File indexing completed on 2024-07-21 10:09:34

0001 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Lukas Sommer <>
0002 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause OR MIT
0004 // First included header is the public header of the class we are testing;
0005 // this forces the header to be self-contained.
0006 #include "lchdouble.h"
0008 #include <qdebug.h>
0009 #include <qglobal.h>
0010 #include <qobject.h>
0011 #include <qstring.h>
0012 #include <qtest.h>
0013 #include <qtestcase.h>
0014 #include <qvariant.h>
0016 #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0))
0017 #include <qtmetamacros.h>
0018 #else
0019 #include <qobjectdefs.h>
0020 #endif
0022 static void snippet01()
0023 {
0024     //! [Use LchDouble]
0025     PerceptualColor::LchDouble myValue;
0026     myValue.l = 50; // Lightness: 50%
0027     myValue.c = 25; // Chroma: 25
0028     myValue.h = 5; // Hue: 5°
0029     //! [Use LchDouble]
0030     Q_UNUSED(myValue)
0031 }
0033 namespace PerceptualColor
0034 {
0035 class TestLchDouble : public QObject
0036 {
0037     Q_OBJECT
0039 public:
0040     explicit TestLchDouble(QObject *parent = nullptr)
0041         : QObject(parent)
0042     {
0043     }
0045 private:
0046     static void voidMessageHandler(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext &, const QString &)
0047     {
0048         // dummy message handler that does not print messages
0049     }
0051 private Q_SLOTS:
0052     void initTestCase()
0053     {
0054         // Called before the first test function is executed
0055     }
0057     void cleanupTestCase()
0058     {
0059         // Called after the last test function was executed
0060     }
0062     void init()
0063     {
0064         // Called before each test function is executed
0065     }
0067     void cleanup()
0068     {
0069         // Called after every test function
0070     }
0072     void testConstructorDestructor()
0073     {
0074         // This should not crash.
0075         LchDouble test;
0076         test.l = 50;
0077         Q_UNUSED(test)
0078     }
0080     void testCopyConstructor()
0081     {
0082         // This should not crash.
0083         LchDouble test;
0084         test.l = 50;
0085         test.c = 25;
0086         test.h = 5;
0087         LchDouble copy(test);
0088         QCOMPARE(copy.l, 50);
0089         QCOMPARE(copy.c, 25);
0090         QCOMPARE(copy.h, 5);
0091     }
0093     void testHasSameCoordinates()
0094     {
0095         LchDouble a;
0096         a.l = 50;
0097         a.c = 20;
0098         a.h = 5;
0099         LchDouble b = a;
0100         QVERIFY(a.hasSameCoordinates(b));
0101         QVERIFY(b.hasSameCoordinates(a));
0102         QVERIFY(a.hasSameCoordinates(a));
0103         QVERIFY(b.hasSameCoordinates(b));
0104         b.h = 365;
0105         QVERIFY(!a.hasSameCoordinates(b));
0106         QVERIFY(!b.hasSameCoordinates(a));
0107         QVERIFY(a.hasSameCoordinates(a));
0108         QVERIFY(b.hasSameCoordinates(b));
0109         // When chroma is 0, hue becomes meaningless. Nevertheless, different
0110         // hues should be detected.
0111         a.c = 0;
0112         b.c = 0;
0113         QVERIFY(!a.hasSameCoordinates(b));
0114         QVERIFY(!b.hasSameCoordinates(a));
0115         QVERIFY(a.hasSameCoordinates(a));
0116         QVERIFY(b.hasSameCoordinates(b));
0117         // And when returning to the same hue, everything should be considered
0118         // as with same coordinates.
0119         b.h = 5;
0120         QVERIFY(a.hasSameCoordinates(b));
0121         QVERIFY(b.hasSameCoordinates(a));
0122         QVERIFY(a.hasSameCoordinates(a));
0123         QVERIFY(b.hasSameCoordinates(b));
0124     }
0126     void testQDebugSupport()
0127     {
0128         PerceptualColor::LchDouble test;
0129         // suppress warning for generating invalid QColor
0130         qInstallMessageHandler(voidMessageHandler);
0131         qDebug() << test;
0132         // do not suppress warning for generating invalid QColor anymore
0133         qInstallMessageHandler(nullptr);
0134     }
0136     void testMetaTypeDeclaration()
0137     {
0138         QVariant test;
0139         // The next line should produce a compiler error if the
0140         // type is not declared to Qt’s Meta Object System.
0141         test.setValue(LchDouble());
0142     }
0144     void testConstExpr()
0145     {
0146         // Test if a constexpr can be instantiated:
0147         constexpr LchDouble temp = {1, 2, 3};
0149         // The aggregate initialization order should be l, c, h.
0150         // Test is this has actually been the case:
0151         static_assert(temp.l == 1);
0152         static_assert(temp.c == 2);
0153         static_assert(temp.h == 3);
0154     }
0156     void testSnippet01()
0157     {
0158         snippet01();
0159     }
0160 };
0162 } // namespace PerceptualColor
0164 QTEST_MAIN(PerceptualColor::TestLchDouble)
0166 // The following “include” is necessary because we do not use a header file:
0167 #include "testlchdouble.moc"