File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 04:23:25

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Frederik Gladhorn <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
0005 */
0011 namespace QAccessibleClient {
0012     class AccessibleObject;
0013 }
0015 #include <QList>
0016 #include <QSharedPointer>
0017 #include <QAction>
0019 #include "qaccessibilityclient_export.h"
0021 namespace QAccessibleClient {
0023 class AccessibleObjectPrivate;
0024 class RegistryPrivate;
0027 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM
0028     QACCESSIBILITYCLIENT_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const AccessibleObject &);
0029 #endif
0031 /**
0032     This class represents an accessible object.
0034     An accessible object equals usually a visible widget or some kind
0035     of other element the user can interact with but can also present
0036     a not visible object that offers certain functionality like for
0037     example actions which can be triggered.
0039     It is implicitly shared and only created by the library.
0040 */
0042 {
0043 public:
0045     /**
0046       This enum describes the different interfaces that an
0047       AccessibleObject can implement.
0049       Each AccessibleObject must implement the AccessibleInterface, otherwise
0050       it is invalid. All other interfaces are optional.
0052       If the ActionInterface is implement the object
0053       will have a list of actions that can be invoked.
0054     */
0055     enum Interface {
0056         NoInterface = 0x0,
0057         AccessibleInterface = 0x1,
0058         CacheInterface = 0x2,
0059         ActionInterface = 0x4,
0060         ApplicationInterface = 0x8,
0061         CollectionInterface = 0x10,
0062         ComponentInterface = 0x20,
0063         DocumentInterface = 0x40,
0064         EditableTextInterface = 0x80,
0065         EventKeyboardInterface = 0x100,
0066         EventMouseInterface = 0x200,
0067         EventObjectInterface = 0x400,
0068         HyperlinkInterface = 0x800,
0069         HypertextInterface = 0x1000,
0070         ImageInterface = 0x2000,
0071         SelectionInterface = 0x4000,
0072         TableInterface = 0x8000,
0073         TextInterface = 0x10000,
0074         ValueInterface = 0x20000,
0075         SocketInterface = 0x40000,
0076         EventWindowInterface = 0x80000,
0077         EventFocusInterface = 0x100000,
0079         InvalidInterface = 0x80000000
0080     };
0081     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Interfaces, Interface)
0083     /**
0084       The role indicates the type of UI element that an AccessibleObject
0085       represents.
0086      */
0087     enum Role {
0088         NoRole, /*!< The object is invalid and has no role set. This is generally a bug. */
0089         CheckBox,
0090         CheckableMenuItem,
0091         ColumnHeader,
0092         ComboBox,
0093         DesktopFrame,
0094         Dial,
0095         Dialog,
0096         Filler,
0097         Frame,
0098         Icon,
0099         Label,
0100         ListView,
0101         ListItem,
0102         Menu,
0103         MenuBar,
0104         MenuItem,
0105         Tab,
0106         TabContainer,
0107         PasswordText,
0108         PopupMenu,
0109         ProgressBar,
0110         Button,
0111         RadioButton,
0112         RadioMenuItem,
0113         RowHeader,
0114         ScrollBar,
0115         ScrollArea,
0116         Separator,
0117         Slider,
0118         SpinButton,
0119         StatusBar,
0120         TableView,
0121         TableCell,
0122         TableColumnHeader,
0123         TableColumn,
0124         TableRowHeader,
0125         TableRow,
0126         Terminal,
0127         Text,
0128         ToggleButton,
0129         ToolBar,
0130         ToolTip,
0131         TreeView,
0132         Window,
0133         TreeItem
0134 // Roles in Qt, I don't think we want those
0135 //    TitleBar       = 0x00000001,
0136 //    Grip           = 0x00000004,
0137 //    Sound          = 0x00000005,
0138 //    Cursor         = 0x00000006,
0139 //    Caret          = 0x00000007,
0140 //    AlertMessage   = 0x00000008,
0141 //    Client         = 0x0000000A,
0142 //    Application    = 0x0000000E,
0143 //    Document       = 0x0000000F,
0144 //    Pane           = 0x00000010,
0145 //    Chart          = 0x00000011,
0146 //    Border         = 0x00000013,
0147 //    Grouping       = 0x00000014,
0148 //    Cell           = 0x0000001D,
0149 //    Link           = 0x0000001E,
0150 //    HelpBalloon    = 0x0000001F,
0151 //    Assistant      = 0x00000020,
0152 //    PageTab        = 0x00000025,
0153 //    PropertyPage   = 0x00000026,
0154 //    Indicator      = 0x00000027,
0155 //    Graphic        = 0x00000028,
0156 //    StaticText     = 0x00000029,
0157 //    EditableText   = 0x0000002A,  // Editable, selectable, etc.
0158 //    HotkeyField    = 0x00000032,
0159 //    SpinBox        = 0x00000034,
0160 //    Canvas         = 0x00000035,
0161 //    Animation      = 0x00000036,
0162 //    Equation       = 0x00000037,
0163 //    ButtonDropDown = 0x00000038,
0164 //    ButtonMenu     = 0x00000039,
0165 //    ButtonDropGrid = 0x0000003A,
0166 //    Whitespace     = 0x0000003B,
0167 //    PageTabList    = 0x0000003C,
0168 //    Clock          = 0x0000003D,
0169 //    Splitter       = 0x0000003E,
0170 //    LayeredPane    = 0x00000080,
0171     };
0173     /**
0174         \brief The TextBoundaries enum represents the different boundaries when
0175         asking for text at a certain offset.
0176      */
0177     enum TextBoundary {
0178         CharBoundary,
0179         WordStartBoundary,
0180         WordEndBoundary,
0181         SentenceStartBoundary,
0182         SentenceEndBoundary,
0183         LineStartBoundary,
0184         LineEndBoundary
0185     };
0187     /**
0188         \brief Construct an invalid AccessibleObject.
0189      */
0190     AccessibleObject();
0192     /**
0193         \brief Copy constructor.
0194      */
0195     AccessibleObject(const AccessibleObject &other);
0197     /**
0198       Destroys the AccessibleObject
0199      */
0200     ~AccessibleObject();
0202     /**
0203       Assignment operator
0204      */
0205     AccessibleObject &operator=(const AccessibleObject &other);
0206     /**
0207       Comparison operator
0208      */
0209     bool operator==(const AccessibleObject &other) const;
0210     /**
0211       Inequality operator
0212      */
0213     inline bool operator!=(const AccessibleObject &other) const {
0214         return !operator==(other);
0215     }
0217     /**
0218         \brief Returns a unique identifier for the object.
0219      */
0220     QString id() const;
0222     /**
0223         \brief Returns a QUrl that references the AccessibleObject.
0225         This can be used to serialize/unserialize an AccessibleObject
0226         to pass it around as string and restore the AccessibleObject
0227         by using Registry::accessibleFromUrl later on.
0229         The returned QUrl returns a scheme of "accessibleobject", the
0230         dbus path as url path and the dbus service as url fragment.
0231      */
0232     QUrl url() const;
0234     /**
0235         \brief Returns true if this object is valid.
0237         Invalid objects are for example returned when asking for the
0238         parent of the top most item, or for a child that is out of range.
0239      */
0240     bool isValid() const;
0242     /**
0243         \brief Returns this object's parent.
0244         \return The parent AccessibleObject
0245      */
0246     AccessibleObject parent() const;
0248     /**
0249         \brief Returns this accessible's index in it's parent's list of children.
0250         \return index
0251      */
0252     int indexInParent() const;
0254     /**
0255         \brief Returns this accessible's children in a list.
0256         \return children
0257      */
0258     QList<AccessibleObject> children() const;
0260     /**
0261         \brief Returns this accessible's children according to there roles.
0262         \param roles The list of roles to query.
0263         \return A vector that contains the children of this object according
0264         to there roles. The number of vector-items equals to the number and
0265         sorting of the roles items. Example code demonstrating usage:
0266         \code
0267         QList<Role> roles;
0268         roles << Label << CheckBox;
0269         QVector< QList<AccessibleObject> > c = children(roles);
0270         Q_ASSERT(c.count() == roles.count());
0271         Q_ASSERT(c[0].isEmpty() || c[0].first().role() == Label);
0272         Q_ASSERT(c[1].isEmpty() || c[1].first().role() == CheckBox);
0273         \endcode
0274      */
0275     QVector< QList<AccessibleObject> > children(const QList<Role> &roles) const;
0277     /**
0278         \brief Returns the number of children for this accessible.
0279         \return number of children
0280      */
0281     int childCount() const;
0283     /**
0284         \brief Returns a specific child at position \a index.
0286         The list of children is 0-based.
0287         \return number of children
0288      */
0289     AccessibleObject child(int index) const;
0291    /**
0292         \brief Returns the accessible id of this accessible.
0294         This is an id which is stable over application development.
0295         It may be empty.
0296      */
0297     QString accessibleId() const;
0299     /**
0300         \brief Returns the name of this accessible.
0302         The name is a short descriptive one or two words.
0303         It is localized.
0304      */
0305     QString name() const;
0307     /**
0308         \brief Returns the description for this accessible.
0310         The description is more of an explanation than the name.
0311         This can be a sentence. The string is localized.
0312      */
0313     QString description() const;
0315     /**
0316         \brief Returns the role as integer value of this accessible.
0317      */
0318     Role role() const;
0320     /**
0321         \brief Returns the name of the role of this accessible.
0323         This name is not localized to allow tools to work with the english string.
0324      */
0325     QString roleName() const;
0327     /**
0328         \brief Returns the name of the role of this accessible.
0330         This name is localized and can be presented to the user.
0331      */
0332     QString localizedRoleName() const;
0334     /**
0335         \brief The ComponentLayer in which this object resides.
0336      */
0337     int layer() const;
0339     /**
0340         \brief Obtain the relative stacking order (i.e. 'Z' order) of an object.
0342         Larger values indicate that an object is on "top" of the stack, therefore
0343         objects with smaller MDIZOrder may be obscured by objects with a larger
0344         MDIZOrder, but not vice-versa.
0345      */
0346     int mdiZOrder() const;
0348     /**
0349         \brief  Obtain the alpha value of the component.
0351         An alpha value of 1.0 or greater indicates that the object is fully opaque,
0352         and an alpha value of 0.0 indicates that the object is fully transparent.
0353         Negative alpha values have no defined meaning at this time.
0355         Alpha values are used in conjunction with Z-order calculations to determine
0356         whether an object wholly or partially obscures another object's visual
0357         intersection, in the event that their bounds intersect.
0358      */
0359     double alpha() const;
0361     /**
0362         \brief Returns a bounding rectangle for the accessible.
0364         It returns a QRect that bounds the accessible. This can be used to get the focus coordinates.
0366         \return QRect that bounds the accessible.
0367     */
0368     QRect boundingRect() const;
0370     /**
0371         \brief Returns a bounding rectangle for the character at position \a offset.
0373         This function is only supported for accessibles that implement the text interface.
0374         It will return an empty rectangle for invalid offsets or accessibles.
0376         \return QRect that bounds the character.
0377     */
0378     QRect characterRect(int offset) const;
0380     /**
0381         \brief Returns List of interfaces supported by the accessible.
0383         This function provides a list of accessibile interfaces that are implemented
0384         by an accessible object. This can be used to avoid calling functions that
0385         are not supported by the accessible.
0387         \return QStringList that contains list of supported interfaces
0388     */
0389     Interfaces supportedInterfaces() const;
0391     /**
0392         \brief Returns the offset of the caret from the beginning of the text.
0394         This function provides the current offset of the caret from the beginning of
0395         the text in an accessible that implements org.a11y.atspi.Text.
0397         \return Caret Offset as an integer
0398     */
0399     int caretOffset() const;
0401     /**
0402         \brief Returns the number of characters.
0404         \return Number of characters.
0405     */
0406     int characterCount() const;
0408     /**
0409         \brief Returns a list of selections the text has.
0411         Code to demonstrate usage:
0412         \code
0413         QList< QPair<int,int> > sel = acc.textSelections();
0414         int startOffset = sel[0].first;
0415         int endOffset = sel[0].second;
0416         QString allText = acc.text();
0417         QString selText = allText.mid(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset);
0418         \endcode
0420         \return The list of selections where every item in that list
0421         is a pair of integers representing startOffset and endOffset
0422         of the selection.
0423     */
0424     QList< QPair<int,int> > textSelections() const;
0426     /**
0427       Set text \a selections, usually only one selection will be set,
0428       use a list containing one QPair with the start and end offsets for that.
0429      */
0430     void setTextSelections(const QList< QPair<int,int> > &selections);
0432     /**
0433         \brief Returns the text of the TextInterface.
0435         This function provides the current text as displayed by the
0436         org.a11y.atspi.Text TextInterface component.
0438         \param startOffset The start caret offset to return the text from.
0439         \param endOffset The end caret offset to return the text from. If -1
0440         then the endOffset is the end of the string what means all characters
0441         are included.
0442         \return The text as displayed by the TextInterface.
0443     */
0444     QString text(int startOffset = 0, int endOffset = -1) const;
0446     /**
0447         \brief Returns the text of the TextInterface by boundary.
0449         Especially for larger text fields it may be more performant and easier to
0450         query the text at a certain position instead of the full text.
0452         For example the line where the cursor is currently can be retrieved with this function
0453         in a convenient way.
0455         \param offset is the position of the requested text.
0456         \param startOffset returns the beginning of the offset, for example the start of the line when
0457             asking for line boundaries.
0458         \param endOffset returns the end of the text section
0459         \return the text at the offset.
0460     */
0461     QString textWithBoundary(int offset, TextBoundary boundary, int *startOffset = nullptr, int *endOffset = nullptr) const;
0463     /**
0464         \brief Set the text of the EditableTextInterface.
0466         \param text The text to set.
0467         \return true on success and false on error.
0468     */
0469     bool setText(const QString &text);
0471     /**
0472         \brief Insert the text into the EditableTextInterface.
0474         \param text The text to insert.
0475         \param position The caret position at which to insert the text.
0476         \param length The length of the text to insert.
0477         \return true on success and false on error.
0478     */
0479     bool insertText(const QString &text, int position = 0, int length = -1);
0481     /**
0482         \brief Copy the text from the EditableTextInterface into the clipboard.
0484         \param startPos The caret position from which to start to copy the text from.
0485         \param endPos The caret position from which to end to copy the text from.
0486         \return true on success and false on error.
0487     */
0488     bool copyText(int startPos, int endPos);
0490     /**
0491         \brief Cut the text from the EditableTextInterface into the clipboard.
0493         \param startPos The caret position from which to start to cut the text from.
0494         \param endPos The caret position from which to end to cut the text from.
0495         \return true on success and false on error.
0496     */
0497     bool cutText(int startPos, int endPos);
0499     /**
0500         \brief Delete the text from the EditableTextInterface.
0502         \param startPos The caret position from which to start to delete the text.
0503         \param endPos The caret position from which to end to delete the text.
0504         \return true on success and false on error.
0505     */
0506     bool deleteText(int startPos, int endPos);
0508     /**
0509         \brief Paste the text from the clipboard into the EditableTextInterface.
0511         \param position The caret position at which to insert the text into.
0512         \return true on success and false on error.
0513     */
0514     bool pasteText(int position);
0516     /**
0517         \brief Returns focus-point of the object
0519         \return The Focus Point of the object
0520     */
0521     QPoint focusPoint() const;
0523     /**
0524         \brief Returns the application object.
0526         \return The top-level application object that expose an
0527         org.a11y.atspi.Application accessibility interface.
0528     */
0529     AccessibleObject application() const;
0531     /**
0532         \brief Returns the toolkit name.
0534         \return The tookit name. This can be for example "Qt"
0535         or "gtk".
0536     */
0537     QString appToolkitName() const;
0539     /**
0540         \brief Returns the toolkit version.
0542         \return The tookit version. This can be for example "4.8.3"
0543         for Qt 4.8.3.
0544     */
0545     QString appVersion() const;
0547     /**
0548         \brief Returns the unique application identifier.
0550         \return The app id. The identifier will not last over session
0551         and everytime the app quits and restarts it gets another
0552         identifier that persists as long as the application is running.
0553     */
0554     int appId() const;
0556     /**
0557       The type of locale
0558      */
0559     enum LocaleType {
0560         LocaleTypeMessages,
0561         LocaleTypeCollate,
0562         LocaleTypeCType,
0563         LocaleTypeMonetary,
0564         LocaleTypeNumeric,
0565         LocaleTypeTime
0566     };
0568     /**
0569         \brief The application locale.
0571         \param  lctype The \a LocaleType for which the locale is queried.
0572         \return A string compliant with the POSIX standard for locale description.
0573     */
0574     QString appLocale(LocaleType lctype = LocaleTypeMessages) const;
0576     /**
0577         \brief The application dbus address.
0578     */
0579     QString appBusAddress() const;
0581     /**
0582         \brief The minimum value allowed by this valuator.
0584         If both, the \a minimumValue and \a maximumValue, are zero then
0585         there is no minimum or maximum values. The \a currentValue has
0586         no range restrictions.
0587     */
0588     double minimumValue() const;
0590     /**
0591         \brief The maximum value allowed by this valuator.
0593         If both, the \a minimumValue and \a maximumValue, are zero then
0594         there is no minimum or maximum values. The \a currentValue has
0595         no range restrictions.
0596     */
0597     double maximumValue() const;
0599     /**
0600         \brief The smallest incremental change which this valuator allows.
0602         This is a helper value to know in what steps the \a currentValue
0603         is incremented or decremented.
0605         If 0, the incremental changes to the valuator are limited only by
0606         the precision of a double precision value on the platform.
0607     */
0608     double minimumValueIncrement() const;
0610     /**
0611         \brief The current value of the valuator.
0613         This is the value the org.a11y.atspi.Value accessibility interface has.
0614     */
0615     double currentValue() const;
0617     /**
0618         \brief Set the value of the valuator.
0620         \param value the value to set.
0621         \return true on success and false on error.
0622     */
0623     bool setCurrentValue(const double value);
0625     /**
0626         \brief Returns the selection of accessible objects.
0627     */
0628     QList<AccessibleObject> selection() const;
0630     /**
0631         \brief A description text of the image.
0633         It is recommended that imageDescription be the shorter of the available image
0634         descriptions, for instance "alt text" in HTML images, and a longer description
0635         be provided in Accessible::accessible-description, if available. A short, one
0636         or two word label for the image should be provided in Accessible::accessible-name.
0638         \return A UTF-8 string providing a textual description of what is visually
0639         depicted in the image.
0640     */
0641     QString imageDescription() const;
0643     /**
0644         \brief The locale of the image.
0646         \return A string corresponding to the POSIX LC_MESSAGES locale used by the
0647         imageDescription.
0648     */
0649     QString imageLocale() const;
0651     /**
0652         \brief The image boundaries.
0654         Obtain a bounding box which entirely contains the image contents, as
0655         displayed on screen.
0657         The bounds returned do not account for any viewport clipping or the fact that
0658         the image may be partially or wholly obscured by other onscreen content.
0660         This method returns the bounds of the current onscreen view, and not the
0661         nominal size of the source data in the event that the original image has
0662         been rescaled.\
0664         \return A BoundingBox enclosing the image's onscreen representation.
0665     */
0666     QRect imageRect() const;
0668     /**
0669         \brief Returns a list of actions supported by this accessible.
0671         Just trigger() the action to execute the underlying method at the accessible.
0672     */
0673     QVector< QSharedPointer<QAction> > actions() const;
0675     // states
0676     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is currently active
0677     bool isActive() const;
0678     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is checkable (often indicates a check action)
0679     bool isCheckable() const;
0680     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is currently checked
0681     bool isChecked() const;
0682     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is defunct - that means it does not properly respont to requests
0683     /// and should be ignored for accessibility purposes
0684     bool isDefunct() const;
0685     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is an editable text
0686     bool isEditable() const;
0687     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is currently enabled
0688     bool isEnabled() const;
0689     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject can be expanded to show more information
0690     bool isExpandable() const;
0691     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is currently expanded
0692     bool isExpanded() const;
0693     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is focusable
0694     bool isFocusable() const;
0695     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is currently focused
0696     bool isFocused() const;
0697     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is a multi line text edit
0698     bool isMultiLine() const;
0699     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is selectable
0700     bool isSelectable() const;
0701     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is currently selected
0702     bool isSelected() const;
0703     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject reacts to input events
0704     bool isSensitive() const;
0705     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is a single line text edit
0706     bool isSingleLine() const;
0708     /**
0709       \brief Return a string representing states of this object.
0711       This is useful for debugging applications.
0712     */
0713     QString stateString() const;
0715     /*
0716      * \internal
0717      * \brief isTransient marks an object as being unreliable in that it can quickly disappear or change
0718      *
0719      * This is mostly a hint that the object should not be cached.
0720      * \return true if the object is transient
0721      */
0722 //    bool isTransient() const;
0724     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is currently visible (it can still be off the screen,
0725     /// but there is nothing preventing the user from seeing it in general)
0726     bool isVisible() const;
0728     /*
0729      * \internal
0730      * \brief managesDescendants marks an object as being responsible for its children
0731      *
0732      * This is to notify that this object handles signals for it's children.
0733      * The property is typically used for tables and lists or other collection objects.
0734      * \return true if the object is transient
0735      */
0736 //    bool managesDescendants() const;
0737 //    bool isRequired() const;
0738 //    bool isAnimated() const;
0739 //    bool isInvalidEntry() const;
0740     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject is the default widget (e.g. a button in a dialog)
0741     bool isDefault() const;
0742 //    bool isVisited() const;
0744     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject allows text selections
0745     bool hasSelectableText() const;
0746     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject has a tool tip
0747     bool hasToolTip() const;
0748     /// Returns if the AccessibleObject supports automatic text completion
0749     bool supportsAutocompletion() const;
0751 private:
0752     AccessibleObject(RegistryPrivate *reg, const QString &service, const QString &path);
0753     AccessibleObject(const QSharedPointer<AccessibleObjectPrivate> &dd);
0754     QSharedPointer<AccessibleObjectPrivate> d;
0756     friend class Registry;
0757     friend class RegistryPrivate;
0758     friend class CacheWeakStrategy;
0759     friend class CacheStrongStrategy;
0760 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM
0761     friend QDebug QAccessibleClient::operator<<(QDebug, const AccessibleObject &);
0762 #endif
0763     friend uint qHash(const QAccessibleClient::AccessibleObject& object) {
0764         return qHash(object.d);
0765     }
0766 };
0768 }
0770 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QAccessibleClient::AccessibleObject)
0772 #endif