File indexing completed on 2025-02-09 05:33:18
0001 #!env python 0002 # Copyright 2008 Simon Edwards <> 0003 # 0004 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 0005 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 0006 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 0007 # (at your option) any later version. 0008 # 0009 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 0010 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 0011 # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 0012 # GNU General Public License for more details. 0013 # 0014 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 0015 # along with this program; if not, write to the 0016 # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 0017 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA 0018 0019 import re 0020 import os.path 0021 import glob 0022 import kbindinggenerator.cmakeparser as cmakeparser 0023 0024 def ExtractInstallFiles(filename=None,input=None,variables=None): 0025 if variables is None: 0026 variables = {} 0027 else: 0028 variables = variables.copy() 0029 0030 install_list = [] 0031 0032 if filename is not None: 0033 variables['cmake_current_source_dir'] = [os.path.dirname(filename)] 0034 0035 ExtractInstallFilesWithContext(variables, install_list, filename,input) 0036 # print(repr(variables)) 0037 # print(repr(install_list)) 0038 return install_list 0039 0040 def ExtractInstallFilesWithContext(variables, install_list, filename=None, input=None, fileprefix=""): 0041 inputstring = "" 0042 currentdir = "" 0043 if input: 0044 inputstring = input 0045 elif filename: 0046 currentdir = os.path.dirname(filename) 0047 fhandle = open(filename) 0048 inputstring= 0049 fhandle.close() 0050 parser = cmakeparser.CMakeParser() 0051 command_list = parser.parse(inputstring, filename) 0052 include_dirs = [] 0053 0054 for commandobject in command_list: 0055 command = commandobject.command().lower() 0056 args = [arg.value() for arg in commandobject.arguments()] 0057 if command=="set": 0058 variables[args[0].lower()] = ExpandArgs(variables, args[1:], filename) 0059 0060 elif command=="install": 0061 install_args = ExpandArgs(variables, args, filename) 0062 0063 for arg in install_args: 0064 if arg.endswith('.h'): 0065 for basepath in [currentdir, fileprefix] + include_dirs: 0066 fullpath = os.path.join(basepath, arg) 0067 # print(fullpath) 0068 if os.path.exists(fullpath): 0069 install_list.append(fullpath) 0070 break 0071 else: 0072 fullpath = os.path.join(currentdir, basepath, arg) 0073 if os.path.exists(fullpath): 0074 install_list.append(fullpath) 0075 break 0076 else: 0077 print("Unable to find header file " + arg) 0078 0079 elif command=="include": 0080 if filename is not None: 0081 command_args = ExpandArgs(variables, args, filename) 0082 0083 this_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) 0084 for arg in command_args: 0085 if len(arg.strip())!=0: 0086 include_filename = os.path.join(this_dir,arg) 0087 if os.path.exists(include_filename): 0088 ExtractInstallFilesWithContext(variables, install_list, include_filename) 0089 0090 elif command=="add_subdirectory": 0091 if filename is not None: 0092 command_args = ExpandArgs(variables, args, filename) 0093 0094 this_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) 0095 for arg in command_args: 0096 if len(arg.strip())!=0: 0097 include_filename = os.path.join(this_dir,arg,"CMakeLists.txt") 0098 if os.path.exists(include_filename): 0099 ExtractInstallFilesWithContext(variables, install_list, include_filename, fileprefix=os.path.join(fileprefix,arg)) 0100 0101 elif command=="file": 0102 # This is just a basic cmake FILE() implementation. It just does GLOB. 0103 command_args = ExpandArgs(variables, args, filename) 0104 varname = None 0105 result = None 0106 try: 0107 it = iter(command_args) 0108 arg = it.__next__() 0109 if arg.lower()=='glob' and filename is not None: 0110 arg = 0111 varname = arg 0112 arg = 0113 0114 relative_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) 0115 if arg.lower()=='relative': 0116 arg = 0117 relative_dir = arg 0118 arg = 0119 if not relative_dir.endswith('/'): 0120 relative_dir += '/' 0121 0122 result = [] 0123 current_dir = variables['cmake_current_source_dir'][0] 0124 while True: 0125 for x in glob.iglob(os.path.join(current_dir, arg)): 0126 if x.startswith(relative_dir): 0127 x = x[len(relative_dir):] 0128 result.append(x) 0129 arg = 0130 0131 except StopIteration: 0132 if varname is not None and result is not None: 0133 variables[varname.lower()] = result 0134 0135 elif command=="ecm_generate_headers": 0136 header_args = ExpandArgs(variables, args, filename) 0137 # print("ecm_generate_headers:"+repr(header_args)) 0138 0139 prefix="" 0140 if "RELATIVE" in header_args: 0141 prefix = header_args[header_args.index("RELATIVE")+1] 0142 0143 for item in header_args: 0144 if item == "REQUIRED_HEADERS" or item == "RELATIVE": 0145 break 0146 headername = os.path.join(currentdir, prefix, item.lower() + ".h") 0147 if os.path.exists(headername): 0148 install_list.append(headername) 0149 0150 elif command == "target_include_directories": 0151 include_args = ExpandArgs(variables, args, filename) 0152 if "PUBLIC" in include_args: 0153 for item in include_args[include_args.index("PUBLIC")+1:]: 0154 include_dirs.append(item) 0155 #print("include dirs:",repr(include_dirs)) 0156 0157 def ExpandArgs(variables, args, filename=None): 0158 rex = re.compile(r'(\$\{[^\}]+\})') 0159 fixed_args = [] 0160 for arg in args: 0161 fixed_parts = [] 0162 0163 if arg.startswith("$<BUILD_INTERFACE:"): 0164 arg = arg[len("$<BUILD_INTERFACE:"): -1] 0165 0166 parts = rex.split(arg) 0167 for part in parts: 0168 if part.startswith("${"): 0169 name = part[2:-1].lower() 0170 if name in variables: 0171 value = variables[name] 0172 if len(value)==1: 0173 fixed_parts.append(variables[name][0]) 0174 else: 0175 fixed_args.extend(value) 0176 else: 0177 print("Undefined cmake variable '" + name + "' in " + filename) 0178 else: 0179 fixed_parts.append(part) 0180 fixed_args.append(''.join(fixed_parts)) 0181 0182 return fixed_args 0183 0184 def __FetchCommands(lexer): 0185 topmode = True 0186 command_list = [] 0187 command = None 0188 args = [] 0189 0190 tok = lexer.token() 0191 while 1: 0192 if not tok: 0193 if command: 0194 command_list.append( (command,args) ) 0195 break # No more input 0196 if topmode: 0197 if tok.type=="COMMAND": 0198 command = tok.value 0199 topmode = False 0200 else: 0201 print("Fail") 0202 # Fail 0203 0204 tok = lexer.token() 0205 else: 0206 # Grab arguments 0207 if tok.type=="COMMAND": 0208 if command: 0209 command_list.append( (command,args) ) 0210 command = None 0211 args = [] 0212 0213 topmode = True 0214 continue 0215 args.append(tok.value) 0216 tok = lexer.token() 0217 return command_list 0218 0219 if __name__=="__main__": 0220 #print("Testing") 0221 #lexer = cmakelexer.CMakeLexer() 0222 0223 print(ExtractInstallFiles(filename="/home/sbe/devel/svn/kde/trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt")) 0224 0225 def foo(): 0226 ExtractInstallFiles(input=""" 0227 find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED) 0228 include (KDE4Defaults) 0229 0230 include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${KDEBASE_WORKSPACE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.. ${KDE4_INCLUDES} ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR}) 0231 0232 add_subdirectory(tests) 0233 add_definitions(-DKDE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_AREA=1209) 0234 0235 ########### next target ############### 0236 0237 set(plasmagik_SRCS 0238 packagemetadata.cpp 0239 packagestructure.cpp 0240 package.cpp 0241 ) 0242 0243 set(plasma_LIB_SRCS 0244 ${plasmagik_SRCS} 0245 abstractrunner.cpp 0246 animationdriver.cpp 0247 animator.cpp 0248 applet.cpp 0249 appletbrowser.cpp 0250 appletbrowser/customdragtreeview.cpp 0251 appletbrowser/kcategorizeditemsview.cpp 0252 appletbrowser/kcategorizeditemsviewdelegate.cpp 0253 appletbrowser/kcategorizeditemsviewmodels.cpp 0254 appletbrowser/openwidgetassistant.cpp 0255 appletbrowser/plasmaappletitemmodel.cpp 0256 configxml.cpp 0257 containment.cpp 0258 corona.cpp 0259 datacontainer.cpp 0260 dataengine.cpp 0261 dataenginemanager.cpp 0262 delegate.cpp 0263 dialog.cpp 0264 extender.cpp 0265 extenderitem.cpp 0266 paintutils.cpp 0267 panelsvg.cpp 0268 plasma.cpp 0269 popupapplet.cpp 0270 private/applethandle.cpp 0271 private/datacontainer_p.cpp 0272 private/desktoptoolbox.cpp 0273 private/nativetabbar.cpp 0274 private/packages.cpp 0275 private/paneltoolbox.cpp 0276 private/toolbox.cpp 0277 private/tooltip.cpp 0278 querymatch.cpp 0279 runnercontext.cpp 0280 runnermanager.cpp 0281 scripting/appletscript.cpp 0282 scripting/dataenginescript.cpp 0283 scripting/runnerscript.cpp 0284 scripting/scriptengine.cpp 0285 service.cpp 0286 servicejob.cpp 0287 svg.cpp 0288 theme.cpp 0289 tooltipmanager.cpp 0290 uiloader.cpp 0291 version.cpp 0292 view.cpp 0293 wallpaper.cpp 0294 widgets/checkbox.cpp 0295 widgets/combobox.cpp 0296 widgets/flash.cpp 0297 widgets/frame.cpp 0298 widgets/groupbox.cpp 0299 widgets/icon.cpp 0300 widgets/label.cpp 0301 widgets/lineedit.cpp 0302 widgets/meter.cpp 0303 widgets/pushbutton.cpp 0304 widgets/radiobutton.cpp 0305 widgets/signalplotter.cpp 0306 widgets/slider.cpp 0307 widgets/tabbar.cpp 0308 widgets/textedit.cpp 0309 widgets/webcontent.cpp 0310 ) 0311 0312 kde4_add_ui_files ( 0313 plasma_LIB_SRCS 0314 appletbrowser/kcategorizeditemsviewbase.ui 0315 ) 0316 0317 if(QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND AND OPENGL_FOUND) 0318 MESSAGE(STATUS "Adding support for OpenGL applets to libplasma") 0319 set(plasma_LIB_SRCS 0320 ${plasma_LIB_SRCS} 0321 glapplet.cpp) 0322 endif(QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND AND OPENGL_FOUND) 0323 0324 kde4_add_library(plasma SHARED ${plasma_LIB_SRCS}) 0325 0326 target_link_libraries(plasma ${KDE4_KIO_LIBS} ${KDE4_KFILE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KNEWSTUFF2_LIBS} 0327 ${QT_QTUITOOLS_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTWEBKIT_LIBRARY} 0328 ${KDE4_THREADWEAVER_LIBRARIES} ${KDE4_SOLID_LIBS} ${X11_LIBRARIES}) 0329 0330 if(QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND AND OPENGL_FOUND) 0331 target_link_libraries(plasma ${QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY}) 0332 endif(QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND AND OPENGL_FOUND) 0333 0334 set_target_properties(plasma PROPERTIES 0335 VERSION 3.0.0 0336 SOVERSION 3 0337 ${KDE4_DISABLE_PROPERTY_}LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES "${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS}" 0338 ) 0339 0340 install(TARGETS plasma ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) 0341 0342 0343 ########### install files ############### 0344 0345 set(plasmagik_HEADERS 0346 packagemetadata.h 0347 packagestructure.h 0348 package.h 0349 ) 0350 0351 install(FILES ${plasmagik_HEADERS} DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/plasma/ COMPONENT Devel) 0352 0353 set(plasma_LIB_INCLUDES 0354 abstractrunner.h 0355 animationdriver.h 0356 animator.h 0357 applet.h 0358 appletbrowser.h 0359 configxml.h 0360 containment.h 0361 corona.h 0362 datacontainer.h 0363 dataengine.h 0364 dataenginemanager.h 0365 delegate.h 0366 dialog.h 0367 extender.h 0368 extenderitem.h 0369 paintutils.h 0370 panelsvg.h 0371 plasma.h 0372 plasma_export.h 0373 popupapplet.h 0374 querymatch.h 0375 runnercontext.h 0376 runnermanager.h 0377 service.h 0378 servicejob.h 0379 svg.h 0380 theme.h 0381 tooltipmanager.h 0382 uiloader.h 0383 tooltipmanager.h 0384 version.h 0385 view.h 0386 wallpaper.h) 0387 0388 if(QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND AND OPENGL_FOUND) 0389 set(plasma_LIB_INCLUDES 0390 ${plasma_LIB_INCLUDES} 0391 glapplet.h) 0392 endif(QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND AND OPENGL_FOUND) 0393 0394 install(FILES 0395 ${plasma_LIB_INCLUDES} 0396 DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/plasma COMPONENT Devel) 0397 0398 install(FILES 0399 widgets/checkbox.h 0400 widgets/combobox.h 0401 widgets/flash.h 0402 widgets/frame.h 0403 widgets/groupbox.h 0404 widgets/icon.h 0405 widgets/label.h 0406 widgets/lineedit.h 0407 widgets/meter.h 0408 widgets/pushbutton.h 0409 widgets/radiobutton.h 0410 widgets/signalplotter.h 0411 widgets/slider.h 0412 widgets/tabbar.h 0413 widgets/textedit.h 0414 widgets/webcontent.h 0415 DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/plasma/widgets COMPONENT Devel) 0416 0417 install(FILES 0418 scripting/appletscript.h 0419 scripting/dataenginescript.h 0420 scripting/runnerscript.h 0421 scripting/scriptengine.h 0422 DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/plasma/scripting COMPONENT Devel) 0423 0424 0425 install(FILES 0426 includes/AbstractRunner 0427 includes/AnimationDriver 0428 includes/Animator 0429 includes/Applet 0430 includes/AppletBrowser 0431 includes/AppletScript 0432 includes/CheckBox 0433 includes/ComboBox 0434 includes/ConfigXml 0435 includes/Containment 0436 includes/Corona 0437 includes/DataContainer 0438 includes/DataEngine 0439 includes/DataEngineManager 0440 includes/DataEngineScript 0441 includes/Delegate 0442 includes/Dialog 0443 includes/Extender 0444 includes/ExtenderItem 0445 includes/Flash 0446 includes/GroupBox 0447 includes/Icon 0448 includes/Label 0449 includes/LineEdit 0450 includes/Meter 0451 includes/Package 0452 includes/PackageMetadata 0453 includes/PackageStructure 0454 includes/PaintUtils 0455 includes/PanelSvg 0456 includes/Plasma 0457 includes/PopupApplet 0458 includes/PushButton 0459 includes/QueryMatch 0460 includes/RadioButton 0461 includes/RunnerContext 0462 includes/RunnerManager 0463 includes/RunnerScript 0464 includes/ScriptEngine 0465 includes/Service 0466 includes/ServiceJob 0467 includes/SignalPlotter 0468 includes/Slider 0469 includes/Svg 0470 includes/TabBar 0471 includes/TextEdit 0472 includes/ToolTipManager 0473 includes/Theme 0474 includes/UiLoader 0475 includes/View 0476 includes/Version 0477 includes/Wallpaper 0478 includes/WebContent 0479 DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/KDE/Plasma COMPONENT Devel) 0480 0481 if(QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND AND OPENGL_FOUND) 0482 install(FILES 0483 includes/GLApplet 0484 DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/KDE/Plasma COMPONENT Devel) 0485 endif(QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND AND OPENGL_FOUND) 0486 0487 install(FILES 0488 servicetypes/plasma-animator.desktop 0489 servicetypes/plasma-applet.desktop 0490 servicetypes/plasma-containment.desktop 0491 servicetypes/plasma-dataengine.desktop 0492 servicetypes/plasma-packagestructure.desktop 0493 servicetypes/plasma-runner.desktop 0494 servicetypes/plasma-scriptengine.desktop 0495 servicetypes/plasma-wallpaper.desktop 0496 DESTINATION ${SERVICETYPES_INSTALL_DIR}) 0497 0498 install(FILES scripting/plasmoids.knsrc DESTINATION ${CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) 0499 """) 0500 # Tokenize 0501 0502 #while 1: 0503 # tok = lexer.token() 0504 # if not tok: break # No more input 0505 # print tok 0506 0507 #while 1: 0508 # tok = cmakelexer.lex.token() 0509 # if not tok: break # No more input 0510 # print tok 0511