Warning, /maui/mauikit-filebrowsing/metainfo.yaml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 maintainer: milohr
0002 fancyname: MauiKit File Browsing
0003 description: QtQuick plugin for file browsing components
0004 platforms:
0005     - name: Linux
0006     - name: FreeBSD
0007     - name: Android
0008     - name: iOS
0009       note: maintainer needed
0010     - name: Windows
0011       note: maintainer needed
0012     - name: macOS
0013       note: maintainer needed
0014 public_lib: true
0015 deprecated: false
0016 type: functional
0017 release: true
0018 logo: logo.png
0019 irc: '#kde-maui'
0020 mailinglist: '' # do we have one?
0021 group: mauikit
0022 qdoc: false
0023 public_doc_dir:
0024     - docs
0025 public_source_dirs:  # optional, default to src, must be a list
0026   - src/code
0027   - src/controls.6
0028 public_example_dirs: examples
0029 libraries:
0030     - cmake: MauiKit4::FileBrowsing
0031 cmakename: MauiKitFileBrowsing4
0033 group_info:
0034     name: mauikit
0035     fancyname: MauiKit Frameworks
0036     maintainer: milohr
0037     mailinglist: '' # doesn't exist?
0038     platforms:
0039       - Linux
0040       - FreeBSD (partial)
0041       - Windows (unmantained)
0042       - macOS (unmantained)
0043       - Android
0044     description: Provides utilities to build applications according to the Maui style
0045     long_description:
0046         - The MauiKit Framework is build on top of the KDE frameworks and provides tools for building
0047           convergent applications according to the Maui guidelines.