Warning, /maui/mauikit-filebrowsing/src/controls.6/TagsDialog.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0002 import QtQuick.Controls
0003 import QtQuick.Layouts 
0005 import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
0006 import org.mauikit.filebrowsing 1.3 as FB
0008 /**
0009  * @inherit org::mauikit::controls::PopupPage
0010  * @brief A popup dialog for selecting between all the available tags to associate to a given set of file URLs.
0011  * 
0012  * This popup page also allows to create new tags, edit existing ones and removing.
0013  * 
0014  * To associate the set of file URLs, use the exposed property `composerList.urls`, which is an alias to TagsList::urls.
0015  * @see composerList
0016  * @see TagsList::urls
0017  * The `composerList` property exposes most of the available properties for tweaking the behaviour, and also contains the methods to perform any modifications to the tags.
0018  * 
0019  * @image html tagsdialog.png "Example using the TagsDialog control"
0020  * 
0021  * @code
0022  * Maui.Page
0023  * {
0024  *    Maui.Controls.showCSD: true
0025  *    anchors.fill: parent
0026  * 
0027  *    title: "Add tags to a file"
0028  * 
0029  *    FB.FileBrowser
0030  *    {
0031  *        id: _fileBrowser
0032  *        anchors.fill: parent
0033  *        currentPath: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.DownloadLocation)
0034  *        settings.viewType: FB.FMList.LIST_VIEW
0035  *        onItemClicked: (index) =>
0036  *                        {
0037  *                            _tagsDialog.composerList.urls = [_fileBrowser.currentFMModel.get(index).url]
0038  *                            _tagsDialog.open()
0039  *                        }
0040  *    }            
0041  *    
0042  *    FB.TagsDialog
0043  *    {
0044  *        id: _tagsDialog
0045  *        composerList.strict: false //Show all the associated tags to the file
0046  *        onTagsReady: (tags) => console.log(tags)
0047  *    }
0048  * }
0049  * @endcode
0050  */
0051 Maui.PopupPage
0052 {
0053     id: control
0055     /**
0056      * @brief An alias to the TagsList list/model controlling and listing all of the available tags.
0057      * @see TagsListmodel
0058      * @property TagsList TagsDialog::tagList
0059      */
0060     readonly property alias taglist : _tagsList
0062     /**
0063      * @brief An alias to the Mauikit ListBrowser element listing the tag elements.
0064      * @property MauiKit::ListBrowser TagsDialog::listView
0065      */
0066     readonly property alias listView: _listView
0068     /**
0069      * @brief An alias to the TagsList controller and model.
0070      * This property is exposed to set the file URLs to which perform any new assignment or removal of tags.
0071      * Refer to its documentation for more details on the available actions.
0072      * @property TagsList TagsDialog::composerList
0073      */
0074     readonly property alias composerList: tagListComposer.list
0076     /**
0077      * @brief Emitted once the assignment of the new set of tags has been done. This can include removal or additions.
0078      * This won't actually write any changes to the file URLs, to write the changes refer to the `composerList.updateToUrls` function.
0079      * @see TagsList::updateToUrls
0080      * @param tags the list of the new tag names associated to the file URLs
0081      */
0082     signal tagsReady(var tags)
0084     hint: 1
0086     maxHeight: 500
0087     maxWidth: 400
0089     actions: [
0091         Action
0092         {
0093             text: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Save")
0094             onTriggered: control.setTags()
0095         },
0097         Action
0098         {
0099             text: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Cancel")
0100             onTriggered: control.close()
0101         }
0102     ]
0104     headBar.visible: true
0105     headBar.forceCenterMiddleContent: false
0106     headBar.middleContent: TextField
0107     {
0108         id: tagText
0109         Layout.fillWidth: true
0110         Layout.maximumWidth: 500
0111         placeholderText: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Filter or add a new tag")
0112         //             validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[0-9A-F]+/ }
0113         onAccepted:
0114         {
0115             const tags = tagText.text.split(",")
0116             for(var i in tags)
0117             {
0118                 const myTag = tags[i].trim()
0119                 _tagsList.insert(myTag)
0120                 tagListComposer.list.append(myTag)
0121             }
0122             clear()
0123             _tagsModel.filter = ""
0124         }
0126         onTextChanged:
0127         {
0128             _tagsModel.filter = text
0129         }
0130     }
0132     Maui.InfoDialog
0133     {
0134         id: _deleteDialog
0136         property string tag
0137         title: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Delete %1", tag)
0138         message: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Are you sure you want to delete this tag? This action can not be undone.")
0139         template.iconSource: "tag"
0140         onAccepted:
0141         {
0142             FB.Tagging.removeTag(tag)
0143             _deleteDialog.close()
0144         }
0146         onRejected: _deleteDialog.close()
0147     }
0149     Maui.ContextualMenu
0150     {
0151         id: _menu
0153         MenuItem
0154         {
0155             text: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Edit")
0156             icon.name: "document-edit"
0157         }
0159         MenuItem
0160         {
0161             text: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Delete")
0162             icon.name: "delete"
0163             onTriggered:
0164             {
0165                 _deleteDialog.tag = _tagsModel.get(_listView.currentIndex).tag
0166                 _deleteDialog.open()
0167             }
0168         }
0169     }
0171     stack: [
0173         Maui.ListBrowser
0174         {
0175             id: _listView
0177             Layout.fillHeight: true
0178             Layout.fillWidth: true
0179             clip: true
0180             currentIndex: -1
0182             holder.emoji: "qrc:/assets/tag.svg"
0183             holder.visible: _listView.count === 0
0184             holder.title : i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "No Tags!")
0185             holder.body: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Create new tags to organize your files.")
0187             model: Maui.BaseModel
0188             {
0189                 id: _tagsModel
0190                 sort: "tag"
0191                 sortOrder: Qt.AscendingOrder
0192                 recursiveFilteringEnabled: true
0193                 sortCaseSensitivity: Qt.CaseInsensitive
0194                 filterCaseSensitivity: Qt.CaseInsensitive
0195                 list: FB.TagsListModel
0196                 {
0197                     id: _tagsList
0198                     strict: false
0199                 }
0200             }
0202             delegate: Maui.ListBrowserDelegate
0203             {
0204                 width: ListView.view.width
0205                 label1.text: model.tag
0206                 iconSource: model.icon
0207                 iconSizeHint: Maui.Style.iconSizes.small
0209                 template.content: Rectangle
0210                 {
0211                     color: model.color ? model.color : "transparent"
0212                     height: Maui.Style.iconSizes.small
0213                     radius: height/2
0214                     width: height
0215                 }
0217                 onClicked:
0218                 {
0219                     _listView.currentIndex = index
0220                     if(Qt.styleHints.singleClickActivation)
0221                     {
0222                         tagListComposer.list.appendItem(_tagsModel.get(_listView.currentIndex))
0223                     }
0224                 }
0226                 onDoubleClicked:
0227                 {
0228                     _listView.currentIndex = index
0229                     if(!Qt.styleHints.singleClickActivation)
0230                     {
0231                         tagListComposer.list.appendItem(_tagsModel.get(_listView.currentIndex))
0232                     }
0233                 }
0235                 onPressAndHold:
0236                 {
0237                     _listView.currentIndex = index
0238                     _menu.open()
0239                 }
0241                 onRightClicked:
0242                 {
0243                     _listView.currentIndex = index
0244                     _menu.open()
0245                 }
0246             }
0247         },
0249         Loader
0250         {
0251             asynchronous: true
0252             active: tagListComposer.list.urls.length > 1
0253             visible: active
0254             Layout.fillWidth: true
0256             sourceComponent: Maui.ListItemTemplate
0257             {
0258                 id: _info
0260                 property var itemInfo : FB.FM.getFileInfo( tagListComposer.list.urls[0])
0261                 label1.text: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Tagging %1 files", tagListComposer.list.urls.length)
0262                 label2.text: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Add new tags for the selected files.")
0263                 label2.wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
0264                 iconSource : itemInfo.icon
0265                 imageSource: itemInfo.thumbnail
0266                 // iconSizeHint: Maui.Style.iconSizes.huge
0267                 // headerSizeHint: iconSizeHint + Maui.Style.space.big
0269                 iconComponent: Item
0270                 {
0271                     Item
0272                     {
0273                         anchors.fill: parent
0274                         layer.enabled: true
0276                         Rectangle
0277                         {
0278                             anchors.fill: parent
0279                             anchors.leftMargin: Maui.Style.space.small
0280                             anchors.rightMargin: Maui.Style.space.small
0281                             radius: Maui.Style.radiusV
0282                             color: Qt.tint(control.Maui.Theme.textColor, Qt.rgba(control.Maui.Theme.backgroundColor.r, control.Maui.Theme.backgroundColor.g, control.Maui.Theme.backgroundColor.b, 0.9))
0283                             border.color: Maui.Theme.backgroundColor
0284                         }
0286                         Rectangle
0287                         {
0288                             anchors.fill: parent
0289                             anchors.topMargin: Maui.Style.space.tiny
0290                             anchors.leftMargin: Maui.Style.space.tiny
0291                             anchors.rightMargin: Maui.Style.space.tiny
0292                             radius: Maui.Style.radiusV
0293                             color: Qt.tint(control.Maui.Theme.textColor, Qt.rgba(control.Maui.Theme.backgroundColor.r, control.Maui.Theme.backgroundColor.g, control.Maui.Theme.backgroundColor.b, 0.9))
0294                             border.color: Maui.Theme.backgroundColor
0295                         }
0297                         Rectangle
0298                         {
0299                             anchors.fill: parent
0300                             anchors.topMargin: Maui.Style.space.small
0301                             border.color: Maui.Theme.backgroundColor
0303                             radius: Maui.Style.radiusV
0304                             color: Qt.tint(control.Maui.Theme.textColor, Qt.rgba(control.Maui.Theme.backgroundColor.r, control.Maui.Theme.backgroundColor.g, control.Maui.Theme.backgroundColor.b, 0.9))
0306                             Maui.GridItemTemplate
0307                             {
0308                                 anchors.fill: parent
0309                                 anchors.margins: Maui.Style.space.tiny
0310                                 iconSizeHint: _info.iconSizeHint
0312                                 iconSource: _info.iconSource
0313                                 imageSource:  _info.imageSource
0314                             }
0315                         }
0316                     }
0317                 }
0318             }
0319         }
0320     ]
0322     page.footer: FB.TagList
0323     {
0324         id: tagListComposer
0325         width: parent.width
0326         visible: count > 0
0328         onTagRemoved: list.remove(index)
0329         placeholderText: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "No tags yet.")
0330     }
0332     onClosed:
0333     {
0334         composerList.urls = []
0335         tagText.clear()
0336         _tagsModel.filter = ""
0337     }
0339     onOpened: tagText.forceActiveFocus()
0341     /**
0342      * @brief Gathers the composed set of tags in the bottom composing TagsBar to the given file URLs, emits the `tagsReady` signal and then closes the dialog.
0343      */
0344     function setTags()
0345     {
0346         var tags = tagListComposer.list.tags            
0347         control.tagsReady(tags)
0348         close()
0349     }
0350 }