Warning, file /maui/mauikit-filebrowsing/src/code/fm.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 #pragma once
0003 #include <QObject>
0005 #include <QStringList>
0006 #include <QVariantList>
0007 #include <QDirIterator>
0008 #include <QVector>
0010 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)
0011 #include <MauiKit3/Core/fmh.h>
0012 #else
0013 #include <MauiKit4/Core/fmh.h>
0014 #endif
0016 #include "fmstatic.h"
0017 #include "filebrowsing_export.h"
0019 #ifdef KIO_AVAILABLE
0020 class KCoreDirLister;
0021 #else
0023 class QFileSystemWatcher;
0025 namespace FMH
0026 {
0027 class FileLoader;
0028 }
0029 /**
0030  * @private The QDirLister class is a placeholder for the KCoreDirLister for other systems other than GNU Linux.
0031  */
0032 class QDirLister : public QObject
0033 {
0034     Q_OBJECT
0035     Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDirLister)
0037 public:
0038     explicit QDirLister(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0040 public Q_SLOTS:
0041     /**
0042      * @brief openUrl
0043      * @param url
0044      * @return
0045      */
0046     bool openUrl(const QUrl &url);
0048     /**
0049      * @brief setNameFilter
0050      * @param filters
0051      */
0052     void setNameFilter(QString filters);
0054     /**
0055      * @brief setDirOnlyMode
0056      * @param value
0057      */
0058     void setDirOnlyMode(bool value);
0060     /**
0061      * @brief setShowingDotFiles
0062      * @param value
0063      */
0064     void setShowingDotFiles(bool value);
0067     void itemsReady(FMH::MODEL_LIST items, QUrl url);
0068     void itemReady(FMH::MODEL item, QUrl url);
0069     void completed(QUrl url);
0070     void itemsAdded(FMH::MODEL_LIST items, QUrl url);
0071     void itemsDeleted(FMH::MODEL_LIST items, QUrl url);
0072     void newItems(FMH::MODEL_LIST items, QUrl url);
0073     void refreshItems(QVector<QPair<FMH::MODEL, FMH::MODEL>> items, QUrl url);
0075 private:
0076     FMH::FileLoader *m_loader;
0077     QFileSystemWatcher *m_watcher;
0079     FMH::MODEL_LIST m_list;
0080     QString m_nameFilters;
0081     QUrl m_url;
0082     bool m_dirOnly = false;
0083     bool m_showDotFiles = false;
0085     bool m_checking = false;
0087     void reviewChanges();
0088     bool includes(const QUrl &url);
0089     int indexOf(const FMH::MODEL_KEY &key, const QString &value) const;
0090 };
0091 #endif
0093 class Syncing;
0095 /**
0096  * @brief The FM class stands for File Management, and exposes methods for file listing, browsing and handling, with syncing and tagging integration if such components were enabled with the build flags `COMPONENT_SYNCING` and `COMPONENT_TAGGING`.
0097  * 
0098  * @warning File syncing support with webDAV cloud providers, such as NextCloud, is still work in progress.  
0099  * 
0100  */
0101 class FILEBROWSING_EXPORT FM : public QObject
0102 {
0103     Q_OBJECT
0106 public:
0108     /**
0109      * @brief Creates the instance.
0110      */
0111     FM(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0113     //Syncing
0115     /**
0116      * @brief Given a server URL address retrieve its contents. This only works if the syncing component has been enabled with `COMPONENT_SYNCING`
0117      * @see cloudServerContentReady
0118      * @param server the server URL
0119      * @param filters the list of string filters to be applied
0120      * @param depth how deep in the directory three to go, for example, `1` keeps the retrieval in the first level or current directory.
0121      * @return whether the operation was successful. 
0122      */
0123     bool getCloudServerContent(const QUrl &server, const QStringList &filters = QStringList(), const int &depth = 0);
0125     /**
0126      * @brief Creates a directory in the server. This only works if the syncing component has been enabled `COMPONENT_SYNCING`.
0127      * @param path the server location where to create the new directory
0128      * @param name directory name
0129      */
0130     Q_INVOKABLE void createCloudDir(const QString &path, const QString &name);
0132     /**
0133      * @brief Given a path URL retrieve the contents information packaged as a model. This method is asynchronous and once items become ready the signals will be emitted, such as, `pathContentItemsReady` or `pathContentReady`
0134      * @param path the directory path
0135      * @param hidden whether to pack hidden files
0136      * @param onlyDirs whether to only pack directories
0137      * @param filters the list of string filters to be applied
0138      * @param iteratorFlags the directory iterator flags, for reference check QDirIterator documentation
0139      */
0140     void getPathContent(const QUrl &path, const bool &hidden = false, const bool &onlyDirs = false, const QStringList &filters = QStringList(), const QDirIterator::IteratorFlags &iteratorFlags = QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags);
0142     /**
0143      * @brief Given a remote server address URL, resolve it to the local cache URL. This only works if the syncing component has been enabled `COMPONENT_SYNCING=ON`
0144      * @param path the remote Server address
0145      * @return the resolved server path as a local URL
0146      */
0147     QString resolveLocalCloudPath(const QString &path);
0149     /**
0150      * @brief Given the server address and the user name, resolve a local path for the cache of the files.
0151      * @param server the remove server address
0152      * @param user the user name of the server
0153      * @return
0154      */
0155     static QString resolveUserCloudCachePath(const QString &server, const QString &user);
0158     Syncing *sync;
0159 #endif
0161 private:
0163 #ifdef KIO_AVAILABLE
0164     KCoreDirLister *dirLister;
0165 #else
0166     QDirLister *dirLister;
0167 #endif
0171     /**
0172      * @brief Emitted once the requested contents of the server are ready.
0173      * @param list the contents packaged in a list, with the file information 
0174      */
0175     void cloudServerContentReady(FMStatic::PATH_CONTENT list);
0177     /**
0178      * @brief Emitted for every single item that becomes available, from the requested remote server location.
0179      * @param item the item data
0180      * @param path the URL of the remote location initially requested
0181      */
0182     void cloudItemReady(FMH::MODEL item, QUrl path); 
0184     /**
0185      * @brief Emitted once the contents of the current location are ready and the listing has finished.
0186      * @param path the requested location path
0187      */
0188     void pathContentReady(QUrl path);
0190     /**
0191      * @brief Emitted when a set of entries for the current location are ready.
0192      * @param list the contents packaged in a list, with the file information 
0193      */
0194     void pathContentItemsReady(FMStatic::PATH_CONTENT list);
0196     /**
0197      * @brief Emitted when the contents of the current location has changed, either by some new entries being added or removed.
0198      * @param path the requested location which has changed
0199      */
0200     void pathContentChanged(QUrl path);
0202     /**
0203      * @brief Emitted when the current location entries have changed.
0204      * @param items the list of pair of entries that have changed, where first is the old version and second is the new version.
0205      */
0206     void pathContentItemsChanged(QVector<QPair<FMH::MODEL, FMH::MODEL>> items);
0208     /**
0209      * @brief Emitted when a set of entries in the current location have been removed.
0210      * @param list the removed contents packaged in a list, with the file information 
0211      */
0212     void pathContentItemsRemoved(FMStatic::PATH_CONTENT list);
0214     /**
0215      * @brief Emitted when there is an error.
0216      * @param message the error message
0217      */
0218     void warningMessage(QString message);
0220     /**
0221      * @brief Emitted with the progress of the listing.
0222      * @param percent the progress percent form 0 to 100
0223      */
0224     void loadProgress(int percent);
0226     /**
0227      * @brief Emitted when a directory has been created in the remote server in the current location.
0228      * @param dir the information of the newly created directory
0229      */
0230     void dirCreated(FMH::MODEL dir);
0232     /**
0233      * @brief Emitted when a new item is available in the remote server in the current location.
0234      * @param item the new item information
0235      * @param path the path location of the new item
0236      */
0237     void newItem(FMH::MODEL item, QUrl path);
0239 public Q_SLOTS:
0240     /**
0241      * @brief Open a given remote item in an external application. If the item does not exists in the system local cache, then  it is downloaded first.
0242      * @param item the item data. This is exposed this way for convenience of usage from QML, where the item entry from the model will become a QVariantMap.
0243      */
0244     void openCloudItem(const QVariantMap &item);
0246     /**
0247      * @brief Download a remote server entry.
0248      * @param item the item data.
0249      */
0250     void getCloudItem(const QVariantMap &item);
0252     //Actions
0253     /**
0254      * @brief Copy a set of file URLs to a new destination
0255      * @param urls the list of file URLs to be copied.
0256      * @param where the new location to copy the files
0257      */
0258     bool copy(const QList<QUrl> &urls, const QUrl &where);
0260     /**
0261      * @brief Cut a set of file URLs to a new destination
0262      * @param urls the list of file URLs to be cut.
0263      * @param where the new location to paste the files
0264      */
0265     bool cut(const QList<QUrl> &urls, const QUrl &where);
0267     friend class FMStatic;
0268 };