File indexing completed on 2025-02-09 05:31:54

0001 /*  This file is part of the KDE project
0002     Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Matthias Kretz <>
0004     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0005     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
0006     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0007     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any
0008     later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its
0009     successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), Nokia Corporation
0010     (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt Foundation, which shall
0011     act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license.
0013     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0014     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0016     Lesser General Public License for more details.
0018     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
0019     License along with this library.  If not, see <>.
0021 */
0022 #ifndef Phonon_VIDEOWIDGET_H
0023 #define Phonon_VIDEOWIDGET_H
0025 #include "phonon_export.h"
0026 #include "phonondefs.h"
0027 #include "abstractvideooutput.h"
0028 #include <QWidget>
0031 class QString;
0033 #ifndef QT_NO_PHONON_VIDEO
0035 namespace Phonon
0036 {
0037 class AbstractVideoOutput;
0038     class VideoWidgetPrivate;
0039     /** \class VideoWidget videowidget.h phonon/VideoWidget
0040      * \short Widget to display video.
0041      *
0042      * This widget shows the video signal.
0043      *
0044      * \code
0045      * MediaObject *media = new MediaObject(parent);
0046      * VideoWidget *vwidget = new VideoWidget(parent);
0047      * Phonon::createPath(media, vwidget);
0048      * \endcode
0049      *
0050      * \ingroup PhononVideo
0051      * \ingroup PhononWidgets
0052      * \author Matthias Kretz <>
0053      */
0054     class PHONON_EXPORT VideoWidget : public QWidget, public Phonon::AbstractVideoOutput
0055     {
0056         P_DECLARE_PRIVATE(VideoWidget)
0057         Q_OBJECT
0058         Q_ENUMS(AspectRatio ScaleMode)
0059         /**
0060          * This property holds whether the video is shown using the complete
0061          * screen.
0062          *
0063          * The property differs from QWidget::fullScreen in that it is
0064          * writeable.
0065          *
0066          * By default the widget is not shown in fullScreen.
0067          *
0068          * \warning When switching the video to fullscreen using setFullScreen
0069          * your application loses control over the widget that actually shows
0070          * the video (which is then shown as a toplevel window while your
0071          * application still uses this widget). If you only need to capture key
0072          * events the event forwarding done internally should suffice for your
0073          * needs. If you need to map mouse coordinates or add widgets (that are
0074          * not overlays) you should probably handle fullscreen yourself.
0075          */
0076         Q_PROPERTY(bool fullScreen READ isFullScreen WRITE setFullScreen)
0077         /**
0078          *
0079          * Defaults to AspectRatioAuto.
0080          *
0081          * \see AspectRatio
0082          */
0083         Q_PROPERTY(AspectRatio aspectRatio READ aspectRatio WRITE setAspectRatio)
0085         /**
0086          * If the size of the widget and the size of the video are not equal.
0087          * The video will be zoomed to fit the widget. The smaller zoom
0088          * (AddBarsScaleMode) adds black bars at the left/right or top/bottom to
0089          * make all of the image visible (default). The bigger zoom (ExpandMode)
0090          * fills the widget completely, keeping all information in one direction
0091          * and leaving parts of the image outside of the widget in the other
0092          * direction.
0093          */
0094         Q_PROPERTY(ScaleMode scaleMode READ scaleMode WRITE setScaleMode)
0096         /**
0097          * This property holds brightness of the video.
0098          *
0099          * Default is 0. Acceptable values are in range of -1, 1.
0100          */
0101         Q_PROPERTY(qreal brightness READ brightness WRITE setBrightness)
0102         /**
0103          * This property holds the contrast of the video.
0104          *
0105          * Default is 0. Acceptable values are in range of -1, 1.
0106          */
0107         Q_PROPERTY(qreal contrast READ contrast WRITE setContrast)
0108         /**
0109          * This property holds the hue of the video.
0110          *
0111          * Default is 0. Acceptable values are in range of -1, 1.
0112          */
0113         Q_PROPERTY(qreal hue READ hue WRITE setHue)
0114         /**
0115          * This property holds saturation of the video.
0116          *
0117          * Default is 0. Acceptable values are in range of -1, 1.
0118          */
0119         Q_PROPERTY(qreal saturation READ saturation WRITE setSaturation)
0121         public:
0122             /**
0123              * Defines the width:height to be used for the video.
0124              */
0125             enum AspectRatio
0126             {
0127                 /**
0128                  * Let the decoder find the aspect ratio automatically from the
0129                  * media file (this is the default).
0130                  */
0131                 AspectRatioAuto = 0,
0132                 /**
0133                  * Fits the video into the widget making the aspect ratio depend
0134                  * solely on the size of the widget. This way the aspect ratio
0135                  * is freely resizeable by the user.
0136                  */
0137                 AspectRatioWidget = 1,
0138                 /**
0139                  * Make width/height == 4/3, which is the old TV size and
0140                  * monitor size (1024/768 == 4/3). (4:3)
0141                  */
0142                 AspectRatio4_3 = 2,
0143                 /**
0144                  * Make width/height == 16/9, which is the size of most current
0145                  * media. (16:9)
0146                  */
0147                 AspectRatio16_9 = 3
0148 //X                 /**
0149 //X                  * Assume that every pixel of the video image needs to be displayed with the same
0150 //X                  * physical width and height. (1:1 image pixels, not imagewidth
0151 //X                  * = imageheight)
0152 //X                  */
0153 //X                 AspectRatioSquare = 4,
0154             };
0156             enum ScaleMode {
0157                 FitInView = 0,
0158                 ScaleAndCrop = 1
0159             };
0161             /**
0162              * Constructs a new video widget with a \p parent.
0163              */
0164             VideoWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0166             AspectRatio aspectRatio() const;
0167             ScaleMode scaleMode() const;
0169             qreal brightness() const;
0170             qreal contrast() const;
0171             qreal hue() const;
0172             qreal saturation() const;
0173             QImage snapshot() const;
0175             //TODO: bar colors property
0176         public Q_SLOTS:
0177             void setFullScreen(bool fullscreen);
0179             /**
0180              * Convenience slot, calling setFullScreen(false)
0181              */
0182             void exitFullScreen();
0184             /**
0185              * Convenience slot, calling setFullScreen(true)
0186              */
0187             void enterFullScreen();
0189             void setAspectRatio(AspectRatio);
0190             void setScaleMode(ScaleMode);
0192             void setBrightness(qreal value);
0193             void setContrast(qreal value);
0194             void setHue(qreal value);
0195             void setSaturation(qreal value);
0197         protected:
0198             /**
0199              * \internal
0200              *
0201              * Constructs a new video widget with private data pointer \p d and
0202              * a \p parent.
0203              */
0204             VideoWidget(VideoWidgetPrivate &d, QWidget *parent);
0206             void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *) override;
0207             bool event(QEvent *) override;
0208     };
0210 } //namespace Phonon
0212 #endif //QT_NO_PHONON_VIDEO
0215 // vim: sw=4 ts=4 tw=80
0216 #endif // Phonon_VIDEOWIDGET_H