File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 04:46:53

0001 #pragma once
0003 #include <QObject>
0004 #include <QFont>
0005 #include <QColor>
0006 #include <QVariant>
0007 #include <QQmlEngine>
0008 #include <QFontMetrics>
0010 namespace MauiMan
0011 {
0012 class ThemeManager;
0013 class BackgroundManager;
0014 class AccessibilityManager;
0015 }
0017 /**
0018  * @brief The Unit group properties.
0019  * These properties are standard values meant to be used across the UI elements for a cohesive look and feel.
0020  * 
0021  * @note This object can not be instantiated. It only exists as part of the Style::units implementation, which ca be accessed via the global Style singleton.
0022  */
0023 class Units : public QObject
0024 {
0025     Q_OBJECT
0026     Q_PROPERTY(uint gridUnit MEMBER m_gridUnit CONSTANT FINAL)
0027     Q_PROPERTY(uint veryLongDuration MEMBER m_veryLongDuration CONSTANT FINAL)
0028     Q_PROPERTY(uint longDuration MEMBER m_longDuration CONSTANT FINAL)
0029     Q_PROPERTY(uint shortDuration MEMBER m_shortDuration CONSTANT FINAL)
0030     Q_PROPERTY(uint veryShortDuration MEMBER m_veryShortDuration CONSTANT FINAL)
0031     Q_PROPERTY(uint humanMoment MEMBER m_humanMoment CONSTANT FINAL)
0032     Q_PROPERTY(uint toolTipDelay MEMBER m_toolTipDelay CONSTANT FINAL)
0034 public:
0035     explicit Units(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0037 private:
0038     QFontMetricsF m_fontMetrics;
0039     uint m_gridUnit;
0040     uint m_veryLongDuration;
0041     uint m_longDuration;
0042     uint m_shortDuration;
0043     uint m_veryShortDuration;
0044     uint m_humanMoment;
0045     uint m_toolTipDelay;
0046 };
0048 /**
0049  * @brief The sizes group for some Style properties, such as Style::iconSize, Style::space, etc.
0050  * 
0051  * @note This object can not be instantiated. It only exists as part of some of the Style property implementations, which ca be accessed via the global Style singleton.
0052  */
0053 class GroupSizes : public QObject
0054 {
0055     Q_OBJECT
0056     Q_PROPERTY(uint tiny MEMBER m_tiny NOTIFY sizesChanged  FINAL)
0057     Q_PROPERTY(uint small MEMBER m_small NOTIFY sizesChanged  FINAL)
0058     Q_PROPERTY(uint medium MEMBER m_medium NOTIFY sizesChanged  FINAL)
0059     Q_PROPERTY(uint big MEMBER m_big NOTIFY sizesChanged  FINAL)
0060     Q_PROPERTY(uint large MEMBER m_large NOTIFY sizesChanged  FINAL)
0061     Q_PROPERTY(uint huge MEMBER m_huge NOTIFY sizesChanged  FINAL)
0062     Q_PROPERTY(uint enormous MEMBER m_enormous NOTIFY sizesChanged  FINAL)
0064 public:
0065     explicit GroupSizes(const uint tiny,const uint small, const uint medium, const uint big, const uint large, const uint huge, const uint enormous, QObject *parent = nullptr);
0066     GroupSizes(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0068     uint m_tiny;
0069     uint m_small;
0070     uint m_medium;
0071     uint m_big;
0072     uint m_large;
0073     uint m_huge;
0074     uint m_enormous;
0077     void sizesChanged();
0078 };
0080 /**
0081  * @brief The MauiKit Style preferences singleton object.
0082  * 
0083  */
0084 class Style : public QObject
0085 {
0086     Q_OBJECT
0087     QML_ELEMENT
0088     QML_ATTACHED(Style)
0089     QML_UNCREATABLE("Cannot be created Style")
0090     Q_DISABLE_COPY(Style)
0092     /**
0093      * The standard height size for the toolbars, such as ToolBar, TabBar, etc. Usually this is used as the minimum height fo those bars.
0094      * @note This property is read only.
0095      */
0096     Q_PROPERTY(uint toolBarHeight MEMBER m_toolBarHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
0098     /**
0099      * An alternative size for the tab bars, this is a bit smaller then the `toolBarHeight`.
0100      * @see toolBarHeight
0101      * 
0102      */
0103     Q_PROPERTY(uint toolBarHeightAlt MEMBER m_toolBarHeightAlt CONSTANT FINAL)
0105     /**
0106      * The preferred radius for the border corners of the UI elements.
0107      * @note This property is read only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences. 
0108      */
0109     Q_PROPERTY(uint radiusV MEMBER m_radiusV NOTIFY radiusVChanged FINAL)
0111     /**
0112      * The preferred size for painting the icons in places, such as menus, buttons and delegates.
0113      * @note This property is read only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences. 
0114      */
0115     Q_PROPERTY(uint iconSize READ iconSize NOTIFY iconSizeChanged FINAL)
0117     /**
0118      * The standard size for the height of elements represented as a row. Such as items in lists.
0119      * This can be used for keeping a coherent look, when an implicit height is not desired, or as the minimum height.
0120      */
0121     Q_PROPERTY(uint rowHeight MEMBER m_rowHeight CONSTANT FINAL)
0123     /**
0124      * An alternative height to the `rowHeight`, this size is a bit smaller.
0125      */
0126     Q_PROPERTY(uint rowHeightAlt MEMBER m_rowHeightAlt CONSTANT FINAL)
0128 /**
0129      * The preferred size for the margins in the browsing views, such as the ListBrowser and GridBrowser, but also for the margins in menus. 
0130      * @note This property is read only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences. 
0131      */
0132     Q_PROPERTY(uint contentMargins MEMBER m_contentMargins NOTIFY contentMarginsChanged)
0134     /**
0135      * The preferred font size for the text labels in the UI elements.
0136      * @note This property is read only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences.  
0137      */
0138     Q_PROPERTY(uint defaultFontSize MEMBER m_defaultFontSize CONSTANT FINAL)
0140     /**
0141      * The preferred padding size for the UI elements, such a menu entries, buttons, bars, etc.
0142      * The padding refers to the outer-space around the visible background area of the elements.
0143      * @note This property is read only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences.
0144      */
0145     Q_PROPERTY(uint defaultPadding MEMBER m_defaultPadding NOTIFY defaultPaddingChanged)
0147     /**
0148      * The preferred spacing size between elements in rows or columns, etc.
0149      * @note This property is read only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences.
0150      */
0151     Q_PROPERTY(uint defaultSpacing MEMBER m_defaultSpacing NOTIFY defaultSpacingChanged)
0153     /**
0154      * The preferred font for the text in labels.
0155      * @note This property is read only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences.
0156      */
0157     Q_PROPERTY(QFont defaultFont MEMBER m_defaultFont NOTIFY defaultFontChanged)
0159     /**
0160      * The preferred font for titles and headers.
0161      */
0162     Q_PROPERTY(QFont h1Font MEMBER m_h1Font NOTIFY h1FontChanged)
0164     /**
0165      * The preferred font for subtitles.
0166      */
0167     Q_PROPERTY(QFont h2Font MEMBER m_h2Font NOTIFY h2FontChanged)
0169     /**
0170      * The preferred mono spaced font.
0171      * @note This property is read only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences.
0172      */
0173     Q_PROPERTY(QFont monospacedFont MEMBER m_monospacedFont NOTIFY monospacedFontChanged)
0175     /**
0176      * The group of different standard font sizes for the MauiKit applications.
0177      * @see GroupSizes
0178      */
0179     Q_PROPERTY(GroupSizes *fontSizes MEMBER m_fontSizes NOTIFY fontSizesChanged)
0181     /**
0182      * The group of different standard spacing values for consistency in the MauiKit apps.
0183      * @see GroupSizes
0184      */
0185     Q_PROPERTY(GroupSizes *space MEMBER m_space CONSTANT FINAL)
0187     /**
0188      * The group of different standard icon sizes for consistency in the MauiKit apps.
0189      * @see GroupSizes
0190      * Values are the standard: 16, 22, 32 ,48, 64, 128 [pixels]
0191      */
0192     Q_PROPERTY(GroupSizes *iconSizes MEMBER m_iconSizes CONSTANT FINAL)
0194     /**
0195      * The standard units group. See the Units documentation for more information.
0196      */
0197     Q_PROPERTY(Units *units MEMBER m_units CONSTANT FINAL)
0199     /**
0200      * Sets the color to be used for highlighted, active, checked and such states of the UI elements.
0201      * By default this color is set to the global preferences via MauiMan.
0202      * This can be overridden by each application to a custom color. To reset it back to the system preference set the property to `undefined`. 
0203      */
0204     Q_PROPERTY(QColor accentColor READ accentColor WRITE setAccentColor NOTIFY accentColorChanged FINAL RESET unsetAccentColor)
0206     /**
0207      * The source for picking up the application color palette when the style type is set to Style.Adaptive.
0208      * The source can be an image URL, and QQC2 Image, or a QQC2 Item, or even an icon name.
0209      * By default the source for this is set to the MauiMan wallpaper source preference.
0210      */
0211     Q_PROPERTY(QVariant adaptiveColorSchemeSource READ adaptiveColorSchemeSource WRITE setAdaptiveColorSchemeSource NOTIFY adaptiveColorSchemeSourceChanged RESET unsetAdaptiveColorSchemeSource)
0213     /**
0214      * The preferred style type for setting the color scheme of the application.
0215      * @see StyleType
0216      * By default this is set to the MauiMan global preference.
0217      * It can be overridden by the application, and to reset it - back to the original system preference - by setting this to `undefined`.
0218      */
0219     Q_PROPERTY(StyleType styleType READ styleType WRITE setStyleType NOTIFY styleTypeChanged RESET unsetStyeType)
0221     /**
0222      * Whether special effects are desired. This can be tweaked in the MauiMan system preferences in cases where the resources need to be preserved.
0223      * Consider using this property when using special effects in your applications.
0224      * @note This property is read-only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences.
0225      */
0226     Q_PROPERTY(bool enableEffects READ enableEffects NOTIFY enableEffectsChanged FINAL)
0228     /**
0229      * The current system icon theme picked up by the user.
0230      * @note This property is read-only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences.
0231      * @warning This only works when using the Maui Shell ecosystem. There is not support for Plasma or GNOME desktops.
0232      */
0233     Q_PROPERTY(QString currentIconTheme READ currentIconTheme NOTIFY currentIconThemeChanged)
0235     /**
0236      * Whether the menu entries should display the icon image.
0237      * @note This property is read-only. This is picked by from the QPA Qt Theme integration platform, so its default value will depend on the desktop shell being used.
0238      */
0239     Q_PROPERTY(bool menusHaveIcons READ menusHaveIcons CONSTANT FINAL)
0241     /**
0242      * The preferred scroll bars policy for displaying them or not.
0243      * @note This property is read-only. This is picked by from the QPA Qt Theme integration platform, so its default value will depend on the desktop shell being used.
0244      */
0245     Q_PROPERTY(uint scrollBarPolicy READ scrollBarPolicy NOTIFY scrollBarPolicyChanged FINAL)
0247     /**
0248      * Whether the user desires for the application to play sounds or not.
0249      * @note This property is read-only. It can only be modified from the MauiMan global preferences.
0250      */
0251     Q_PROPERTY(bool playSounds READ playSounds NOTIFY playSoundsChanged FINAL)
0253     /**
0254      * Whether the application window surface should be transparent and request the compositor to blur the background area of the window surface.
0255      * By default this is set to `false`.
0256      */
0257     Q_PROPERTY(bool translucencyAvailable READ translucencyAvailable NOTIFY translucencyAvailableChanged)
0259 public:
0260     /**
0261      * @brief The different options for the color scheme style.
0262      */
0263     enum StyleType : uint
0264     {
0265         /**
0266          * A light variant designed for Maui.
0267          */
0268         Light = 0,
0270         /**
0271          * A dark variant designed for Maui.
0272          */
0273         Dark,
0275          /**
0276          * Picks the color scheme based on an source input, such as an image. The generated color palette determines if it is a dark or light scheme, and also its accent color.
0277          */
0278         Adaptive,
0280          /**
0281          * Picks the colors from the system palette, usually from Plasma color-scheme files.
0282          * @note Use this type when mixing MauiKit with Kirigami controls, so both frameworks pick up the color palette from the same source.
0283          */
0284         Auto,
0286          /**
0287          * A fully black color palette with a full white accent color. This is might be useful as a accessibility enhance or for performance on E-Ink and AMOLED displays.
0288          */
0289         TrueBlack,
0291          /**
0292          * A fully white color palette with a true black accent color. This is the inverted version of the TrueBlack type.
0293          */
0294         Inverted
0295     }; Q_ENUM(StyleType)
0297     /**
0298      * @private
0299      */
0300     static Style *qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *object);
0302     /**
0303      * @private
0304      */
0305     static Style *instance()
0306     {
0307         if (m_instance)
0308             return m_instance;
0310         m_instance = new Style;
0311         return m_instance;
0312     }
0314     QVariant adaptiveColorSchemeSource() const;
0315     void setAdaptiveColorSchemeSource(const QVariant &source);
0316     void unsetAdaptiveColorSchemeSource();
0318     QColor accentColor() const;
0319     void setAccentColor(const QColor &color);
0320     void unsetAccentColor();
0322     StyleType styleType() const;
0323     void setStyleType(const StyleType &type);
0324     void unsetStyeType();
0326     void setRadiusV(const uint &radius);
0328     bool enableEffects() const;
0330     uint iconSize() const;
0332     QString currentIconTheme() const;
0334     bool menusHaveIcons() const;
0335     bool playSounds() const;
0336     uint scrollBarPolicy() const;    
0338     bool translucencyAvailable() const;
0339     void setTranslucencyAvailable(const bool &value);
0341 public Q_SLOTS:
0342     /**
0343      * @brief Given a `size` as argument this function will return the best fitted icon size from the standard icon sizes.
0344      * For example for the a size of 36, this function should return a size of 32.
0345      */
0346     int mapToIconSizes(const int &size);
0348 private:
0349     explicit Style(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0350     static Style *m_instance;
0352     QFont m_defaultFont;
0353     QFont m_h1Font = QFont {};
0354     QFont m_h2Font = QFont {};
0355     QFont m_monospacedFont = QFont {};
0357     GroupSizes *m_iconSizes;
0358     GroupSizes *m_space;
0359     GroupSizes *m_fontSizes;
0360     Units *m_units;
0362     uint m_defaultFontSize;
0364     uint m_toolBarHeight = 42;
0365     uint m_toolBarHeightAlt = 38;
0366     uint m_radiusV = 4;
0367     uint m_iconSize = 22;
0368     uint m_rowHeight = 32;
0369     uint m_rowHeightAlt = 28;
0371     uint m_contentMargins;
0372     uint m_defaultPadding;
0373     uint m_defaultSpacing;
0375     QColor m_accentColor;
0376     bool m_accentColor_blocked = false;
0378     QVariant m_adaptiveColorSchemeSource;
0379     bool m_adaptiveColorSchemeSource_blocked = false;
0381     StyleType m_styleType;
0382     bool m_styleType_blocked = false;
0384     MauiMan::ThemeManager *m_themeSettings;
0385     MauiMan::BackgroundManager *m_backgroundSettings;
0386     MauiMan::AccessibilityManager *m_accessibilitySettings;
0388     bool m_enableEffects = true;
0389     bool m_translucencyAvailable = false;
0391     QString m_currentIconTheme;
0393     void setFontSizes();
0394     void styleChanged();
0397     void defaultFontChanged();
0398     void h1FontChanged();
0399     void h2FontChanged();
0400     void monospacedFontChanged();
0401     void fontSizesChanged();
0403     void adaptiveColorSchemeSourceChanged(QVariant source);
0404     void accentColorChanged(QColor color);
0405     void colorSchemeChanged();
0406     void styleTypeChanged(StyleType type);
0407     void radiusVChanged(uint radius);
0408     void iconSizeChanged(uint size);
0409     void enableEffectsChanged(bool enableEffects);
0410     void defaultPaddingChanged();
0411     void contentMarginsChanged();
0412     void currentIconThemeChanged(QString currentIconTheme);
0413     void defaultSpacingChanged();
0414     void scrollBarPolicyChanged(uint);
0415     void playSoundsChanged(bool);
0416     void translucencyAvailableChanged(bool translucencyAvailable);
0417 };