Warning, /libraries/ktextaddons/textgrammarcheck/languagetool/autotests/data/test1.json is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 {
0002   "software": {
0003     "name": "LanguageTool",
0004     "version": "4.5-SNAPSHOT",
0005     "buildDate": "2019-02-11 21:01",
0006     "apiVersion": 1,
0007     "premium": false,
0008     "premiumHint": "You might be missing errors only the Premium version can find. Contact us at support<at>languagetoolplus.com.",
0009     "status": ""
0010   },
0011   "warnings": {
0012     "incompleteResults": false
0013   },
0014   "language": {
0015     "name": "French",
0016     "code": "fr",
0017     "detectedLanguage": {
0018       "name": "French",
0019       "code": "fr",
0020       "confidence": 0.33
0021     }
0022   },
0023   "matches": [
0024     {
0025       "message": "Cette phrase ne commence pas par une majuscule",
0026       "shortMessage": "",
0027       "replacements": [
0028         {
0029           "value": "La"
0030         }
0031       ],
0032       "offset": 0,
0033       "length": 2,
0034       "context": {
0035         "text": "la voiture",
0036         "offset": 0,
0037         "length": 2
0038       },
0039       "sentence": "la voiture",
0040       "type": {
0041         "typeName": "Other"
0042       },
0043       "rule": {
0044         "id": "UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START",
0045         "description": "Absence de majuscule en début de phrase",
0046         "issueType": "typographical",
0047         "category": {
0048           "id": "CASING",
0049           "name": "Majuscules"
0050         }
0051       },
0052       "ignoreForIncompleteSentence": false
0053     }
0054   ]
0055 }