Warning, /maui/mauikit/src/controls.6/ToolBar.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002  *   Copyright 2018 Camilo Higuita <milo.h@aol.com>
0003  *
0004  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0005  *   it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
0006  *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
0007  *   (at your option) any later version.
0008  *
0009  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0010  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0012  *   GNU General Public License for more details
0013  *
0014  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
0015  *   License along with this program; if not, write to the
0016  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
0017  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
0018  */
0020 import QtQuick
0021 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 as QQC
0022 import QtQuick.Window
0024 import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
0026 import QtQuick.Layouts
0028 import "private" as Private
0030 /**
0031  * @inherit QtQuick.Controls.ToolBar
0032  * @brief An alternative to QQC2 ToolBar, with a custom horizontal layout - divided into three main sections - left, middle and right.
0033  * 
0034  * This is a good companion to a page header or footer.
0035  * 
0036  * <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-controls-toolbar.html">This control inherits from QQC2 ToolBar, to checkout its inherited properties refer to the Qt Docs.</a> 
0037  * 
0038  * @code
0039  * QQC2.Page
0040  * {
0041  *    header: ToolBar
0042  *    {
0043  *        width: parent.width
0044  *        
0045  *        ToolButton
0046  *        {
0047  *            icon.name: "love"
0048  *        }
0049  *    }
0050  * }
0051  * @endcode
0052  * 
0053  * The ToolBar sections are divided into five [5] sections, and each one can be easily populated via the alias property. The left and right areas are have two sections, the far-left and far-right, alongside with the left and right.
0054  * @see farLeftContent
0055  * @see leftContent
0056  * @see middleContent
0057  * @see rightContent
0058  * @see farRightContent
0059  * 
0060  *  And lastly there's the middle section - the middle section contents can be centered using the Layout attached properties.
0061  *  When the left and right contents are not equal in size, the middle content can be forced to be centered using the force center property.
0062  *  @see forceCenterMiddleContent  
0063  *   
0064  *  @image html ToolBar/footbar_sections_color.png
0065  *  @note The ToolBar sections divided by colors. The middle section [green] is filling the available space.
0066  * 
0067  *  The bar contents will become flickable/scrollable when the child items do not fit in the available space. There will be shadows indicating that there is content to be discovered to the left or right sides.
0068  *  @see fits
0069  *  
0070  *  If the application window is using CSD - there is a useful property to allow dragging and moving the window by pressing the toolbar area. This can also be disabled if it is undesired.
0071  *  @see draggable
0072  * 
0073  * @section notes Notes
0074  * The middle section is handled by a RowLayout, so child items placed in there can be positioned using the Layout attached properties, such as Layout.fillWidth, Layout.alignment, etc.
0075  * 
0076  * The other sections will take the size of child items, so any item place into them need to have an implicit size or explicitly set one.
0077  * 
0078  * The far left/right sections will not be hidden when the contents of the bar does not fit and becomes scrollable, They will remain in place, so place items in those section which are important to stay always visible, and do not over populate them, instead populate the left and right areas.
0079  * 
0080  *  @image html ToolBar/footbar_fit.png
0081  *  @note Here the contents of the bar does not fit, so it becomes hidden and can be scrolled/flicked horizontally.
0082  * 
0083  * @code 
0084  * ToolBar
0085  * {
0086  *    farLeftContent: ToolButton
0087  *    {
0088  *        icon.name: "love"
0089  *    }
0090  * 
0091  *    leftContent: ToolButton
0092  *    {
0093  *        icon.name: "folder"
0094  *    }
0095  * 
0096  *    middleContent: ToolButton
0097  *    {
0098  *        icon.name: "folder-music"
0099  *        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
0100  *    }
0101  * 
0102  *    rightContent: ToolButton
0103  *    {
0104  *        icon.name: "download"
0105  *    }
0106  * 
0107  *    farRightContent: ToolButton
0108  *    {
0109  *        icon.name: "application-menu"
0110  *    }
0111  * }
0112  * @endcode
0113  * 
0114  *   @note This control supports the attached Controls.showCSD property to display the window control buttons when using CSD.
0115  * 
0116  * 
0117  *  @image html ToolBar/footbar_sections.png
0118  *  @note Using the example as the footer of a page, ToolButtons are placed in the different sections.
0119  *  
0120  */
0121 QQC.ToolBar
0122 {
0123     id: control
0125     implicitHeight: preferredHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding
0127     /**
0128      * @brief By default any child item of the ToolBar will be positioned at the left section in a row. So using the leftContent property or just declaring the child items without it will have the same effect.
0129      * @see leftContent
0130      */
0131     default property alias content : leftRowContent.content
0133         /**
0134          * @brief Set the preferred height of the toolbar. This is the preferred way to set a custom height, instead of setting it up explicitly via the height property. This is used, for example, on the Page control for the pull-back bars feature.
0135          */
0136         property int preferredHeight: implicitContentHeight
0138         /**
0139          * @brief Forces the middle content to be centered by adding extra space at the left and right sections to match the maximum width, so both left/right side have the same width.
0140          */
0141         property bool forceCenterMiddleContent : true
0143         /**
0144          * @brief Alias to add items to the left section. Multiple items can be added, separated by a coma and wrapped in brackets [].
0145          * @property list<QtObject> ToolBar::leftContent
0146          * 
0147          * @code
0148          * leftContent: [
0149          *            Button
0150          *            {
0151          *                text: "Test"
0152 },
0154 Button
0155 {
0156 text: "Hello"
0157 }
0158 ]
0159 * @endcode
0160 */
0161         property alias leftContent : leftRowContent.content
0163         /**
0164          * @brief Alias to add items to the middle section. Multiple items can be added, separated by a coma and wrapped in brackets [].
0165          * The container used to host the child items is a ColumnLayout, so child items need to be positioned using the Layout attached properties.
0166          * @property list<QtObject> ToolBar::middleContent
0167          */
0168         property alias middleContent : middleRowContent.data
0170         /**
0171          * @brief Alias to add items to the right section. Multiple items can be added, separated by a coma and wrapped in brackets [].
0172          * @property list<QtObject> ToolBar::rightContent
0173          */
0174         property alias rightContent : rightRowContent.content
0176         /**
0177          * @brief Alias to add items to the far left section. Multiple items can be added, separated by a coma and wrapped in brackets [].
0178          * @property list<QtObject> ToolBar::farLeftContent
0179          */
0180         property alias farLeftContent : farLeftRowContent.content
0182         /**
0183          * @brief Alias to add items to the far right section. Multiple items can be added, separated by a coma and wrapped in brackets [].
0184          * @property list<QtObject> ToolBar::farRightContent
0185          */
0186         property alias farRightContent : farRightRowContent.content
0188         /**
0189          * @brief The container for the middle section. Some of its properties can be tweaked, such as the spacing and visibility.
0190          * @property ColumnLayout ToolBar::middleLayout
0191          */
0192         readonly property alias middleLayout : middleRowContent
0194         /**
0195          * @brief The container for the left section. Some of its properties can be tweaked, such as the spacing and visibility.
0196          * @property Item ToolBar::leftLayout
0197          */
0198         readonly property alias leftLayout : leftRowContent
0200         /**
0201          * @brief The container for the right section. Some of its properties can be tweaked, such as the spacing and visibility.
0202          * @property Item ToolBar::rightLayout
0203          */
0204         readonly property alias rightLayout : rightRowContent
0206         /**
0207          * @brief The container for the far right section. Some of its properties can be tweaked, such as the spacing and visibility.
0208          * @property Item ToolBar::farRightLayout
0209          */
0210         readonly property alias farRightLayout : farRightRowContent
0212         /**
0213          * @brief The container for the far left section. Some of its properties can be tweaked, such as the spacing and visibility.
0214          * @property Item ToolBar::farLeftLayout
0215          */
0216         readonly property alias farLeftLayout : farLeftRowContent
0218         /**
0219          * @brief The ColumnLayout that contains all the sections of the toolbar.
0220          * @property ColumnLayout ToolBar::layout
0221          */
0222         readonly property alias layout : layout
0224         /**
0225          * @brief If the contents width is currently smaller then the available area it means that it fits, otherwise the content is wider then the available area and overflowing and has become scrollable/flickable. 
0226          */
0227         readonly property alias fits : _scrollView.fits
0229         /**
0230          * @brief The total amount of items in the toolbar sections, items can be non-visible and sum-up.
0231          */
0232         readonly property int count : leftContent.length + middleContent.length + rightContent.length + farLeftContent.length + farRightContent.length
0234         /**
0235          * @brief The total amount of visible items in the tool bar sections.
0236          */
0237         readonly property int visibleCount : leftRowContent.visibleChildren.length + middleRowContent.visibleChildren.length  + rightRowContent.visibleChildren.length + farLeftRowContent.visibleChildren.length  + farRightRowContent.visibleChildren.length
0239         /**
0240          * @brief Allow to move the window around by dragging from the toolbar area.
0241          * By default this is set to `!Maui.Handy.isMobile`
0242          */
0243         property bool draggable : !Maui.Handy.isMobile 
0245         Loader
0246         {
0247             asynchronous: true
0248             width: Maui.Style.iconSizes.medium
0249             height: parent.height
0250             active: !mainFlickable.atXEnd && !control.fits
0251             visible: active
0252             z: 999
0253             parent: control.background
0254             anchors
0255             {
0256                 right: parent.right
0257                 top: parent.top
0258                 bottom: parent.bottom
0259             }
0261             sourceComponent: Maui.EdgeShadow
0262             {
0263                 edge: Qt.RightEdge
0264             }
0265         }
0267         Loader
0268         {
0269             parent: control.background
0270             asynchronous: true
0271             width: Maui.Style.iconSizes.medium
0272             height: parent.height
0273             active: !mainFlickable.atXBeginning && !control.fits
0274             visible: active
0275             z: 999
0276             anchors
0277             {
0278                 left: parent.left
0279                 top: parent.top
0280                 bottom: parent.bottom
0281             }
0283             sourceComponent: Maui.EdgeShadow
0284             {
0285                 edge: Qt.LeftEdge
0286             }
0287         }
0289         contentItem: Item
0290         {
0291             implicitWidth: _mainLayout.implicitWidth
0292             implicitHeight: _mainLayout.implicitHeight
0293             clip: true
0295             Item
0296             {
0297                 id: _container
0298                 height: control.preferredHeight
0299                 width: parent.width
0301                 property bool isHeader: control.position === ToolBar.Header
0302                 state: isHeader? "headerState" : "footerState"
0304                 Loader
0305                 {
0306                     asynchronous: true
0307                     active: !Maui.Handy.isMobile
0308                     sourceComponent: Maui.WheelHandler
0309                     {
0310                         target: mainFlickable
0311                         primaryOrientation : Qt.Horizontal
0312                     }
0313                 }
0315                 Loader
0316                 {
0317                     // active: control.draggable
0318                     // asynchronous: true
0319                     anchors.fill: parent
0320                     sourceComponent: Item
0321                     {
0322                         DragHandler
0323                         {
0324                             grabPermissions: PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromItems | PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromHandlersOfDifferentType | PointerHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByAnything
0325                             onActiveChanged: 
0326                             {
0327                              if (active) 
0328                              {
0329                                  control.Window.window.startSystemMove()                                 
0330                             }   
0331                             }
0332                         }
0333                     }
0334                 }
0336                 states: [State
0337                 {
0338                     name: "headerState"
0340                     AnchorChanges
0341                     {
0342                         target: _container
0343                         anchors.top: undefined
0344                         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
0345                     }
0346                 },
0348                 State
0349                 {
0350                     name: "footerState"
0352                     AnchorChanges
0353                     {
0354                         target: _container
0355                         anchors.top: parent.top
0356                         anchors.bottom: undefined
0357                     }
0358                 }
0359                 ]
0361                 RowLayout
0362                 {
0363                     id: _mainLayout
0364                     anchors.fill: parent
0365                     spacing: control.spacing
0367                     Private.ToolBarSection
0368                     {
0369                         id: farLeftRowContent
0370                         Layout.fillHeight: true
0371                         Layout.maximumWidth: implicitWidth
0372                         Layout.minimumWidth: implicitWidth
0373                         spacing: control.spacing
0374                     }
0376                     QQC.ScrollView
0377                     {
0378                         id: _scrollView
0379                         padding: 0
0380                         implicitHeight: layout.implicitHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding
0381                         readonly property bool fits : contentWidth < width
0382                         onFitsChanged: mainFlickable.returnToBounds()
0384                         Layout.fillHeight: true
0385                         Layout.fillWidth: true
0387                         contentWidth: layout.implicitWidth
0388                         contentHeight: availableHeight
0390                         QQC.ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: QQC.ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
0391                         QQC.ScrollBar.vertical.policy: QQC.ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
0393                         Flickable
0394                         {
0395                             id: mainFlickable
0397                             flickableDirection: Flickable.HorizontalFlick
0398                             interactive: !control.fits && Maui.Handy.isTouch
0400                             boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
0401                             boundsMovement :Flickable.StopAtBounds
0403                             clip: true
0405                             RowLayout
0406                             {
0407                                 id: layout
0409                                 width: _scrollView.availableWidth
0410                                 height: _scrollView.availableHeight
0412                                 spacing: control.spacing
0414                                 Private.ToolBarSection
0415                                 {
0416                                     id: leftRowContent
0418                                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0420                                     Layout.maximumWidth: implicitWidth
0421                                     Layout.minimumWidth: implicitWidth
0422                                     Layout.preferredWidth: implicitWidth
0423                                     //
0424                                     spacing: control.spacing
0425                                 }
0427                                 Item //helper to force center middle content
0428                                 {
0429                                     id: _h1
0430                                     visible: middleRowContent.visibleChildren.length && control.forceCenterMiddleContent
0432                                     readonly property int mwidth : visible ? Math.max((rightRowContent.implicitWidth + farRightRowContent.implicitWidth) - (leftRowContent.implicitWidth + farLeftRowContent.implicitWidth), 0) : 0
0434                                     Layout.minimumWidth: 0
0436                                     Layout.preferredWidth: mwidth
0437                                     Layout.maximumWidth: mwidth
0439                                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0440                                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0441                                 }
0443                                 Item
0444                                 {
0445                                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0446                                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0447                                     Layout.minimumWidth:implicitWidth
0448                                     implicitWidth:  middleRowContent.implicitWidth
0449                                     implicitHeight:  middleRowContent.implicitHeight
0450                                     //                                color: "yellow"
0451                                     RowLayout
0452                                     {
0453                                         id: middleRowContent
0454                                         anchors.fill: parent
0455                                         spacing: control.spacing
0456                                     }
0457                                 }
0459                                 Item //helper to force center middle content
0460                                 {
0461                                     id: _h2
0462                                     visible: middleRowContent.visibleChildren.length && control.forceCenterMiddleContent
0464                                     readonly property int mwidth : visible ? Math.max(( leftRowContent.implicitWidth + farLeftRowContent.implicitWidth) - (rightRowContent.implicitWidth + farRightRowContent.implicitWidth), 0) : 0
0466                                     Layout.minimumWidth: 0
0468                                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0469                                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0471                                     Layout.preferredWidth: mwidth
0472                                     Layout.maximumWidth: mwidth
0473                                 }
0475                                 Private.ToolBarSection
0476                                 {
0477                                     id: rightRowContent
0479                                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0481                                     Layout.maximumWidth: implicitWidth
0482                                     Layout.minimumWidth: implicitWidth
0483                                     Layout.preferredWidth: implicitWidth
0485                                     spacing: control.spacing
0486                                 }
0487                             }
0488                         }
0489                     }
0491                     Private.ToolBarSection
0492                     {
0493                         id: farRightRowContent
0494                         Layout.fillHeight: true
0495                         Layout.maximumWidth: implicitWidth
0496                         Layout.minimumWidth: implicitWidth
0497                         spacing: control.spacing
0498                     }
0500                     Loader
0501                     {
0502                         active: control.Maui.Controls.showCSD === true
0503                         visible: active
0505                         asynchronous: true
0507                         sourceComponent: Maui.WindowControls {}
0508                     }
0509                 }
0510             }
0511         }
0512 }