Last indexation completed on 2024-07-21 05:20:54 UTC

  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
folder Parent directory - 2024-02-11 02:06:06  
file absolutecolor.cpp 12821 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:54  
file absolutecolor.h 3217 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:54  
file abstractdiagram.cpp 12541 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:54  
file abstractdiagram.h 3802 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:54  
file abstractdiagram_p.h 986 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:54  
file asyncimageprovider.h 12542 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file asyncimageproviderbase.cpp 616 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file asyncimageproviderbase.h 1684 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file asyncimagerendercallback.cpp 390 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file asyncimagerendercallback.h 2973 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file asyncimagerenderthread.cpp 8363 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file asyncimagerenderthread.h 7451 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromahuediagram.cpp 35362 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromahuediagram.h 7575 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromahuediagram_p.h 4084 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromahueimageparameters.cpp 8868 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromahueimageparameters.h 4175 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromalightnessdiagram.cpp 34930 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromalightnessdiagram.h 4931 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromalightnessdiagram_p.h 4784 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromalightnessimageparameters.cpp 5752 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file chromalightnessimageparameters.h 3413 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file cielchd50values.h 4722 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:55  
file CMakeLists.txt 16033 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 -  
file colordialog.cpp 102575 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:56  
file colordialog.h 24994 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:56  
file colordialog_p.h 13823 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:56  
file colorpatch.cpp 14680 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:56  
file colorpatch.h 4955 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:56  
file colorpatch_p.h 1958 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:56  
file colorwheel.cpp 18313 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file colorwheel.h 4871 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file colorwheel_p.h 2771 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file colorwheelimage.cpp 10078 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file colorwheelimage.h 4038 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file 515 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 -  
file constpropagatingrawpointer.h 4642 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file constpropagatinguniquepointer.h 5807 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file csscolor.cpp 33968 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file csscolor.h 4358 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file doxygen.cpp 53406 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57

page build Build instructions and requirements Build-time dependencies: LittleCMS 2 (minimum version: 2.0) Qt 5 (minimum version: 5.15) <!-- Qt 5.15 has an API that is close to Qt 6.

file extendeddoublevalidator.cpp 3712 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file extendeddoublevalidator.h 3462 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file extendeddoublevalidator_p.h 1181 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file genericcolor.cpp 3029 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file genericcolor.h 3409 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file gradientimageparameters.cpp 12187 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file gradientimageparameters.h 4516 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file gradientslider.cpp 23974 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:57  
file gradientslider.h 11055 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file gradientslider_p.h 2895 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file helper.cpp 23818 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file helper.h 10966 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file helperconstants.h 7484 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file helperconversion.cpp 2231 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file helperconversion.h 4483 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file helpermath.cpp 4077 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file helpermath.h 11282 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file helperposixmath.h 976 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file helperqttypes.h 3753 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file importexport.h 6497 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58

file This file provides support for C++ symbol import and export.

file initializelibraryresources.cpp 1777 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file initializelibraryresources.h 425 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file initializetranslation.cpp 10435 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file initializetranslation.h 4719 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file interlacingpass.cpp 2607 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file interlacingpass.h 3521 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file iohandlerfactory.cpp 6107 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file iohandlerfactory.h 4259 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file languagechangeeventfilter.cpp 1175 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file languagechangeeventfilter.h 1207 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file lchadouble.cpp 2890 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file lchadouble.h 3003 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file lchdouble.cpp 2891 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file lchdouble.h 2760 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file 353 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file multispinbox.cpp 38926 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:58  
file multispinbox.h 12480 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file multispinbox_p.h 4948 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file multispinboxsection.cpp 7524 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file multispinboxsection.h 3303 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file multispinboxsection_p.h 1416 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file oklchvalues.h 867 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file perceptualsettings.cpp 2859 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file perceptualsettings.h 2022 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file polarpointf.cpp 4874 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file polarpointf.h 4268 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file resources.qrc 1326 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 -  
file rgbcolor.cpp 10069 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file rgbcolor.h 4668 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file rgbcolorspace.cpp 50896 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file rgbcolorspace.h 16076 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file rgbcolorspace_p.h 9682 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file rgbcolorspacefactory.cpp 10488 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file rgbcolorspacefactory.h 1871 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file screencolorpicker.cpp 13272 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file screencolorpicker.h 4920 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file setting.h 5389 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:19:59  
file settingbase.cpp 2521 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file settingbase.h 1357 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file settings.cpp 3523 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file settings.h 3307 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file settranslation.cpp 2941 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file settranslation.h 552 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file staticasserts.cpp 1649 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00

internal @file This file defines various static asserts for compiling this library.

file swatchbook.cpp 34396 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file swatchbook.h 3614 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file swatchbook_p.h 3872 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file version.cpp 1540 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file 3165 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file wheelcolorpicker.cpp 15261 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file wheelcolorpicker.h 3326 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00  
file wheelcolorpicker_p.h 1964 bytes 2024-02-11 02:06:06 2024-07-21 04:20:00