Warning, /maui/mauikit/src/controls.6/ToolActions.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0002 import QtQuick.Controls
0003 import QtQuick.Layouts
0004 import QtQml
0006 import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
0008 /**
0009  * @inherit QtQuick.Controls.Control
0010  * @brief A set of grouped action visually joined together. 
0011  * 
0012  * <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-controls-control.html">This control inherits from QQC2 Control, to checkout its inherited properties refer to the Qt Docs.</a> 
0013  * 
0014  * The set actions can be checkable and auto-exclusive or not.
0015  * 
0016  * @image html Misc/toolactions.png "[1] Non-checkable. [2] Checkable non-auto-exclusive. [3] Checkable and autoexclusive"
0017  * 
0018  * @section features Features
0019  * This control supports checkable and non-checkable actions. Also auto-exclusive and non-auto-exclusive actions.
0020  * 
0021  * When enabling the `autoExclusive` property, then only one action in the group can be marked as checked at the time.
0022  * 
0023  * There is also the option to collapse the actions into a single button with a popup menu where the actions are listed, this is useful when the available space changes and the control needs to be made more compact to save space.
0024  * 
0025  * @image html Misc/toolactions2.png "The collapsed actions into a menu"
0026  * 
0027  * If only two actions are added and marked as auto-exclusive, then this control has the option to enable a `cyclic` behavior, which means that toggling one button will activate the next action in line and cyclic around.
0028  * @see canCyclic
0029  * @see cyclic
0030  * 
0031  * Heres a example of how to achieve such behavior:
0032  * @code
0033  * Maui.ToolActions
0034  * {
0035  *    id: _actions
0036  *    checkable: true
0037  *    autoExclusive: true
0038  *    cyclic: true //enable the cyclic behavior
0039  *    expanded: false //the cyclic behavior needs to be in the collapsed mode
0040  * 
0041  *    property int currentAction: 0 //here we keep the state for the current action checked
0042  * 
0043  *    Action
0044  *    {
0045  *        id: _action1
0046  *        icon.name: "view-list-details"
0047  *        checked: _actions.currentAction === 0
0048  *        onTriggered:
0049  *        {
0050  *            _actions.currentAction = 0
0051  *        }
0052  *    }
0053  * 
0054  *    Action
0055  *    {
0056  *        id: _action2
0057  *        icon.name: "view-list-icons"
0058  *        checked: _actions.currentAction === 1
0059  *        onTriggered:
0060  *        {
0061  *            _actions.currentAction = 1
0062  *        }
0063  *    }
0064  * }
0065  * @endcode
0066  * 
0067  * @code
0068  * Maui.ToolActions
0069  * {
0070  *    checkable: true
0071  *    autoExclusive: true
0072  *    
0073  *    Action
0074  *    {
0075  *        text: "Pick"
0076  *    }
0077  *    
0078  *    Action
0079  *    {
0080  *        text: "Only"
0081  *    }
0082  *    
0083  *    Action
0084  *    {
0085  *        text: "One"
0086  *    }
0087  * }
0088  * @endcode
0089  * 
0090  * <a href="https://invent.kde.org/maui/mauikit/-/blob/qt6-2/examples/ToolActions.qml">You can find a more complete example at this link.</a>
0091  */
0092 Control
0093 {
0094     id: control
0096     implicitWidth: implicitContentWidth + leftPadding + rightPadding
0097     implicitHeight: implicitContentHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding
0099     opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.5
0101     spacing: 2
0102     padding: 0
0104     Maui.Theme.colorSet: Maui.Theme.Button
0105     Maui.Theme.inherit: false
0107     /**
0108      * @brief The list of QQC2 Action to be listed. These can be declared a children elements of this control.
0109      */
0110     default property list<Action> actions
0112     /**
0113      * @brief Whether this control should only allow one action to be checked at the time.
0114      * By default this is set to `true`
0115      */
0116     property bool autoExclusive: true
0118     /**
0119      * @brief Whether the action button can be checked. If enabled, then the state will be styled accordingly.
0120      * @By default this is set to `true`.
0121      */
0122     property bool checkable: true
0124     /**
0125      * @brief Options on how to display the button text and icon.
0126      * Available options are:
0127      * - ToolButton.IconOnly
0128      * - ToolButton.TextBesideIcon
0129      * - ToolButton.TextOnly
0130      * - ToolButton.TextUnderIcon
0131      * By default this is set to `ToolButton.TextBesideIcon`
0132      */
0133     property int display: ToolButton.TextBesideIcon
0135     /**
0136      * @brief Whether two action can be triggered in a cyclic manner. So one press will activate the next action and then cycle around again.
0137      * @see canCyclic
0138      * By default this is set to `false`
0139      */
0140     property bool cyclic: false
0142     /**
0143      * @brief Whether the `cyclic` behavior can be activated.
0144      * For it to be possible, the conditions are: only two actions and those must be auto-exclusive.
0145      * @see cyclic
0146      * @see autoExclusive
0147      * @see count
0148      */
0149     readonly property bool canCyclic : control.cyclic && control.count === 2  && control.autoExclusive
0151     /**
0152      * @brief Whether the style of this control should be styled as flat.
0153      * By default this is set to `false`.
0154      */
0155     property bool flat : false
0157     /**
0158      * @brief The total amount of actions declared.
0159      */
0160     readonly property int count : actions.length
0163     /**
0164      * @brief Whether the control should display all the actions as buttons in a  row, or to collapse them into a popup menu.
0165      * By default this is set to `true`.
0166      */
0167     property bool expanded : true
0169     /**
0170      * @brief The icon name to be used in the button that opens the menu popup, when the view is collapsed.
0171      * By default this is set to `application-menu`.
0172      */
0173     property string defaultIconName: "application-menu"
0175     /**
0176      * @brief Forces to uncheck all the actions except the one action sent as the argument.
0177      * @param except the action that should not be unchecked.
0178      */
0179     function uncheck(except)
0180     {
0181         for(var i in control.actions)
0182         {
0183             if(control.actions[i] === except)
0184             {
0185                 continue
0186             }
0188             control.actions[i].checked = false
0189         }
0190     }
0192     contentItem: Loader
0193     {
0194         id: _loader
0195         asynchronous: true
0196         sourceComponent: control.expanded ? _rowComponent : _buttonComponent
0197     }
0199     background: null
0201     Component
0202     {
0203         id: _rowComponent
0205         Row
0206         {
0207             id: _row
0208             property int biggerHeight : 0
0209             spacing: control.spacing
0211             Behavior on width
0212             {
0213                 enabled: Maui.Style.enableEffects
0215                 NumberAnimation
0216                 {
0217                     duration: Maui.Style.units.shortDuration
0218                     easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
0219                 }
0220             }
0222             function calculateBiggerHeight()
0223             {
0224                 var value = 0
0225                 for(var i in _row.children)
0226                 {
0227                     const height = _row.children[i].implicitHeight
0228                     if(height > value)
0229                     {
0230                         value = height
0231                     }
0232                 }
0234                 return value
0235             }
0237             Repeater
0238             {
0239                 id: _repeater
0240                 model: control.actions
0242                 ToolButton
0243                 {
0244                     id: _actionButton
0245                     action : modelData
0246                     checkable: control.checkable || action.checkable
0248                     height: Math.max(implicitHeight, _row.biggerHeight)
0250                     onImplicitHeightChanged: _row.biggerHeight = _row.calculateBiggerHeight()
0252                     autoExclusive: control.autoExclusive
0253                     enabled: action.enabled
0255                     display: control.display
0257                     background: Maui.ShadowedRectangle
0258                     {
0259                         color:  (checked || down ? Maui.Theme.highlightColor : ( hovered ? Maui.Theme.hoverColor : Maui.Theme.backgroundColor))
0260                         corners
0261                         {
0262                             topLeftRadius: index === 0 ? Maui.Style.radiusV : 0
0263                             topRightRadius: index === _repeater.count - 1 ? Maui.Style.radiusV : 0
0264                             bottomLeftRadius: index === 0 ? Maui.Style.radiusV : 0
0265                             bottomRightRadius:  index === _repeater.count - 1 ? Maui.Style.radiusV : 0
0266                         }
0268                         Behavior on color
0269                         {
0270                             Maui.ColorTransition{}
0271                         }
0272                     }
0273                 }
0274             }
0275         }
0276     }
0278     Component
0279     {
0280         id: _buttonComponent
0282         ToolButton
0283         {
0284             id: _defaultButtonIcon
0286             property Action m_action
0288             Component.onCompleted: _defaultButtonIcon.m_action = _defaultButtonIcon.buttonAction()
0290             function buttonAction()
0291             {
0292                 if(control.autoExclusive)
0293                 {
0294                     var currentAction
0295                     var actionIndex = -1
0296                     for(var i in control.actions)
0297                     {
0298                         console.log("Checking current action", i)
0299                         if(control.actions[i].checked)
0300                         {
0301                             actionIndex = i
0302                             currentAction = control.actions[actionIndex]
0303                             console.log("Found current action", i, actionIndex)
0304                         }
0305                     }
0307                     if(control.canCyclic)
0308                     {
0309                         actionIndex++
0311                         let m_index = actionIndex >= control.actions.length ? 0 : actionIndex
0312                         //
0313                         console.log("Setting current action at", m_index)
0314                         if(control.actions[m_index].enabled)
0315                         {
0316                             return control.actions[m_index];
0317                         }
0318                     }
0320                     return currentAction
0321                 }
0323                 return null
0324             }
0326             Row
0327             {
0328                 visible: false
0329                 Repeater
0330                 {
0331                     model: control.actions
0332                     delegate: Item
0333                     {
0334                         property bool checked : modelData.checked
0335                         onCheckedChanged: _defaultButtonIcon.m_action = _defaultButtonIcon.buttonAction()
0336                     }
0337                 }
0338             }
0340             data: Maui.ContextualMenu
0341             {
0342                 id: _menu
0344                 Repeater
0345                 {
0346                     model: control.autoExclusive && control.canCyclic ? undefined : control.actions
0348                     delegate: MenuItem
0349                     {
0350                         action: modelData
0351                         enabled: modelData.enabled
0352                         autoExclusive: control.autoExclusive
0353                         checkable: control.checkable || action.checkable
0354                     }
0355                 }
0356             }
0358             onClicked:
0359             {
0360                 if(_defaultButtonIcon.m_action && control.canCyclic && control.autoExclusive)
0361                 {
0362                     console.log("Trigger next cyclic action", _defaultButtonIcon.m_action.icon.name)
0363                     // var previousAction = _defaultButtonIcon.action
0364                     _defaultButtonIcon.m_action.triggered()
0365                     _defaultButtonIcon.m_action = _defaultButtonIcon.buttonAction()
0367                 }else
0368                 {
0369                     if(!_menu.visible)
0370                     {
0371                         _menu.show(0, control.height, control)
0373                     }else
0374                     {
0375                         _menu.close()
0376                     }
0377                 }
0378             }
0380             icon.width:  Maui.Style.iconSize
0381             icon.height: Maui.Style.iconSize
0382             icon.color: m_action ? (m_action.icon.color && m_action.icon.color.length ? m_action.icon.color : (pressed ? control.Maui.Theme.highlightColor : control.Maui.Theme.textColor)) :  control.Maui.Theme.textColor
0384             icon.name: m_action ? m_action.icon.name : control.defaultIconName
0385             text: m_action ? m_action.text: ""
0387             enabled: m_action ? m_action.enabled : true
0389             subMenu: !control.canCyclic
0391             display: control.display
0393             checkable: control.checkable && (action ? action.checkable : false)
0395             background: Rectangle
0396             {
0397                 color: Maui.Theme.backgroundColor
0398                 radius: Maui.Style.radiusV
0400                 Behavior on color
0401                 {
0402                     Maui.ColorTransition{}
0403                 }
0404             }
0405         }        
0406     }
0407 }