Warning, /maui/mauikit/src/controls.6/TabViewButton.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0002 import QtQml
0004 import QtQuick.Controls
0005 import QtQuick.Layouts
0006 import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects
0008 import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
0010 /**
0011  * @inherit TabButton
0012  * @brief A TabButton crafted to be use along with the MauiKit TabView.
0013  * 
0014  * This control only adds some extra functionality to integrate well with MauiKit TabView. If you consider changing the tab button of the TabView for a custom one, use this as the base.
0015  * 
0016  * This control adds the DnD features, and integrates wiht the TabViewInfo data.
0017  */
0018 Maui.TabButton
0019 {
0020     id: control
0022     autoExclusive: true
0024     /**
0025      * @brief The index of this tab button in the TabBar
0026      */
0027     readonly property int mindex : control.TabBar.index
0029     /**
0030      * @brief The TabView to which this tab button belongs.
0031      * By default this is set to its parent.
0032      * @warning When creating a custom tab button for the TabView, you might need to bind this to the TabView ID.
0033      */
0034     property Item tabView : control.parent
0036     /**
0037      * @brief The object map containing information about this tab.
0038      * The information was provided using the TabViewInfo attached properties.
0039      * @see TabViewInfo
0040      */
0041     readonly property var tabInfo: control.tabView.contentModel.get(mindex).Maui.TabViewInfo
0043     /**
0044      * @brief The color to be used in a bottom strip.
0045      * By default this checks for the TabViewInfo.tabColor attached property, if it has not been set, it fallbacks to being transparent.
0046      */
0047     property color color : tabInfo.tabColor ? tabInfo.tabColor : "transparent"
0049     width: control.tabView.mobile ? ListView.view.width : Math.max(160, implicitWidth)
0051     checked: control.mindex === control.tabView.currentIndex
0052     text: tabInfo.tabTitle
0054     icon.name: tabInfo.tabIcon    
0056     ToolTip.delay: 1000
0057     ToolTip.timeout: 5000
0058     ToolTip.visible: control.hovered && !Maui.Handy.isMobile && ToolTip.text.length
0059     ToolTip.text: tabInfo.tabToolTipText
0061     Drag.active: dragArea.active
0062     Drag.source: control
0063     Drag.hotSpot.x: width / 2
0064     Drag.hotSpot.y: height / 2
0065     Drag.dragType: Drag.Automatic
0066     Drag.proposedAction: Qt.IgnoreAction
0068     Rectangle
0069     {
0070         parent: control.background
0071         color: control.color
0072         height: 2
0073         width: parent.width*0.9
0074         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
0075         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
0076     }
0078     DragHandler
0079     {
0080         id: dragArea
0081         enabled: !control.mobile && control.tabView.count > 1
0082         acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse
0083         target: null
0084         xAxis.enabled: true
0085         yAxis.enabled: false
0086         cursorShape: Qt.OpenHandCursor
0088         onActiveChanged:
0089         {
0090             if (active)
0091             {
0092                 control.grabToImage(function(result)
0093                 {
0094                     control.Drag.imageSource = result.url;
0095                 })
0096             }
0097         }
0098     }
0100     Timer
0101     {
0102         id: _dropAreaTimer
0103         interval: 250
0104         onTriggered:
0105         {
0106             if(_dropArea.containsDrag)
0107             {
0108                 control.tabView.setCurrentIndex(mindex)
0109             }
0110         }
0111     }
0113     DropArea
0114     {
0115         id: _dropArea
0116         anchors.fill: parent
0117         onDropped:
0118         {
0119             const from = drop.source.mindex
0120             const to = control.mindex
0122             if(to === from)
0123             {
0124                 return
0125             }
0127             console.log("Move ", drop.source.mindex, control.mindex)
0128             control.tabView.moveTab(from , to)
0129         }
0131         onEntered:
0132         {
0133             if(drag.source &&  drag.source.mindex >= 0)
0134             {
0135                 return
0136             }
0137             _dropAreaTimer.restart()
0138         }
0140         onExited:
0141         {
0142             _dropAreaTimer.stop()
0143         }
0144     }
0145 }