TabsTreeView( 0 ); 0065 connect( m_treeView, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), 0066 this, SLOT(itemClicked(QModelIndex)) ); 0067 0068 m_model = new QStandardItemModel(); 0069 m_model->setColumnCount( 1 ); 0070 m_treeView->setModel( m_model ); 0071 0072 m_treeProxy = new QGraphicsProxyWidget( this ); 0073 m_treeProxy->setWidget( m_treeView ); 0074 0075 // the textbrowser widget to display the tabs 0076 m_tabTextBrowser = new Plasma::TextBrowser( ); 0077 KTextBrowser *browserWidget = m_tabTextBrowser->nativeWidget(); 0078 browserWidget->setFrameShape( QFrame::StyledPanel ); 0079 browserWidget->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ); 0080 browserWidget->setOpenExternalLinks( true ); 0081 browserWidget->setUndoRedoEnabled( true ); 0082 browserWidget->setAutoFillBackground( false ); 0083 browserWidget->setWordWrapMode( QTextOption::NoWrap ); 0084 browserWidget->viewport()->setAutoFillBackground( true ); 0085 browserWidget->viewport()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ); 0086 browserWidget->setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::TextBrowserInteraction | Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard ); 0087 0088 QScrollBar *treeScrollBar = m_treeView->verticalScrollBar(); 0089 m_scrollBar = new Plasma::ScrollBar( this ); 0090 m_scrollBar->setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus ); 0091 0092 // synchronize scrollbars 0093 connect( treeScrollBar, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(int,int)), SLOT(slotScrollBarRangeChanged(int,int)) ); 0094 connect( treeScrollBar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), m_scrollBar, SLOT(setValue(int)) ); 0095 connect( m_scrollBar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), treeScrollBar, SLOT(setValue(int)) ); 0096 m_scrollBar->setRange( treeScrollBar->minimum(), treeScrollBar->maximum() ); 0097 m_scrollBar->setPageStep( treeScrollBar->pageStep() ); 0098 m_scrollBar->setSingleStep( treeScrollBar->singleStep() ); 0099 0100 // arrange textbrowser and treeview in a horizontal layout 0101 QGraphicsLinearLayout *layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout( Qt::Horizontal ); 0102 layout->addItem( m_treeProxy ); 0103 layout->addItem( m_scrollBar ); 0104 layout->addItem( m_tabTextBrowser ); 0105 layout->setSpacing( 2 ); 0106 layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); 0107 setLayout( layout ); 0108 setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); 0109 updateScrollBarVisibility(); 0110 } 0111 0112 TabsView::~TabsView() 0113 { 0114 delete m_model; 0115 delete m_treeProxy; 0116 } 0117 0118 void 0119 TabsView::appendTab( TabsItem *tabsItem ) 0120 { 0121 if( tabsItem ) 0122 m_model->appendRow( tabsItem ); 0123 } 0124 0125 void 0126 TabsView::clear() 0127 { 0128 qDeleteAll( m_model->findItems(QLatin1String("*"), Qt::MatchWildcard) ); 0129 m_model->clear(); 0130 } 0131 0132 void 0133 TabsView::clearTabBrowser() 0134 { 0135 m_tabTextBrowser->nativeWidget()->clear(); 0136 } 0137 0138 void 0139 TabsView::showTab( TabsItem *tab ) 0140 { 0141 if( tab ) 0142 { 0143 QString tabText = tab->getTabData(); 0144 if( tabText.length() > 0 ) 0145 { 0146 tabText.replace( '\n', "<br></br>", Qt::CaseInsensitive ); 0147 0148 QFont tabFont( "monospace"); 0149 tabFont.setStyleHint( QFont::Courier ); 0150 tabFont.setStyleStrategy( QFont::PreferAntialias ); 0151 tabFont.setWeight( QFont::Normal ); 0152 tabFont.setPointSize( QFont().pointSize() ); 0153 0154 QFont headingFont( "sans-serif" ); 0155 headingFont.setPointSize( tabFont.pointSize() + 2 ); 0156 headingFont.setStyleHint( QFont::SansSerif ); 0157 headingFont.setStyleStrategy( QFont::PreferAntialias ); 0158 headingFont.setWeight( QFont::Black ); 0159 QString linkColor = The::paletteHandler()->palette().link().color().name(); 0160 QString textColor = The::paletteHandler()->palette().text().color().name(); 0161 int headingWeight = 600; 0162 0163 QString htmlData = "<html>"; 0164 htmlData += "<body style=\"font-family:'" + + "';"; 0165 htmlData += "font-size:" + QString::number( tabFont.pointSize() ) + "pt;"; 0166 htmlData += "font-weight:" + QString::number( tabFont.weight() ) + ';'; 0167 htmlData += "color:" + textColor + ";\">"; 0168 0169 // tab heading + tab source 0170 htmlData += "<p><span style=\"font-family:'" + + "';"; 0171 htmlData += "font-size:" + QString::number( headingFont.pointSize() ) + "pt;"; 0172 htmlData += "font-weight:" + QString::number( headingWeight ) + ";\">"; 0173 htmlData += tab->getTabTitle(); 0174 htmlData += " (" + i18nc( "Guitar tablature", "tab provided from: " ) + "<a href=\"" + tab->getTabUrl() + "\">"; 0175 htmlData += "<span style=\"text-decoration: underline; color:" + linkColor + ";\">"; 0176 htmlData += tab->getTabSource() + "</a>"; 0177 htmlData += ")</span></p>"; 0178 0179 // tab data 0180 htmlData += tabText + "</body></html>"; 0181 0182 // backup current scrollbar position 0183 QScrollBar *vbar = m_tabTextBrowser->nativeWidget()->verticalScrollBar(); 0184 int scrollPosition = vbar->isVisible() ? vbar->value() : vbar->minimum(); 0185 0186 m_tabTextBrowser->nativeWidget()->setHtml( htmlData ); 0187 0188 // re-apply scrollbar position 0189 vbar->setSliderPosition( scrollPosition ); 0190 } 0191 } 0192 } 0193 0194 void 0195 TabsView::itemClicked( const QModelIndex &index ) 0196 { 0197 const QStandardItemModel *itemModel = static_cast<QStandardItemModel*>( m_treeView->model() ); 0198 0199 QStandardItem *item = itemModel->itemFromIndex( index ); 0200 TabsItem *tab = dynamic_cast<TabsItem*>( item ); 0201 if( tab ) 0202 showTab( tab ); 0203 } 0204 0205 void 0206 TabsView::resizeEvent( QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event ) 0207 { 0208 QGraphicsWidget::resizeEvent( event ); 0209 } 0210 0211 void 0212 TabsView::slotScrollBarRangeChanged( int min, int max ) 0213 { 0214 m_scrollBar->setRange( min, max ); 0215 m_scrollBar->setPageStep( m_treeView->verticalScrollBar()->pageStep() ); 0216 m_scrollBar->setSingleStep( m_treeView->verticalScrollBar()->singleStep() ); 0217 updateScrollBarVisibility(); 0218 } 0219 0220 void 0221 TabsView::updateScrollBarVisibility() 0222 { 0223 QGraphicsLinearLayout *lo = static_cast<QGraphicsLinearLayout*>( layout() ); 0224 if( m_scrollBar->maximum() == 0 ) 0225 { 0226 if( lo->count() > 2 && lo->itemAt( 1 ) == m_scrollBar ) 0227 { 0228 lo->removeAt( 1 ); 0229 m_scrollBar->hide(); 0230 } 0231 } 0232 else if( lo->count() == 2 ) 0233 { 0234 lo->insertItem( 1, m_scrollBar ); 0235 m_scrollBar->show(); 0236 } 0237 } 0238 0239 0240 #include <TabsView.moc> 0241