Warning, /maui/mauikit-filebrowsing/src/controls.6/PlacesListBrowser.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0002 import QtQuick.Controls
0003 import QtQuick.Layouts
0005 import org.mauikit.controls 1.3 as Maui
0006 import org.mauikit.filebrowsing 1.3 as FB
0008 /**
0009  * @inherit org::mauikit::controls::ListBrowser
0010  * @brief A browsing list of the system locations, such as common standard places, bookmarks and others as removable devices and networks.
0011  * 
0012  * This control inherits from MauiKit ListBrowser, to checkout its inherited properties refer to docs.
0013  * 
0014  * Most of the properties to control the behaviour is handled via the PlacesList model, which is exposed via the `list` property.
0015  * @see list
0016  * 
0017  * @image html placeslistbrowser.png
0018  *
0019  * @code
0020  * Maui.SideBarView
0021  * {
0022  *    anchors.fill: parent
0023  * 
0024  *    sideBar.content: Pane
0025  *    {
0026  *        Maui.Theme.colorSet: Maui.Theme.Window
0027  *        anchors.fill: parent
0028  *        FB.PlacesListBrowser
0029  *        {
0030  *            anchors.fill: parent
0031  *        }
0032  *    }
0033  * 
0034  *    Maui.Page
0035  *    {
0036  *        Maui.Controls.showCSD: true
0037  *        anchors.fill: parent
0038  *    }
0039  * }
0040  *  @endcode
0041  * 
0042  * <a href="https://invent.kde.org/maui/mauikit-filebrowser/examples/PlacesListBrowser.qml">You can find a more complete example at this link.</a>
0043  */
0044 Maui.ListBrowser
0045 {
0046     id: control
0048     /**
0049      * @brief The model list of the places.
0050      * @property PlacesList PlacesListBrowser::list
0051      */
0052     readonly property alias list : placesList
0054     /**
0055      * @brief The contextual menu for the entries.
0056      * @note The menu has an extra property `index`, which refers to the index position of the entry where the menu was invoked at.
0057      * 
0058      * To add more entries, use the `itemMenu.data` property, or append/push methods.
0059      * @property Menu PlacesListBrowser::itemMenu
0060      */
0061     readonly property alias itemMenu : _menu
0063     /**
0064      * @brief The preferred size of the icon for the places delegates.
0065      * By default this is set to `Style.iconSizes.small`
0066      * @see Style::iconSizes
0067      */
0068     property int iconSize : Maui.Style.iconSizes.small
0070     /**
0071      * @brief The path of the current place selected.
0072      */
0073     property string currentPath
0075     /**
0076      * @brief Emitted when a entry has been clicked.
0077      * @param path the URL path of the entry 
0078      */
0079     signal placeClicked (string path)
0081     Maui.Theme.colorSet: Maui.Theme.View
0082     Maui.Theme.inherit: false    
0084     focus: true
0085     model: Maui.BaseModel
0086     {
0087         list: FB.PlacesList
0088         {
0089             id: placesList
0090             groups: [
0091                 FB.FMList.BOOKMARKS_PATH,
0092                 FB.FMList.DRIVES_PATH]
0093         }
0094     }
0096     currentIndex: placesList.indexOfPath(control.currentPath)    
0098     section.property: "type"
0099     section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
0100     section.delegate: Maui.LabelDelegate
0101     {
0102         id: delegate
0103         text: section
0105         isSection: true
0106         width: parent.width
0107         height: Maui.Style.toolBarHeightAlt
0108     }
0110     Maui.ContextualMenu
0111     {
0112         id: _menu
0113         property int index
0115         MenuItem
0116         {
0117             text: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Edit")
0118         }
0120         MenuItem
0121         {
0122             text: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Hide")
0123         }
0125         MenuItem
0126         {
0127             text: i18nd("mauikitfilebrowsing", "Remove")
0128             Maui.Theme.textColor: Maui.Theme.negativeTextColor
0129             onTriggered: list.removePlace(control.currentIndex)
0130         }
0131     }
0133     flickable.header: GridLayout
0134     {
0135         id: _quickSection
0137         width: Math.min(parent.width, 180)
0138         rows: 3
0139         columns: 3
0140         columnSpacing: Maui.Style.space.small
0141         rowSpacing: Maui.Style.space.small
0143         Repeater
0144         {
0145             model: Maui.BaseModel
0146             {
0147                 list: FB.PlacesList
0148                 {
0149                     id: _quickPacesList
0150                     groups: [FB.FMList.QUICK_PATH, FB.FMList.PLACES_PATH]
0151                 }
0152             }
0154             delegate: Maui.GridBrowserDelegate
0155             {
0156                 Layout.preferredHeight: Math.min(50, width)
0157                 Layout.preferredWidth: 50
0158                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0159                 Layout.fillHeight: true
0160                 flat: false
0161                 isCurrentItem: control.currentPath === model.path
0162                 iconSource: model.icon +  (Qt.platform.os == "android" || Qt.platform.os == "osx" ? ("-sidebar") : "")
0163                 iconSizeHint: Maui.Style.iconSize
0164                 template.isMask: true
0165                 label1.text: model.label
0166                 labelsVisible: false
0167                 tooltipText: model.label
0168                 onClicked:
0169                 {
0170                     placeClicked(model.path)
0171                 }
0172             }
0173         }        
0174     }
0176     delegate: Maui.ListDelegate
0177     {
0178         width: ListView.view.width
0179         iconSize: control.iconSize
0180         labelVisible: true
0181         iconVisible: true
0182         label: model.label
0183         iconName: model.icon
0185         onClicked:
0186         {
0187             placeClicked(model.path)
0188         }
0190         onRightClicked:
0191         {
0192             _menu.index = index
0193             _menu.popup()
0194         }
0196         onPressAndHold:
0197         {
0198             _menu.index = index
0199             _menu.popup()
0200         }
0201     }
0202 }