File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 16:01:53

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the Polkit-qt project
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Jaroslav Reznik <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0006 */
0011 #include <QObject>
0012 #include <QScopedPointer>
0014 #include "polkitqt1-agent-session.h"
0018 typedef struct _PolkitAgentListener PolkitAgentListener;
0020 namespace PolkitQt1
0021 {
0022 class Subject;
0023 class Identity;
0024 class Details;
0025 }
0027 namespace PolkitQt1
0028 {
0030 namespace Agent
0031 {
0033 class ListenerPrivate;
0034 /**
0035  * \class Listener polkitqt1-agent-listener.h Listener
0036  * \author Jaroslav Reznik <>
0037  *
0038  * \brief Listener is abstract class used for implementing authentication agents.
0039  *
0040  * To implement an authentication agent, just subclass this class and implement
0041  * virtual functions initiateAuthentication, initiateAuthenticationFinish
0042  * and cancelAuthentication.
0043  *
0044  * You can also use Session class to authenticate users however it isn't required.
0045  * \sa Session
0046  */
0047 class POLKITQT1_AGENT_EXPORT Listener : public QObject
0048 {
0049     Q_OBJECT
0050     Q_DISABLE_COPY(Listener)
0051 public:
0052     /**
0053      * \brief Constructor of Listener class
0054      */
0055     Listener(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0057     /**
0058      * \brief Constructor of Listener class from PolkitAgentListener
0059      *
0060      * \warning Use this only if you are completely aware of what are you doing!
0061      *
0062      * \param listener Pointer to the PolkitAgentListener
0063      * \param parent
0064      */
0065     explicit Listener(PolkitAgentListener *listener, QObject *parent = nullptr);
0067     ~Listener() override;
0069     /**
0070      * \brief Registers listener with polkit daemon as an authentication agent for \p subject.
0071      *
0072      * This is implemented by registering a DBus object at \p objectPath on the unique
0073      * name assigned by the system message bus.
0074      *
0075      * Whenever the polkit daemon needs to authenticate a processes that is related to \p subject,
0076      * the methods initiateAuthentication and initiateAuthenticationFinish will be evoked.
0077      *
0078      * \param subject Subject that listener will be registered for
0079      * \param objectPath DBus object path
0080      * \return \c True if the polkitqt1-agent-listener.has been registered, \c False otherwise
0081      */
0082     bool registerListener(const PolkitQt1::Subject &subject, const QString &objectPath);
0084     /**
0085      * \brief Returns pointer to the PolkitAgentListener.
0086      *
0087      * \warning Use this only if you are completely aware of what are you doing!
0088      *
0089      * \return PolkitAgentListener
0090      */
0091     const PolkitAgentListener *listener();
0093 public Q_SLOTS:
0094     /**
0095      * \brief Initiate authentication for the action
0096      *
0097      * This method will be called on a registered authentication agent when the user owning
0098      * the session needs to prove he is one of the identities listed in \p identities.
0099      *
0100      * \note You have to reimplement this method in the subclass.
0101      *
0102      * \param actionId The action to authenticate for
0103      * \param message The message to present to the user
0104      * \param iconName The name of the icon which is representing the action
0105      * \param details Details describing the action
0106      * \param cookie The cookie for the authentization request
0107      * \param identities A list of Identity object that the user can choose to authenticate as
0108      * \param result This AsyncResult MUST be completed by using complete() method when the
0109      *        authentication is done. You can pass it to the constructor of the Session class
0110      *        and then call session->result()->complete() to mark the action as done.
0111      */
0112     virtual void initiateAuthentication(const QString &actionId,
0113                                         const QString &message,
0114                                         const QString &iconName,
0115                                         const PolkitQt1::Details &details,
0116                                         const QString &cookie,
0117                                         const PolkitQt1::Identity::List &identities,
0118                                         PolkitQt1::Agent::AsyncResult *result) = 0;
0120     /**
0121      * TODO: Is this method really required ?
0122      * \brief Finishes an authentication request from the polkit daemon.
0123      *
0124      * \note You have to reimplement this method in the subclass.
0125      *
0126      * \see initiateAuthentication
0127      */
0128     virtual bool initiateAuthenticationFinish() = 0;
0130     /**
0131      * TODO: Is this method really required ?
0132      * \brief Cancels an authentication request from the polkit daemon.
0133      *
0134      * \note You have to reimplement this method in the subclass.
0135      *
0136      * \see initiateAuthentication
0137      */
0138     virtual void cancelAuthentication() = 0;
0140 private:
0141     QScopedPointer<ListenerPrivate> d;
0142 };
0143 }
0145 }
0147 #endif