Warning, /libraries/phonon-vlc/src/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 if (MSVC OR (WIN32 AND "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Intel")) 0002 set (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/apps/cmake/modules) 0003 find_package(KDEWin) 0004 if (KDEWIN_FOUND) 0005 include_directories(${KDEWIN_INCLUDES}/msvc) 0006 link_libraries(${KDEWIN_LIBRARIES}) 0007 else (KDEWIN_FOUND) 0008 include(CheckIncludeFileCXX) 0009 check_include_file_cxx(inttypes.h HAVE_INTTYPES) 0010 check_include_file_cxx(stdint.h HAVE_STDINT) 0011 if ( NOT HAVE_STDINT AND NOT HAVE_INTTYPES ) 0012 message (FATAL_ERROR "You don't have stdint.h and inttypes.h\n\t get them from http://code.google.com/p/baseutils/source/browse/#svn/trunk/msvc,\n\t or get kdewin http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kdesupport/kdewin/") 0013 endif ( NOT HAVE_STDINT AND NOT HAVE_INTTYPES ) 0014 endif (KDEWIN_FOUND) 0015 endif (MSVC OR (WIN32 AND "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Intel")) 0016 0017 # NB: This is evaluated in the build system because the phonon headers 0018 # change behavior based on the defines, meaning the defines must already be set 0019 # by the time the headers are pre-processed! 0020 if(${PHONON_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "4.9.50") 0021 message(STATUS "Building against Phonon 4.10 API") 0022 set(BACKEND_VERSION_DEFINE -DPHONON_BACKEND_VERSION_4_10) 0023 # Older not supported because backend doesn't build with older cmake rigging anwyay. 0024 endif() 0025 add_definitions(${BACKEND_VERSION_DEFINE}) # also automatically used for moc 0026 0027 set(phonon_vlc_SRCS 0028 audio/audiooutput.cpp 0029 audio/volumefadereffect.cpp 0030 backend.cpp 0031 devicemanager.cpp 0032 effect.cpp 0033 effectmanager.cpp 0034 media.cpp 0035 mediacontroller.cpp 0036 mediaobject.cpp 0037 mediaplayer.cpp 0038 sinknode.cpp 0039 streamreader.cpp 0040 # video/videodataoutput.cpp 0041 video/videowidget.cpp 0042 video/videomemorystream.cpp 0043 utils/debug.cpp 0044 utils/libvlc.cpp 0045 0046 audio/audiooutput.h 0047 audio/volumefadereffect.h 0048 backend.h 0049 devicemanager.h 0050 effect.h 0051 effectmanager.h 0052 media.h 0053 mediacontroller.h 0054 mediaobject.h 0055 mediaplayer.h 0056 sinknode.h 0057 streamreader.h 0058 # video/videodataoutput.cpp 0059 video/videowidget.h 0060 video/videomemorystream.h 0061 utils/debug.h 0062 utils/libvlc.h 0063 ) 0064 0065 list(APPEND phonon_vlc_SRCS equalizereffect.cpp) 0066 0067 if(PHONON_EXPERIMENTAL) 0068 list(APPEND phonon_vlc_SRCS video/videodataoutput.cpp video/videodataoutput.h) 0069 endif() 0070 0071 if(APPLE) 0072 list(APPEND phonon_vlc_SRCS 0073 video/mac/nsvideoview.mm 0074 video/mac/vlcmacwidget.mm) 0075 endif() 0076 0077 ecm_create_qm_loader(phonon_vlc_SRCS phonon_vlc_qt) 0078 add_library(phonon_vlc_qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} MODULE ${phonon_vlc_SRCS}) 0079 if(QT_MAJOR_VERSION STREQUAL 5) 0080 set_target_properties(phonon_vlc_qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} PROPERTIES INSTALL_NAME "phonon_vlc") 0081 endif() 0082 target_include_directories(phonon_vlc_qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} 0083 PRIVATE 0084 # Extra include. We use some internal stuff for easy chroma conversion. 0085 ${LIBVLC_INCLUDE_DIR}/vlc/plugins 0086 ) 0087 0088 target_link_libraries(phonon_vlc_qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} 0089 Phonon::phonon4qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} 0090 Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}::Core 0091 Qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}::Widgets 0092 LibVLC::Core 0093 LibVLC::LibVLC 0094 ) 0095 if(PHONON_EXPERIMENTAL) 0096 target_link_libraries(phonon_vlc_qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} Phonon::phonon4qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}experimental) 0097 endif() 0098 0099 install(TARGETS phonon_vlc_qt${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} DESTINATION ${PHONON_BACKEND_DIR}) 0100 0101 configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake 0102 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h @ONLY) 0103 0104 configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/utils/mime.h.cmake 0105 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/utils/mime.h @ONLY) 0106 0107 # Instead of desktop files we are embedding the information into the plugin itself. 0108 # We have no KDE technology to help with finding the actual libraries anyway, so 0109 # we need to have the library path anyway. 0110 # Also see qtplugin/Q_PLUGIN_METADATA documentation. 0111 configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/phonon-vlc.json.in 0112 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/phonon-vlc.json @ONLY)