Warning, /libraries/qca/cmake/modules/FindPkcs11Helper.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # - Try to find the pkcs11-helper library 0002 # Once done this will define 0003 # 0004 # PKCS11H_FOUND - system has pkcs11-helper 0005 # PKCS11H_INCLUDE_DIRS - the pkcs11-helper include directories 0006 # PKCS11H_LDFLAGS - Link to these to use pkcs11-helper 0007 # PKCS11H_CFLAGS_OTHER - Compiler switches required for using pkcs11-helper 0008 # 0009 # Copyright (c) 2006, Laurent Montel, <montel@kde.org> 0010 # 0011 # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. 0012 # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. 0013 # 0014 # pkcs11-helper can be found at http://www.opensc-project.org/pkcs11-helper 0015 # 0016 0017 if(PKCS11H_INCLUDE_DIRS AND PKCS11H_LDFLAGS) 0018 0019 # in cache already 0020 SET(PKCS11H_FOUND TRUE) 0021 0022 else() 0023 if(NOT WIN32) 0024 find_package(PkgConfig) 0025 pkg_search_module(PKCS11H libpkcs11-helper-1) 0026 endif() 0027 0028 if (PKCS11H_FOUND) 0029 if (NOT Pkcs11Helper_FIND_QUIETLY) 0030 message(STATUS "Found pkcs11-helper: ${PKCS11H_LDFLAGS}") 0031 endif() 0032 else() 0033 if (Pkcs11Helper_FIND_REQUIRED) 0034 message(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find pkcs11-helper") 0035 endif() 0036 endif() 0037 0038 mark_as_advanced(PKCS11H_INCLUDE_DIRS PKCS11H_LDFLAGS PKCS11H_CFLAGS_OTHER) 0039 0040 endif()