Warning, /maui/mauikit/src/controls.6/SideBarView.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0002 import QtQuick.Controls
0004 import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
0005 import "private" as Private
0007 /**
0008  * @brief A view with a collapsible sidebar.
0009  * 
0010  * <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-controls-item.html">This controls inherits from QQC2 Item, to checkout its inherited properties refer to the Qt Docs.</a>
0011  * 
0012  * The SideBarView is a convenient way for organizing the application contents into view alongside with a side-bar, which can be resized, collased, hidden and tweaked further. This control adapts to small screen spaces.
0013  * 
0014  * @image html SideBarView/sidebar_empty.png
0015  *  
0016  * @section sections Sections
0017  * The SideBarView is divided into two sections, the sidebar container and the main contents area.
0018  * 
0019  * @subsection sidebar SideBar
0020  * The sidebar area can contain any number children items, and its positioning must be handled manually, either by anchoring or using the size and coordinates properties - anchoring to fill its parent is the best way to go, since the sidebar container can changed its size and positioning.
0021  * 
0022  * Once a child item has been set, other properties can be visited, such as setting the sidebar preferred and minimum width, or deciding if the sidebar will be resize-able or not. Those properties can be accessed via the alias property of the sidebar.
0023  * @see sideBar
0024  * 
0025  * The sidebar can be hidden at the application startup, to tweak this behaviour the auto hide properties can be set accordingly.
0026  * The sidebar can also be collapsed, and this behavior can be fine-tuned, by either deciding if when collapsing the sidebar should stay visible or not.
0027  * 
0028  * Tweaking the look of the sidebar can also be achieved by changing its background and padding properties. Those all properties are accessible via the alias property `sideBar` - and a few more methods for closing or opening the sidebar.
0029  * @see SideBar
0030  *  
0031  * @image html SideBarView/sidebar_collapsed.png "The sidebar is collapsed and expanded, shifting the main area content"
0032  * 
0033  * @subsection maincontent Content
0034  * The position of the main content of the SideBarView has to be done by the child item.
0035  * The default behaviour of the main content is be to shifted/moved when the sidebar being collapsed is expanded.
0036  *      
0037  * @code
0038  * Maui.SideBarView
0039  * {
0040  *    id: _sideBar
0041  *    anchors.fill: parent
0042  * 
0043  *    sideBarContent: Maui.Page
0044  *    {
0045  *        Maui.Theme.colorSet: Maui.Theme.Window
0046  *        anchors.fill: parent
0047  * 
0048  *        headBar.leftContent: Maui.ToolButtonMenu
0049  *        {
0050  *            icon.name: "application-menu"
0051  *            MenuItem
0052  *            {
0053  *                text: "About"
0054  *                icon.name: "info-dialog"
0055  *                onTriggered: root.about()
0056  *            }
0057  *        }
0058  * 
0059  *        Maui.Holder
0060  *        {
0061  *            anchors.fill: parent
0062  *            title: "SideBar"
0063  *            body: "Collapsable."
0064  *            emoji: "folder"
0065  *        }
0066  *    }
0067  * 
0068  *    Maui.Page
0069  *    {
0070  *        anchors.fill: parent
0071  *        Maui.Controls.showCSD: true
0072  * 
0073  *        headBar.leftContent: ToolButton
0074  *        {
0075  *            icon.name: _sideBar.sideBar.visible ? "sidebar-collapse" : "sidebar-expand"
0076  *            onClicked: _sideBar.sideBar.toggle()
0077  *        }
0078  * 
0079  *        Maui.Holder
0080  *        {
0081  *            anchors.fill: parent
0082  *            title: "Page"
0083  *            body: "Page main content."
0084  *            emoji: "application-x-addon-symbolic"
0085  *        }
0086  *    }
0087  * }
0088  * @endcode
0089  * 
0090  * @section notes Notes
0091  * 
0092  * The width of the sidebar section will always be restrained to a maximum value less than the window width - by reserving a sane margin to be able to close the sidebar by clicking/pressing outside of it. 
0093  * 
0094  * To place an item in the sidebar, use the exposed alias property.
0095  * @see sideBarContent
0096  * 
0097  * <a href="https://invent.kde.org/maui/mauikit/-/blob/qt6-2/examples/SideBarView.qml">You can find a more complete example at this link.</a>
0098  * 
0099  */
0100 Item
0101 {
0102     id: control
0104     /**
0105      * @brief
0106      * All child items declared will become part of the main area section.
0107      * @property list<QtObject> SideBarView::content
0108      */
0109     default property alias content : _content.data
0111         /**
0112          * @brief Convenient property to easily add items to the sidebar section.
0113          * @property list<QtObject> SideBarView::sideBarContent
0114          */    
0115         property alias sideBarContent: _sideBar.content
0117         /**
0118          * @brief This is an alias exposed to access all the sidebar section properties.
0119          * To know more about the available properties visit the control documentation.
0120          * @see SideBar
0121          * 
0122          * @code
0123          * SideBarView
0124          * {
0125          *      sideBar.collapsed: width < 800
0126          *      sideBar.resizeable: false
0127          *      sideBar.autoHide: true
0128          * }
0129          * @endcode
0130          */
0131         readonly property alias sideBar : _sideBar
0133         Private.SideBar
0134         {
0135             id: _sideBar
0136             height: parent.height
0137             collapsed: control.width < (preferredWidth * 2.5)
0138             sideBarView: control
0139         }
0141         Item
0142         {
0143             anchors.fill: parent
0144             clip: true
0145             transform: Translate
0146             {
0147                 x: control.sideBar.collapsed ? control.sideBar.position * (control.sideBar.width) : 0
0148             }
0150             anchors.leftMargin: control.sideBar.collapsed ? 0 : control.sideBar.width  * control.sideBar.position
0152             Item
0153             {
0154                 id: _content
0155                 anchors.fill: parent
0156             }
0158             Loader
0159             {
0160                 anchors.fill: parent
0161                 active: _sideBar.collapsed && _sideBar.position === 1
0162                 // asynchronous: true
0164                 sourceComponent: MouseArea
0165                 {
0166                     onClicked: _sideBar.close()
0168                     Rectangle
0169                     {
0170                         anchors.fill: parent
0171                         color: "#333"
0172                         opacity : visible ?  0.5 : 0
0174                         Behavior on opacity
0175                         {
0176                             NumberAnimation 
0177                             {
0178                                 duration: 500
0179                                 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
0180                             }
0181                         }
0182                     }
0183                 }
0184             }
0185         }
0186 }