File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 12:28:05

0001 /*
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Anjani Kumar <>
0003  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0004  */
0006 #pragma once
0007 #include "kweathercore/kweathercore_export.h"
0009 #include <QDateTime>
0010 #include <QMetaType>
0011 #include <QSharedDataPointer>
0012 #include <vector>
0014 namespace KWeatherCore
0015 {
0016 class CAPAlertInfo;
0017 class CAPAlertMessagePrivate;
0018 class CAPReference;
0019 /**
0020  * @short Represents a single CAP Alert Message
0021  *
0022  * This class contains the information of a parsed CAP alert message.
0023  * @see CAPAlertInfo
0024  * @see $3.2.1
0025  *
0026  * @author Anjani Kumar <>
0027  */
0028 class KWEATHERCORE_EXPORT CAPAlertMessage
0029 {
0030     Q_GADGET
0031     Q_PROPERTY(QString identifier READ identifier)
0032     Q_PROPERTY(QString sender READ sender)
0033     Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime sentTime READ sentTime)
0034     Q_PROPERTY(QString note READ note)
0035     Q_PROPERTY(Status status READ status)
0036     Q_PROPERTY(MessageType messageType READ messageType)
0037     Q_PROPERTY(Scope scope READ scope)
0038 public:
0039     /** The code denoting the appropriate handling of the alert message. */
0040     enum class Status {
0041         UnknownStatus,
0042         Actual, ///< Actionable by all targeted recipients
0043         Exercise, ///< Actionable only by designated exercise participants
0044         System, //< For messages that support alert network internal functions
0045         Test, ///< Technical testing only, all recipients disregard
0046         Draft, ///< A preliminary template or draft, not actionable in its current form
0047     };
0048     Q_ENUM(Status)
0049     enum class MessageType {
0050         UnknownMessageType,
0051         Alert, ///< Initial information requiring attention by targeted recipients
0052         Update, ///< Updates and supercedes the earlier message(s) identified in references()
0053         Cancel, ///< Cancels the earlier message(s) identified in references()
0054         Acknowledge, ///< Acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the message(s) identified in references()
0055         Error, ///< Indicates rejection of the message(s) identified in references()
0056     };
0057     Q_ENUM(MessageType)
0058     enum class Scope {
0059         UnknownScope,
0060         Public, ///< For general dissemination to unrestricted audiences
0061         Restricted, ///< For dissemination only to users with a known operational requirement
0062         Private, ///< For dissemination only to specified addresses
0063     };
0064     Q_ENUM(Scope)
0066     /**
0067      * Default constructor, Status, MsgType, Scope
0068      * are set to Unknown
0069      */
0070     CAPAlertMessage();
0071     CAPAlertMessage(const CAPAlertMessage &other);
0072     CAPAlertMessage(CAPAlertMessage &&other);
0073     ~CAPAlertMessage();
0075     /**
0076      * Unique alert message identifier.
0077      */
0078     QString identifier() const;
0079     /**
0080      * The identifier of the sender of the alert message.
0081      */
0082     QString sender() const;
0083     /**
0084      * The time and date of the origination of the alert message.
0085      */
0086     QDateTime sentTime() const;
0087     /**
0088      * The code denoting the appropriate handling of the alert message.
0089      * Returns UnknownStatus if not set.
0090      */
0091     Status status() const;
0092     /**
0093      * The code denoting the nature of the alert message.
0094      * Returns UnknownMsgType if not set.
0095      */
0096     MessageType messageType() const;
0097     /**
0098      * The code denoting the intended distribution of the alert message.
0099      * Returns UnknownScope if not set.
0100      */
0101     Scope scope() const;
0102     /**
0103      * The text describing the purpose or significance of the alert message.
0104      * Relevant for Exercise and Error status.
0105      */
0106     QString note() const;
0107     /**
0108      * The alert info elements of this alert message.
0109      * @see CAPAlertInfo
0110      */
0111     const std::vector<CAPAlertInfo> &alertInfos() const;
0112     /**
0113      * References to previous CAP alert messages.
0114      * Relevant for Update, Cancel and Ack message types.
0115      */
0116     const std::vector<CAPReference> &references() const;
0117     /**
0118      * Reference of this CAP alert message.
0119      * @see references()
0120      */
0121     CAPReference ownReference() const;
0123     ///@cond internal
0124     // only for internal use by CAPParser
0125     void setIdentifier(const QString &identifier);
0126     void setSender(const QString &sender);
0127     void setSentTime(const QDateTime &dateTime);
0128     void setStatus(Status status);
0129     void setMessageType(MessageType msgType);
0130     void setScope(Scope scope);
0131     void setNote(const QString &note);
0132     void addInfo(CAPAlertInfo &&alertInfo);
0133     void setReferences(std::vector<CAPReference> &&references);
0134     ///@endcond
0136     CAPAlertMessage &operator=(const CAPAlertMessage &other);
0137     CAPAlertMessage &operator=(CAPAlertMessage &&other);
0139 private:
0140     QSharedDataPointer<CAPAlertMessagePrivate> d;
0141 };
0142 }
0144 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWeatherCore::CAPAlertMessage)