Warning, /maui/mauikit/src/controls.6/SettingsDialog.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
0002 import QtQuick.Controls
0003 import QtQuick.Layouts
0004 import QtQuick
0006 /**
0007  * @inherit QtQuick.Loader
0008  *  
0009  * @brief A popup page with a scrollable vertical layout, and support for a stack of multiple pages.
0010  * The default container fo this control is a MauiKit SettingsPage, and the popup will snap to the window full size on constrained spaces.
0011  * @see SettingsPage
0012  *  
0013  * You can add multiple sub pages to this control by making use of the SettingsPage control and the `addPage` function. 
0014  * By using the SettingsPage you can expect to have a way to navigate between the control sub pages.
0015  * The code snippet below shows a quick demo on how to do it.
0016  * @see addPage
0017  *  
0018  * @image html Misc/settingsdialog.png
0019  *  
0020  * @note This control is mostly use for presenting a group of configuration settings to the user. Usually it is populated with sections SectionGroup containing FlexSectionItem.
0021  *  
0022  * @code
0023  * Maui.SettingsDialog
0024  * {
0025  *    id: _settingsDialog
0026  * 
0027  *    Maui.FlexSectionItem
0028  *    {
0029  *        label1.text: "SSetting Subpage"
0030  *        label2.text: "Click me to add a new page"
0031  * 
0032  *        ToolButton
0033  *        {
0034  *            icon.name: "go-next"
0035  *            checkable: true
0036  *            onToggled: _settingsDialog.addPage(_settingsPage2)
0037  *        }
0038  *    }
0039  * 
0040  *    Maui.SectionGroup
0041  *    {
0042  *        title: "First Section"
0043  * 
0044  *        Maui.FlexSectionItem
0045  *        {
0046  *            label1.text: "Configuration title"
0047  *            label2.text: "Description text"
0048  * 
0049  *            Button
0050  *            {
0051  *                text: "Test"
0052  *            }
0053  *        }
0054  * 
0055  *        Maui.FlexSectionItem
0056  *        {
0057  *            label1.text: "Configuration title"
0058  *            label2.text: "Description text"
0059  * 
0060  *            Switch {}
0061  *        }
0062  * 
0063  *        Maui.FlexSectionItem
0064  *        {
0065  *            label1.text: "Configuration title"
0066  *            label2.text: "Description text"
0067  * 
0068  *            Switch {}
0069  *        }
0070  *    }
0071  * 
0072  *    Maui.SectionGroup
0073  *    {
0074  *        title: "A Second Section"
0075  * 
0076  *        Maui.FlexSectionItem
0077  *        {
0078  *            label1.text: "Configuration title"
0079  *            label2.text: "Description text"
0080  * 
0081  *            Switch {}
0082  *        }
0083  * 
0084  *        Maui.FlexSectionItem
0085  *        {
0086  *            label1.text: "Configuration title"
0087  *            label2.text: "Description text"
0088  *            wide: false
0089  *            TextField
0090  *            {
0091  *                Layout.fillWidth: true
0092  *            }
0093  *        }
0094  * 
0095  *        Maui.FlexSectionItem
0096  *        {
0097  *            label1.text: "Configuration title"
0098  *            label2.text: "Description text"
0099  * 
0100  *            Switch {}
0101  *        }
0102  *    }
0103  * 
0104  *    Component
0105  *    {
0106  *        id: _settingsPage2
0107  * 
0108  *        Maui.SettingsPage
0109  *        {
0110  *            title: "Page2"
0111  * 
0112  *            Maui.FlexSectionItem
0113  *            {
0114  *                label1.text: "Configuration title"
0115  *                label2.text: "Description text"
0116  * 
0117  *                Switch {}
0118  *            }
0119  *        }
0120  *    }
0121  * }
0122  * @endcode
0123  *  
0124  * <a href="https://invent.kde.org/maui/mauikit/-/blob/qt6-2/examples/SettingsDialog.qml">You can find a more complete example at this link.</a>  
0125  */
0127 Loader
0128 {
0129     id: control
0131     /**
0132      * @brief By default all the children content will be placed into a MauiKit SettingsPage, which has a scrollable column layout.
0133      * @property list<QtObject> SettingsDialog::content
0134      */
0135     default property list<QtObject> content
0137     Component
0138     {
0139         id: _appComponent
0141         Maui.DialogWindow
0142         {
0143             id: _window
0144             width: 400
0145             maximumWidth: 800
0146             height: Math.max(500, Math.min(900, implicitHeight))
0147             modality: Qt.ApplicationModal
0149             readonly property int implicitHeight: Math.max(_content.implicitHeight, _stackView.currentItem.implicitHeight)+_stackView.topPadding + _stackView.bottomPadding
0151             title: _stackView.currentItem.title ?  _stackView.currentItem.title  : ""
0152             onClosing: (close) =>
0153             {
0154                 _window.hide()
0155                 close.accepted = true
0156             }
0158             readonly property alias stackView: _stackView
0160             page.headBar.forceCenterMiddleContent: true
0161             page.headBar.leftContent: ToolButton
0162             {
0163                 icon.name: "go-previous"
0164                 visible: _stackView.depth > 1
0166                 onClicked: _stackView.pop()
0167             }
0169             StackView
0170             {
0171                 id: _stackView
0172                 anchors.fill: parent
0174                 initialItem: Maui.SettingsPage
0175                 {
0176                     id:_content
0177                     content: control.content
0178                 }
0179             }
0181             function addPage(component, properties)
0182             {
0183                 _stackView.push(component, properties)
0184             }
0186             function open()
0187             {
0188                 _window.show() 
0189             }
0190         }
0191     }
0193     Component
0194     {
0195         id: _dialogComponent
0197         Maui.PopupPage
0198         {
0199             id: control
0201             readonly property alias stackView: _stackView
0203             maxHeight: implicitHeight
0204             maxWidth: 500
0206             hint: 1
0208             page.title: _stackView.currentItem.title ?  _stackView.currentItem.title  : ""
0210             headBar.visible: true
0212             headBar.leftContent: ToolButton
0213             {
0214                 icon.name: "go-previous"
0215                 visible: _stackView.depth > 1
0217                 onClicked: _stackView.pop()
0218             }
0220             stack: StackView
0221             {
0222                 id: _stackView
0223                 Layout.fillHeight: true
0224                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0225                 implicitHeight: Math.max(_content.implicitHeight, currentItem.implicitHeight)+topPadding +bottomPadding
0227                 initialItem: Maui.SettingsPage
0228                 {
0229                     id: _content
0230                     content: control.content
0231                 }
0232             }
0234             function addPage(component, properties)
0235             {
0236                 _stackView.push(component, properties)
0237             }
0238         }
0240     }
0242     function open()
0243     {
0244         if(control.item)
0245         {
0246             control.item.open()
0247             return
0248         }
0250         if(Maui.Handy.isMobile)
0251         {
0252             control.sourceComponent = _dialogComponent
0253         }else
0254         {
0255             control.sourceComponent = _appComponent
0256         }        
0257         control.item.open()
0259     }
0261     /**
0262      * @brief Adds a new sub page to the control. Use a MauiKit SettingsPage for the component.
0263      * @param component the QQC2 Component wrapping a MauiKit SettingsPage
0264      * @param properties optional properties map for the newly added sub page component
0265      *
0266      * @note The optional properties argument specifies a map of initial property values for the pushed item. For dynamically created items, these values are applied before the creation is finalized. This is more efficient than setting property values after creation, particularly where large sets of property values are defined, and also allows property bindings to be set up (using Qt.binding()) before the item is created.
0267      * Checkout QT documentation on the StackView methods.
0268      */
0269     function addPage(component, properties)
0270     {
0271         control.item.addPage(component, properties)
0272     }
0273 }