Warning, /maui/mauikit/src/controls.6/TabView.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0002 import QtQml
0004 import QtQuick.Controls
0005 import QtQuick.Layouts
0006 import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects
0008 import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
0010 /**
0011  *  @brief Container to organize items as a tab view.
0012  *  
0013  *  <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-controls-pane.html">This controls inherits from QQC2 Pane, to checkout its inherited properties refer to the Qt Docs.</a>
0014  *  
0015  *  The TabView organizes its children into different tabs - a tab for each child.
0016  *  There are two ways for adding tabs to this view. The first one and easier is to declare the items as children. This will create a tab for each declared child item.
0017  *  @see content
0018  *  
0019  *  @code
0020  * TabView
0021  * {
0022  *    Rectangle
0023  *    {
0024  *        TabViewInfo.tabTitle: "Tab1"
0025  *        TabViewInfo.tabIcon: "folder"
0026  *        color: "blue"
0027  *    }
0028  *    
0029  *    Rectangle
0030  *    {
0031  *        TabViewInfo.tabTitle: "Tab2"
0032  *        TabViewInfo.tabIcon: "folder"
0033  *        color: "yellow"
0034  *    }
0035  * }
0036  *  @endcode
0037  *  
0038  *  The second way to create tabs dynamically by adding new items using the control functions.
0039  *  @see addTab
0040  *  
0041  *    @code
0042  * TabView
0043  * {
0044  *    id: _tabView
0045  *    tabBar.leftContent: Button
0046  *    {
0047  *        text: "Add Tab"
0048  *        onClicked: 
0049  *        {
0050  *            _tabView.addTab(_component)
0051  *        }
0052  *    }
0053  *    
0054  *    Component
0055  *    {
0056  *        id: _component
0057  *        Rectangle
0058  *        {
0059  *            TabViewInfo.tabTitle: "Tab1"
0060  *            TabViewInfo.tabIcon: "folder"
0061  *            color: "blue"
0062  *        }
0063  *    }
0064  * }
0065  *  @endcode
0066  *  
0067  *  @section structure Structure
0068  *  
0069  *  @note If you use this as the application window main control, remember you can use the attached Controls.showCSD property to display the window control buttons.
0070  *  @code
0071  * TabView
0072  * {
0073  *    Controls.showCSD : true
0074  * }
0075  *  @endcode
0076  *    
0077  *  The TabView has two main sections, [1] the main contents area and [2] the tab bar, where the tab buttons - representing all the tab views - are listed. 
0078  *  
0079  *  The tab bar listing has two "modes": one designed to fit desktop computers as a horizontal set of tab buttons; and the other one - more mobile friendly - as a grid overview of miniatures of the tab-views. Both modes can be toggle by using the mobile property.
0080  *  @see mobile
0081  *  
0082  *  The main tab bar - usually in the top section - can be moved to the bottom area, for better reachability.
0083  *  @see altTabBar
0084  *  
0085  *  The tab bar component is exposed via an alias, and items can be added to it - to the left or right side, using the leftContent or rightContent properties. This tab bar is handled by a MauiKit TabBar.
0086  *  @see tabBar
0087  *  @see TabBar
0088  *  
0089  *  @image html TabView/tabviews.png "TabView different states/sections. Further down the regular tab view with a tab bar on top, in the middle the tab view overview mode, and in the front the mobile mode with a single tab - other tab buttons can be flicked."
0090  *  
0091  *  @subsection finder Finder
0092  *  The TabView has an integrated dialog to quickly perform searchers for an tab. 
0093  *  
0094  *  @section notes Notes
0095  *  
0096  *  @subsection tabinfo Tabs Info
0097  *  To add information, such as title, icon, etc, to the views, there is the `TabViewInfo` attached property.
0098  *  Some of the available properties are:
0099  *  - TabViewInfo.tabTitle
0100  *  - TabViewInfo.tabToolTipText
0101  *  - TabViewInfo.tabColor
0102  *  - TabViewInfo.tabIcon
0103  *  @see TabViewInfo
0104  *  
0105  *  @subsection menus Menus
0106  *  It is possible to add actions to the the tab contextual menus.
0107  *  @see menuActions
0108  *  
0109  *  @subsection customize Custom Tab Button
0110  *  It is possible to set a different tab button for the tab bar. This will allow you to have more control about how the tab button is presented. To make it easier to integrate there is a control template that can be use as a base TabViewButton - different from TabButton.
0111  *  @see tabViewButton
0112  *  @see TabViewButton
0113  *  
0114  *  @note If you plan to change the tab button, consider using TabViewButton as a base, since it already has many of the needed things by the TabView to be integrated smoothly.
0115  *  
0116  *  @subsection functionality Functionality
0117  *  
0118  *  By default when clicking/tapping on the current tab button, the overview of tabs miniatures will be opened. The overview can also be oped using the corresponding function.
0119  *  @see openOverview
0120  *  @see closeOverview
0121  *  
0122  *  <a href="https://invent.kde.org/maui/mauikit/-/blob/qt6-2/examples/TabView.qml">You can find a more complete example at this link.</a>
0123  *    
0124  */
0125 Pane
0126 {
0127     id: control
0129     /**
0130      * @brief Each one of the items declared as the children of this component will become a tab view.
0131      * @property list<QtObject> TabView::content
0132      */
0133     default property alias content: _listView.contentData
0135         /**
0136          * @brief  An alias to the model of the container.
0137          * @property model TabView::contentModel
0138          */    
0139         readonly property alias contentModel: _listView.contentModel
0141         /**
0142          * @brief Current index number of the current tab in the view port.
0143          * @property int TabView::currentIndex
0144          */
0145         property alias currentIndex: _listView.currentIndex
0147         /**
0148          * @brief The current item/tab view in focus.
0149          * @property Item TabView::currentItem
0150          */
0151         readonly property alias currentItem: _listView.currentItem
0153         /**
0154          * @brief The total amount of tab views in this container.
0155          * @property int TabView::count
0156          */
0157         property alias count: _listView.count
0159         /**
0160          * @brief An alias to a place holder text handled by a MauiKit Holder control. This is useful to display messages when there is not tab views in this container. To see how to set the message, icon and actions to it checkout the Holder documentation.
0161          * @see holder
0162          * @property Holder TabView::holder
0163          */
0164         property alias holder : _holder
0166         /**
0167          * @brief Whether the layout of the tab bar should be in mobile or desktop mode. In mobile mode there is only one tab button in the tab bar view port, other tab button can be navigated by using the touch swipe gesture. In mobile mode the main method to switch between tab views is using the overview.
0168          * @see structure
0169          */
0170         property bool mobile : control.width <= Maui.Style.units.gridUnit * 30
0172         /**
0173          * @brief Whether the tab bar hosting the tab buttons, should go in the bottom section or not. Moving it to the bottom section is a good idea for reachability in hand-held devices, such a phones. You can check if the current platform is a mobile one using the Handy attached property `Handy.isMobile`
0174          * @see Handy
0175          * 
0176          */
0177         property bool altTabBar : false
0179         /**
0180          * @brief Whether the view will support swipe gestures for switching between tab views.
0181          */
0182         property bool interactive: Maui.Handy.isTouch
0184         /**
0185          * @brief Checks if the overview mode is open.
0186          */
0187         readonly property bool overviewMode :  _stackView.depth === 2
0189         /**
0190          * @brief An alias to the tab bar element. This is exposed so any other items can be placed on the right or left sections of it, or to fine tweak its public properties.
0191          * @see TabBar
0192          * @property TabBar TabView::tabBar
0193          */
0194         property alias tabBar: _tabBar
0196         /**
0197          * @brief An alias to the contextual menu for the tab buttons. This has a child property named index, which refers to the index number of the tab for which the contextual menu was opened.
0198          * @see ContextualMenu
0199          * @property ContextualMenu TabView::menu
0200          */
0201         property alias menu :_menu
0203         /**
0204          * @brief A set of actions can be added to the tab button contextual menu.
0205          * @code
0206          * TabView
0207          * {
0208          *  id: _tabView
0209          *  menuActions: Action
0210          *  {
0211          *      text: "Detach Tab"
0212          *      onTriggered: 
0213          *      {
0214          *          console.log("Detach tab at index, ", _tabView.menu.index)
0215          *      }
0216          *  }
0217          * }
0218          * @endcode
0219          */
0220         property list<Action> menuActions
0222         /**
0223          * @brief The component to be used as the tab button in the tab bar. This can be changed to any other item, but it is recommend it to use TabViewButton as the base of the new custom control for the better integration.
0224          * @see TabViewButton
0225          */
0226         property Component tabViewButton :  _tabButtonComponent
0228         onWidthChanged: _tabBar.positionViewAtIndex(control.currentIndex)
0229         onCurrentIndexChanged: _tabBar.positionViewAtIndex(control.currentIndex)
0231         spacing: 0
0232         padding: 0
0234         Component
0235         {
0236             id: _tabButtonComponent
0238             Maui.TabViewButton
0239             {
0240                 id: _tabButton
0241                 tabView: control
0242                 closeButtonVisible: !control.mobile
0244                 onClicked:
0245                 {
0246                     if(_tabButton.mindex === control.currentIndex && control.count > 1)
0247                     {
0248                         control.openOverview()
0249                         return
0250                     }
0252                     _listView.setCurrentIndex(_tabButton.mindex)
0253                 }
0255                 onRightClicked:
0256                 {
0257                     openTabMenu(_tabButton.mindex)
0258                 }
0260                 onCloseClicked:
0261                 {
0262                     control.closeTabClicked(_tabButton.mindex)
0263                 }
0264             }
0265         }
0267         /**
0268          * @brief Emitted when the new-tab button has been clicked. This is the same as catching the signal from the TabBar element itself, using the exposed alias property.
0269          * @see tabBar
0270          */
0271         signal newTabClicked()
0273         /**
0274          * @brief Emitted when the close button has been clicked on a tab button, or tab miniature in the overview. This signal sends the index of the tab. To correctly close the tab and release the resources, use the function `closeTab()`.
0275          * @param The index of the tab requested to be closed.
0276          * @see closeTab
0277          */
0278         signal closeTabClicked(int index)
0280         Keys.enabled: true
0281         Keys.onPressed: (event) =>
0282         {
0283             if((event.key === Qt.Key_H) && (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier))
0284             {
0285                 control.findTab()
0286             }
0287         }
0289         Maui.ContextualMenu
0290         {
0291             id: _menu
0292             parent: control
0293             property int index //tabindex
0295             Repeater
0296             {
0297                 model: control.menuActions
0298                 delegate: MenuItem
0299                 {
0300                     action: modelData
0301                 }
0302             }
0304             MenuItem
0305             {
0306                 text: i18nd("mauikit", "Open")
0307                 icon.name: "tab-new"
0308                 onTriggered:
0309                 {
0310                     _listView.setCurrentIndex(_menu.index)
0311                     control.closeOverview()
0312                 }
0313             }
0315             MenuItem
0316             {
0317                 text: i18nd("mauikit", "Close")
0318                 icon.name: "tab-close"
0319                 onTriggered:
0320                 {
0321                     control.closeTabClicked(_menu.index)
0322                 }
0323             }
0324         }
0326         data: Loader
0327         {
0328             id: _loader
0329         }
0331         Component
0332         {
0333             id: _quickSearchComponent
0335             Maui.PopupPage
0336             {
0337                 id: _quickSearch
0338                 persistent: false
0339                 headBar.visible: true
0341                 onOpened: _quickSearchField.forceActiveFocus()
0343                 function find(query)
0344                 {
0345                     for(var i = 0; i < control.count; i ++)
0346                     {
0347                         var obj = _listView.contentModel.get(i)
0348                         if(obj.Maui.TabViewInfo.tabTitle)
0349                         {
0350                             console.log("Trying to find tab", i, query, obj.Maui.TabViewInfo.tabTitle, String(obj.Maui.TabViewInfo.tabTitle).indexOf(query))
0352                             if(String(obj.Maui.TabViewInfo.tabTitle).toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1)
0353                             {
0354                                 return i
0355                             }
0356                         }
0357                     }
0359                     return -1
0360                 }
0362                 Timer
0363                 {
0364                     id: _typingTimer
0365                     interval: 250
0366                     onTriggered:
0367                     {
0368                         var index = _quickSearch.find(_quickSearchField.text)
0369                         if(index > -1)
0370                         {
0371                             _filterTabsList.currentIndex = index
0372                         }
0373                     }
0374                 }
0376                 headBar.middleContent: TextField
0377                 {
0378                     id: _quickSearchField
0379                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0380                     Layout.maximumWidth: 500
0382                     onTextChanged: _typingTimer.restart()
0384                     onAccepted:
0385                     {
0386                         control.setCurrentIndex(_filterTabsList.currentIndex)
0387                         _quickSearch.close()
0388                     }
0390                     Keys.enabled: true
0392                     Keys.onPressed: (event) =>
0393                     {
0394                         if((event.key === Qt.Key_Up))
0395                         {
0396                             _filterTabsList.flickable.decrementCurrentIndex()
0397                         }
0399                         if((event.key === Qt.Key_Down))
0400                         {
0401                             _filterTabsList.flickable.incrementCurrentIndex()
0402                         }
0403                     }
0404                 }
0406                 stack: Maui.ListBrowser
0407                 {
0408                     id: _filterTabsList
0409                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0410                     Layout.fillHeight: true
0411                     currentIndex: _listView.currentIndex
0413                     model: _listView.count
0415                     delegate: Maui.ListDelegate
0416                     {
0417                         width: ListView.view.width
0419                         label: _listView.contentModel.get(index).Maui.TabViewInfo.tabTitle
0421                         onClicked:
0422                         {
0423                             currentIndex =index
0424                             _listView.setCurrentIndex(index)
0425                             _quickSearch.close()
0426                         }
0427                     }
0428                 }
0429             }
0430         }
0432         contentItem: Item
0433         {
0434             StackView
0435             {
0436                 anchors.fill: parent
0437                 id: _stackView
0439                 initialItem:  Item
0440                 {
0441                     Maui.TabBar
0442                     {
0443                         id: _tabBar
0445                         z : _listView.z+1
0447                         anchors.left: parent.left
0448                         anchors.right: parent.right
0449                         Maui.Controls.showCSD : control.Maui.Controls.showCSD === true
0450                         visible: _listView.count > 1
0452                         interactive: control.interactive
0453                         showNewTabButton: !control.mobile
0455                         onNewTabClicked: control.newTabClicked()
0456                         onNewTabFocused:
0457                         {
0458                             if(control.mobile)
0459                             {
0460                                 _listView.setCurrentIndex(index)
0461                             }
0462                         }
0464                         position: control.altTabBar ? TabBar.Footer : TabBar.Header
0466                         Repeater
0467                         {
0468                             model: control.count
0469                             delegate: control.tabViewButton
0470                         }
0472                         // rightContent: Button
0473                         // {
0474                         //     visible: control.mobile && control.count > 1
0475                         //     text: control.count
0476                         //     onClicked: openOverview()
0477                         // }
0479                         Keys.onPressed: (event) =>
0480                         {
0481                             if(event.key == Qt.Key_Return)
0482                             {
0483                                 _listView.setCurrentIndex(currentIndex)
0484                             }
0486                             if(event.key == Qt.Key_Down)
0487                             {
0488                                 _listView.currentItem.forceActiveFocus()
0489                             }
0490                         }
0492                         states: [  State
0493                         {
0494                             when: !control.altTabBar && control.tabBar.visible
0496                             AnchorChanges
0497                             {
0498                                 target: _tabBar
0499                                 anchors.top: parent.top
0500                                 anchors.bottom: undefined
0501                             }
0503                             PropertyChanges
0504                             {
0505                                 target: _tabBar
0506                                 position: TabBar.Header
0507                             }
0508                         },
0510                         State
0511                         {
0512                             when: control.altTabBar && control.tabBar.visible
0514                             AnchorChanges
0515                             {
0516                                 target: _tabBar
0517                                 anchors.top: undefined
0518                                 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
0519                             }
0521                             PropertyChanges
0522                             {
0523                                 target: _tabBar
0524                                 position: ToolBar.Footer
0525                             }
0526                         } ]
0527                     }
0529                     SwipeView
0530                     {
0531                         id: _listView
0532                         anchors.fill: parent
0534                         anchors.bottomMargin: control.altTabBar && _tabBar.visible ? _tabBar.height : 0
0535                         anchors.topMargin: !control.altTabBar && _tabBar.visible ? _tabBar.height : 0
0537                         interactive: false
0539                         spacing: control.spacing
0541                         clip: control.clip
0543                         orientation: ListView.Horizontal
0544                         background: null
0546                         contentItem: ListView
0547                         {
0548                             id: _listView2
0549                             model: _listView.contentModel
0550                             interactive: false
0551                             currentIndex: _listView.currentIndex
0553                             spacing: _listView.spacing
0555                             clip: false
0557                             orientation: ListView.Horizontal
0558                             snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
0560                             boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
0561                             boundsMovement :Flickable.StopAtBounds
0563                             preferredHighlightBegin: 0
0564                             preferredHighlightEnd: width
0566                             highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
0567                             highlightMoveDuration: 0
0568                             highlightFollowsCurrentItem: true
0569                             highlightResizeDuration: 0
0570                             highlightMoveVelocity: -1
0571                             highlightResizeVelocity: -1
0573                             maximumFlickVelocity: 4 * width
0575                             cacheBuffer: _listView.count * width
0576                             keyNavigationEnabled : false
0577                             keyNavigationWraps : false
0578                         }
0579                     }
0581                     Maui.Holder
0582                     {
0583                         id: _holder
0584                         anchors.fill: parent
0585                         visible: !control.count
0586                         emojiSize: Maui.Style.iconSizes.huge
0587                     }
0588                 }
0590                 Component
0591                 {
0592                     id: _overviewComponent
0594                     Pane
0595                     {
0596                         id: _pane
0597                         Maui.Theme.colorSet: Maui.Theme.View
0598                         Maui.Theme.inherit: false
0600                         background: Rectangle
0601                         {
0602                             color: Maui.Theme.backgroundColor
0603                             Loader
0604                             {
0605                                 active: !Maui.Handy.isMobile
0606                                 asynchronous: true
0607                                 anchors.fill: parent
0608                                 sourceComponent: Item
0609                                 {
0610                                     DragHandler
0611                                     {
0612                                         acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.GenericPointer
0613                                         grabPermissions:  PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromItems | PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromHandlersOfDifferentType | PointerHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByAnything
0614                                         onActiveChanged: if (active) { control.Window.window.startSystemMove(); }
0615                                     }
0616                                 }
0617                             }
0618                         }
0620                         contentItem: Maui.GridBrowser
0621                         {
0622                             id: _overviewGrid
0623                             model: control.count
0625                             currentIndex: control.currentIndex
0627                             itemSize: Math.min(200, availableWidth /2)
0629                             Loader
0630                             {
0631                                 asynchronous: true
0632                                 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
0633                                 anchors.right: parent.right
0634                                 anchors.margins: Maui.Style.space.big
0635                                 sourceComponent: Maui.FloatingButton
0636                                 {
0637                                     icon.name: "list-add"
0638                                     onClicked: control.newTabClicked()
0639                                 }
0640                             }
0642                             onAreaClicked:
0643                             {
0644                                 control.closeOverview()
0645                             }
0647                             delegate: Item
0648                             {
0649                                 height: GridView.view.cellHeight
0650                                 width: GridView.view.cellWidth
0652                                 Maui.GridBrowserDelegate
0653                                 {
0654                                     id: _delegate
0656                                     anchors.fill: parent
0657                                     anchors.margins: Maui.Style.space.medium
0659                                     isCurrentItem : parent.GridView.isCurrentItem
0660                                     label1.text: _listView.contentModel.get(index).Maui.TabViewInfo.tabTitle
0661                                     //                                 template.labelSizeHint: 32
0662                                     iconSource: "tab-new"
0663                                     flat: false
0665                                     tooltipText:  _listView.contentModel.get(index).Maui.TabViewInfo.tabToolTipText
0667                                     Rectangle
0668                                     {
0669                                         parent: _delegate.background
0670                                         color:  _listView.contentModel.get(index).Maui.TabViewInfo.tabColor
0671                                         height: 2
0672                                         width: parent.width*0.9
0673                                         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
0674                                         anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
0675                                     }
0677                                     onRightClicked:
0678                                     {
0679                                         _listView.setCurrentIndex(index)
0680                                         openTabMenu(_listView.currentIndex)
0681                                     }
0683                                     onClicked:
0684                                     {
0685                                         control.closeOverview()
0686                                         _listView.setCurrentIndex(index)
0687                                     }
0689                                     onPressAndHold:
0690                                     {
0691                                         _listView.setCurrentIndex(index)
0692                                         openTabMenu(control.currentIndex)
0693                                     }
0695                                     template.iconComponent: Item
0696                                     {
0697                                         clip: true
0699                                         ShaderEffectSource
0700                                         {
0701                                             id: _effect
0703                                             anchors.centerIn: parent
0705                                             readonly property double m_scale: Math.min(parent.height/sourceItem.height, parent.width/sourceItem.width)
0707                                             height: sourceItem.height * m_scale
0708                                             width: sourceItem.width * m_scale
0710                                             hideSource: false
0711                                             live: false
0712                                             smooth: true
0714                                             textureSize: Qt.size(width,height)
0715                                             sourceItem: _listView.contentModel.get(index)
0716                                             layer.enabled: Maui.Style.enableEffects
0717                                             layer.smooth: true
0718                                             layer.effect: OpacityMask
0719                                             {
0720                                                 maskSource: Rectangle
0721                                                 {
0722                                                     width: _effect.width
0723                                                     height: _effect.height
0724                                                     radius: Maui.Style.radiusV
0725                                                 }
0726                                             }
0727                                         }
0729                                         Maui.CloseButton
0730                                         {
0731                                             id: _closeButton
0732                                             visible: _delegate.isCurrentItem || _delegate.hovered || Maui.Handy.isMobile
0733                                             anchors.top: parent.top
0734                                             anchors.right: parent.right
0735                                             //                                         anchors.margins: Maui.Style.space.small
0737                                             onClicked: control.closeTabClicked(index)
0739                                             background: Rectangle
0740                                             {
0741                                                 radius: height/2
0742                                                 color: _closeButton.hovered || _closeButton.containsPress ? Maui.Theme.negativeBackgroundColor : Maui.Theme.backgroundColor
0744                                                 Behavior on color
0745                                                 {
0746                                                     Maui.ColorTransition{}
0747                                                 }
0748                                             }
0749                                         }
0750                                     }
0751                                 }
0752                             }
0753                         }
0754                     }
0755                 }
0756             }
0757         }
0759         /**
0760          * @brief Close a tab view at a given index. This will release the resources, and move the focus to the previous tab view
0761          * @param index index of the tab to be closed
0762          */
0763         function closeTab(index)
0764         {
0765             _listView.removeItem(_listView.itemAt(index))
0766             // _tabBar.removeItem(_tabBar.itemAt(index))
0768             _listView.currentItemChanged()
0769             _listView.currentItem.forceActiveFocus()
0770         }
0772         /**
0773          * @brief Adds a new tab view element, the passed element must be a component which will be created by the function and then added to the container
0774          * @param component a Component element hosting the actual element to be created.
0775          * @param properties set of values that can be passed as a map of properties to be assigned to the component when created
0776          * @param quiet optionally you can choose to create the tab quietly or not: by quietly it means that the tab-component will be instantiated and created but will not be focused right away. If quiet is set to `false` - to which it defaults - then after the creation of the component the new tab will get focused.
0777          */
0778         function addTab(component, properties, quiet = false) : Item
0779         {
0780             if(control.overviewMode)
0781             {
0782                 control.closeOverview()
0783             }
0785             const object = component.createObject(control, properties);
0787             _listView.addItem(object)
0789             if(!quiet)
0790             {
0791                 _listView.setCurrentIndex(Math.max(_listView.count -1, 0))
0792                 object.forceActiveFocus()
0793             }
0795             return object
0796         }
0798         /**
0799          * @brief Method to open the tab finder.
0800          */
0801         function findTab()
0802         {
0803             if(control.count > 1)
0804             {
0805                 _loader.sourceComponent = _quickSearchComponent
0806                 _loader.item.open()
0807             }
0808         }
0810         /**
0811          * @brief Method to open the tabs overview.
0812          */
0813         function openOverview()
0814         {
0815             if(_stackView.depth === 2)
0816             {
0817                 return
0818             }
0819             _stackView.push(_overviewComponent)
0820         }
0822         /**
0823          * @brief Close the overview of miniature tabs.
0824          */
0825         function closeOverview()
0826         {
0827             if(_stackView.depth === 1)
0828             {
0829                 return
0830             }
0832             _stackView.pop()
0833         }
0835         /**
0836          * @brief Method to correctly move a tab from one place to another by using the index numbers
0837          * @param from the current index number of the tab to be moved
0838          * @param to the new index value to where to move the tab
0839          */
0840         function moveTab(from, to)
0841         {
0842             _listView.moveItem(from, to)
0843             _tabBar.moveItem(from, to)
0845             _listView.setCurrentIndex(to)
0846             _tabBar.setCurrentIndex(_listView.currentIndex)
0848             _listView2.positionViewAtIndex(_listView.currentIndex, ListView.Contain)
0850             _listView.currentItemChanged()
0851             _listView.currentItem.forceActiveFocus()        
0852         }
0854         /**
0855          * @brief This allows to change the current tab without breaking the bindings from the `currentIndex` property
0856          * @param index the index to change to
0857          */
0858         function setCurrentIndex(index)
0859         {
0860             _tabBar.setCurrentIndex(index)
0861             _listView.setCurrentIndex(index)
0862             _listView.currentItem.forceActiveFocus()
0863         }
0865         /**
0866          * @brief Return the Item of the tab view at a given index number
0867          * @return the Item element representing the tab view
0868          */
0869         function tabAt(index)
0870         {
0871             return _listView.itemAt(index)
0872         }
0874         /**
0875          * @brief Opens the tab contextual menu at a given index number
0876          */
0877         function openTabMenu(index)
0878         {
0879             _menu.index = index
0880             _menu.show()
0881         }
0882 }