Warning, file /maui/mauikit-filebrowsing/src/code/downloader.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 #pragma once
0003 #include <QObject>
0004 #include <QString>
0005 #include <QMap>
0007 #include "filebrowsing_export.h"
0009 class QNetworkAccessManager;
0010 class QNetworkReply;
0011 class QFile;
0013 namespace FMH
0014 {
0015     /**
0016      * @brief The Downloader class
0017      * This is a quick helper to download remote content and save it as local files. 
0018      * 
0019      * @note Allows to make get request using optional headers.
0020      * 
0021      * @code
0022      * #include <QCoreApplication> 
0023      * #include <QDebug>
0024      * #include <QUrl>
0025      * #include <QObject>
0026      * #include <iostream>
0027      * 
0028      * #include <MauiKit4/FileBrowsing/downloader.h>
0029      * #include <MauiKit4/FileBrowsing/fmstatic.h>
0030      * 
0031      * int main(int argc, char *argv[])
0032      * {
0033      *   QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
0034      * 
0035      * QUrl url = u"https://mauikit.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/index-1.png"_qs; //The remote file image URL to download.
0036      * QString fileName = "/IndexAppDemo.png"; //The new name of the image to save it locally.
0037      * QUrl savePath =  FMStatic::DownloadsPath+fileName; //The local downloads path where to save the image.
0038      * FMH::Downloader downloader;
0039      * 
0040      * QObject::connect(&downloader, &FMH::Downloader::progress, [=](int percent) {
0041      * qDebug() << "Downloading " << percent << "%"; });
0042      * 
0043      * QObject::connect(&downloader, &FMH::Downloader::done, [&a]() {
0044      *      qDebug() << "Download finished";
0045      *      a.exit(); });
0046      * 
0047      * QObject::connect(&downloader, &FMH::Downloader::fileSaved, [=](QString path) {
0048      *      qDebug() << "Downloaded file has been saved as " << path; });
0049      * 
0050      * downloader.downloadFile(url, savePath);
0051      * 
0052      * return a.exec();
0053      * }
0054      * @endcode
0055      */
0056     class FILEBROWSING_EXPORT Downloader : public QObject
0057     {
0058         Q_OBJECT
0060     public:
0061         Downloader(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0063         virtual ~Downloader();
0065         /**
0066          * @brief Given a source URL to a file it downloads it to a given local destination
0067          * @param source the remote file URL
0068          * @param destination the local file URL destination with a name an suffix extension type
0069          */
0070         void downloadFile(const QUrl &source, const QUrl &destination);
0072         /**
0073          * @brief Given a URL make a get request and once the reply is ready emits a signal with the retrieved array data.
0074          * @note Usually this is used to retrieved structured information from a web API, such a a JSON or a XML file, to later be parsed.
0075          * @see dataReady
0076          * @param fileURL the end point URL to make the request
0077          * @param headers the optional set of HTTP request headers structured as a QMap of a key value pair of plain strings.
0078          */
0079         void getArray(const QUrl &fileURL, const QMap<QString, QString> &headers = {});
0081         /**
0082          * @brief Force to stop the process of the data request or the downloading of the file.
0083          */
0084         void stop();
0086         /**
0087          * @brief Whether the downloading or current request is still in progress.
0088          */
0089         bool isRunning() const;
0091         /**
0092          * @brief Whether the process has finished successfully.
0093          * @see aborted
0094          */
0095         bool isFinished() const;
0097     private:
0098         QNetworkAccessManager *manager;
0099         QNetworkReply *reply;
0100         QFile *file;
0102         QByteArray *array;
0104         bool m_saveToFile = false;
0105         void setConnections();
0107     Q_SIGNALS:
0109         /**
0110          * @brief Emitted while the process is ongoing 
0111          * @param percent the process value from 0 to 100
0112          */
0113         void progress(int percent);
0115         /**
0116          * @brief Emitted when the downloading has finished.
0117          */
0118         void downloadReady();
0120         /**
0121          * @brief Emitted when the download or data request has been aborted manually by calling the `stop` method.
0122          */
0123         void aborted();
0125         /**
0126          * @brief Emitted after the downloading has finished and the file has been saved successfully.
0127          * @param path the location path of the new saved file
0128          */
0129         void fileSaved(QString path);
0131         /**
0132          * @brief Emitted when there is a warning message, for example when an error has occurred during the process or at the end.
0133          */
0134         void warning(QString warning);
0136         /**
0137          * @brief Emitted when the data is ready and can be parsed.
0138          * @param array the array raw data
0139          */
0140         void dataReady(QByteArray array);
0142         /**
0143          * @brief Emitted when the process has been finished. Emitted as the `downloadReady` signal.
0144          */
0145         void done();
0147     private Q_SLOTS:
0148         /**
0149          * @private
0150          */
0151         void onDownloadProgress(qint64 bytesRead, qint64 bytesTotal);
0153         /**
0154          * @private
0155          */
0156         void onReadyRead();
0158         /**
0159          * @private
0160          */
0161         void onReplyFinished();
0162     };
0163 }