Warning, /libraries/plasma-wayland-protocols/src/protocols/fullscreen-shell.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <protocol name="fullscreen_shell">
0002   <interface name="_wl_fullscreen_shell" version="1">
0003     <description summary="Displays a single surface per output">
0004       Displays a single surface per output.
0006       This interface provides a mechanism for a single client to display
0007       simple full-screen surfaces.  While there technically may be multiple
0008       clients bound to this interface, only one of those clients should be
0009       shown at a time.
0011       To present a surface, the client uses either the present_surface or
0012       present_surface_for_mode requests.  Presenting a surface takes effect
0013       on the next wl_surface.commit.  See the individual requests for
0014       details about scaling and mode switches.
0016       The client can have at most one surface per output at any time.
0017       Requesting a surface be presented on an output that already has a
0018       surface replaces the previously presented surface.  Presenting a null
0019       surface removes its content and effectively disables the output.
0020       Exactly what happens when an output is "disabled" is
0021       compositor-specific.  The same surface may be presented on multiple
0022       outputs simultaneously.
0024       Once a surface is presented on an output, it stays on that output
0025       until either the client removes it or the compositor destroys the
0026       output.  This way, the client can update the output's contents by
0027       simply attaching a new buffer.
0028     </description>
0030     <request name="release" type="destructor">
0031       <description summary="release the wl_fullscreen_shell interface">
0032         Release the binding from the wl_fullscreen_shell interface
0034         This destroys the server-side object and frees this binding.  If
0035         the client binds to wl_fullscreen_shell multiple times, it may wish
0036         to free some of those bindings.
0037       </description>
0038     </request>
0040     <enum name="capability">
0041       <description summary="capabilities advertised by the compositor">
0042         Various capabilities that can be advertised by the compositor.  They
0043         are advertised one-at-a-time when the wl_fullscreen_shell interface is
0044         bound.  See the wl_fullscreen_shell.capability event for more details.
0046         ARBITRARY_MODE:
0047         This is a hint to the client that indicates that the compositor is
0048         capable of setting practically any mode on its outputs.  If this
0049         capability is provided, wl_fullscreen_shell.present_surface_for_mode
0050         will almost never fail and clients should feel free to set whatever
0051         mode they like.  If the compositor does not advertise this, it may
0052         still support some modes that are not advertised through wl_global.mode
0053         but it is less likely.
0055         CURSOR_PLANE:
0056         This is a hint to the client that indicates that the compositor can
0057         handle a cursor surface from the client without actually compositing.
0058         This may be because of a hardware cursor plane or some other mechanism.
0059         If the compositor does not advertise this capability then setting
0060         wl_pointer.cursor may degrade performance or be ignored entirely.  If
0061         CURSOR_PLANE is not advertised, it is recommended that the client draw
0062         its own cursor and set wl_pointer.cursor(NULL).
0063       </description>
0064       <entry name="arbitrary_modes" value="1" summary="compositor is capable of almost any output mode"/>
0065       <entry name="cursor_plane" value="2" summary="compositor has a separate cursor plane"/>
0066     </enum>
0068     <event name="capability">
0069       <description summary="advertises a capability of the compositor">
0070         Advertises a single capability of the compositor.
0072         When the wl_fullscreen_shell interface is bound, this event is emitted
0073         once for each capability advertised.  Valid capabilities are given by
0074         the wl_fullscreen_shell.capability enum.  If clients want to take
0075         advantage of any of these capabilities, they should use a
0076         wl_display.sync request immediately after binding to ensure that they
0077         receive all the capability events.
0078       </description>
0079       <arg name="capability" type="uint"/>
0080     </event>
0082     <enum name="present_method">
0083       <description summary="different method to set the surface fullscreen">
0084         Hints to indicate to the compositor how to deal with a conflict
0085         between the dimensions of the surface and the dimensions of the
0086         output. The compositor is free to ignore this parameter.
0087       </description>
0088       <entry name="default" value="0" summary="no preference, apply default policy"/>
0089       <entry name="center" value="1" summary="center the surface on the output"/>
0090       <entry name="zoom" value="2" summary="scale the surface, preserving aspect ratio, to the largest size that will fit on the output" />
0091       <entry name="zoom_crop" value="3" summary="scale the surface, preserving aspect ratio, to fully fill the output cropping if needed" />
0092       <entry name="stretch" value="4" summary="scale the surface to the size of the output ignoring aspect ratio" />
0093     </enum>
0095     <request name="present_surface">
0096       <description summary="present surface for display">
0097         Present a surface on the given output.
0099         If the output is null, the compositor will present the surface on
0100         whatever display (or displays) it thinks best.  In particular, this
0101         may replace any or all surfaces currently presented so it should
0102         not be used in combination with placing surfaces on specific
0103         outputs.
0105         The method parameter is a hint to the compositor for how the surface
0106         is to be presented.  In particular, it tells the compostior how to
0107         handle a size mismatch between the presented surface and the
0108         output.  The compositor is free to ignore this parameter.
0110         The "zoom", "zoom_crop", and "stretch" methods imply a scaling
0111         operation on the surface.  This will override any kind of output
0112         scaling, so the buffer_scale property of the surface is effectively
0113         ignored.
0114       </description>
0115       <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface" allow-null="true"/>
0116       <arg name="method" type="uint"/>
0117       <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output" allow-null="true"/>
0118     </request>
0120     <request name="present_surface_for_mode">
0121       <description summary="present surface for display at a particular mode">
0122         Presents a surface on the given output for a particular mode.
0124         If the current size of the output differs from that of the surface,
0125         the compositor will attempt to change the size of the output to
0126         match the surface.  The result of the mode-switch operation will be
0127         returned via the provided wl_fullscreen_shell_mode_feedback object.
0129         If the current output mode matches the one requested or if the
0130         compositor successfully switches the mode to match the surface,
0131         then the mode_successful event will be sent and the output will
0132         contain the contents of the given surface.  If the compositor
0133         cannot match the output size to the surface size, the mode_failed
0134         will be sent and the output will contain the contents of the
0135         previously presented surface (if any).  If another surface is
0136         presented on the given output before either of these has a chance
0137         to happen, the present_cancelled event will be sent.
0139         Due to race conditions and other issues unknown to the client, no
0140         mode-switch operation is guaranteed to succeed.  However, if the
0141         mode is one advertised by wl_output.mode or if the compositor
0142         advertises the ARBITRARY_MODES capability, then the client should
0143         expect that the mode-switch operation will usually succeed.
0145         If the size of the presented surface changes, the resulting output
0146         is undefined.  The compositor may attempt to change the output mode
0147         to compensate.  However, there is no guarantee that a suitable mode
0148         will be found and the client has no way to be notified of success
0149         or failure.
0151         The framerate parameter specifies the desired framerate for the
0152         output in mHz.  The compositor is free to ignore this parameter.  A
0153         value of 0 indicates that the client has no preference.
0155         If the value of wl_output.scale differs from wl_surface.buffer_scale,
0156         then the compositor may choose a mode that matches either the buffer
0157         size or the surface size.  In either case, the surface will fill the
0158         output.
0159       </description>
0160       <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface"/>
0161       <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output"/>
0162       <arg name="framerate" type="int"/>
0163       <arg name="feedback" type="new_id" interface="_wl_fullscreen_shell_mode_feedback"/>
0164     </request>
0166     <enum name="error">
0167       <description summary="wl_fullscreen_shell error values">
0168         These errors can be emitted in response to wl_fullscreen_shell requests
0169       </description>
0170       <entry name="invalid_method" value="0" summary="present_method is not known"/>
0171     </enum>
0172   </interface>
0174   <interface name="_wl_fullscreen_shell_mode_feedback" version="1">
0175     <event name="mode_successful">
0176       <description summary="mode switch succeeded">
0177         This event indicates that the attempted mode switch operation was
0178         successful.  A surface of the size requested in the mode switch
0179         will fill the output without scaling.
0181         Upon receiving this event, the client should destroy the
0182         wl_fullscreen_shell_mode_feedback object.
0183       </description>
0184     </event>
0185     <event name="mode_failed">
0186       <description summary="mode switch failed">
0187         This event indicates that the attempted mode switch operation
0188         failed. This may be because the requested output mode is not
0189         possible or it may mean that the compositor does not want to allow it.
0191         Upon receiving this event, the client should destroy the
0192         wl_fullscreen_shell_mode_feedback object.
0193       </description>
0194     </event>
0195     <event name="present_cancelled">
0196       <description summary="mode switch cancelled">
0197         This event indicates that the attempted mode switch operation was
0198         cancelled.  Most likely this is because the client requested a
0199         second mode switch before the first one completed.
0201         Upon receiving this event, the client should destroy the
0202         wl_fullscreen_shell_mode_feedback object.
0203       </description>
0204     </event>
0205   </interface>
0206 </protocol>