Warning, /libraries/twine2/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 Pre-requisites in addition to cmake, extra-cmake-modules, g++ and so on 0002 Package names for Debian and its derivatives such as Ubuntu: 0003 0004 1. python3-ply (PLY from http://www.dabeaz.com/ply). 0005 0006 2. qt5-qmake 0007 0008 3. qtbase5-dev 0009 0010 4. sip-dev 0011 0012 5. Access to PyQt5 sip files 0013 0014 Note: argvalidate in kbindinggenerator is a slightly modified copy of 0015 argvalidate originally from https://bitbucket.org/sp/python-argvalidate. 0016 0017 6. We assume the kf5 source and an appropriate directory layout like this: 0018 0019 .../source 0020 frameworks 0021 kitemmodels 0022 ... 0023 pykde5 0024 cmake 0025 sip 0026 pyqt5 0027 twine2 0028 kf5.py 0029 ... 0030 .../build 0031 frameworks 0032 pykde5 0033 pyqt5 0034 ... 0035 0036 Note: the pyqt5 will typically be a link to somethng like PyQt-gpl-5.4.1 0037 which is the form currently used by Riverbank for PyQt. 0038 0039 7. Configure and build like this: 0040 0041 cd .../build/frameworks/kitemmodels 0042 cmake ../../../source/frameworks/kitemmodels 0043 cd ../../build/pyqt5 0044 python ../../source/pyqt5/configure.py --qmake /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake 0045 cd ../../build/pykde5 0046 ../../source/twine2/kf5.py 0047