Warning, /libraries/plasma-wayland-protocols/src/protocols/fake-input.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <protocol name="fake_input">
0003   <copyright><![CDATA[
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Martin Gräßlin
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
0007   ]]></copyright>
0008   <interface name="org_kde_kwin_fake_input" version="5">
0009       <description summary="Fake input manager">
0010         This interface allows other processes to provide fake input events.
0011         Purpose is on the one hand side to provide testing facilities like XTest on X11.
0012         But also to support use case like kdeconnect's mouse pad interface.
0014         A compositor should not trust the input received from this interface.
0015         Clients should not expect that the compositor honors the requests from this
0016         interface.
0017       </description>
0018       <request name="authenticate">
0019           <description summary="Information why the client wants to use the interface">
0020               A client should use this request to tell the compositor why it wants to
0021               use this interface. The compositor might use the information to decide
0022               whether it wants to grant the request. The data might also be passed to
0023               the user to decide whether the application should get granted access to
0024               this very privileged interface.
0025           </description>
0026           <arg name="application" type="string" summary="user visible name of the application"/>
0027           <arg name="reason" type="string" summary="reason why the application wants to use this interface"/>
0028       </request>
0029       <request name="pointer_motion">
0030           <arg name="delta_x" type="fixed"/>
0031           <arg name="delta_y" type="fixed"/>
0032       </request>
0033       <request name="button">
0034         <arg name="button" type="uint"/>
0035         <arg name="state" type="uint"/>
0036       </request>
0037       <request name="axis">
0038         <arg name="axis" type="uint"/>
0039         <arg name="value" type="fixed"/>
0040       </request>
0041       <request name="touch_down" since="2">
0042          <description summary="touch down event">
0043              A client should use this request to send touch down event at specific
0044              coordinates.
0045          </description>
0046          <arg name="id" type="uint" summary="unique id for touch down event"/>
0047          <arg name="x" type="fixed" summary="x coordinate for touch down event"/>
0048          <arg name="y" type="fixed" summary="y coordinate for touch down event"/>
0049       </request>
0050       <request name="touch_motion" since="2">
0051           <description summary="touch motion event">
0052               A client should use this request to send touch motion to specific position.
0053           </description>
0054           <arg name="id" type="uint" summary="unique id for touch motion event"/>
0055           <arg name="x" type="fixed" summary="x coordinate for touch motion event"/>
0056           <arg name="y" type="fixed" summary="y coordinate for touch motion event"/>
0057       </request>
0058       <request name="touch_up" since="2">
0059           <description summary="touch up event">
0060               A client should use this request to send touch up event.
0061           </description>
0062           <arg name="id" type="uint" summary="unique id for touch up event"/>
0063       </request>
0064       <request name="touch_cancel" since="2">
0065           <description summary="touch cancel event">
0066               A client should use this request to cancel the current
0067               touch event.
0068           </description>
0069       </request>
0070       <request name="touch_frame" since="2">
0071           <description summary="touch frame event">
0072               A client should use this request to send touch frame event.
0073           </description>
0074       </request>
0075       <request name="pointer_motion_absolute" since="3">
0076           <arg name="x" type="fixed"/>
0077           <arg name="y" type="fixed"/>
0078       </request>
0079       <request name="keyboard_key" since="4">
0080         <arg name="button" type="uint"/>
0081         <arg name="state" type="uint"/>
0082       </request>
0084       <!-- Version 5 additions -->
0086       <request name="destroy" type="destructor" since="5">
0087         <description summary="Destroy the fake input device"/>
0088       </request>
0089   </interface>
0090 </protocol>