Warning, /maui/mauikit/src/controls.6/ProgressIndicator.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0002 import QtQuick.Controls
0003 import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
0005 /**
0006  * @inherit QtQuick.Controls.ProgressBar
0007  * @brief A QQC2 ProgressBar bu styled to be used as a indetermined progress indicator.
0008  * Usually used at the bottom of a view.
0009  * 
0010  * <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-controls-progressbar.html">This control inherits from QQC2 ProgressBar, to checkout its inherited properties refer to the Qt Docs.</a>
0011  */
0012 ProgressBar
0013 {
0014     id: control
0016     indeterminate: true   
0017     implicitHeight: 6
0019     background: Rectangle
0020     {
0021         radius: 0
0022         color: Maui.Theme.backgroundColor
0023         Behavior on color
0024         {
0025             Maui.ColorTransition{}
0026         }
0027     }
0028 }