File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 16:54:14

0001 /****************************************************************************************
0002  * Copyright (c) 2008 Nikolaj Hald Nielsen <>                                *
0003  * Copyright (c) 2008 Jeff Mitchell <>                         *
0004  * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Mark Kretschmann <>                       *
0005  *                                                                                      *
0006  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under        *
0007  * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software        *
0008  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later           *
0009  * version.                                                                             *
0010  *                                                                                      *
0011  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY      *
0012  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A      *
0013  * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.             *
0014  *                                                                                      *
0015  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with         *
0016  * this program.  If not, see <>.                           *
0017  ****************************************************************************************/
0019 #ifndef SVGHANDLER_H
0020 #define SVGHANDLER_H
0022 #include "amarok_export.h"
0023 #include "core/meta/forward_declarations.h"
0025 #include <QHash>
0026 #include <QPixmap>
0027 #include <QReadWriteLock>
0028 #include <QString>
0030 #include <KImageCache>
0032 class QStyleOptionSlider;
0033 class QSvgRenderer;
0034 class SvgHandler;
0036 namespace The {
0037     AMAROK_EXPORT SvgHandler* svgHandler();
0038 }
0040 /**
0041 A class to abstract out some common operations of users of tinted svgs
0042 */
0043 class AMAROK_EXPORT SvgHandler : public QObject
0044 {
0045     Q_OBJECT
0047     friend SvgHandler* The::svgHandler();
0049     public:
0050         ~SvgHandler() override;
0052         QSvgRenderer* getRenderer( const QString &name );
0053         QSvgRenderer* getRenderer();
0054         QPixmap renderSvg( const QString &name, const QString& keyname, int width, int height, const QString& element = QString(), bool skipCache = false, const qreal opacity = 1.0 );
0056         /**
0057         * Overloaded function that uses the current theme
0058         * @param keyname the name of the key to save in the cache
0059         * @param width Width of the resulting pixmap
0060         * @param height Height of the resulting pixmap
0061         * @param element The theme element to render ( if none the entire svg is rendered )
0062         * @param skipCache If true, the pixmap will always get rendered and never fetched from the cache.
0063         * @param opacity The opacity used for rendering. Range 0.0 to 1.0.
0064         * @return The svg element/file rendered into a pixmap
0065         */
0066         QPixmap renderSvg( const QString& keyname, int width, int height, const QString& element = QString(), bool skipCache = false, const qreal opacity = 1.0 );
0068         /**
0069          * Another overloaded function that loads a svg file from an url. This function is usable from QML.
0070          * @param url the given URL
0071          * @param keyname the name of the key to save in the cache
0072          * @param width Width of the resulting pixmap
0073          * @param height Height of the resulting pixmap
0074          * @param element The theme element to render ( if none the entire svg is rendered )
0075          * @param skipCache If true, the pixmap will always get rendered and never fetched from the cache.
0076          * @param opacity The opacity used for rendering. Range 0.0 to 1.0.
0077          * @return The svg element/file rendered into a pixmap
0078          */
0079         Q_INVOKABLE QPixmap renderSvg( const QUrl& url, const QString& keyname, int width, int height, const QString& element = QString(), bool skipCache = false, const qreal opacity = 1.0 );
0081         /**
0082          * Yet another overloaded function. This one renders the svg element and adds half a divider element to the top and the bottom
0083          * so it looks sane when multiple elements with the same width are stacked.
0084          *
0085          * @param keyname the name of the key to save in the cache.
0086          * @param width Width of the resulting pixmap.
0087          * @param height Height of the resulting pixmap.
0088          * @param element The theme element to render ( if none the entire svg is rendered )
0089          * @return The svg element/file rendered into a pixmap.
0090          */
0091         QPixmap renderSvgWithDividers( const QString& keyname, int width, int height, const QString& element = QString() );
0093         /**
0094          * Take an album and extract the pixmap for sending to addBordersToPixmap.
0095          *
0096          * @param album The AlbumPtr
0097          * @param size The size of the resulting image (border included)
0098          * @param borderWidth The desired width of the border
0099          */
0100         QPixmap imageWithBorder( Meta::AlbumPtr album, int size = 1, int borderWidth = 5 );
0102         /**
0103          * Add nice borders to a pixmap. The function will create and return a new
0104          * Pixmap that is the size of the old one plus twice the border width in
0105          * each dimension.
0106          * 
0107          * @param orgPixmap The original pixmap.
0108          * @param borderWidth The pixel width of the borders to add to the pixmap. 
0109          * @param name A name for use as the basis of the cache key that for caching the completed image plus borders.
0110          * @param skipCache If true, the pixmap will always get rendered and never fetched from the cache.
0111          */
0112         QPixmap addBordersToPixmap( const QPixmap &orgPixmap, int borderWidth, const QString &name, bool skipCache =false );
0114         /**
0115          * Paint a custom slider using the specified painter. The slider consists
0116          * of a background part, a "knob" that moves along it to show the current
0117          * position, and 2 end markers to clearly mark the ends of the slider.
0118          * The background part before the knob, is painted in a different color than the
0119          * part after (and under) the knob.
0120          * @param p The painter to use.
0121          * @param slider The slider.
0122          * @param percentage The percentage of the slider that the knob is positioned at.
0123          * @param paintMoodbar Whether to paint a moodbar.
0124          */
0125         void paintCustomSlider( QPainter *p, QStyleOptionSlider *slider, qreal percentage, bool paintMoodbar  = false );
0127         /**
0128          * Calculate the visual slider knob rect from its value, use it instead the QStyle functions
0129          * QStyle::sliderPositionFromValue() and QStyle::subControlRect();
0130          */
0131         QRect sliderKnobRect( const QRect &slider, qreal percent, bool inverse ) const;
0133         /**
0134          * Get the path of the currently used svg theme file.
0135          *
0136          * @return the path of the currently used theme file.
0137          */
0138         QString themeFile();
0140         /**
0141          * Change the currently used svg theme file. This function also
0142          * clears the pixmap cache as all svg elements have potentially changed
0143          * and should be re-rendered.
0144          *
0145          * @param themeFile The path of the new theme file to use.
0146          */
0147         void setThemeFile( const QString  & themeFile );
0149     public Q_SLOTS:
0150         void reTint();
0152     Q_SIGNALS:
0153         void retinted();
0155     private Q_SLOTS:
0156         void discardCache();
0158     private:
0159         SvgHandler( QObject* parent = nullptr );
0161         bool loadSvg( const QString& name, bool forceCustomTheme = false );
0163         QPixmap sliderHandle( const QColor &color, bool pressed, int size );
0164         QColor calcLightColor(const QColor &color) const;
0165         QColor calcDarkColor(const QColor &color) const;
0166         bool lowThreshold(const QColor &color) const;
0168         KImageCache * m_cache;
0170         QHash<QString,QSvgRenderer*> m_renderers;
0171         QReadWriteLock m_lock;
0173         QString m_themeFile;
0174         bool m_customTheme;
0175 };
0177 #endif