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0001 # Libqmycroft 0002 0003 **Mycroft integration library using a mock API to integrate Qt/QML applications as dynamic skills in Mycroft Core.** 0004 0005 Libqmycroft allows QML based applications to register themselves as dynamic skills using the Libqmycroft Mock Skills Interface which eliminates the need to create specific skills for traditional applications to gain voice control over the application user interface. 0006 0007 *The library is currently limited to usage of only [Mycroft's Padatious](https://mycroft-ai.gitbook.io/docs/mycroft-technologies/padatious) intent parser framework, The library is in early development and interface/API breakage can be expected!* 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 -------------------------------- 0013 0014 - [Libqmycroft](#libqmycroft) 0015 * [Libqmycroft Requirements](#libqmycroft-requirements) 0016 * [Libqmycroft Installation](#libqmycroft-installation) 0017 * [Libqmycroft API & Usage](#libqmycroft-api---usage) 0018 - [SkillManager Class & Object](#skillmanager-class-and-object) 0019 - [SkillEntry Class & Object](#skillentry-class-and-object) 0020 - [Controller Class](#controller-class) 0021 - [Audio Transcriber Class and TranscribeButton Component](#audio-transcriber-class-and-transcribebutton-component) 0022 * [Usage Example of Libqmycroft in QML application](#usage-example-of-libqmycroft-in-qml-application) 0023 * [Usage Example of Libqmycroft AudioTranscriber in QML application](#usage-example-of-libqmycroft-audiotranscriber-in-qml-application) 0024 0025 0026 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0027 0028 0029 0030 ## Libqmycroft Requirements 0031 0032 - [Mycroft-Core](https://github.com/MycroftAI/mycroft-core/): Local installation of Mycroft Core. The code itself includes anything that is generic to all instances of Mycroft. 0033 - Libqmycroft: Library framework and QML Module contained in this repository and built and installed using cmake. 0034 - Libqmycroft-Mock-Skills-Interface: Mycroft Skill Interface part of this repository, requires installation into Mycroft's skill folder 0035 0036 0037 0038 ## Libqmycroft Installation 0039 0040 - Installing Mycroft-Core (git version): 0041 0042 - ```bash 0043 git clone https://github.com/MycroftAI/mycroft-core 0044 cd mycroft-core 0045 ./dev_setup.sh 0046 ``` 0047 0048 - Installing Libqmycroft & Libqmycroft-Mock-Skills-Interface (installation script for Mycroft-Core git version only): 0049 0050 - ```bash 0051 git clone https://invent.kde.org/AdityaM/libqmycroft 0052 cd libqmycroft 0053 ./dev_setup.sh 0054 ``` 0055 0056 - Installing Libqmycroft (manually): 0057 0058 - ```bash 0059 git clone https://invent.kde.org/AdityaM/libqmycroft 0060 cd libqmycroft 0061 mkdir build 0062 cd build 0063 cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DKDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib -DKDE_INSTALL_USE_QT_SYS_PATHS=ON 0064 make 0065 sudo make install 0066 ``` 0067 0068 - Installing & Libqmycroft-Mock-Skills-Interface (manually): 0069 0070 - ```bash 0071 git clone https://invent.kde.org/AdityaM/libqmycroft 0072 cd libqmycroft 0073 cp -R libqmycroft-mock-interface /opt/mycroft/skills/ 0074 ``` 0075 0076 0077 0078 ## Libqmycroft API & Usage 0079 0080 Libqmycroft provides developers with a declarative QML API for Skill Management and Skill Registration. 0081 0082 0083 0084 ### SkillManager Class and Object 0085 0086 The SkillManager Object allows applications to manage and register a list of SkillEntry Objects, The SkillManager class also exposes functions and signals for creating the dynamic skill and listeners for intents and actions that have been invoked by voice interaction. The SkillManager class also exposes additional connection settings like setting the web socket address manually for connecting to a Mycroft-Core instance which can be used in cases of supporting remote instances or different than normal web socket address. 0087 0088 Important properties of the SkillManager Object: 0089 0090 - **skillNamespace** *(required)*: Name of the dynamic skill to register skill entries against. 0091 - **socketAddress** *(optional)*: Web Socket address of the Mycroft-Core instance. *Defaults to local mycroft-core default address* 0092 0093 Important functions of the SkillManager Object: 0094 0095 - **createSkill() Method** *(required)*: Registers dynamic skill namespace and skill entries with Libqmycroft-Mock-Skills-Interface 0096 - **deleteSkill() Method** *(optional)*: Deletes the registered skill intents and namespace registration from Libqmycroft-Mock-Skills-Interface, it is automatically called in the SkillManager class deconstructor method when parent object is destroyed. *For example: when the application window in which the SkillManager object was registered is closed* 0097 0098 0099 0100 ### SkillEntry Class and Object 0101 0102 The SkillEntry Object allows applications to create skill entries to be registered during the time of skill creation. SkillEntry Object manages entries for: 0103 0104 - **intent** *(required)*: An intent is the task the user intends to accomplish when they say something. The role of the intent parser is to extract from the user's speech key data elements that specify their intent. [Read More](https://mycroft-ai.gitbook.io/docs/skill-development/user-interaction/intents) *Currently should not contain any special characters and should always be defined in lowercase string* 0105 0106 - **voc** *(required)*: ***Absolute Path to an intent file*** with keywords that can activate the intent. Padatious intents uses a series of example sentences to train a machine learning model to identify an intent. *Currently limited to single Padatious intents. Filenames should start with the application 'namespace_' + define_your_intent_here.intent this is to avoid active intent collision.* 0107 0108 - **action** *(required)*: A string based action response based on the intent triggered, notifies the Skill Manager `"onIntentResponse"` via `"action"` variable letting the application then decide what action to take based on the action received. 0109 0110 - **dialog** *(optional)*: A string of text to be spoken by Mycroft when a positive intent response is received for the registered SkillEntry intent. 0111 0112 0113 0114 ### Controller Class 0115 0116 The controller class is a minified abstraction of the original Mycroft Controller class from the [Mycroft GUI](https://github.com/MycroftAI/mycroft-gui) project, It is a singleton instance that manages web-socket connections and message exchange to the Mycroft message-bus. It additionally also exports signals for various known mycroft type messages that applications can choose to react towards, for example when mycroft is listening or speaking . 0117 0118 0119 0120 ### Audio Transcriber Class and TranscribeButton Component 0121 0122 The AudioTranscriber Object allows applications to implement audio transcribing for TextField, TextEntry type QML Objects. The AudioTranscriber Object is directly implemented in a ready to use TranscribeButton component provided by Libqmycroft. 0123 0124 The TranscribeButton if placed directly in any text field will assume providing the audio transcribed result to the parent.text field, alternatively the TranscribeButton can also be used outside of a TextField component which requires settings its `"target"` property to any TextField component id that wants to implement Audio Transcribe. 0125 0126 Note: The TranscribeButton component is uniquely always only capable of serving a single textfield, each text field in a form for example would require its own transcribe button. 0127 0128 0129 0130 ## Usage Example of Libqmycroft SkillManager & SkillEntry in QML application 0131 0132 ***Example QML Implementation*** 0133 0134 ```QML 0135 ... 0136 import Libqmycroft 1.0 0137 0138 Window { 0139 ... 0140 title: qsTr("Hello Mycroft!") 0141 0142 SkillManager { 0143 id: skillRegisteration 0144 skillNamespace: "testskill" 0145 0146 SkillEntry { 0147 intent: "testoneintent" 0148 voc: currentPath + "/vocab/testskill_test_intent_one.intent" 0149 action: "example-action-1" 0150 dialog: "Intent One Successful" 0151 } 0152 0153 SkillEntry { 0154 intent: "testtwointent" 0155 voc: currentPath + "/vocab/testskill_test_intent_two.intent" 0156 action: "example-action-2" 0157 dialog: "Intent Two Successful" 0158 } 0159 0160 onSocketReadyChanged: { 0161 if(socketReady){ 0162 skillRegisteration.createSkill() 0163 } 0164 } 0165 0166 onIntentResponse: { 0167 if(action == "example-action-1"){ 0168 console.log("Got Example 1 Action") 0169 } 0170 if(action == "example-action-2"){ 0171 console.log("Got Example 2 Action") 0172 } 0173 } 0174 } 0175 } 0176 ``` 0177 0178 ***Example Voc `"$application-installed-dir/vocab/testskill_test_intent_one.intent"` file implementation*** 0179 0180 ``` 0181 test application example one dynamic intent 0182 test application example one intent 0183 test first intent of dynamic application 0184 ``` 0185 0186 ## Usage Example of Libqmycroft AudioTranscriber in QML application 0187 0188 ***Example QML Implementation*** 0189 0190 ```QML 0191 ... 0192 import Libqmycroft 1.0 0193 0194 Window { 0195 ... 0196 title: qsTr("Hello Mycroft!") 0197 0198 TextField { 0199 id: someFormField 0200 placeHolderText: "Enter Address" 0201 0202 TranscribeButton { 0203 width: 100 0204 height: 100 0205 target: someFormField 0206 } 0207 } 0208 }