File indexing completed on 2025-02-09 05:31:48

0001 /*
0002     Copyright (C) 2007 Matthias Kretz <>
0003     Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Sitter <>
0005     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0006     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
0007     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0008     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any
0009     later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its
0010     successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), Nokia Corporation
0011     (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt Foundation, which shall
0012     act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license.
0014     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0015     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0017     Lesser General Public License for more details.
0019     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
0020     License along with this library.  If not, see <>.
0022 */
0027 #include "phonon_export.h"
0028 #include "objectdescription.h"
0030 #include <QObject>
0031 #include <QtGlobal>
0036 namespace Phonon
0037 {
0038 class MediaControllerPrivate;
0039 class MediaObject;
0041 /** \class MediaController mediacontroller.h phonon/MediaController
0042  * \brief Controls optional features of a media file/device like title, chapter, angle.
0043  *
0044  * \ingroup Playback
0045  * \author Matthias Kretz <>
0046  */
0047 class PHONON_EXPORT MediaController : public QObject
0048 {
0049     Q_OBJECT
0050     Q_FLAGS(Features)
0051     public:
0052         enum Feature {
0053             /**
0054              * In the VOB (DVD) format, it is possible to give several video streams
0055              * of the same scene, each of which displays the scene from a different
0056              * angle. The DVD viewer can then change between these angles.
0057              */
0058             Angles = 1,
0059             /**
0060              * In the VOB format, chapters are points in a single video stream
0061              * that can be played and seeked to separately.
0062              */
0063             Chapters = 2,
0064             /**
0065              * In the VOB format, navigations are menus to quickly navigate
0066              * to content.
0067              */
0068             Navigations = 3,
0069             /**
0070              * On a CD, a title is a separate sound track. On DVD, a title is a
0071              * separate VOB file (i.e. usually a different video entity).
0072              */
0073             Titles = 4,
0074             /**
0075              * Subtitles for videos.
0076              */
0077             Subtitles = 5,
0078             /**
0079              * Audio channel/track setting for sources with multiple tracks.
0080              * This can be a DVD or a regular file based container such as MKV or MP4.
0081              */
0082             AudioChannels = 6
0083         };
0084         Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Features, Feature)
0086         enum NavigationMenu {
0087             RootMenu,     /** < Root/main menu. */
0088             TitleMenu,    /** < Title Menu to access different titles on the media source.
0089                                 The title menu is usually where one would select
0090                                 the episode of a TV series DVD. It can be equal to
0091                                 the main menu but does not need to be. */
0092             AudioMenu,    /** < Audio menu for language (and sometimes also subtitle)
0093                                 settings etc. */
0094             SubtitleMenu, /** < Subtitle menu. Usually this represents the same menu
0095                                 as AudioMenu or is not present at all (in which case
0096                                 subtitle settings are probably also in the AudioMenu). */
0097             ChapterMenu,  /** < Chapter menu for chapter selection. */
0098             AngleMenu     /** < Angle menu. Rarely supported on any media source. */
0099         };
0101         MediaController(MediaObject *parent);
0102         ~MediaController() override;
0104         Features supportedFeatures() const;
0106         int availableAngles() const;
0107         int currentAngle() const;
0109         int availableChapters() const;
0110         int currentChapter() const;
0112         /**
0113          * Translates a NavigationMenu enum to a string you can use in your GUI.
0114          * Please note that keyboard shortucts will not be present in the returned
0115          * String, therefore it is probably not a good idea to use this function
0116          * if you are providing keyboard shortcuts for every other clickable.
0117          *
0118          * Please note that RootMenu has the string representation "Main Menu" as
0119          * root is a rather technical term when talking about menus.
0120          *
0121          * Example:
0122          * \code
0123          * QString s = Phonon::MediaController::navigationMenuToString(MenuMain);
0124          * // s now contains "Main Menu"
0125          * \endcode
0126          *
0127          * \returns the QString representation of the menu
0128          */
0129         static QString navigationMenuToString(NavigationMenu menu);
0131         /**
0132          * Get the list of currently available menus for the present media source.
0133          *
0134          * The list is always ordered by occurrence in the NavgiationMenu enum.
0135          * Should you wish to use a different order in your application you will
0136          * have to make appropriate changes.
0137          *
0138          * \returns list of available menus (supported by backend and media source).
0139          *
0140          * \see navigationMenuToString()
0141          */
0142         QList<NavigationMenu> availableMenus() const;
0144         int availableTitles() const;
0145         int currentTitle() const;
0147         bool autoplayTitles() const;
0149         /**
0150          * Returns the selected audio stream.
0151          *
0152          * \see availableAudioChannels
0153          * \see setCurrentAudioChannel
0154          */
0155         AudioChannelDescription currentAudioChannel() const;
0157         /**
0158          * Returns the selected subtitle stream.
0159          *
0160          * \see availableSubtitles
0161          * \see setCurrentSubtitle
0162          */
0163         SubtitleDescription currentSubtitle() const;
0165         /**
0166          * Subtitle auto-detection transparently tries to find a subtitle file
0167          * for the current MediaSource and will automatically select a possible
0168          * match. Detected subtitles are added to the regular subtitle
0169          * descriptions, allowing the user to deactivate it manually or switch
0170          * to another detected file.
0171          *
0172          * Matching method depends on the backend in use and may either be
0173          * driven by a backend or even subsystem implementation. Consequently
0174          * different backends may not give the same results. At any rate all
0175          * algorithms are supposed to give as accurate as possible matches.
0176          * Should you require reproducible matching across backends you should
0177          * deactivate auto-detection entirely and instead do the lookup yourself
0178          * and set the desired file using setCurrentSubtitle(QUrl); the file
0179          * will still be added to the subtitledescriptions model.
0180          *
0181          * \note Auto-detection is always activate so long as the backend supports it.
0182          *
0183          * \returns \c true if subtitles are autodetected, otherwise \c false is
0184          * returned.
0185          *
0186          * \see setSubtitleAutodetect
0187          * \since 4.7.0
0188          */
0189         bool subtitleAutodetect() const;
0191         /**
0192          * Returns the encoding used to render subtitles
0193          *
0194          * \see setSubtitleEncoding
0195          * \since 4.7.0
0196          */
0197         QString subtitleEncoding() const;
0199         /**
0200          * Returns the font used to render subtitles
0201          *
0202          * \see setSubtitleFont
0203          * \see QApplication::setFont
0204          * \since 4.7.0
0205          */
0206         QFont subtitleFont() const;
0208         /**
0209          * Returns the audio streams that can be selected by the user. The
0210          * strings can directly be used in the user interface.
0211          *
0212          * \see selectedAudioChannel
0213          * \see setCurrentAudioChannel
0214          */
0215         QList<Phonon::AudioChannelDescription> availableAudioChannels() const;
0217         /**
0218          * Returns the subtitle streams that can be selected by the user. The
0219          * strings can directly be used in the user interface.
0220          *
0221          * \see selectedSubtitle
0222          * \see setCurrentSubtitle
0223          */
0224         QList<SubtitleDescription> availableSubtitles() const;
0226         /**
0227          * Selects an audio stream from the media.
0228          *
0229          * Some media formats allow multiple audio streams to be stored in
0230          * the same file. Normally only one should be played back.
0231          *
0232          * \param stream Description of an audio stream
0233          *
0234          * \see availableAudioChannels()
0235          * \see currentAudioChannel()
0236          */
0237         void setCurrentAudioChannel(const Phonon::AudioChannelDescription &stream);
0239         /**
0240          * Switches to a menu (e.g. on a DVD).
0241          *
0242          * \see availableMenus()
0243          */
0244         void setCurrentMenu(NavigationMenu menu);
0246         /**
0247          * Selects a subtitle stream from the media.
0248          *
0249          * Some media formats allow multiple subtitle streams to be stored in
0250          * the same file. Normally only one should be displayed.
0251          *
0252          * \param stream description of a subtitle stream
0253          *
0254          * \see availableSubtitles()
0255          * \see currentSubtitle()
0256          */
0257         void setCurrentSubtitle(const Phonon::SubtitleDescription &stream);
0259         /**
0260          * \brief Selects a subtitle file as subtitle source for the media.
0261          *
0262          * \note The file will also be added to the model of SubtitleDescriptions,
0263          *       so you do not need special handling in the UI.
0264          *
0265          * \see setCurrentSubtitle(const Phonon::SubtitleDescription &stream)
0266          */
0267         void setCurrentSubtitle(const QUrl &url);
0269         /**
0270          * Sets/Unsets subtitles autodetection.
0271          *
0272          * Detection is attempted when moving the MediaObject into Playing state.
0273          * In order to enable/disable autodetection it must be set before play()
0274          * is called. Whether a MediaSource is set on the MediaObject does not
0275          * matter, and once detection is set it will remain set that way for
0276          * this exact combination of MediaController and MediaObject.
0277          *
0278          * \note The subtitle autodetection may only be changed in states other
0279          *       than Playing | Buffering | Paused.
0280          *
0281          * \see subtitleAutodetect
0282          * \since 4.7.0
0283          */
0284         void setSubtitleAutodetect(bool enable);
0286         /**
0287          * Selects the current encoding used to render subtitles.
0288          *
0289          * The encoding name must respect the
0290          * @link
0291          * Link text IANA character-sets encoding file @endlink
0292          * If no encoding is explicitly set, it defaults to UTF-8.
0293          *
0294          * \note The subtitle encoding may only be changed in states other
0295          *       than Playing | Buffering | Paused.
0296          * \note Decoding support may vary between backends.
0297          *
0298          * \see subtitleEncoding
0299          * \since 4.7.0
0300          */
0301         void setSubtitleEncoding(const QString &encoding);
0303         /**
0304          * Selects the current font used to render subtitles.
0305          *
0306          * If no font is explicitly set, the system default font is used.
0307          *
0308          * \note The subtitle font may only be changed in states other
0309          *       than Playing | Buffering | Paused.
0310          * \note Non-system fonts can not be used. In particular adding
0311          *       fonts manually to the QFontDatabase will not make them
0312          *       available as render fonts.
0313          *
0314          * \see subtitleFont
0315          * \since 4.7.0
0316          */
0317         void setSubtitleFont(const QFont &font);
0319     public Q_SLOTS:
0320         void setCurrentAngle(int angleNumber);
0321         void setCurrentChapter(int chapterNumber);
0323         /**
0324          * Skips to the given title \p titleNumber.
0325          *
0326          * If it was playing before the title change it will start playback on the new title if
0327          * autoplayTitles is enabled.
0328          */
0329         void setCurrentTitle(int titleNumber);
0330         void setAutoplayTitles(bool);
0332         /**
0333          * Skips to the next title.
0334          *
0335          * If it was playing before the title change it will start playback on the next title if
0336          * autoplayTitles is enabled.
0337          */
0338         void nextTitle();
0340         /**
0341          * Skips to the previous title.
0342          *
0343          * If it was playing before the title change it will start playback on the previous title if
0344          * autoplayTitles is enabled.
0345          */
0346         void previousTitle();
0348     Q_SIGNALS:
0349         void availableAnglesChanged(int availableAngles);
0350         void availableAudioChannelsChanged();
0351         void availableChaptersChanged(int availableChapters);
0353         /**
0354          * The available menus changed, this for example emitted when Phonon switches
0355          * from a media source without menus to one with menus (e.g. a DVD).
0356          *
0357          * \param menus is a list of all currently available menus, you should update
0358          * GUI representations of the available menus with the new set.
0359          *
0360          * \see availableMenus()
0361          * \see navigationMenuToString()
0362          */
0363         void availableMenusChanged(QList<NavigationMenu> menus);
0364         void availableSubtitlesChanged();
0365         void availableTitlesChanged(int availableTitles);
0367         void angleChanged(int angleNumber);
0368         void chapterChanged(int chapterNumber);
0369         void titleChanged(int titleNumber);
0371     protected:
0372         MediaControllerPrivate *const d;
0373 };
0375 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(MediaController::Features)
0377 } // namespace Phonon
0379 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Phonon::MediaController::NavigationMenu)
0380 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<Phonon::MediaController::NavigationMenu>)