File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 10:39:53

0001 /* This file is part of the KDE project
0002    Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Jarosław Staniek <>
0004    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0005    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0006    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0007    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0009    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0010    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0012    Library General Public License for more details.
0014    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0015    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0016    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0017  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0018 */
0020 #ifndef KDB_ALTER_H
0021 #define KDB_ALTER_H
0023 #include "KDbUtils.h"
0024 #include "KDbResult.h"
0025 #include "KDbTristate.h"
0026 #include "KDbTableSchema.h"
0028 #include <QList>
0029 #include <QHash>
0031 class KDbConnection;
0033 //! @short A tool for handling altering database table schema.
0034 /*! In relational (and other) databases, table schema altering is not an easy task.
0035  It may be considered as easy if there is no data that user wants to keep while
0036  the table schema is altered. Otherwise, if the table is alredy filled with data,
0037  there could be no easy algorithm like:
0038  1. Drop existing table
0039  2. Create new one with altered schema.
0041  Instead, more complex algorithm is needed. To perform the table schema alteration,
0042  a list of well defined atomic operations is used as a "recipe".
0044  1. Look at the current data, and:
0045  1.1. analyze what values will be removed (in case of impossible conversion
0046       or table field removal);
0047  1.2. analyze what values can be converted (e.g. from numeric types to text), and so on.
0048  2. Optimize the atomic actions knowing that sometimes a compilation of one action
0049     and another that's opposite to the first means "do nothing". The optimization
0050     is a simulating of actions' execution.
0051     For example, when both action A="change field name from 'city' to 'town'"
0052     and action B="change field name from 'town' to 'city'" is specified, the compilation
0053     of the actions means "change field name from 'city' to 'city'", what is a NULL action.
0054     On the other hand, we need to execute all the actions on the destination table
0055     in proper order, and not just drop them. For the mentioned example, between actions
0056     A and B there can be an action like C="change the type of field 'city' to LongText".
0057     If A and B were simply removed, C would become invalid (there is no 'city' field).
0058  3. Ask user whether she agrees with the results of analysis mentioned in 1.
0059  3.2. Additionally, it may be possible to get some hints from the user, as humans usually
0060       know more about logic behind the altered table schema than any machine.
0061       If the user provided hints about the altering, apply them to the actions list.
0062  4. Create (empty) destination table schema with temporary name, using
0063     the information collected so far.
0064  5. Copy the data from the source to destionation table. Convert values,
0065     move them between fields, using the information collected.
0066  6. Remove the source table.
0067  7. Rename the destination table to the name previously assigned for the source table.
0069  Notes:
0070  * The actions 4 to 7 should be performed within a database transaction.
0071  * [todo] We want to take care about database relationships as well.
0072     For example, is a table field is removed, relationships related to this field should
0073     be also removed (similar rules as in the Query Designer).
0074  * Especially, care about primary keys and uniquess (indices). Recreate them when needed.
0075    The problem could be if such analysis may require to fetch the entire table data
0076    to the client side. Use "SELECT INTO" statements if possible to avoid such a treat.
0078  The KDbAlterTableHandler is used in Kexi's Table Designer.
0079  Already opened KDbConnection object is needed.
0081  Use case:
0082  @code
0083   KDbConnection *conn = ...
0085   // add some actions (in reality this is performed by tracking user's actions)
0086   // Actions 1, 2 will require physical table altering PhysicalAltering
0087   // Action 3 will only require changes in kexi__fields
0088   // Action 4 will only require changes in extended table schema written in kexi__objectdata
0089   AlterTable::ActionList list;
0091   // 1. rename the "city" field to "town"
0092   list << new ChangeFieldPropertyAction("city", "name", "town")
0094   // 2. change type of "town" field to "LongText"
0095     << new ChangeFieldPropertyAction("town", "type", "LongText")
0097   // 3. set caption of "town" field to "Town"
0098     << new ChangeFieldPropertyAction("town", "caption", "Town")
0100   // 4. set visible decimal places to 4 for "cost" field
0101     << new ChangeFieldPropertyAction("cost", "visibleDecimalPlaces", 4)
0103   KDbAlterTableHandler::execute( *conn );
0105  @endcode
0107  Actions for Alter
0108 */
0109 class KDB_EXPORT KDbAlterTableHandler : public KDbResultable
0110 {
0111 public:
0112     class ChangeFieldPropertyAction;
0113     class RemoveFieldAction;
0114     class InsertFieldAction;
0115     class MoveFieldPositionAction;
0117     //! Defines flags for possible altering requirements; can be combined.
0118     enum AlteringRequirements {
0119         /*! Physical table altering is required; e.g. ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN. */
0120         PhysicalAlteringRequired = 1,
0122         /*! Data conversion is required; e.g. converting integer
0123          values to string after changing column type from integer to text. */
0124         DataConversionRequired = 2,
0126         /*! Changes to the main table schema (in kexi__fields) required,
0127          this does not require physical changes for the table;
0128          e.g. changing value of the "caption" or "description" property. */
0129         MainSchemaAlteringRequired = 4,
0131         /*! Only changes to extended table schema required,
0132          this does not require physical changes for the table;
0133          e.g. changing value of the "visibleDecimalPlaces" property
0134          or any of the custom properties. */
0135         ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired = 8,
0137         /*! Convenience flag, changes to the main or extended schema is required. */
0138         SchemaAlteringRequired = ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired | MainSchemaAlteringRequired
0139     };
0141     class ActionBase;
0142     //! For collecting actions related to a single field
0143     typedef KDbUtils::AutodeletedHash<QByteArray, ActionBase*> ActionDict;
0144     typedef KDbUtils::AutodeletedHash<int, ActionDict*> ActionDictDict; //!< for collecting groups of actions by field UID
0145     typedef QHash<QByteArray, ActionBase*>::Iterator ActionDictIterator;
0146     typedef QHash<QByteArray, ActionBase*>::ConstIterator ActionDictConstIterator;
0147     typedef QHash<int, ActionDict*>::Iterator ActionDictDictIterator;
0148     typedef QHash<int, ActionDict*>::ConstIterator ActionDictDictConstIterator;
0149     typedef QVector<ActionBase*> ActionsVector; //!< for collecting actions related to a single field
0151     //! Defines a type for action list.
0152     typedef QList<ActionBase*> ActionList;
0154     //! Defines a type for action list's iterator.
0155     typedef QList<ActionBase*>::ConstIterator ActionListIterator;
0157     //! Abstract base class used for implementing all the AlterTable actions.
0158     class KDB_EXPORT ActionBase
0159     {
0160     public:
0161         virtual ~ActionBase();
0163         ChangeFieldPropertyAction& toChangeFieldPropertyAction();
0164         RemoveFieldAction& toRemoveFieldAction();
0165         InsertFieldAction& toInsertFieldAction();
0166         MoveFieldPositionAction& toMoveFieldPositionAction();
0168         //! @return true if the action is NULL; used in the Table Designer
0169         //! for temporarily collecting actions that have no effect at all.
0170         inline bool isNull() const {
0171             return m_null;
0172         }
0174         //! Controls debug options for actions. Used in debugString() and debug().
0175         class DebugOptions
0176         {
0177         public:
0178             inline DebugOptions() : showUID(true), showFieldDebug(false) {}
0180             //! true if UID should be added to the action debug string (the default)
0181             bool showUID;
0183             //! true if the field associated with the action (if exists) should
0184             //! be appended to the debug string (default is false)
0185             bool showFieldDebug;
0186         };
0188         inline virtual QString debugString(const DebugOptions& debugOptions = DebugOptions()) {
0189             Q_UNUSED(debugOptions); return QLatin1String("ActionBase");
0190         }
0192 //! @todo add QDebug operator <<
0193         void debug(const DebugOptions& debugOptions = DebugOptions());
0195     protected:
0196         //! @internal, used for constructing null action
0197         explicit ActionBase(bool null);
0199         //! Sets requirements for altering; used internally by KDbAlterTableHandler object
0200         inline void setAlteringRequirements(int alteringRequirements) {
0201             m_alteringRequirements = alteringRequirements;
0202         }
0204         inline int alteringRequirements() const {
0205             return m_alteringRequirements;
0206         }
0208         inline virtual void updateAlteringRequirements() {}
0210         /*! Simplifies @a fieldActions dictionary. If this action has to be inserted
0211          Into the dictionary, an ActionDict is created first and then a copy of this action
0212          is inserted into it. */
0213         inline virtual void simplifyActions(ActionDictDict *fieldActions) {
0214             Q_UNUSED(fieldActions);
0215         }
0217         /*! After calling simplifyActions() for each action,
0218          shouldBeRemoved() is called for them as an additional step.
0219          This is used for ChangeFieldPropertyAction items so actions
0220          that do not change property values are removed. */
0221         inline virtual bool shouldBeRemoved(ActionDictDict *fieldActions) {
0222             Q_UNUSED(fieldActions); return false;
0223         }
0225         inline virtual tristate updateTableSchema(KDbTableSchema* table, KDbField* field,
0226                                            QHash<QString, QString>* fieldHash) {
0227             Q_UNUSED(table); Q_UNUSED(field); Q_UNUSED(fieldHash); return true;
0228         }
0230     private:
0231         //! Performs physical execution of this action.
0232         inline virtual tristate execute(KDbConnection* /*conn*/, KDbTableSchema* /*table*/) {
0233             return true;
0234         }
0236         //! requirements for altering; used internally by KDbAlterTableHandler object
0237         int m_alteringRequirements;
0239         //! @internal used for "simplify" algorithm
0240         int m_order;
0242         const bool m_null;
0244         friend class KDbAlterTableHandler;
0245     };
0247     //! Abstract base class used for implementing table field-related actions.
0248     class KDB_EXPORT FieldActionBase : public ActionBase
0249     {
0250     public:
0251         FieldActionBase(const QString& fieldName, int uid);
0252         ~FieldActionBase() override;
0254         //! @return field name for this action
0255         inline QString fieldName() const {
0256             return m_fieldName;
0257         }
0259         /*! @return field's unique identifier
0260          This id is needed because in the meantime there can be more than one
0261          field sharing the same name, so we need to identify them unambiguously.
0262          After the (valid) altering is completed all the names will be unique.
0264          Example scenario when user exchanged the field names:
0265          1. At the beginning: [field A], [field B]
0266          2. Rename the 1st field to B: [field B], [field B]
0267          3. Rename the 2nd field to A: [field B], [field A] */
0268         inline int uid() const {
0269             return m_fieldUID;
0270         }
0272         //! Sets field name for this action
0273         inline void setFieldName(const QString& fieldName) {
0274             m_fieldName = fieldName;
0275         }
0277     protected:
0278         //! @internal, used for constructing null action
0279         explicit FieldActionBase(bool null);
0281         //! field's unique identifier, @see uid()
0282         int m_fieldUID;
0283     private:
0284         QString m_fieldName;
0285     };
0287     /*! Defines an action for changing a single property value of a table field.
0288      Supported properties are currently:
0289      "name", "type", "caption", "description", "unsigned", "maxLength", "precision",
0290      "defaultWidth", "defaultValue", "primaryKey", "unique", "notNull", "allowEmpty",
0291      "autoIncrement", "indexed", "visibleDecimalPlaces"
0293      More to come.
0294     */
0295     class KDB_EXPORT ChangeFieldPropertyAction : public FieldActionBase
0296     {
0297     public:
0298         ChangeFieldPropertyAction(const QString& fieldName,
0299                                   const QString& propertyName, const QVariant& newValue, int uid);
0301         //! Creates null action
0302         ChangeFieldPropertyAction();
0304         ~ChangeFieldPropertyAction() override;
0306         inline QString propertyName() const {
0307             return m_propertyName;
0308         }
0309         inline QVariant newValue() const {
0310             return m_newValue;
0311         }
0312         QString debugString(const DebugOptions& debugOptions = DebugOptions()) override;
0314         void simplifyActions(ActionDictDict *fieldActions) override;
0316         bool shouldBeRemoved(ActionDictDict *fieldActions) override;
0318         tristate updateTableSchema(KDbTableSchema *table, KDbField *field,
0319                                    QHash<QString, QString> *fieldHash) override;
0321     protected:
0322         //! @internal, used for constructing null action
0323         explicit ChangeFieldPropertyAction(bool null);
0325         void updateAlteringRequirements() override;
0327         //! Performs physical execution of this action.
0328         tristate execute(KDbConnection* conn, KDbTableSchema* table) override;
0330         QString m_propertyName;
0331         QVariant m_newValue;
0332     };
0334     //! Defines an action for removing a single table field.
0335     class KDB_EXPORT RemoveFieldAction : public FieldActionBase
0336     {
0337     public:
0338         RemoveFieldAction(const QString& fieldName, int uid);
0340         ~RemoveFieldAction() override;
0342         QString debugString(const DebugOptions& debugOptions = DebugOptions()) override;
0344         void simplifyActions(ActionDictDict *fieldActions) override;
0346         tristate updateTableSchema(KDbTableSchema *table, KDbField *field,
0347                                    QHash<QString, QString> *fieldHash) override;
0349     protected:
0350         //! @internal, used for constructing null action
0351         explicit RemoveFieldAction(bool null);
0353         void updateAlteringRequirements() override;
0355         //! Performs physical execution of this action.
0356         tristate execute(KDbConnection* conn, KDbTableSchema* table) override;
0357     };
0359     //! Defines an action for inserting a single table field.
0360     class KDB_EXPORT InsertFieldAction : public FieldActionBase
0361     {
0362     public:
0363         InsertFieldAction(int fieldIndex, KDbField *newField, int uid);
0365         //! copy ctor
0366         InsertFieldAction(const InsertFieldAction& action);
0368         //! Creates null action
0369         InsertFieldAction();
0371         ~InsertFieldAction() override;
0373         inline int index() const {
0374             return m_index;
0375         }
0376         inline void setIndex(int index) {
0377             m_index = index;
0378         }
0379         inline const KDbField* field() const {
0380             return m_field;
0381         }
0382         void setField(KDbField* field);
0383         QString debugString(const DebugOptions& debugOptions = DebugOptions()) override;
0385         void simplifyActions(ActionDictDict *fieldActions) override;
0387         tristate updateTableSchema(KDbTableSchema *table, KDbField *field,
0388                                    QHash<QString, QString> *fieldHash) override;
0390     protected:
0391         //! @internal, used for constructing null action
0392         explicit InsertFieldAction(bool null);
0394         void updateAlteringRequirements() override;
0396         //! Performs physical execution of this action.
0397         tristate execute(KDbConnection* conn, KDbTableSchema* table) override;
0399         int m_index;
0401     private:
0402         KDbField *m_field;
0403     };
0405     /*! Defines an action for moving a single table field to a different
0406      position within table schema. */
0407     class KDB_EXPORT MoveFieldPositionAction : public FieldActionBase
0408     {
0409     public:
0410         MoveFieldPositionAction(int fieldIndex, const QString& fieldName, int uid);
0412         ~MoveFieldPositionAction() override;
0414         inline int index() const {
0415             return m_index;
0416         }
0417         QString debugString(const DebugOptions& debugOptions = DebugOptions()) override;
0419         void simplifyActions(ActionDictDict *fieldActions) override;
0421     protected:
0422         //! @internal, used for constructing null action
0423         explicit MoveFieldPositionAction(bool null);
0425         void updateAlteringRequirements() override;
0427         //! Performs physical execution of this action.
0428         tristate execute(KDbConnection* conn, KDbTableSchema* table) override;
0430         int m_index;
0431     };
0433     explicit KDbAlterTableHandler(KDbConnection* conn);
0435     ~KDbAlterTableHandler() override;
0437     /*! Appends @a action for the alter table tool. */
0438     void addAction(ActionBase* action);
0440     /*! Provided for convenience, @see addAction(const ActionBase& action). */
0441     KDbAlterTableHandler& operator<< (ActionBase* action);
0443     /*! Removes an action from the alter table tool at index @a index. */
0444     void removeAction(int index);
0446     /*! Removes all actions from the alter table tool. */
0447     void clear();
0449     /*! Sets @a actions for the alter table tool. Previous actions are cleared.
0450      @a actions will be owned by the KDbAlterTableHandler object. */
0451     void setActions(const ActionList& actions);
0453     /*! @return a list of actions for this AlterTable object.
0454      Use ActionBase::ListIterator to iterate over the list items. */
0455     const ActionList& actions() const;
0457     //! Arguments for KDbAlterTableHandler::execute().
0458     class ExecutionArguments
0459     {
0460     public:
0461         inline ExecutionArguments()
0462                 : debugString(nullptr)
0463                 , requirements(0)
0464                 , result(false)
0465                 , simulate(false)
0466                 , onlyComputeRequirements(false) {
0467         }
0468         /*! If not 0, debug is directed here. Used only in the alter table test suite. */
0469         QString* debugString;
0470         /*! Requrements computed, a combination of AlteringRequirements values. */
0471         int requirements;
0472         /*! Set to true on success, to false on failure. */
0473         tristate result;
0474         /*! Used only in the alter table test suite. */
0475         bool simulate;
0476         /*! Set to true if requirements should be computed
0477          and the execute() method should return afterwards. */
0478         bool onlyComputeRequirements;
0479     private:
0480         Q_DISABLE_COPY(ExecutionArguments)
0481     };
0483     /*! Performs table alteration using predefined actions for table named @a tableName,
0484      assuming it already exists. The KDbConnection object passed to the constructor must exist,
0485      must be connected and a database must be used. The connection must not be read-only.
0487      If args.simulate is true, the execution is only simulated, i.e. al lactions are processed
0488      like for regular execution but no changes are performed physically.
0489      This mode is used only for debugging purposes.
0491     @todo For some cases, table schema can completely change, so it will be needed
0492      to refresh all objects depending on it.
0493      Implement this!
0495      Sets args.result to true on success, to false on failure or when the above requirements are not met
0496      (then, you can get a detailed error message from KDbObject).
0497      When the action has been cancelled (stopped), args.result is set to cancelled value.
0498      If args.debugString is not 0, it will be filled with debugging output.
0499      @return the new table schema object created as a result of schema altering.
0500      The old table is returned if recreating table schema was not necessary or args.simulate is true.
0501      0 is returned if args.result is not true. */
0502     KDbTableSchema* execute(const QString& tableName, ExecutionArguments* args);
0504     //! Displays debug information about all actions collected by the handler.
0505     void debug();
0507     /*! Like execute() with simulate set to true, but debug is directed to debugString.
0508      This function is used only in the alter table test suite. */
0509 //  tristate simulateExecution(const QString& tableName, QString& debugString);
0511     /*! Helper. @return a combination of AlteringRequirements values decribing altering type required
0512      when a given property field's @a propertyName is altered.
0513      Used internally KDbAlterTableHandler. Moreover it can be also used in the Table Designer's code
0514      as a temporary replacement before KDbAlterTableHandler is fully implemented.
0515      Thus, it is possible to identify properties that have no PhysicalAlteringRequired flag set
0516      (e.g. caption or extended properties like visibleDecimalPlaces. */
0517     static int alteringTypeForProperty(const QByteArray& propertyName);
0519 private:
0520     Q_DISABLE_COPY(KDbAlterTableHandler)
0521     class Private;
0522     Private * const d;
0523 };
0525 #endif