Warning, /libraries/plasma-wayland-protocols/src/protocols/zkde-screencast-unstable-v1.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <protocol name="zkde_screencast_unstable_v1">
0003   <copyright><![CDATA[
0004       SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Aleix Pol Gonzalez <aleixpol@kde.org>
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
0007   ]]></copyright>
0008     <interface name="zkde_screencast_unstable_v1" version="3">
0009         <description summary="Protocol for managing PipeWire feeds of the different displays and windows."/>
0011         <enum name="pointer">
0012             <description summary="Stream consumer attachment attributes" />
0013             <entry name="hidden" value="1" summary="No cursor"/>
0014             <entry name="embedded" value="2" summary="Render the cursor on the stream"/>
0015             <entry name="metadata" value="4" summary="Send metadata about where the cursor is through PipeWire"/>
0016         </enum>
0018         <request name="stream_output">
0019             <description summary="requests a feed from a given source"/>
0020             <arg name="stream" type="new_id" interface="zkde_screencast_stream_unstable_v1"/>
0021             <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output"/>
0022             <arg name="pointer" type="uint" summary="Requested pointer mode"/>
0023         </request>
0024         <request name="stream_window">
0025             <description summary="requests a feed from a given source"/>
0026             <arg name="stream" type="new_id" interface="zkde_screencast_stream_unstable_v1"/>
0027             <arg name="window_uuid" type="string" summary="window Identifier"/>
0028             <arg name="pointer" type="uint" summary="Requested pointer mode"/>
0029         </request>
0031         <request name="destroy" type="destructor">
0032             <description summary="Destroy the zkde_screencast_unstable_v1">
0033                 Destroy the zkde_screencast_unstable_v1 object.
0034             </description>
0035         </request>
0037         <request name="stream_virtual_output" since="2">
0038             <description summary="requests a feed from a new virtual output"/>
0039             <arg name="stream" type="new_id" interface="zkde_screencast_stream_unstable_v1"/>
0040             <arg name="name" type="string" summary="name of the created output"/>
0041             <arg name="width" type="int" summary="Logical width resolution"/>
0042             <arg name="height" type="int" summary="Logical height resolution"/>
0043             <arg name="scale" type="fixed" summary="Scaling factor of the display where it's to be displayed"/>
0044             <arg name="pointer" type="uint" summary="Requested pointer mode"/>
0045         </request>
0047         <request name="stream_region" since="3">
0048             <description summary="requests a feed from region in the workspace"/>
0049             <arg name="stream" type="new_id" interface="zkde_screencast_stream_unstable_v1"/>
0051             <arg name="x" type="int" summary="Logical left position"/>
0052             <arg name="y" type="int" summary="Logical top position"/>
0053             <arg name="width" type="uint" summary="Logical width resolution"/>
0054             <arg name="height" type="uint" summary="Logical height resolution"/>
0055             <arg name="scale" type="fixed" summary="Scaling factor of the output recording"/>
0056             <arg name="pointer" type="uint" summary="Requested pointer mode"/>
0057         </request>
0058     </interface>
0060     <interface name="zkde_screencast_stream_unstable_v1" version="3">
0061         <request name="close" type="destructor">
0062             <description summary="Indicates we are done with the stream and the communication is over."/>
0063         </request>
0064         <event name="closed">
0065             <description summary="Notifies that the server has stopped the stream. Clients should now call close."/>
0066         </event>
0068         <event name="created">
0069             <description summary="Notifies about a pipewire feed being created"/>
0070             <arg name="node" type="uint" summary="node of the pipewire buffer"/>
0071         </event>
0072         <event name="failed">
0073             <description summary="Offers an error message so the client knows the created event will not arrive, and the client should close the resource."/>
0074             <arg name="error" type="string" summary="A human readable translated error message."/>
0075         </event>
0076     </interface>
0077 </protocol>